Cellphone towers on school sites

Information about cell phone towers on school grounds.

Level of compliance Main audience Other


  • Boards
  • Principals and Tumuaki
  • Parents, Caregivers and Whānau

Boards cannot allow a cell phone tower to be placed on school grounds. Some radio frequency transmitters are allowed on school grounds where there's no other infrastructure. 

Cellphone towers aren't allowed on school grounds

Cellphone towers and other kinds of radio transmitters cannot be located on school grounds.

Although there's no proven risk from cellphone towers, the Ministry has decided to take this step because of concerns in the community. Debate about a cellphone tower can distract from your primary function, which is to provide education.

Radio frequency transmitters on school grounds

Radio frequency transmitters for broadband transmission are allowed on school grounds in some cases. This includes the roll-out of broadband to rural schools and their communities. They're used when there's no other infrastructure available.

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