Health and safety management
Find health and safety guidance specific to school property, traffic and school transport.
Level of compliance | Main audience | Other |
Required |
Roles and responsibilities
Health and safety is everyone’s responsibility.
The Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 introduced a new approach to workplace health and safety by adopting broad coverage and involving all types of modern business and working relationships.
The Act requires persons conducting a business or undertaking (PCBU) to consult, cooperate and coordinate activities with other PCBUs who share health and safety duties on the same matter.
This includes:
- the Ministry of Education
- school boards
- contractors
- consultants.
Consulting with PCBUs factsheet [PDF, 206 KB]
WorkSafe NZ: Multiple PCBUs – YouTube(external link)
WorkSafe NZ: Overlapping duties – YouTube
(external link)
Health and safety management
Managing contractors
Responsibilities when engaging a contractor:
Property projects: Managing contractor health and safety
Health and safety during a project:
Role of the board during a school property project
Responsibilities, risk management information:
Role of the project manager in school property projects
Responsibilities, risk management during construction:
When and how to get a police vet for contractors:
Police vetting for school property contractors
WorkSafe resources:
Keeping safe on a construction site – WorkSafe(external link)
Worker participation: If it doesn’t look right call it – WorkSafe(external link)
Critical risk activities
Processes, regulations, resources:
Health and safety responsibilities around safe use:
Electrical equipment testing in schools
Standards, guidance and information:
WorkSafe resources:
Planning entry and working safely in a confined space – WorkSafe(external link)
Particular hazardous work (Notifiable works) – WorkSafe(external link)
Urgent work
What to do if an urgent issue is identified:
Hazardous materials and substances
Advice for managing the risks:
Chromated copper arsenate (CCA) treated timber in schools
Types, standards, maintenance advice:
Information, resources and guidance:
Hazardous substances on school sites
WorkSafe resources:
Managing your lab's hazardous substances – WorkSafe(external link)
Facilities and fixtures
Funding, maintenance and disposal advice:
What is and isn't allowed:
Cellphone towers on school sites
Design standards, maintenance and other advice:
Installation and design advice:
Information and operational advice:
Joinery and hardware installed in schools
Information, resources and maintenance advice:
Links to helpful resources:
Advice for schools, teachers and general staff:
Managing thermal comfort in classrooms
Drinking water
Causes, how to deal, paying for:
Town or self-supply information:
Information, downloadable resources:
Requirements, advice, resources:
Fire safety design requirements (including developing evacuation procedures)
'Specified systems and features'
Advice, resources, legal responsibilities:
Building warrants of fitness for school facilities
Advice, paying for, resources:
Guidelines for reporting accidents:
Accidents and incidents on school transport
Advice for managing students on buses:
Safety and behaviour on school transport
Health and safety responsibilities
Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 – NZ Legislation(external link)
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