Librarians and library assistants' pay equity claim

Learn about the librarians and library assistants' pay equity claim.

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  • Principals and tumuaki
  • Librarians
  • Library assistants
  • School boards

Settlement of the claim

On 6 March 2023, we reached agreement with NZEI Te Riu Roa on a settlement of the pay equity claim for school librarians and library assistants.

Following endorsement by the employees covered by the claim, the settlement will see around 1,200 school librarians and library assistants  mostly women  being valued and paid for the work they do in line with people working in male-dominated roles of equal value.

Payment to employees

Covered employees in state and state-integrated schools and kura received their first payment at the new pay equity rates (including payment for the period from 23 November 2022) on 8 August 2023.

This included payment to people who finished on or after 1 June 2023, and those who left their job after 23 November 2022 and who had since started a new role at another school.

Former employees

Former employees who finished employment on or after 1 June 2023 do not need to do anything. They were paid on 8 August 2023 in the same way as current employees.

Former employees who worked after 23 November 2022 and finished employment on or prior to 31 May 2023 will be paid directly once they have submitted their application and eligibility has been confirmed.

Information on how to complete the form and common questions about the payment are included on the form.

Pay equity for former employees(external link)

Non-Education Payroll schools

Former employees who worked in schools or kura who do not use Education Payroll will need to contact their school or kura.

Schools and kura will be provided funding to cover these employees.

Guidance on implementing the settlement

We have released several guidance documents on the implementation of the claim. You can view these documents in the table below.

The guidance includes a roadmap, general information about the settlement, information on funding, pay rate translations, the work matrix, payroll, the parental payment and regrading.

We suggest reading the guidance documents in the order they are listed below.

Pay equity settlement funding

Pay equity regrade funding


In late March 2023, we hosted webinars with New Zealand School Trustees Association (NZSTA) to outline the changes resulting from the settlement and provide additional support to schools and kura in understanding the settlement.

Pay equity webinar NZSTA(external link)

Timeline of the settlement

  • November 2020: Claims raised by NZEI Te Riu Roa.
  • 8 October 2021: Terms of reference signed.
  • October 2021 to August 2022: Investigation and assessment and comparator roles.
  • 23 November 2022: Sex-based discrimination confirmed.
  • 3 February 2023: Proposed settlement agreements reached.
  • 13 February to 6 March 2023: Mandating process and settlements finalised.
  • March 2023 onward: Implementing the settlements.

Settlement documents

To see a summary of our research that identified sex-based undervaluation for this workforce, download and read the evidence report.

You can also view a copy of the notification letter and fact sheet that was sent to employees at the beginning of the claim.

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