10YPP tools and resources for consultants

Forms, templates and guidelines for 10 Year Property Plan (10YPP) consultants when developing a 10YPP.

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  • 10YPP consultants



Condition assessment

* If you can't open PDF files in your browser:

  1. Right click on one of the templates
  2. Select “save link as”
  3. Save it to your device
  4. From that location where you’ve saved it, right click on the file and select “open with” Adobe PDF reader or Adobe Acrobat
  5. Start filling in the form to activate the “save” option.

High-level specialist report templates

* If you can't open PDF files in your browser:

  1. Right click on one of the templates
  2. Select “save link as”
  3. Save it to your device
  4. From that location where you’ve saved it, right click on the file and select “open with” Adobe PDF reader or Adobe Acrobat
  5. Start filling in the form to activate the “save” option.


Building update form

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