Scholarships and competitions

Learn about current competitions and scholarship opportunities for school students.

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  • Students
  • Parents, caregivers and whānau
  • Teachers and kaiako

Ngarimu competitions

The Ngarimu video competition and the Ngārimu waiata composition competition are open to Māori learners in Years 7 to 13.

The competitions enable students to showcase the rich contribution made by members of the 28th (Māori) Battalion who they descend from or are connected to through their wider whānau, hapū and iwi.

Ngarimu video competition

Ngarimu waiata composition competition

Prime Minister’s Vocational Excellence Award

The Prime Minister’s Vocational Excellence Award is available to be awarded to the top vocational student in every school and wharekura throughout New Zealand each year. The award is a $2,000 cash prize.

Prime Minister’s Vocational Excellence Award website(external link)

Education Workforce school leaver and undergraduate scholarships

Education Workforce offers scholarships for school leavers or undergraduates wanting to teach in te reo Māori.

Visit the Education Workforce website for more information.

Māori medium and te reo Māori scholarships – Education Workforce(external link)

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