Strengthening learning support

All children and young people who need support with their learning should get help. We're implementing a new way to deliver learning support.

The Learning Support Delivery Model strengthens how learning support is provided so that all children and young people get the right support, in the right place, at the right time.

It organises learning support based on what best meets the needs of local children and young people.

The Learning Support Delivery Model brings local early learning services, kōhanga reo, schools and kura together to identify local needs and resources, and work with the Ministry of Education, other agencies and providers to plan support based on what they know works for children, young people, families and whānau.

Support is more flexible and joined-up and tailored around the needs of all ākonga (learners). The contribution of whānau is valued and learning support reflects their identity, language and culture.

The new Learning Support Coordinator roles, as well as other initiatives in the Learning Support Action Plan, will build on the Learning Support Delivery Model.

The Learning Support Delivery Model is being rolled out across New Zealand. The model will be in all communities at various stages of implementation by the end of 2019.

Check with your local Ministry of Education office to find out where these changes are being implemented in your school or early learning service.

Local Ministry offices

How it works

This new way of working gives local communities more flexibility to meet the particular needs of the children and young people in their local area.

Clusters of local schools and kura, early learning services and kōhanga reo, come together in a way that best fits their community. From 2020, this will include the first tranche of around 600 Learning Support Coordinator roles.

They work with the Ministry of Education, other agencies and providers to identify local learning support needs and decide how to best use available resources, including those provide by the Ministry, Resource Teacher: Learning and Behaviour (RTLB), and other government agencies, iwi and service providers.

The cluster looks for flexible ways to respond to needs that build on existing good practice. Solutions may include changing classroom routines, providing professional development to their teachers, improving advice to whānau, or providing specialist help, but will always be based on what is best for children and young people. Families and whānau are included in decisions so that support works for them and their tamariki.

An agreed Ministry facilitator function supports joint decision-making and planning. This function makes sure that the right people are brought together and connects the cluster to all of the available supports and services in the area.

Learning Support Delivery Model

The Learning Support Delivery Model [PDF, 383 KB]

Working with other organisations

To implement these changes we'll work with:

  • other government agencies
  • parent and family organisations
  • advocacy groups
  • education sector groups, and
  • other organisations.

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