Resource Teachers: Learning and Behaviour Study Award

Learn about this award, which supports people to study for a Postgraduate Diploma in Specialist Teaching: Learning and Behaviour, at Massey University.

Level of compliance Main audience Other


  • Teachers and kaiako
  • RTLBs
  • RTLB clusters


Applicants for the Resource Teachers: Learning and Behaviour Study Award must meet the associated criteria and use the annual application process.

Key information

Applications for this study award open on 1 August, and close 13 September each year. Applicants will be notified by 25 November.

You must apply for Massey University's Postgraduate Diploma in Specialist Teaching: Learning and Behaviour at the same time as you submit your study award application.

Postgraduate Diploma in Specialist Teaching: Learning and Behaviour – Massey University(external link) 

The closing date for admission with Massey University is around 9 December each year.

Does this sound interesting? You can find the frequently asked questions for Learning Support Study Awards and Scholarships.

FAQs for Learning Support Study Awards and Scholarships

What the award covers

This study award supports the Massey University’s Postgraduate Diploma in Specialist Teaching Learning and Behaviour.

If you have any questions regarding the diploma, contact Massey University's Postgraduate Administrator by:


Phone: 06 356 9099 Extn 83072

The study award covers:

  • a contribution towards your travel and accommodation to attend the block courses (paid to your cluster lead school)
  • the full amount of your domestic tuition fees (paid to Massey University).

Who is eligible

To be eligible for this award, you must:

  • Be permanently employed as an RTLB.
  • Have support from the lead school/cluster manager to study for the diploma.
  • Have a bachelor's degree.
  • Hold a relevant professional qualification such as a Bachelor of Early Childhood Education or an equivalent qualification. This means an overseas qualification assessed as being equivalent to a relevant New Zealand qualification by the New Zealand Psychologists Board or the Education Council of Aotearoa New Zealand. If you are unsure about whether you have an equivalent qualification, contact Massey University.
  • Be a New Zealand citizen or have rights to reside and work in New Zealand indefinitely or permanently.

You are not entitled to this award if:

  • you are not accepted into the Postgraduate Diploma in Specialist Teaching: Learning and Behaviour offered by Massey University 
  • we have previously provided you with funded support for your RTLB training – you will need to re-take any failed papers at your own or your lead school’s expense.

Once applications have closed, we will contact your cluster manager to confirm:

  • your employment status
  • that they approve and support your study.

What to include in your application

Your application may include any letters of support (not mandatory).

Include details of your ability to succeed in the course of study and any other circumstances that you feel are important for us to consider. 

Our decision to grant or not grant an award is final, and we will not enter into any discussion about it.

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