Programme maintenance allowance

The programme maintenance allowance (PMA) supports boards to manage a staffing reduction of a teacher vital to the curriculum delivery. This page outlines what the PMA is for and the steps Boards need to take to receive the allowance.

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  • Principals and Tumuaki
  • Administrators
  • Boards

Boards should be aware of the programme maintenance allowance and how to apply to receive it.

The purpose of the allowance

This allowance is designed to enable boards to manage the reduction of staffing while maintaining its curriculum for students who have already begun a particular course of study.

Rules for the programme maintenance allowance

A programme maintenance allowance is available in exceptional circumstances, when a school’s staffing entitlement has fallen by 1.00 full-time teacher equivalent (FTTE) or more.

Boards may only apply for this allowance to maintain programmes for students in Year 10 and above. Schools may not introduce new programmes as a consequence of receiving a PMA.

The allowance is normally less than 1.00 FTTE and will not increase a staffing entitlement to a level above a previous year.

The allowance will be reduced by any increase in entitlement staffing that occurs as a result of the 1 March confirmation of staffing. The allowance will only be granted for up to 1 year and must be used for the purpose for which it is granted.

Apply to the Resourcing Division

We'll only consider applications after the reduction in staffing has been achieved through the completion of a Curriculum and Pastoral Needs Analysis (CAPNA).

If following the CAPNA the board determines that a full-time teacher is vital to sustaining the curriculum, an application can be made for the allowance.

Programme maintenance allowance application form [DOCX, 55 KB]

Decisions to approve or decline requests for the allowance will be made on the basis of the teaching commitments that the board has made to the students already attending.

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