Information about Te Kāhu Tōī, Intensive Wraparound Service (IWS) for families

Find an overview of Te Kahu Tōī, Intensive Wraparound Service (IWS) that has been prepared for family and whānau.

Level of compliance Main audience Other


  • Parents, Caregivers and Whānau
  • Teachers and Kaiako
  • Principals and Tumuaki

Family and whānau can learn what they can expect from Te Kahu Tōī, Intensive Wraparound Service. 

About IWS Plans

The IWS works with a small number of tamariki (children and young people), families/whānau and schools a year. The IWS supports tamariki who have behaviour, social and/or learning needs with a plan to meet each child’s needs. Their needs are highly complex and challenging and they require support at school, at home and in the community.

IWS plans are created to support tamariki at school, at home and in the community. Plans are designed to have a range of activities and interventions, including help from professionals to help tamariki and whanau develop new skills.

The way we will work with you

In Wraparound we help your child and your family/whānau to realise your hopes and dreams and for your child to grow up in their home and community.

Family Voice and Choice Have your say.

Made just for you and your tamariki.

Strengths based

What are you and your family good at?

What can you/your family do?

Natural Supports Who do you turn to for help?
Collaboration We all work together.
Persistence We don’t give up.

Local people, local services.

Culturally competent Respect for your beliefs, values, culture and identity.
Team based Who should be in your team?
Outcome based

We plan for success.

We celebrate success.

What you can expect?

  • You will be asked to share what is important to your family.
  • To think about what the ‘best’ looks like for your family?
  • To tell the team supporting you what your family strengths are.
  • To learn new things as a family so you can use them in the future to cope with problems.
  • Regular wraparound team meetings, which you are prepared for. (No surprises).
  • A facilitator to help prepare you for meetings and make sure your voice is heard.
  • We will never ask you for more information than you are happy to give. You can ‘pass’ on any question.
  • The plan may have actions/steps that can support the wider family (e.g. you and your children or tamariki).
  • We keep checking the plan is working. We see what needs to be changed if it isn’t.
  • You and your team will brainstorm ideas of what actions could help to meet your family’s needs.
  • The money for your child’s plan goes directly to the school they attend.
  • A plan made just for your tamariki.
  • No two plans in IWS are the same.

Who can be in your team?

The facilitator will ask you who you would like on your team. Team members can include:

  • a close friend
  • a family member
  • a neighbour
  • a professional person that you and your family have good relationships with (eg a minister, teacher, coach, or a youth worker)
  • a therapist, or
  • a psychologist.

Team members will all work together to help you and your family succeed.

What have people said about IWS?

"...can take herself off to the bedroom – in the past she would turn around and hit you."

"...100% better...learned to cope with himself; learned more about himself."

"...she is not grumpy much now, but can talk about why now...I can remind her of what to do when she gets grumpy."

"...before when he did something wrong he he acknowledges his actions – that’s a big milestone."

"...IWS was a life-saver."

Te reo Māori version

Read the te reo Māori version of this webpage.

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