Ohu Matua Group members list

Members names Organisation
Anahera McGregor CORE Education Ltd
Angela Lowe New Zealand Association of Intermediate
and Middle Schools
Arapera Royal –Tangaere Te Kōhanga Reo National Trust
Bronwyn Houliston St Mary's College, Auckland
Bruce Jepsen Te Akatea: New Zealand Māori Principals'
Daisy Lavea-Timo Te Ora Hou Aotearoa / Cross-Polynate
Defyd Hugh Williams New Zealand SocCon
Diane Lee Korea-New Zealand Association
Doris Lancaster University of Otago
Elizabeth Matisoo-Smith University of Otago
Eman Bsisou Mt Roskill Grammar School/Islamic
Women's Council of New Zealand (IWCNZ)
Iosua Esera Sutton Park School
Frank Wilson McColl  
Graeme Aitken The University of Auckland
Graeme Ball New Zealand History Teachers Association,
Northcote School
Hayley Milne Kia Aroha school
Helena Tuteao Disabled Persons Assembly
Hemi Dale The University of Auckland
Hineihaea Murphy Haemata Ltd 
Huia Jahnke  Massey University 
Jason Swann   Otahuhu Primary School 
Jen Margaret  Groundwork: Facilitating Change 
Karina Bird  NZEI Te Riu Roa 
Katina Beauchamp  Early Childhood Council 
Kirsten Wong New Zealand Chinese Association
Kiwa Hammond Aatea Solutions
Leah Bell Petition to Parliament - petition to
commemorate the NZ Wars, History
postgraduate student
Leanne Lloyd-Otene New Zealand Principals Federation
Lisa Johnston NZEI
Malcolm Mulholland Massey University
Manisha Morar New Zealand Indian Central Association
Mark Sheehan Victoria University of Wellington
Martyn Davison Pakuranga College
Melanie Webber PPTA
Melanie Davies Hora Hora Primary School
Michael Belgrave New Zealand Historical Association
Michael Harcourt Taita College
Michelle Tamua CORE Education Ltd
Michele Whiting Corinna Primary School
Nēpia Mahuika Ngāti Porou, University of Waikato
Nima Pemerika Newlands Intermediate
Pamela Streeter Te Papa
Peggy Fairbairn-Dunlop Auckland University of Technology
Peter Adds Victoria University of Wellington
Peter Meihana Massey University
Rae Si'ilata Te Whare Wānanga o Awanui
ārangi/Va'atele Education Consulting
Rangimarie Mahuta Te Wharekura o Rakaumangamanga
Rawiri Toia Victoria University of Wellington
Roimata Baker Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Te Rito
Sharon Keen New Zealand Association of Intermediate
and Middle Schools
Sharon Annett Treaty Education
Stephanie Tawha Mangere Bridge School
Tony Keam Korea-New Zealand Association
Trinity Browne Inside Out
Vincent O’Malley History Works
Watson Ohia Ngā Kura ā-Iwi o Aotearoa


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