Changes to ENROL - January 2019

Changes to ENROL - January 2019

Updates to Special Education (SE) flags

There are some changes to the SE flags set by the Ministry and the email sent to schools.

The ORS flag has been replaced with ORS High and ORS Very High flags and the High Health flag will display a finish date (when available).

A flag is displayed when a student at the enrolling school has a SE flag set, however these are only visible to the enrolling school.

If any of the SE flags are set while a student is enrolled in a school, an email will be sent to the school identifying the learning support. This email will include the new ORS High and ORS Very High flags.

Update of the ‘Students receiving Special Education Services’ report

The ORS flag has been retired from the report. This has been replaced with ORS High, ORS Very High and High Health flags and the High Health Finish Date.

Screen showing four ORS High categories

A fee is required when enrolling an International Fee Paying (IFP) student

A fee is now required on the ‘Attendance and Transfers’ screen for existing IFP students when:

  • transferring to another school in NZ
  • returning to NZ from overseas

If the eligibility criteria for the student has changed, you can call Ministry’s Resourcing Support before enrolling the student, or enrol the student with their new eligibility criteria via the school’s SMS with an upload to ENROL.

Phone: +64 4 463 8383(external link)

Students enrolled via ENROL Batch processing will still be enrolled with a zero fee. Run the ‘Detailed information of students currently enrolled at a school’ report to find the IFP students and set fees.

 Screenshot of 'Detailed information of students currently enrolled at a school'

‘Effective From’ date renamed to ‘Fee Start Date’

The Student Details page has been updated, renaming ‘Effective From’ date to ‘Fee Start Date’ and moved to a different position. The ‘Weekly Tuition Fee’ amount appears directly below it.

Screenshot of the Student Details page showing 'Fee Start Date' field.

Added hints for Eligibility Criteria

Clicking on the round blue enquiry question mark icon beside the Eligibility Criteria field will display the eligibility requirements for enrolment in New Zealand schools.

Clicking on the enquiry icon beside the Eligibility Criteria field will display the eligibility requirements for enrolment in New Zealand schools.

The Remove Enrolment button is moved to the Student Details page

The position of the ‘Remove Enrolment’ button has been moved to display on the Student Details page, when a student has a pending enrolment at the school. Selecting the button will display the ‘Save’ button; and selecting ‘Save’ will remove the pending enrolment. All pending enrolment functions remain the same.

Screenshot of the 'Remove Enrolment' button that has been moved to be on the Student Details page.

Selecting this button will display the ‘Save’ button.

Screenshot showing how to select the button that will then display the 'Save' button.

New field on the Non-Enrolment Notification (NEN) form

A new compulsory field has been added to the NEN form — Parents (Caregivers) Address. Student attendance, along with effective teaching, has the greatest influence on student engagement and achievement. This information will help reduce the time taken to return students to education.

Screenshot of new compulsory field has been added to the NEN form - Parents (Caregivers) Address

Reminders for verification document expiry dates

Schools will now get an email reminder when the verification documentation expiry date for students with eligibility criteria MoE Approved and MoE Confirmed is within 3 weeks.

Changes to ENROL – August 2018

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