Code of Conduct
The following code of conduct forms part of the Youth Advisory Group terms of reference.
Level of compliance | Main audience | Other |
Required |
The secretariat, facilitator and all members of the Ministerial Youth Advisory Group must follow this code of conduct.
- Statement of Commitment from the Ministry of Education
- Respecting the rights of others
- Relationships with others
- Contact with media
- Confidential information
- Individual enquiries
- Conflict resolution
- Drugs and alcohol guidelines
- Curfew requirements
- Breach of Code of Conduct
- Criminal convictions
Statement of Commitment from the Ministry of Education
The Ministry of Education is committed to:
- the safety and wellbeing of the participants in the Youth Advisory Group
- providing an open, welcoming and safe environment for everyone.
Respecting the rights of others
Members, secretariat and facilitators are expected to:
- respect the rights of all fellow participants
- establish and maintain trusting and respectful relationships
To do this, we must:
- be respectful of other participants and their cultural background
- not discriminate against anyone because of their identity, language or culture
- respect the privacy of individuals in dealing with personal information
- not harass, bully, intimidate or abuse – whether physical, mental or otherwise – others
- be mindful of the safety of others in the use of Ministry property and resources.
Relationships with others
Members will create a social contract where they will agree on how they engage with each other.
Contact with media
All media enquiries must be redirected to the Ministry of Education through the secretariat. They will determine the appropriate person to comment.
- Views expressed to the media on behalf of the group must have been previously agreed on by the group as a whole.
- Members are free to express a personal view in the media, or the view of other organisations they represent, at any time. But they must make clear that these are their views as an individual.
Confidential information
Members may receive information that they will need to treat as confidential. This may be information that is either system sensitive or is of a personal nature to a particular individual or organisation.
Individual queries
Members will not bring individual issues to the group that can best be dealt with by going through the Education general enquiries channels.
Conflict resolution
Members can raise issues with the:
- facilitator if there are issues or concern related to other group members
- facilitator if there are issues or concerns about the secretariat
- facilitator and/or secretariat if there is an issue that’s of a personal nature and may impact their contribution to meetings
- secretariat if concerns or issues are about the facilitator, support facilitator or other Ministry staff.
Drugs and alcohol guidelines
- Members under 18 years old must not consume any alcohol.
- Members who are 18 years and over can drink alcohol at YAG-sanctioned social events, but we ask that all members act with discretion as outlined in these guidelines and the behaviour expectations.
- Intoxication or drunken behaviour will not be tolerated.
- Any form of unlawful drugs is always prohibited.
- If any members have issues or difficulties following these guidelines, please discuss with the YAG facilitator or secretariat.
Curfew requirements
- Members under 18 old must be in the accommodation by 10pm each night.
- Members who are under 18 years old will be overseen by Ministry of Education staff members or a representative third party.
We will make sure that:
- curfew times are met
- all members under 18 are collected or leave on the travel date as arranged.
Breach of Code of conduct
Where conduct or behaviour is considered unacceptable and/or unsafe, a verbal warning will be given. But the secretariat or facilitator has the right to remove a person from the group and send them home if a serious breach of this code of conduct is established.
Criminal convictions
Members confirm they do not have any serious criminal convictions.
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