10 Year Property Plan steps for schools

There is an 8-step process for preparing and submitting a 10 Year Property Plan (10YPP).

Level of compliance Main audience Other


  • Boards
  • Principals and tumuaki

Step 1: Preparation

The 10YPP consultant we have appointed for your school will contact you to schedule a meeting to introduce themselves. The meeting should be attended by board members, the principal and any staff with property knowledge. The consultant will explain how they work, and roles and responsibilities.

What your school needs to do

The board is responsible for completing a school access plan with the consultant. This will clarify if a Police vet is required for the consultant.

Police vetting for schools and kura

You must give the consultant access to your school's health and safety plan.

Complete the school evaluation of the physical environment (SEPE)

This is a questionnaire that helps evaluate how well a school’s physical environment supports its approach to teaching and learning. It will help to establish priorities for property upgrades.

We will notify you when you should complete your SEPE. You access it using your Education Sector Logon.

School Evaluation of Physical Environment (SEPE) – Applications & Online Systems(external link)

Step 2: Desktop condition assessment

The 10YPP consultant uses the information they have gathered to perform a desktop assessment of your school.

What your school needs to do

To help the 10YPP consultant with their desktop assessment you will need to provide:

  • roll projections showing whether the school roll is growing, steady or falling
  • the cyclical maintenance plan and a copy of any maintenance contracts (for example, programme maintenance plan for painting, boiler maintenance contract)
  • building warrant of fitness information and details of any outstanding work
  • anything else that may affect the 10YPP like an energy management review, asbestos management plan, special character features, learning support needs, cultural impacts, your school security policy or your traffic management plan.

Agree the required maintenance standards

You must set a required maintenance standard with the 10YPP consultant for each of the school's building.

The maintenance standards are:

  • A – Specialist spaces that need a higher level of maintenance than other areas (for example, science laboratories).
  • B – General spaces like classrooms and administrative facilities.
  • C – Buildings and services that have a limited life, fulfil a non-core function or have a basic utility function only (for example, a caretaker or storage shed).
  • D – Buildings and services that are closed and not in current use.

Step 3: Physical condition assessment

The 10YPP consultant completes a detailed assessment of the site. If required, they engage specialists to do high-level reports on 5 key infrastructure features:

  • electrical
  • roofing
  • plumbing
  • drainage
  • boiler and heating.

Step 4: Updating and auditing MPlan

The 10YPP consultant updates the condition assessment data and loads it into a tool called MPlan.

Step 5: Consider Ministry policies

The 10YPP consultant prepares for the planning meeting by reviewing the school's 5 Year Agreement (5YA) allocation and any other relevant budgets. They assess works against the 10YPP work priorities and other Ministry policies or programmes.

Step 6: Planning meeting

The 10YPP consultant will arrange the planning meeting and send you an agenda. The school principal, a board representative, the 10YPP consultant and your property advisor must attend the meeting. Any other staff with property knowledge can also attend.

What your school needs to do

The 10YPP consultant will send you their reports before the meeting for you to review.

At the meeting, the 10YPP consultant will present their findings and you will discuss what projects should be included in the 10YPP.

The key things you will need to consider are:

  • the board's vision for the school
  • any issues highlighted in the SEPE
  • the results of the condition assessment
  • any expected changes to the school roll
  • your 5YA funding, board funding and any other funding
  • cyclical maintenance needs and how they will be paid for.

The 10YPP consultant will take minutes and provide them to the board after the meeting.

Step 7: Drafting the 10YPP

The 10YPP consultant will create a draft plan using all the information they have gathered and what has been agreed at the planning meeting. They create the plan in the property portal.

Step 8: Finalising the 10YPP

The 10YPP consultant will send you a draft 10YPP to consider.

What your school needs to do

The 10YPP is a detailed document that the school will need to review and provide feedback on to the consultant. The board needs to agree to the plan and record this decision in the board minutes.

After the board has done this, the 10YPP consultant submits the plan to us for approval.

When we approve the 10YPP we will write to the board and provide copies of its 5YA to sign.

Once the 5YA is signed, delivery of the projects in the 10YPP can begin. 

More information

Overview of the 10 Year Property Plan

Surplus school property

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