Review process for Ongoing Resourcing Scheme (ORS)

The review process for Ongoing Resourcing Scheme (ORS) funding can be used when an application for ORS is declined, or when a student receiving ORS funding has a significant change in their circumstances, or new information relating to their eligibility becomes available.

Level of compliance Main audience Other


  • Educators, Teachers and Kaiako
  • Principals and Tumuaki
  • All Early Learning Services
  • Learning Support Coordinators and SENCOs
  • Learning Support Specialist Staff
  • Parents, Caregivers and Whānau
  • Boards
  • Non-Government Agencies
  • Disability Sector

Ongoing Resourcing Scheme applicants can choose to request a review of an ORS application outcome.

Review process for ORS

When an application for ORS is unsuccessful or circumstances change, the applicant can request a review of the verifiers' decision. 

The request for review must be done within six months of the letter for the original application and:

  • is expected to be completed by the educator in collaboration with the student’s parents/whānau or caregivers and team
  • must be made in writing and can be by email or letter, and
  • must provide additional information about the student.

You may like to go through the decision letter that explained why the application was declined. If there's anything in the explanation that you or those working with the student feel isn't an accurate interpretation of the student’s needs, this may be a good starting point around which to base the additional information.

You may also choose to clarify or expand on the information in the application to give the verifiers a complete picture of the student’s needs.

The verifiers will consider the additional information along with the original application and write a detailed letter explaining the review decision.

Note: Up to three requests for a review of the verifiers' decision can be made.

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