School bus route maps

The daily school bus route maps below were last updated on 22 July 2024. The maps are updated at the start of each school term.

Accessing your daily school bus route map

Find your daily school bus route map here:

Daily school bus route maps(external link)

Find instructions for using the school bus route maps site in our guide:

How to find your daily school bus route map [PDF, 700 KB]

  • The route map information was accurate at the time of publication and is subject to change. For up-to-date route information please contact your school.  
  • These route maps do not cover all daily school bus services. It excludes direct-resourced bus services provided by schools, transport provided by Māori-medium schools, and urban public transport services provided by regional authorities.
  • If your school bus is not listed, please contact your school for the route details. 

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