Assistive technology
Assistive technology is specialised equipment that students with additional learning needs use in class to increase or improve their ability to participate and learn. This directory connects you to information regarding assistive technology.
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More reading is essential for schools or specialist assessors who are considering applying for assistive technology to support their students.
- Who can apply for assistive technology
- Applying for assistive technology
- Peer reviewing the assistive technology application
- Setting up and managing the assistive technology
- Loss, repairs and maintenance of equipment
- When a student transfers or leaves school
- Forms and information sheets
- Examples of students using a variety of assistive technology
- Special assessment conditions for assistive technology
Transcript: What is assistive technology?
Narrator (Tess) in front of learning environment (facing camera)
The first thing many people ask is – “What is assistive technology?”
There are many ways to answer that question.
You could say that it is technology that assists you in some way.
Narrator (Tess) voice over
(Ministry of Education building with Ministry of Education person in front)
In New Zealand, the Ministry of Education defines assistive technology as...
Ministry of Education person (talking to camera)
(Speech bubble)
The specialised equipment and technology that “assists” students to access and participate in learning.
Narrator (Tess) voice over
(Panning across class at work, showing a selection of students with different Assistive Technology needs)
Assistive technology can support a student’s presence, participation, and achievement in many different ways.
As every student learns differently the assistance they require needs to be a good fit
for both the student and the context.
(Student in a wheelchair behind a standard desk that is too low)
Imagine you use a wheelchair.
The desk provided stops you from reaching the resources you need for a learning activity.
(Student in a wheelchair behind a raised desk)
There are assistive technology solutions that can help.
(Student reading a book)
Imagine you are given a textbook and the print is too small to see.
(Student is handed an iPad or magnifier to view text)
There are assistive technology solutions for that.
(Student is writing in a book)
Imagine you are asked to write an essay and you require support to form letters or to handwrite in a way that others can read.
(Student is handed a laptop to use)
There are assistive technology solutions for that, too.
(A group of students walking towards “curriculum” sign)
Assistive technologies provide an “on-ramp” to the curriculum for many students.
(AT text to speech shown – tablet, headphones, iPad)
Many assistive technologies, such as text-to-speech are now built into our phones, tablets and laptops or can be downloaded for free.
They become a resource that all students can use to support their learning.
(Laptop screen showing webpage of braille notes)
Sometimes a student may require the support of a specific assistive technology that is not freely available.
Narrator (Tess) in front of Ministry of Education building (facing camera)
To find out more about funding for assistive technology options, please contact your local Ministry of Education office.
Who can apply for assistive technology
If you are considering applying for assistive technology for a student, see the eligibility criteria outlined here.
Who can apply for assistive technology
Applying for assistive technology
Once you have confirmed that your student is eligible, follow this three-step process to apply for assistive technology.
Applying for assistive technology
Peer reviewing the assistive technology application
Learn about the practice of peer reviewing an AT application and when it is required.
Peer reviewing the assistive technology application
Setting up and managing the assistive technology
Learn about the requirements for schools to set up and manage their student’s assistive technology.
Setting up and managing the assistive technology
Loss, repairs and maintenance of equipment
Learn about the school’s responsibility when a student’s assistive technology is lost or damaged and the process for getting it repaired or replaced.
Loss, repairs and maintenance of equipment
When a student transfers or leaves school
Learn how to manage assistive technology when a recipient student transfers or leaves school.
When a student transfers or leaves school
Assistive technology forms
These forms and information sheets can help when considering applying for, or supporting assistive technology use in your school.
Examples of students using a variety of assistive technology
School staff can learn which students may be eligible for assistive technology and how students have benefited from the equipment.
Examples of students using a variety of assistive technology
Special assessment conditions for assistive technology
Learn about the requirements for schools when needing to provide extra help to students sitting external exams, such as NCEA.
Special assessment conditions for assistive technology
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