ESOL resources

Education providers can access useful information and resources that will help them to deliver a successful ESOL programme.

Level of compliance Main audience Other


  • Principals and tumuaki
  • ESOL staff
  • Educators, teachers and kaiako
  • Learning support coordinators and SENCOs
  • RTLBs
  • Boards

Many of these resources are available via ESOL Online or you may be able to order them from Down the Back of the Chair using their item number. The resources are first listed alphabetically by topic, with their numbers located at the bottom of the page. 

Down the Back of the Chair(external link)

ESOL Online(external link)

ESOL programme development

These resources are no longer in print, but we have PDF versions available for download here and some may be available from Back of the Chair. 

Planning and learning – ESOL Online(external link)(external link)

ESOL: Effective provision for international students [PDF, 1.3 MB]: [PDF, 1.3 MB]

  • Discusses ways to develop effective business plans and processes for receiving international fee-paying students.
  • Suggests how to provide quality ESOL support for international students.
  • Emphasises the importance of pastoral care.

Refugee handbook for schools [PDF, 1.2 MB]:

  • Supports schools in meeting the particular needs of students from refugee backgrounds, especially at key transition points.
  • Focuses on developing programmes that support students with a range of social and academic needs.
  • Emphasises the importance of providing family support and developing wider community networks.

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Professional development

Effective literacy practice

3 texts that focus on the dimensions of effective practise: knowledge of the learner, knowledge of literacy learning, expectations, instructional strategies, engaging learners with texts and partnerships.

Specific literacy pathways for English language learners are discussed.

English Language Learning Progressions (ELLP) Professional support modules — ESOL Online(external link)(external link)

The modules for leaders and teachers allow staff to work through the content independently or in groups at their own pace.

  • Introduction: An overview of the resource.
  • Module 1: Oral language.
  • Module 2: Writing.
  • Module 3: Reading.
  • Module 4: Reporting progress in primary schools.
  • Module 5: Reporting progress in secondary schools.
  • Module 6: Using ELLP to support funding applications.

ESOL online(external link)

An online resource for all mainstream and specialist ESOL teachers of students in Years 1-13 which includes:

  • a range of strategies and approaches for teaching English language learners
  • units of work for primary and secondary
  • NCEA teaching and learning sequences
  • a resource exchange facility
  • professional readings
  • an e-forum that teachers can subscribe to
  • links to relevant websites.

Learning through talk

  • Emphasises the key role of oral language in supporting student learning.
  • Provides extensive information and relevant resources for supporting English language learners in developing oral language skills.
  • Topics include knowledge of the learner, instructional strategies, engaging learners with talk, expectations and partnerships.

Making language and learning work — ESOL Online and DVDs(external link)

  • The materials model how to personalise learning by supporting students at different levels of English proficiency in a manageable way in mainstream classes.
  • DVD 1 (secondary maths and science), DVD 2 (secondary English and social science) and DVD 3 (Years 5-8) provide practical examples of best practice for teaching English language learners in mainstream classrooms. They show how to integrate effective literacy strategies, and how a range of teachers in different subject areas scaffold language and content area learning.
  • Schools can use the online DVD footage to provide professional development using the ‘play by principles’ or ‘play by subject’ options.
  • Teacher booklets provide background information and suggested approaches.

Working with English Language Learners Handbook [PDF, 2.8 MB]

  • A 10-module professional development programme for teacher aides and bilingual tutors.
  • Coordinating teachers are essential for the success of the programme. They facilitate each module and act as a mentor.
  • The Online modules include video clips, a list of resources and a copy of the course completion certificate.

Working with English Language Learners - A professional development resource for teacher aides and bilingual teachers – TKI website(external link)

Programme provision and monitoring

English Language Learning Progressions – ESOL Online(external link)

  • Mainstream and ESOL teachers can use the English Language Learning Progressions (ELLP) to monitor English language learners’ progress in speaking, listening, reading and writing.
  • An introduction booklet and Years 1-4, 5-8, and 9-13 booklets contain extensive background information and annotated student exemplars.
  • The DVD demonstrates the oral language monitoring process by analysing student interviews against the criteria.
  • The facilitation manual provides a series of 7 professional development modules for use with staff.
  • This interactive resource includes a series of slide shows for professional development purposes.

ELLP Pathway – Foundation to Stage 3 Resources – ESOL Online(external link)

The ELLP Pathway - Foundation to Stage 3 is an optional, supplementary resource to support the English Language Learning Progressions.

  • It assists primary and intermediate teachers to plan appropriate teaching for English language learners. Secondary teachers of learners working up to ELLP Stage 3 may also find it useful.
  • This resource provides an overview of the ELLP stages, focus questions and ideas for better knowing and supporting learners, and links to a range of useful resources.

The ELLP Pathway Student Agency Record is a simplified version of the resource for use by learners and teachers to promote student agency and to help plan the next learning steps.

The ELLP Pathway Record of Progress may be used as an alternative to the ELLP Record of Progress to record ‘achieved’ stages for twice yearly ESOL funding applications.

English Language Intensive Programmes primary and Years 7-13 — ESOL Online(external link)

  • These folders and CDs offer key programming guidelines for beginning to advanced English language learners.
  • Language skills are illustrated with scaffolded texts in oral interaction, reading, understanding and responding, and writing.
  • Each unit includes an ‘orientation to learning’ section, suggested teaching components and sample strategies.

Focus on English — ESOL Online(external link)

  • A series of 6 learning modules for English language learners in Years 7-10. The topics support the curriculum in science, mathematics and social sciences.
  • Teachers can focus on high-frequency vocabulary, technical terms and basic language features that support classroom topics.
  • The complete set of booklets is Animals, Shapes, Plants, Measurement, Weather and Conservation.

Supporting English Language Learning in Primary Schools (SELLIPS) — ESOL Online(external link)

  • Provides suggestions for developing students’ academic, cross-curricular English language in both mainstream and transitional classes.
  • Presents ways in which teachers can scaffold the learning of English language learners so that they can achieve learning outcomes at their appropriate stages.

AUT Picture Dictionary and Teaching Resource – ESOL Online
(external link)

  • A New Zealand-based picture dictionary for new learners of English.
  • Introduces over 1000 high-frequency words used in daily life in topic groups.
  • The teaching resource features an extensive list of learning tasks linked to the dictionary pages.

The AUT Picture Dictionary can also be ordered from the Kohia Centre Online Store website.(external link)

Reading resources

Dual Language Pasifika New Entrant Readers

  • The resources comprise of 20 dual-language flipbooks, audio and online resources in each of the following Pasifika languages: Samoan, Tongan, Tokelauan, Niuean and Cook Island Maori and English. 
  • Funding is available to contribute to whānau fono which are coordinated and facilitated by facilitators from all 5 Pasifika languages.
  • There are also support materials for teachers and whānau. 

Pasifika dual language books  Literacy Online(external link)

Literacy Online – Funding information for Principals(external link)


  • This collection includes titles appropriate for use with English language learners in Years 7-13.
  • An extensive set of teachers’ notes enable ESOL and mainstream teachers to integrate English language learning with ‘learning to read’ and ‘reading to learn’ in a range of topics.

Ready to Read selections (currently out of print)

Electronic storybooks (currently out of print)

Choices (currently out of print)

Applications (currently out of print)

Supporting diversity and community links

Multilingual notices and forms

Your school can use these notices to communicate more effectively with the families of English language learners.

There is a range of downloadable templates including:

  • school camp or trip
  • parent–teacher meeting
  • attendance record.

Forms are available in these languages:

NCEA information sheet is available in these languages:


New to New Zealand (5th edition)

  • Provides information about a range of ethnic groups living in New Zealand.
  • Includes comments about the geography, history, religion, language and culture of each group.
  • Pages can be added to ethnic boxes or given to teachers to develop knowledge about new students.

Defining Diversity: A Facilitation Manual to use with New to New Zealand

  • Links to New to New Zealand providing 20 practical tasks based on the key principle ‘know your learner’.
  • Target audiences include boards of trustees, senior management, teachers and parents.
  • Schools may enlist the help of bilingual tutors and community members to work through the activities.

Some of the activities from the Defining Diversity resource, which don't require the New to New Zealand text, are available online from the following 2 websites.

Defining Diversity activities – TKI(external link)

Defining Diversity activities – ESOL Online(external link)

Down the Back of The Chair numbers

ESOL funding and programme development resources Down the Back of the Chair item number

The Refugee Handbook for Schools


Foundation literacy teaching and learning resources


The New Zealand Curriculum – for English-medium teaching and learning in Years 1–13


The Literacy Learning Progressions – Meeting the reading and writing demands of the curriculum


The English Language Learning Progressions – A resource for mainstream and ESOL teachers

11258, 32600,32601, 32602, 32603
Professional development resources  
Effective Literacy Practice Years 1–4 12940
Effective Literacy Practice Years 5–8 31324
Effective Literacy Strategies Years 9–13 Literacy Team Guide 30322
Effective Literacy Strategies Years 9–13 Facilitator Guide 30323
Learning through Talk Years 1–3 33378
Learning through Talk Years 4–8 33379

Making Language and Learning Work DVD 1
(secondary maths and science)


Making Language and Learning Work DVD 2
(secondary English and social science)

Making Language and Learning Work DVD 3 
(Years 5-8)
Using the ELLP Matrices: A practical guide to tracking the progress of ELLs 710098
Working with English Language Learners Handbook 112624
Working with English Language Learners DVD 700038
Programme provision and monitoring resources  
AUT Picture Dictionary and Teaching Resource  
Teacher resource for Picture Dictionary 700117
English Language Intensive Programmes (ELIP) primary and Years 7-13  
ELIP Primary Resource 108867
ELIP Years 7–13 Resource 10845
English Language Learning Progressions  
ELLP ring binder 11258
Introduction booklet 32600
Years 1-4 booklet 32601
Years 5-8 booklet 32602
Years 9-13 booklet 32603
ELLP DVD 11337
Using the ELLP Matrices DVD 710098
Focus on English  
Focus on English teacher pack 31563
Focus on English student pack  31564 
SELLIPS: Supporting English Language Learning in Primary Schools  
SELLIPS Years 1-2 33237
SELLIPS Years 3-4 33238
SELLIPS Years 5-6 33240
SELLIPS Years 7-8 33235
Reading resources  
Dual Language Pasifika New Entrant Readers  
Cook Island Maori Dual Readers 16544
Gagana Samoa Dual Readers 43940
Gagana Tokelau Dual Readers 16289
Lea Faka-Tonga Dual Readers 16080
Vagahau Niue Dual Readers 16608
Coping with Crises  31037
Making It Happen  30087 
Animal Rescue


Supporting diversity and community resources  
Defining Diversity: A Facilitation Manual to use with New to New Zealand 108831
New to New Zealand (5th edition) 10932

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