Changes in education

The Government is planning and implementing changes across a number of areas of education policy and practice.

Teaching and learning

Curriculum and assessment changes

Aotearoa New Zealand's histories and Te Takanga o Te Wā

Digital Technologies and Hangarau Matihiko learning

Curricula and NCEA change support for ITE

Supporting students

Strengthening learning support

Counselling in schools

Response to the Highest Needs Review

School operations and resourcing

Equity Index

Ministerial advisory group reviewing school staffing

Property and transport

Value-for-money reviews of school property

Independent inquiry into the school property system

Te Haratau: Lifting the quality of physical learning environments

Te Mahere Taiao: The environmental action plan for school property

Ngā iti Kahurangi: Improving classrooms in small or remote schools

Reducing emissions in schools and kura

National school redevelopment programme

National flood risk management project

Rebuilding Christchurch schools

People and employment

Schools payroll remediation

Holidays Act programme

SSRSS and TRSS superannuation compensation

KiwiSaver remediation and compensation

Final pay when ending a job

Changes to the Ministry of Education

Holidays Act programme (Ministry payroll)

Kōrero Mātauranga | Education Conversation

We’ve reached out to all New Zealanders as part of a kōrero on the future of education in New Zealand.

New Zealanders have talked to us about what needs to change, and people from diverse perspectives are helping to design some of the changes to education.

See the conversations:

Kōrero Mātauranga – Education Conversation(external link)

Strategies and policies

For more, see strategies and policies. 

Strategies and policies(external link)

Quick links

Ka Ora, Ka Ako | Healthy School Lunches programme

Action Plan for Pacific Education

Tertiary Education Strategy

National Education and Learning Priorities

International Education Strategy

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