Operational entitlement and instalments
This page provides further information on the operational entitlement and instalments in Pourato. It outlines how to find roll, funding and staffing information in Pourato.
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Boards are responsible for financial governance, including ensuring the correct operational funding is being allocated to their school or kura.
Pourato provides access to the latest resourcing information for boards to view for audit purposes.
Each year in September, Pourato will publish the provisional operational funding entitlement for your school or kura.
Pourato – Applications & Online Systems(external link)
'Provisional' means that the funding may be adjusted later. The Ministry recalculates your funding during the year to get your final amount. If any of your operational funding components change, it will be updated in Pourato each quarter and your school or kura will receive an email notification.
Operational funding components
During the school year, we pay operational funding in quarterly instalments.
You can use the 'export to Excel' button to download a funding summary in Pourato for accounting purposes.
For the timetable, go to our operational funding page.
Annual Adjustment
Annual adjustments to your operational funding are made at the end of each year. This adjustment is calculated automatically by Pourato to ensure the accuracy of funding entitlements received during the year. Your operational funding may be adjusted due to changes to rates, roll audits, roll resubmissions, Kāhui Ako changes, or updates in a levy during the year.
Your Annual Adjustment for the current year is published at the same time as Quarter 1 instalment for the following year.
If there is an adjustment to your operational funding, you will receive an email notification. Not all schools will have an adjustment. The adjustment may be additional funding or a recovery which is paid or recovered with your Quarter 1 instalment.
The Annual Adjustment payment or recovery will also appear as a line item on the school's Funding Summary - Payments screen in Pourato.
Payment advice
You will receive a notification email from Pourato when an operational funding instalment or payment plan is approved for payment.
The payment reference on your school bank statement will appear in Pourato as the payment's 'bank ref'. Payments and recoveries with the same bank ref have been paid into your school’s bank account together as one total amount.
Finding information in Pourato
Once you have logged in to Pourato using your Education sector Logon, all information can be found by clicking on the navigation bar.
See more:
Finding information in Pourato – Applications & Online Systems(external link)
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