Youth Advisory Group terms of reference

Find out about the expectations and responsibilities of the Ministerial Youth Advisory Group.

Level of compliance Main audience Other


  • Ministerial Youth Advisory Group
  • Ministerial Youth Advisory Group secretariat
  • Ministerial Youth Advisory Group facilitator
  • Ministry and agency staff who engage with the group
  • Young people
  • Parents, caregivers and whānau

Purpose of the Youth Advisory Group

A way for New Zealand youth to share their experiences and perspectives on education with the Minister of Education.

Members bring their insights to the Ministry of Education to help inform how we work and improve the education system.

Meetings and reporting

Members will attend face-to-face meetings in Wellington and any online meetings as required.

The Youth Advisory Group insights and advice are officially reported to the Minister of Education and distributed to relevant Ministry groups and education sector agencies.


The Youth Advisory Group will include up to 12 members. If required, additional members may be brought into the group for their specialist knowledge and experience.

The Youth Advisory Group is expected to have:

  • gender diversity
  • ethnic diversity
  • regional diversity across New Zealand
  • disability lived experience
  • different community and cultural perspectives
  • different types of education experiences
  • those who are NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training)
  • different types of lived experience that impact on education.


Members must:

  • be aged between 14 and 18 years as of 1 January every year
  • work with other people and in a team
  • share their perspectives
  • be approachable and an effective communicator
  • return the signed parental, guardian or caregiver consent (where applicable)
  • be able to commit to the meeting schedule
  • be able to travel to Wellington to attend meetings.

Terms of appointment and appointment process

The standard term of appointment (or tenure) for each member will be:

  • for up to 1 year, or
  • at the discretion of the Minister of Education. 

Operation, induction, training and review

  • The Ministry of Education has set up a secretariat to oversee the administration and support of the Youth Advisory Group, including any costs.
  • All members joining the Youth Advisory Group will receive an orientation pack and information explaining the Ministry of Education functions and processes.
  • The terms of reference will be reviewed as required. All changes to the terms of reference will be subject to the approval of the Minister of Education.

Role description, Code of Conduct and member succession process

The Youth Advisory Group terms of reference also include:

Role descriptions for the Youth Advisory Group secretariat, facilitator and members

(external link)Code of Conduct

(external link)Member succession process

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