Entitlement staffing

Read how we calculate the components of your entitlement staffing: curriculum, management, guidance, salary units, and senior and middle management allowances.

Level of compliance Main audience Other


  • Boards
  • Principals and tumuaki
  • Administrators 


Boards are responsible for the financial governance of their schools and are required to allocate Ministry funding according to rules. 


Entitlement staffing is derived from your kura | school roll for each year level, using a formula.

  • It gives the board a stable base from which to make long-term decisions.
  • It drives the calculation of salary units, and middle management and senior management allowances.
  • It is made up of three components: curriculum, management, and guidance staffing.

You can view your entitlement staffing in Pourato.

Pourato(external link)

Finding information in Pourato – Applications & Online Systems(external link)

Curriculum staffing

Curriculum staffing entitlements consist of:

  • primary
  • technology education
  • secondary curriculum staffing where appropriate.

The total of staffing elements is found on your school’s staffing entitlement notice under ‘curriculum’.

How we calculate curriculum staffing 

Curriculum staffing is calculated using the number of students at each year level subdivided into:

  • the number of students, at each year level, being taught in Māori for more than 12.5 hours per week (Māori-medium immersion levels one and 2) 
  • the remaining number of students.

Note: This subdivision of year level rolls into Māori immersion rolls and non-immersion rolls only applies to the first step in the calculation of curriculum staffing. After this step, the total roll at each year level is used in subsequent calculations.

Teacher to student ratios for calculating curriculum staffing

The following table shows the ratios we use to calculate curriculum staffing for all schools.

Teacher to student ratios by year levels and roll type
Year of schooling Māori immersion teacher to student ratio Non-Māori immersion teacher to student ratio
Year one 1:15 1:15
Year 2-3 1:18 1:23
Year 4-8 1:18 1:29, reducing to 1:28 from 2025
Year 9-10 1:20 1:23.5
Year 11 1:20 1:23
Year 12 1:18 1:18
Year 13 or above 1:17 1:17

The maximum average class size policy

The maximum average class size policy operates on top of the curriculum delivery formula and ensures that schools with fewer than 176 students have curriculum staffing of at least one teacher to every 25 students (1:25).

Primary curriculum staffing — for Year 1-8 students

How we calculate primary curriculum staffing.

Steps Roll Action Note
1 Year 1 immersion Divide by 15  
2 Years 2-8 immersion Divide by 18  
3 Year one non-immersion Divide by 15  
4 Years 2-3 non-immersion Divide by 23  
5 Years 4-8 non-immersion Divide by 29  
6 Total roll

Add the answers from steps 1-5 together

  • If total is less than 1.0, replace with 1.0
Depending on answer, follow 7a-c options 
7-a Total roll

Apply Maximum Average Class Size (MACS)

  • If the total roll (years 1 to 8) is equal to or greater than 176, and the answer to step 6 is less than 7.0, then the primary staffing equals 7.0
End of calculations 
7-b Total roll

Apply Maximum Average Class Size (MACS)

  • If the total roll (years 1 to 8) is equal to or greater than 176, and the answer to step 6 is greater than 7.0, then the answer to step 6 is the primary staffing.
End of calculations 
7-c Total roll Total roll is ˂ 176 Continue calculations 
8 Total roll

Divide by the integer part of step 6 answer 

Calculates the maximum average class size

  • Follow 9-a 
9-a Total roll

If step 8 answer is 25 ˃

  • Primary curriculum staffing = step 6 answer rounded to whole number
Continue to step 10
10 Total roll

Divide the integer part of step 9 answer

Calculates the second maximum average class size 

  • Follow 11-a or 11-b
11-a Total roll

If step 10 answer is 25 ˃

  • Primary curriculum staffing = step 9 answer + 1.0
 End calculations
11-b Total roll If step 10 answer is ˂ 25
  • Primary curriculum staffing = step 9 answer
End calculations 

Technology education staffing — for Year 7 and 8 students

The formula we use to calculate technology staffing is: technology staffing (FTTE) = technology staffing roll/120. It is the same as those used to calculate both provisional and confirmed staffing for each of the client schools. Details are on your school’s staffing entitlement notice.

Secondary curriculum staffing — for Year 9-13+ students

Secondary curriculum staffing is made up of roll-generated curriculum staffing and curriculum base staffing.

How we calculate roll-generated curriculum staffing

The formula we use to calculate roll-generated secondary curriculum staffing is:

immersion roll (Year 9-11) divided by 20 plus
immersion roll (Year 12) divided by 18 plus
immersion roll (Year 13-15) divided by 17 plus
non-immersion roll (Year 9-10) divided by 23.5 plus
non-immersion roll (Year 11) divided by 23 plus
non-immersion roll (Year 12) divided by 18 plus
non-immersion roll (Year 13+) divided by 17 equals

How we calculate curriculum base staffing

Curriculum base staffing of 0.50 to 1.20 full-time teacher equivalent (FTTE) for each year level from years 9 to 13, where the number of students at each of these levels is greater than zero, is calculated as follows.
If the total roll in Years 9-13 is greater than 200 1.20 x number of non-zero roll levels (Years 9 to 13) 
If the total roll in Years 9-13 is less than or equal to 200 (0.0035 x (Year 9–13 roll)) + 0.50) x number of non-zero roll levels (Years 9-13)

Note: For this calculation, the Year 13 roll is taken to be the sum of the rolls for Years 13, 14 and 15.

The sum of the curriculum staffing is rounded up to 1 decimal place.

Management staffing

Management staffing is a component of your school’s entitlement staffing.

Management staffing comprises:

  • a roll-generated component, and 
  • base management staffing — for secondary, area and composite schools — or 
  • professional leadership staffing — for primary, intermediate, restricted composite and special schools.

How we calculate management staffing

The formula is:

  • base management or professional leadership staffing + roll-generated management staffing
  • the sum is rounded down to one decimal place.

Roll-generated management staffing

  • Management staffing = (0.0003 x weighted roll) + (0.017 x square root of weighted roll)
  • Weighted roll = sum of (roll weighting x year level roll).

Roll weighting by year level

Year level

Roll weighting

1-3 4.0
4-8 3.5
Technology education (7-8) 0.5
9-10 7.0
11  9.0
12 15.0
13+ 16.0

How we allocate base management and professional leadership staffing

This staffing is allocated with a time allowance (full-time teacher equivalents (FTTEs) and based on the total roll of your school.

  • Base management staffing is for secondary, area, and composite schools.
  • Professional leadership staffing is for primary, intermediate, restricted composite, and special schools.

Time allowance for base management and professional leadership staffing

Total roll range

Time allowance (FTTEs)

1–28 0.2
29–60 0.3
61–92 0.4
93–123 0.5
124–155 0.6
156–186 0.7
187–218 0.8
219–249 0.9
250+ 1.0

Guidance staffing 

We provide guidance staffing of 0.08 to 0.45 full-time teacher equivalent (FTTE) for each year level taught from Year 9 to Year 13 (where the number of students at each of these year levels is greater than zero).

  • For this calculation, the Year 13 roll is taken to be the sum of the rolls for Years 13, 14 and 15.
  • Schools and kura with over 450 secondary students will receive an additional 0.4 FTTE.
  • Guidance staffing is calculated using the total number of students in Years 9-15 (Rs).
School type Size of roll (Years 9 to 15) Formula
Secondary, area, composite, special and restricted composite Greater than 450

(0.45 x number of non-zero roll levels [Years 9-13]) + 0.4

  Greater than 200 and equal or less than 450 0.45 x number of non-zero roll levels [Years 9-13]
  Equal or less than 200 {(0.00185 x Rs) + 0.08} x number of non-zero roll levels [Years 9-13]

Note: All calculations are rounded to 1 decimal point.

Salary units

We provide your board with salary units which you can allocate as permanent or fixed-term additions to your teachers’ salaries.

Senior management allowances and middle management allowances give you a way to recognise and reward teachers who take on certain responsibilities.

Salary units are generated by formula using your school’s entitlement staffing. Very small schools may generate zero units.

For salary units generated by the Ongoing Resourcing Scheme, read more at: 

Special Education Staffing — ORS Resourcing

How we calculate salary units

Salary units are generated by a formula using your school’s entitlement staffing. Very small schools may generate zero units.

The formula is:

  • generating staffing = entitlement staffing + eligible attached teachers minus one (the principal).

Salary unit formulas by school type

School type

Salary unit formula 

Primary, intermediate and special

(1.28 x generating staffing) - 1.7

Area/composite and restricted composite

(1.33 x generating staffing) + 2.6


(1.241 x generating staffing) + 9

  • rounded to the nearest whole number.

Rules for allocating salary units

Units are for teachers and may not be paid to principals.

Eligible teachers

  • Part-time: allocated as whole units (rather than fractions).
  • Attached teachers: approved resource teachers of vision, of the deaf.


  • Primary or intermediate schools with a staffing entitlement of 21 or fewer full- time teacher equivalents (FTTEs) may designate no more than 2 teachers holding permanent units as ‘deputy principal’ or ‘assistant principal’.
  • In schools with more than 21 teachers, no more than 3 teachers may be designated as ‘deputy principal’ or ‘assistant principal’.

Allocation rules

  • Units cannot be divided unless in the case of “official job share positions” described in the appropriate teachers' collective agreement.
  • Some units are allocated to specific attached positions, ie, resource teachers of learning and behaviour (RTLB). These units must be given to the teacher occupying the specific position. They are not included in the board’s entitlement units but allocated separately.
  • Can be on permanent or fixed-term basis as prescribed by the appropriate teachers’ collective agreement.
  • Up to 40% of units may be allocated as fixed term.
  • Fixed-term units are for the period allocated by the board (usually for a minimum of 1 term).
  • Salary protection only applies to units allocated permanently.


  • Units are paid fortnightly as part of salary.
  • Units are not part of the banking staffing arrangements.
  • Boards cannot offset under and overuse during the course of the school year.

Senior management allowances — for secondary schools only

Units may be available to a teacher who is an assistant or deputy principal and formally carries out some of the principal’s duties from time to time.


  • Senior management allowance = 0.18 x (management staffing - 1) +2.
  • Rounded up to the nearest whole number.

General rules for allocating senior management allowances

The rules for allocating units are set out in teachers’ collective agreements

In the case of primary, intermediate and special schools, they are also covered in:

  • ‘Unit Allocation Guidelines’ issued jointly by the Ministry of Education, New Zealand Educational Institute (NZEI), and New Zealand School Trustees Association (NZSTA) in 2008.

For senior management allowances:

  • Secondary Teachers’ Collective Agreement (STCA) and covered by the guidelines prepared by the Post Primary Teachers’ Association (PPTA), and New Zealand School Trustees Association (NZSTA).

Middle management allowances — for secondary and composite schools

A middle management allowance may be available for a teacher who has has specific curriculum or pastoral management responsibility (such as being a head of department or a dean), or is responsible for at least 5 students funded under the Ongoing Resourcing Scheme.

How we calculate middle management allowances

A middle management allowance may be available for a teacher who has specific curriculum or pastoral management responsibility (such as being a head of department or a dean) or is responsible for at least five students funded under the Ongoing Resourcing Scheme (ORS).

Secondary schools’ middle management allowances may change throughout the staffing year as ORS funded students enrol or withdraw from their school.

For secondary schools
Formula (0.6945 x generating staffing) + 5 [rounded to the nearest whole number] + integer (ORS roll/5)

Where generating staffing = the sum of:

  • entitlement staffing; plus
  • eligible attached teachers
  • minus one (the principal).
For area and composite schools
  • 0.6 x generating staffing
  • Rounded to the nearest whole number

Generating staffing is calculated by adding the following:

  • secondary (Years 9-15) curriculum staffing 
  • curriculum base staffing 
  • guidance staffing for the school's secondary students.
Special note for area schools  
  • multiplying the school's secondary roll by 0.011; and
  • adding 2 to the resulting product; and
  • if the resulting sum is not a whole number,—
    • (i) decreasing it to the nearest lower whole number, if it ends in less than 0.5; or
    • (ii) increasing it to the nearest higher whole number, if it ends in 0.5 or greater.
For an area school that has a secondary roll greater than 59, the number resulting from the calculation in subclause (2) is added to the number.

Rules for allocating middle management allowances

The rules are distinguished by 2 teachers’ agreements

Secondary Teachers' Collective Agreement

Area School Teachers' Collective Agreement

The rules are also covered in the guidelines from the PPTA and the NZSTA.

Secondary Teachers’ Collective Agreement

Middle management allowances may be allocated:

  • (no more than 2) to any teacher.
  • to teachers who hold 0-5 salary units.
  • (up to 20%) to teachers without salary units who have designated curriculum or pastoral management responsibilities.
  • (only 1) to teachers with 5 salary units who have designated curriculum or pastoral management responsibilities.
  • (up to 40%) can be allocated on a fixed-term basis.

Area School Teachers’ Collective Agreement

Middle management allowances may be allocated:

  • (no more than 2) to any teacher.
  • (only 1) to teachers with 5 salary units who have designated curriculum or pastoral management responsibilities.
  • (up to 40%) can be allocated on a fixed-term basis, in area schools with 4 or more allowances.
  • (only 1) can be allocated on a fixed-term basis, in area schools with less than 4 allowances.
  • (up to 20%) can be allocated to teachers without salary units who have curriculum or pastoral management responsibilities, in area schools with 7 or more allowances.
  • (only 1) can be allocated to teachers without salary units who have curriculum or pastoral management responsibilities, in area schools with less than 7 allowances.

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