Kaiārahi i te reo pay equity claim
Learn more about the Kaiārahi i te reo pay equity claim settled in July 2022.
Level of compliance | Main audience | Other |
Required |
- Settlement of the claim
- Parental payment guide published
- Payment to employees
- Funding
- Guidance on implementing the settlement
- Timeline of the settlement
- More information
Settlement of the claim
On 4 July 2022, we settled the pay equity claim for kaiārahi i te reo with NZEI Te Riu Roa.
Following endorsement by the employees covered by the claim, the settlement will now see more than 80 kaiārahi i te reo, mostly wāhine Māori, being fairly valued and paid for the work they do.
The role of kaiārahi i te reo
The role of kaiārahi i te reo is to support the development and preservation of te reo Māori, tikanga Māori and mātauranga Māori within schools and kura.
They are recognised for their involvement within the community and their knowledge and experience of te ao Māori. They also contribute to creating inclusive and safe spaces by growing the cultural capability of ākonga and kaimahi in schools and kura.
Parental payment guide published
A parental payment equivalent to 6 weeks’ pay was introduced as part of the settlement.
A guide explaining the parental payment and the process for applying was published on 20 March 2023.
Payment to employees
Kaiārahi i te reo received their first payment at the new pay equity rates (including payment for the period from 20 August 2021 to 30 September 2022) on Tuesday 18 October. This includes payment to people who finished on or after 1 September 2022.
Former employees
Former employees who were covered by the claim can request their pay equity payment by completing the form through the link below.
Details on completing the form, as well as common questions about the payment to former employees, are also available through the link.
Schools and kura will not be required to pay covered former employees who finished employment on or prior to 31 August 2022. We will pay them directly once they have completed the form below.
Pay equity for former employees(external link)
People who finished employment on or after 1 September 2022 were paid as part of the 18 October payment.
Non-Education Payroll schools
Employees who worked in schools or kura who did not use Education Payroll will need to contact their school or kura. Schools and kura will be provided funding to cover these employees.
Covered employees in state and state-integrated schools and kura, including those who may have finished their job on or after 20 August 2021 and started another position at another school, or left the workforce entirely, are included in the settlements.
We provide the additional pay equity funding required by translating covered employees from the old pay scale to the new pay equity pay scale. This is a point-to-point translation following the translation rules of the settlements.
Point-to-point means that covered employees will be transferred from their point on the previous position elements table to the equivalent point on the new pay equity work matrix.
Funding calculation
Settlement funding is provided to cover the difference between the old pay scale rate and the new pay equity pay scale rate.
This funding is calculated for all hours worked by covered employees from the effective date of the kaiārahi i te reo pay equity settlement:
For more information, the settlement funding page:
Administration support staff and kaiārahi i te reo pay equity settlement funding
Guidance on implementing the settlements
Guidance is available (see documents in the table below) to help you understand and implement the changes resulting from the settlement.
The guidance documents include information on the ongoing pay equity funding from the Ministry, guidance on how to use the new work matrix, information on employees translating from the old pay rates to the new pay rates, guidance on pay equity regrading, and guidance on the parental payment.
A roadmap is also available which provides an overview of the key implementation activities of both the administration support staff and kaiārahi i te reo pay equity settlements, planned for 2022 and 2023.
- Te taurite o te utu me te kerēme o ngā kaiārahi i te reo (te reo Māori) [PDF, 320 KB]
- Pay equity and the kaiārahi i te reo claim (English) [PDF, 320 KB]
- Funding 101 guide [PDF, 500 KB]
- Work matrix guide [PDF, 583 KB]
- Pay equity translation guide [PDF, 580 KB]
- Pay equity regrading guide [PDF, 552 KB]
- Ngā kerēme utu mahi taurite mō ngā kaimahi tautoko ā-tari me ngā kaiārahi i te reo (te reo Māori) [PDF, 842 KB]
- Administration support staff and kaiārahi i te reo pay equity roadmap rollout (English) [PDF, 841 KB]
Webinars and hui
To support you in implementing the settlement, we hosted webinars and a series of kanohi ki te kanohi hui with NZSTA and NZEI Te Riu Roa.
These outlined the changes resulting from the settlement and provided additional support in understanding the settlement.
You can view a recording of one of the webinars through the link below.
Pay equity webinar – Vimeo(external link)
Timeline of the settlement
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