Case study for the Te Kahu Tōī, Intensive Wraparound Service: Rawiri, 11 years old
Case Example One – Rawiri (not real name)
- 11 year-old, male
- Cook Island Māori
- Intervention completed
Behaviours when referred for a wraparound programme
- Misuse of alcohol and drugs.
- Absconding from Oranga Tamariki care with extreme anger and violence towards other students.
- Throwing furniture/breaking windows when upset at school.
- Punching, tagging, fighting and dangerous fire lighting, requiring police involvement.
- Displaying inappropriate sexual behaviours towards peers.
Background information
- Suffering from abandonment by his mother.
- Early abuse, neglect and family violence, then multiple home and school placements (nine placements in four years and six school placements).
- Academically two years below peers in reading and mathematics but excels in sport and interested in art, maths, photography and physical education.
Te Kahu Tōī Wraparound programme
- Comprehensive multi-agency programme, which included the Ministry, Oranga Tamariki, Richmond Trust Multi Systemic Therapy, school staff and extended whānau.
- Care was taken to ensure all those involved were made aware of and understood his needs.
- He felt involved and part of the planning and was made to believe that change was possible.
- Relationships based on being honest, respectful, consistent and making sure he was safe.
Examples of what the Intervention Plan included:
- Removing barriers for success (Tinana poutama) eg, making sure Rawiri had breakfast and lunch each school day, living with a safe whānau member so he was positively supported and cared for in a consistent and fair way.
- Teaching him positive ways of thinking and knowing (Hinengaro poutama) eg, teaching Rawiri about developing a community conscience with a positive student mentor.
- Teaching staff and family about developing and responding in the most appropriate ways to Rawiri’s anti-social behaviour (Ahua whakautu poutama) eg, Rawiri to learn that he needs to take responsibility for his actions, by everyone consistently applying natural and logical consequences every time anti-social behaviour occurs.
- Increasing pro-social behaviours (Ngā tākaro, mana motuhake poutama) eg, making sure that Rawiri is prepared and participates positively in the activities he is good at, like sport and mural art.
Outcomes of the Te Kahu Tōī wraparound programme
- Team approach built on strengths (sport and art) developed new interests (photography) and remediated weaknesses – reading and maths at age level now.
- School staff commitment to the student from understanding his needs and making positive relationships with him.
- High teacher expectations supported the development of his pro-social skills reducing his anti-social activities.
- Positive relationships were developed with whānau.
- He regained his cultural identity, goes to church with Aunty and Uncle.
- Re-engaged with school, now goes to secondary school every day and is working towards a career in art and/or photography.
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