Education to Employment

Helping ākonga to Discover, Explore, and Connect to the world of work across Aotearoa

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  • Students
  • Employers
  • Teachers and Kaiako
  • Community Partners
  • Principals Tumuaki
  • Parents, Caregivers and Whānau


Education to employment focuses on connecting ākonga to the world of work.  This helps ākonga to be informed of the opportunities out there, and to  prepare for their future – whether it be in further education or mahi. 

What is Education to Employment?

Education to Employment helps prepare ākonga for their futures by connecting them with employers.

An ‘employer’ can be anyone working in an industry or business who wants to help ākonga prepare for the world of work. They can be in any business or industry, and be in any type of role.

Learning about the world of work is a journey.  Ākonga and their whānau will:

  • DISCOVER – what their possibilities are – what they are passionate about, what careers are out there, what they like to study, and find out more about what job opportunities are out there
  • EXPLORE – what opportunities exist for them – what they would like to study, what industries and jobs might interest them
  • CONNECT – see the world of work – get insight into what jobs do, gain work experience or on-the-job learning.

Employer or industry engagement can happen in a number of ways:

Employer engagement is most effective when it starts early and is ongoing.

Benefits of employer engagement

Ākonga can:

  • Connect their school-based learning to the workplace
  • Have better engagement, attendance, and academic results
  • See the relevance of what they are learning at school/kura, and have increased confidence in their futures
  • Make better informed decisions about what pathways might work for them
  • See and understand different opportunities.

Employers can:

  • Support ākonga in their own communities or at the school/kura they attended
  • Showcase their industry with ākonga and their whānau, what jobs exist, and the skills they are looking for
  • Employers can use these engagements as an opportunity to see and engage with future talent for their business(es).

Case Studies

Patton Engineering and Hastings Boys’ High School

Patton Engineering and Hastings Boys’ High School built on alumni connections to support the school’s Engineering and Building programmes.

This initiative started small, with only Patton Engineering involved. It has since grown to over 31 employers and suppliers who support Hastings Boys’ High School with funding and materials that enable the school’s programmes to grow.

Check out this(external link) article about the partnership in the Engineering and Manufacturing Magazine.


Mainfreight and Manurewa High School

Mainfreight and Manurewa High School co-designed a programme that helps ākonga connect to the world of work while studying at school. It gives them an opportunity to gain sustainable and high-paid employment.

Ākonga involved in the programme are contracted (and paid) by Mainfreight for 2 days each week. Their contracts require that they attend school on the other weekdays, to meet their study requirements.

This initiative began in 2020. Eight ākonga completed the course, and were offered roles with Mainfreight upon course completion. They have a great starting salary and lots of future opportunities to grow, keep learning and develop their careers. The initiative is ongoing and a new cohort of ākonga are participating in 2021.

Learn more about the work that is going on at Manurewa High School Business Academy here(external link).


Kāinga Ora and Massey High School

Kāinga Ora and Massey High School co-designed a programme that helps ākonga connect to the building and construction industry through an intensive 5-days-a-week building academy.

Because ākonga spend so much time in the programme, they become more engaged in their learning and achieve better academic results. Ākonga spend their time building Kāinga Ora houses; supporting their community, and other communities across Aotearoa New Zealand.

Check out this(external link) video for more.


Fusion Networks and Tamaki College / IBM P-Tech and Aorere College & Manurewa High School

These schools and organisations co-designed a Pathways into Technology programme to help ākonga connect to the technology industry and provide internship opportunities while in school.

The P-Tech programme helps and supports ākonga towards the technology jobs of the future, helping them earn a technology diploma on top of NCEA qualifications on completion.  This helps place them first in line for work experience with a technology company, and any future opportunities.

Find out more here(external link).


Events That Connect Schools, Communities, Employers and Pacific Peoples 

Te Tai Tokerau 

Got a Trade? Got it Made! SpeedMeet 2021 TBC
Work Ready NZ's Employer Event Series at Whangarei Girls' High School 4th, 8th and 9th of February 


Got a Trade? Got it Made! SpeedMeet 2021 TBC
Media Design School, Ōtara 4.0 Events  From 5-7pm on March 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd and 30th 
Ara Education Trust's Careers Simulation Experience Events  March 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th, April 1st, May 6th, 13th and 20th 
Women In Trades Event  March 24th
Graeme Dingle Foundation March 29th, June 14th 
Media Design School  March 30th 

Hawke's Bay, Tairāwhiti 

Got a Trade? Got it Made! SpeedMeet 2021 TBC
Got a Trade? Got it Made! SpeedMeet 2021 TBC

Bay of Plenty, Waiariki 

Te Aho Matua Pathways  April 14th 
Priority One  May 18th 



Taranaki, Whanganui, Manawatū 

Got a Trade? Got it Made! SpeedMeet 2021 TBC
Firebrand  June 22nd 


Got a Trade? Got it Made! SpeedMeet 2021 TBC
BCITO Trades Secrets TBC
Wainuiomata College  TBC
Kāpiti Youth Employment Event  March 24th
Women in Trades' Event  May 5th 
Te Rūnanga o Toa Rangatira  June 2nd 

Nelson, Marlborough, West Coast 

Productive People's "Great Futures Start Here" Event  From 9am-2pm, March 14th, 15th and 16th 
Nelson Tasman Regional Development Agency's Employment Event  May 25th, June 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd and 29th
Marlborough Chamber of Commerce  August 25th - 27th 

Canterbury and the Chatham Islands 

Got a Trade? Got it Made! SpeedMeet 2021 TBC

Otago, Southland

Got a Trade? Got it Made! SpeedMeet 2021 TBC
BCITO Trades Secrets Event TBC
Otago Chamber of Commerce - Pasifika Navigators of Tomorrow Event  March 24th


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