Case study for Te Kahu Tōī, Intensive Wraparound Service: Darren, 10 years old

Case Example Three – Darren (not real name)

  • 10 years-old on entry, male 
  • NZ European 
  • Two terms in to intervention

Behaviours when referred for a wraparound programme

  • Non-compliance – shouting and refusal to do as asked. 
  • Verbal aggression – including putting himself and others down. 
  • Absconding – including leaving the room, walking around the school wailing and on one occasion left the school grounds on to the main road. 
  • Physical aggression – hitting, putting hands around necks, spitting and twice hitting a teacher. 
  • Stealing, oppositional 

Background information

  • Maternal drug abuse during pregnancy and low birth weight. Mother has an intellectual disability and there is a family history of learning difficulties. 
  • Experienced neglect and malnourishment and was uplifted to foster care home and then permanently placed with a family. 
  • Received a Speech-language Therapy programme.

Te Kahu Tōī Wraparound programme

The intervention involved the stakeholder team developing a shared understanding of autism and the impact of trauma. They understand and effectively use new strategies. There has been regular (fortnightly) team meetings and monitoring to keep the intervention on track.

Examples of what the Intervention Plan included:

  • Removing barriers for success (Tinana poutama) eg, teacher aide and teacher time to provide adaptations to the environment and curriculum delivery, including use of visual resources and timetables, preparation for changes, structured and differentiated work tasks, adult support in class and during playtime. 
  • Teaching him positive ways of thinking and knowing (Hinengaro poutama) eg, teaching Darren self-regulation and self-calming strategies in response to triggers. He is learning to be aware of his feelings and to identify how to manage his reactions. Working with CYF to enable access to private therapy. 
  • Teaching staff and family about developing and responding in the most appropriate ways to manage Darren’s anti-social behaviour (Ahua whakautu poutama) eg, School staff receiving Professional Development, including Non Violent Crisis Intervention and TIPS for Autism. Parents are involved in supporting the reinforcement of positive behaviour. 
  • Increasing pro-social behaviours (Ngā tākaro, mana motuhake poutama) eg, Enabling Darren to attend school camp, holiday camps, athletics and BMX club. He is learning about interacting with peers and about personal space.

Outcomes of the Te Kahu Tōī wraparound programme

  • Darren now has a sense of belonging at the school, he wants to be there and there has been no absconding from the classroom or school during the intervention. 
  • Gradually increasing independence in class work, with teacher aide proximity reducing. 
  • He is recognising his own emotions as targeted in the programme and is working on recognising others’. 
  • There is increased use of ‘self-calming’ strategies and this is ongoing. 
  • More measured responses to triggers and reduced swearing. 
  • Participating in group work and excelling. 
  • Attended holiday camp and loved it! 
  • Has a new BMX, funded by charity, and now attends a BMX club.

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