Student behaviour
Learn about topics such as searching/confiscating student property, seclusions, stand-downs and more.
Level of compliance | Main audience | Other |
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This directory connects schools to guidance that will help them to manage student behaviour. Further reading is required as some of this guidance relates to legislation that must be complied with.
- Behaviour services to help schools
- Accessing the Interim Response Fund
- Searching and confiscating student property
- Gang insignia on school property
- Help returning young people to education from the Justice system
- Seclusion in schools
Behaviour services to help schools
Services to support teachers and parents to manage children and students with extreme behaviour needs.
Accessing the Interim Response Fund (IRF)
The Interim Response Fund is a fund is to keep students engaged in learning following a significantly challenging behavioural event.
Searching and confiscating student property
Guidelines to assist you to develop an appropriate and practical approach to searching students and confiscating their property.
Gang insignia on school property — how to prevent this
Information about the 2013 legislation prohibiting gang insignia on school property, the gang insignia that are covered by this legislation and what your school can do to try to prevent this happening.
Help returning young people to education from the Justice system
Education assessments aim to return child and youth offenders to school.
Seclusion in schools
Seclusion is not acceptable practice in New Zealand schools.
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