How operational funding is calculated – resourcing rolls

This page outlines the different resourcing rolls we use to calculate the Operational Funding Grant. It explains how we determine the resourcing roll for each quarterly payment based on the schools’ roll returns.

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  • Boards
  • Principals or tumuaki
  • Administrators

Boards are responsible for the financial governance of their schools. It is their responsibility to maintain a correct school roll and ensure student eligibility is recorded correctly.  


Your roll count is also known as your roll return.

Find out about the roll return process, including when your roll returns are due.

Roll returns (monitoring)

Note: Resourcing rolls don’t include international students.

Operational funding is composed of four operations grant instalments. Find out how we calculate each instalment using resourcing rolls in the following tables.

Which resourcing rolls we use to calculate each instalment of your operations grant

Resourcing rolls for Year 1–8 students (excluding intermediate schools) 

Operational funding calculation

Roll used in the calculation

Initial operational funding entitlement Provisional resourcing roll including a new entrant adjustment
1 January instalment Provisional resourcing roll including a new entrant adjustment
1 April instalment  If your school’s roll return arrives by the date in March specified on the roll count form, then the roll used is the 1 March actual roll including a new entrant adjustment
  Note: A technology provider’s April instalment is calculated using the provisional resourcing roll if any of their client schools submit their actual roll returns after the date specified on the roll count form 
1 July instalment

1 March confirmed roll

1 October instalment 1 July actual roll including a new entrant adjustment

How we estimate the number of new entrant enrolments to include on the resourcing roll

The resourcing roll for primary, full primary, and composite schools includes a new entrant adjustment. This adjustment applies a new entrant factor to the Year 1 roll with the result rounded up to the nearest whole number.

This calculation is used to estimate the number of new entrants likely to enrol between the date of the roll being used and 10 October. This means that:

  • when a March roll is used, a new entrant factor of eleven-twelfths is applied, rounded up to the nearest whole number 
  • when a July roll is used, a new entrant factor of five-eighteenths is applied, rounded up to the nearest whole number.

Resourcing rolls for intermediate schools 

Operational funding calculation

Roll used in the calculation

Initial operational funding entitlement Provisional resourcing roll
1 January instalment Provisional resourcing roll
1 April instalment If your school’s roll return arrives by the date in March specified on the roll count form then the roll used is the 1 March actual roll
  Note: A technology provider’s April instalment is calculated using the provisional resourcing roll if any of their client schools submit their actual roll returns after the date specified on the roll count form
1 July instalment 1 March confirmed roll
1 October 1 March confirmed roll

Resourcing rolls for Year 9–13 students 

Operational funding calculation

Roll used in the calculation

Initial operational funding entitlement Provisional resourcing roll (a new entrant adjustment is applied for area schools)
1 January instalment Provisional resourcing roll (a new entrant adjustment is applied for area schools)
1 April instalment If your school’s roll return arrives by the date in March specified on the roll count form, then the roll used is the 1 March actual roll
  If your school’s roll return arrives after the date specified on the roll count form, then the roll used is the resourcing roll used to calculate the January instalment
1 July instalment 1 June actual roll
1 October 1 September actual roll

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