English for speakers of other languages information

This directory provides schools and teachers with resources that support working with English for speakers of other languages (ESOL) students. They are not mandatory, but the tools, resources, and information support positive teaching and learning outcomes for both ESOL students and educators.

Level of compliance Main audience Other


  • Principals and tumuaki
  • Educators, teachers and kaiako
  • ESOL staff
  • Learning support coordinators and SENCOs
  • RTLB
  • Boards
  • Parents, caregivers and whānau

ESOL programmes

English for speakers of other languages (ESOL) programmes teach English to people whose first language is not English, but who live in an English-speaking country and require English to communicate in daily life.


ESOL funding contains information, criteria and resources on the funding that helps schools to offer extra English language learning for migrant and refugee students. 

ESOL funding

Professional development

ESOL professional development has information and resources to help develop and support your school’s ESOL teachers and teacher aides. 

ESOL professional development


ESOL resources has information and resources to help teachers and schools support English language learners (ESOL students). 

ESOL resources

Online ESOL support

Online ESOL support is online ESOL programme available to intermediate and secondary schools. It helps students who are new learners of the English language.

Online ESOL support for schools

Bilingual assessment service

If a student has been in the school system for 2 terms with extra support through ESOL funding and is still not making progress, you may be able to apply for the Bilingual assessment service.

Bilingual assessment service

Refugee background students

Refugee background students contains information and resources that can help your school to support students from a refugee background.

Refugee background students

ESOL news

We have a quarterly newsletter that provides updates about ESOL funding, resources and programmes.

ESOL news updates

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