What happens when a young person is referred to Te Kahu Tōī Intensive Wraparound Service

This guidance provides schools, family and whānau with an overview of what happens when a young person is accepted into Te Kahu Tōī, Intensive Wraparound Service (IWS).

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  • Parents, Caregivers and Whānau
  • Principals and Tumuaki
  • Teachers and Kaiako
  • Boards
  • Phases of Te Kahu Tōī
  • Engagement and team preparation
  • Developing an initial plan
  • Putting the plan into action
  • Transition: How long you can be in Te Kahu Tōī
  • More information

Phases of Te Kahu Tōī

A young person and their family/whānau members work with an Intensive Wraparound (IW) facilitator and psychologist to build their wraparound team. This can include friends of the whānau and people from the wider community, as well as providers of services and supports.

Wraparound support is commonly described as taking place across 4 phases of effort:

  1. Engagement and team preparation
  2. Developing an initial plan
  3. Putting the plan into action
  4. Transition (How long the young person can be in Te Kahu Tōi)

A young person, their whānau and their team collaborate throughout each phase.

Together they:

  • develop an individualised plan of care
  • implement this plan
  • monitor the efficacy of the plan
  • work towards success over time.

Engagement and team preparation

An intensive wraparound facilitator and psychologist support the young person and whānau to build their wraparound team.

The team consists of people who are relevant to the life of the child or youth. This might include whānau, whānau support people, members of wider community and providers of support services.

Initial plan development

The whānau and young person always take the lead in deciding the team vision and goals. Their direction guides the development of creative and individualised services and supports. It builds a plan that will help them achieve the vision and goals.

The wraparound plan will identify what needs to happen and who needs to take responsibility for each intervention or action.

The plan could include:

  • interpersonal support
  • community services
  • assistance from friends, family, and family/whānau social networks
  • formal services, that is, evidence-based interventions as appropriate to build skills and meet youth and family/whānau needs.

Case studies and outcomes

Case studies and outcomes of Te Kahu Tōī, Intensive Wraparound Service provide examples of IWS.

Sharing stories and experiences with family/whānau is an extremely useful tool for others to understand how the IWS programme works. It also shows the impact on those involved.

Case studies and outcomes of Te Kahu Tōī, Intensive Wraparound Service

Putting the plan into action

After the initial plan is developed, the wraparound facilitator and/or psychologist assists the team in the implementation of the plan and the making of changes if necessary.

  • Team members work together to action, monitor, review progress of the plan, and collect outcome data.
  • The team continue to meet often enough to monitor progress and outcomes towards the young person and their whānau goals.
  • Interventions and strategies are revised at the team meetings.
  • The team should celebrate successes and determine when the goals have been reached.

Transition: How long you can be in Te Kahu Tōī

Young people and their whānau can receive Te Kahu Tōī, Intensive Wraparound Service for up to 2 years.

When the IWS process finished, the local services continue to provide support as was agreed by the young person and their whānau’s team when the transition plan was developed.

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