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Te Haratau – lifting the quality of NZ's physical learning environments
The Ministry has a target of all schools providing quality learning environments by 2030 to enable ākonga and teachers to thrive in environments that support their success. To achieve this goal, we have developed a model that will measure and assess the quality of learning environments. This is our Te Haratau programme.
Te Haratau video transcript
We’re working to support the quality of New Zealand’s physical learning environments.
By 2030 we want all schools to have quality learning environments as part of a well-managed and sustainable portfolio that helps deliver equitable and excellent outcomes for every child.
To achieve this goal, we’ve been developing a model to measure and assess a quality learning environment.
This is our Te Haratau programme.
Te Haratau focuses on three key aspects of building performance: condition, fitness for purpose and operational efficiency. We gather data across these areas and analyse it to learn about the quality of school buildings. Having better data will improve our property management and ensure we’re fair and equitable in our investment decisions.
We gather data in a number of ways.
We will install devices to monitor the internal environment of your classrooms. These devices measure acoustics, lighting, thermal comfort and indoor air quality, which all support better educational outcomes. This will also help schools understand ventilation requirements. CO2 monitors record CO2 levels in real time. IEM devices are part of a longer-term solution to support the quality of schools’ learning environments.
Condition assessors will visit the schools to assess the wider site and specific building elements. They’ll use an established condition assessment framework to ensure that consistent, repeatable, and comparable data is recorded across the school and portfolio.
We’ll ask schools to complete a School Evaluation of the Physical Environment questionnaire. This gathers the user’s perspective on the quality of their learning environment and gives you an opportunity to identify areas of concern. We’ll also seek the school’s authorisation to collect their energy usage data, to help inform options for a more energy efficient running of the school and to meet the school’s obligations under the Carbon Neutral Government Programme.
We’re rolling out the model in stages. We will contact you when your school is on the programme. Until you hear from us, your property advisor will be able to help with any questions.
We want you to be a part of this journey and ensure you’re informed every step of the way.
About the programme
Te Haratau is a model of data collection that acknowledges the different perspectives and needs of users, operators and owners, as well as the latest research to support learning outcomes and wellbeing. It measures quality across three pillars, or pou:
Fitness for purpose.
Operational efficiency.
Our goal is to ensure the physical environments in our schools are suitable for their intended purpose, specifically supporting teaching and learning, and the wellbeing of everyone on site.
How it works
To assess the fitness for purpose of your learning environments, we are installing Internal Environment Monitoring (IEM) devices. These devices help to assess acoustics, lighting, thermal comfort and indoor air quality, which all support better educational outcomes.
Like CO2 monitors, IEM devices can help schools understand ventilation requirements, but IEMs are part of a longer-term solution to support the quality of schools’ learning environments. They are fixed and permanent, whereas CO2 monitors are portable and have been distributed as an immediate response to COVID-19, allowing schools to monitor CO2 levels in real time and move the monitors between classrooms. The IEM data recorded is continuously reported back to the Ministry to be analysed centrally.
Schools are required to complete the School Evaluation of the Physical Environment questionnaire – or SEPE. SEPE gathers the user’s perspective. It asks schools to describe their education vision and daily practice, and then assesses how well their buildings and site support this.
Condition assessors visit schools to assess the site-wide and building elements. They make their assessment against an established condition assessment framework. Using this framework ensures that consistent, repeatable, and comparable data is recorded across the school and portfolio.
We seek authorisation from School Boards to collect schools’ current and future energy consumption data directly from their retailer. This is to help us get a better understanding of usage and costs to measure the operational efficiency.
Keep IEM devices online
Once installed, it is important that the IEM devices:
Are not touched or moved.
Remain on 24/7 either via mains power or battery.
Remain connected to either the dedicated Wi-Fi network or cellular network.
Remain clear of any obstructions or coverings.
These devices must stay online so that they can collect data that helps schools and the Ministry to understand the performance of the internal environment of the space. The information collected may help to inform decisions around property projects and improvements for a school. Schools will be contacted if we notice devices are offline. More information on what to do if your device seems inactive is in the frequently asked questions.
Within the Te Haratau programme, Fitness for purpose is one of three key aspects that will work to achieve quality learning environments as part of a well-managed and sustainable portfolio.
This will help to deliver equitable and excellent outcomes for every child.
As the Government’s goal is to achieve Quality Learning Environments by 2030, we are installing IEM devices across all state Schools and Kura in Aotearoa to monitor and improve the internal environment of classrooms.
These devices measure carbon dioxide, temperature, humidity, sound and light, which all support better educational outcomes.
How to read an IEM device (not read)
At your school or Kura, you will have either AirSuite or Monkeytronics IEM devices installed on the wall of your classroom.
This is what an IEM device looks like with, and without, a screen.
You can see the different measures quality in your space, such as how warm or cold the room is from the temperature or how loud the room is.
IEM devices with a screen show the real-time quality of the classroom and when there is no screen on the device, simply download the AirSuite Monitor App and login to view the results.
Benefits of IEM devices (not read)
There are two main benefits of having an IEM device in your classroom switched on:
1) They help teachers create a comfortable indoor environment.
Studies have proven that better quality indoor environments support better educational outcomes, so IEM devices are a useful tool for teachers to ensure classrooms are comfortable, and optimal for student learning.
For example, without appropriate ventilation, a classroom can be stuffy and potentially cause the students headaches and tiredness which affects learning. This can be detected by IEM devices through CO2 measurement.
2) They help inform school property planning
IEM devices collect and report data back to us on how the internal environment is performing over time which can help to inform property planning.
It’s important to ensure that IEM devices are not touched, moved and are clear of any obstructions. If practical, they should be kept on at all times, even during weekends and school holidays.
Please let us know if your devices are missing, damaged or not working, or we will contact you if we see your device has dropped offline.
Using the IEM device to guide actions (not read)
If your IEM device is displaying a reading outside of the recommended range, it’s time to act.
For example, if CO2 measurements exceed the recommended level, consider opening your classroom windows for 5-10 minutes to bring in fresh outdoor air.
Check your IEM device 15 minutes after making a change to see the effect it has made.
There are a range of small daily operational changes, based on real-time measurements, that can make a big difference to the quality of Aotearoa’s internal learning environments.
Where to go for more information (not read)
If you want more information about IEM devices or actions you should take, have a look at Ministry guidance, contact your Property Advisor or the Te Haratau team.
Energy survey
To support the Carbon Neutral Government Programme (CNGP) on behalf of the state schooling sector, the Ministry is gathering information from all state schools and school boards about their energy sources. This is collected through the energy survey.
This process begins with the board chair (or another nominated board member) providing authorisation to the Ministry. When this is given, the survey is sent to the school to capture data on what energy sources they use and who they get it from. See the frequently asked questions to find out how to complete the Energy Survey.
Te Haratau Programme – Operational Efficiency (not read)
Within the Te Haratau programme, Operational Efficiency is one of three key aspects that will work to achieve quality learning environments as part of a well-managed and sustainable portfolio.
This will help to deliver equitable and excellent outcomes for every child.
Operational Efficiency collects and reports information on the resources required to operate school buildings, such as electricity and water.
The first stage of Operational Efficiency is collecting energy consumption data across the portfolio to determine the energy performance of each school, compared to other similar schools. In order to understand each school and kura’s energy consumption, we first need authorisation from the School
Board and the school or Kura to complete the Energy Survey.
The Energy Survey (not read)
The Energy Survey collects information on the energy sources required to operate school buildings. For example, a school may use various energy sources, each with differing levels of consumption and carbon emissions, such as electricity, gas or coal. Once the Energy Survey is completed, it will enable a full picture of a school or Kura’s energy consumption.
Why is it important (not read)
By filling out the Energy Survey, it will help give the school or Kura:
1) A better understanding of energy consumption to inform operational changes such as using timers on heating systems; and
2) Better decision making to ensure long term property planning of the school includes energy efficient and sustainability initiatives.
The Energy Survey also provides key data to help inform:
3) Carbon emissions reporting for the Carbon Neutral Government Programme. This data is being used to help identify the best opportunities for emission reduction; to set targets and create plans to reduce emissions; and allow us to track our progress along the way.
This is an exciting opportunity to be a part of making school and Kura more energy efficient and sustainable, contributing to a carbon neutral Aotearoa.
What do Schools and Kura need to do? (not read)
The process for completing the Energy Survey is easy and only requires two actions.
Action 1: Sign the Authorisation Form
The Ministry emails the School Board an authorisation form, which, once signed, gives the Ministry permission to collect consumption data directly from the supplier. After this form has been completed, an automated email is sent containing the Energy Survey. It’s important to check the junk or spam folder if the email can’t be found in the regular inbox.
Action 2: Fill out the Energy Survey
Schools and Kura need a digital copy of recent invoices from each energy retailer, for example, an electricity, piped gas, or coal invoice. With these on hand, the survey takes approximately 10 minutes to complete.
To date, over 80% of School Boards have filled out the Energy Survey and authorised access to energy data. If your school or Kura hasn’t completed the Energy Survey, please complete it as soon as possible.
Where to go for more information (not read)
For more information about Operational Efficiency and the Carbon Neutral Government Programme, have a look at these resources.
If you have a specific question, contact the Te Haratau team
Who does the work?
We partner with the following suppliers to help collect Te Haratau data:
Network 4 Learning (N4L) is our supplier installing internal environment monitoring devices, working with its partners Aotea Communications and Online Communications. They will contact schools to ensure they are network ready. Being network ready means schools are connected to a reliable internet network that is resilient, safe and secure.
Cortexo is the company we use to collect energy data. The email request for authorisation and to complete the energy survey is sent by them to the School Board or school email address. Their systems meet Ministry IT and security requirements, and the information is stored securely.
The following companies complete Condition Assessments:
AS Jacobs
Logic Group
Betta Inspect It
The following companies supply Internal Environmental Monitoring devices (IEM):
From July 2023, we have collected a year’s worth of data on condition, fitness for purpose and operational efficiency for 20% of the state school property portfolio. We are rolling out the model in stages and have introduced our sources of data incrementally over the last few years.
We are now rolling out IEM devices and condition assessments, starting with schools in the 24/25 5YA year. These schools will have IEM devices installed and assessors will come on site to complete a condition assessment. At the same time, these schools will be asked to complete the SEPE questionnaire to gather their perspective on how well their buildings and site support their education vision and daily practice. Schools that haven’t completed their energy survey will also need to complete this to meet their obligations under the Carbon Neutral Government Programme.
We are also installing IEM devices in schools that are network ready, but not part of the 24/25 5YA year.
We will continue to take a phased approach to implementing Te Haratau into all schools over the next few years.
How we use the data
The data will be used to assess how school property is performing and supporting education outcomes (includes the physical asset, the internal environment and how efficiently the school operates) and to identify trends and inform business decisions that will help us meet the Ministry target of quality learning environments by 2030.
The benefits of this data will continue to grow as more information is gathered.
How we view the data collected
Although we have started collecting the data, we are still building the reporting system that will allow us to view it in a meaningful and easily understood way.
In the meantime, schools can see “live” data collected by IEM devices in real time.
IEM devices with a screen show the real-time quality of the classroom. When there is no screen on the device, simply scan the QR code below to download the AirSuite Monitor App and pair your devices via Bluetooth to view the results.
Schools can see their SEPE and EBR as documents in the Helios Portal if they have gone through the 10YPP process since these were introduced.
We are also working on a reporting dashboard for schools to access their data. In 2024, we will start engaging with kura and schools to understand how we can best support them to use this data via the reporting dashboard and by providing operational and behavioural guidance. This will include things like the best ways to ventilate and operate heating systems.