Forms for resourcing

Find all resourcing forms on this page.

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inform i sign

  • Principals and tumuaki
  • Administrators
  • Boards
  • Teachers and kaiako

Schools should know where to find information about their staffing and funding entitlements and any options to receive additional entitlements.

Staffing forms

This section includes teacher time allowances and emergency staffing.

Beginning teachers page

Emergency staffing scheme page

Overseas teachers page

Programme maintenance allowance page

Provisional roll reviews

Retrained teachers

Allowances for specialist teachers and specialist classroom teachers

Staffing for roll growth

Staffing transfer agreements

Surplus staffing applications

Te Atakura time allowances

U1 and U2 first time principal development release

Funding forms

This section includes forms for funding and changing bank account.

Additional relief teacher funding

Changing your bank account details

Board elections funding(external link)

Reading recovery travel reimbursement

For extraordinary roll growth funding application (Primary Schools only) and extraordinary roll growth funding application (Full Primary, Intermediate, Secondary and Area Schools), you can visit the following page.

Extraordinary roll growth

Heat, light and water

Heat light and water funding


Technology provision for Years 7 and 8 students

Rolls returns

Attendance registers

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