Supporting students
Find information on English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL), home schooling, student wellbeing, scholarships and competitions, learning support and options to help students enter, return to, or leave the school system.
- English for speakers of other languages (ESOL)
- Health, safety and wellbeing
- Inclusive education
- Ministerial Youth Advisory Group
- Out of Hours Music and Art (OOHMA)
- International student visitors
- Scholarships and competitions for students
- Secondary school exchanges
- Students with learning support needs
- Supporting transitions in and out of the school system
English for speakers of other languages (ESOL)
Access links and resources specifically relating to English taught to people whose first language is not English.
Health, safety and wellbeing
Access guidance and resources about supporting and promoting the health, safety and wellbeing of staff and students.
Inclusive education
Find information about your school's legal obligations regarding inclusive education.
Ministerial Youth Advisory Group
The Ministerial Youth Advisory Group gives young people aged 14-18 the chance to have their say about education in New Zealand.
International student visitors
This guidance provides advice and resources for schools hosting visitors from overseas on school trips or exchanges.
Out of Hours Music and Art (OOHMA)
Find guidance about accessing and running the Out of Hours Music and Art programme in primary schools.
Scholarships and competitions for students
Find information on current competitions and scholarship opportunities for school students
Secondary school exchanges
Schools can organise secondary school exchanges themselves. Students can also choose to take part in exchange programmes run by an Exchange Programme Organisation (EPO).
Students with learning support needs
Find information about the services and aid available for children, students, teachers and schools as part of Learning Support.
Supporting transitions in and out of the school system
Find information to help schools support students who are entering, returning to or leaving the New Zealand school system.
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