New Zealand Sign Language Tutor Scholarship

Learn about this scholarship, which is designed to support people to study Victoria University of Wellington’s Certificate in Deaf Studies – Teaching New Zealand Sign Language.

Level of compliance Main audience Other


  • Teachers and kaiako
  • Students
  • Parents, caregivers and whānau
  • Tertiary Education Organisations

Applicants for the New Zealand Sign Language Tutor Scholarship must meet the associated criteria and use the annual application process.

Key information

You must be enrolled in Victoria University of Wellington’s Certificate in Deaf Studies – Teaching New Zealand Sign Language to be eligible for this study award.

Certificate in Deaf Studies: Teaching New Zealand Sign Language – Victoria University(external link)

Applications open on 1 October and close on 30 October. Applicants will be notified by 29 November.

Does this sound interesting? For more information, you can find the frequently asked questions for Learning Support Study Awards and Scholarships.

FAQs for Learning Support Study Awards and Scholarships

The course will take place part-time over 2 years.

If you have any questions regarding the degree, contact Victoria University of Wellington's Lecturer Sara Pivac Alexander by email

Who is eligible

To be eligible for this scholarship, you must:

  • be accepted into the Victoria University of Wellington Certificate in Deaf Studies – Teaching New Zealand Sign Language
  • be enrolled in the full programme of study (studying 3 courses a year for 2 years)
  • be fluent in New Zealand Sign Language (NZSL)
  • be a New Zealand citizen or have rights to reside and work in New Zealand indefinitely or permanently
  • not be repeating a failed course.

We will give priority to applicants who:

  • are deaf and hard of hearing
  • live in areas where more NZSL tutors are needed
  • are of Māori or Pasifika descent.

What to include in your application

Your application must include:

  • application questionnaire [DOCX, 158 KB] and/or a video answering the questionnaire in NZSL
  • your resume/CV
  • a cover letter outlining particular factors below (not mandatory):
    • explain why you are interested to study in the Certificate in Deaf Studies.
    • what are your hopes and goals for teaching NZSL in the future?
    • where and what level of school you finished, and have you achieved any qualifications or skills through other study or training?
  • any other letters of support (not mandatory).

We will consider these factors when we assess your application:

  • your experience teaching NZSL 
  • your commitment to teaching NZSL in the future 
  • your education history.

The decision to grant or not grant a scholarship is final.

Your responsibilities

If you are granted this internship and scholarship, you must meet certain conditions. The specific terms and conditions will be listed in your letter of offer. You must:

  • enrol in your courses at the university
  • plan your study and workload for the year
  • pass your course papers
  • email if any of the information you provided in your application changes – this includes your employment status and contact details, if you fail any papers and if you change your proposed study.

Failure, withdrawal and breaks in study

If you:

  • fail a paper, you will need to re-take that paper at your own expense
  • withdraw from study part way through the qualification, you will need to pay back all academic fees that we have paid for your study
  • need to take a break from study due to unforeseen circumstances, email and the university. You may ask for a study break of a maximum of 1 year.


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