Changes to ENROL – August 2021

Changes to ENROL – August 2021

‘Advice of Lifting Stand-down’ and ‘Cancel Stand-down’ buttons

The ‘Advice of Lifting Stand-down’ and ‘Cancel Stand-down’ buttons are no longer available throughout the student’s enrolment. 

The buttons will be removed five school days after the stand-down completion date.

Both the Advice of Lifting Stand-down and Cancel Stand-down buttons are no longer available throughout the student’s enrolment.

If you want to lift or cancel the stand-down, please contact the Ministry.

Privacy warning message in the Stand-down and Suspension free text box fields

The following privacy warning message is added to the Stand-down and Suspension free text box fields when the fields are empty.

‘Ensure that any personal information entered is relevant to this specific intervention’

Once the user starts to enter text, the message will disappear.

The message will continue to display if there is no text entered for the field including if text is removed by the user.

The following Stand-down and Suspension sections are affected by the changes.

Advice of Stand-down Form - Stand-down Details

Privacy warning message is added to the Advice of Stand-down Form free text box fields.

Advice for Lifting Stand-down - Stand-down Lifted Details

Privacy warning message is added to the Advice for Lifting Stand-down Form free text box field.

Advice of Suspension Form - Suspension Details

Privacy warning message is added to the Advice of Suspension Form free text box fields.

Advice of BOT Decision Form - Outcome of Board Meeting

Privacy warning message is added to the Advice of BOT Decision Form free text box field.

When the option ‘Lift Suspension with conditions’ is selected, the ‘Reasonable Conditions’ field is displayed with the privacy warning message.

When the option Lift Suspension with conditions is selected, the Reasonable Conditions field is displayed with the privacy warning message.

When the option ‘Extend Suspension with conditions’ is selected, the ‘Conditions’ field is displayed with the privacy warning message.

When the option Extend Suspension with conditions is selected, the Conditions field is displayed with the privacy warning message.

Advice of BOT Reconsideration Form - Outcome of Reconsideration Board Meeting

Privacy warning message is added to the Advice of BOT Reconsideration Form free text box field.

Notification Following Exclusion Form

Privacy warning message is added to the Notification Following Exclusion Form free text box fields.

Changes to ENROL – April 2021

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