Ngarimu waiata composition competition

The Ngarimu Waiata Composition Competition for Māori learners in Years 7 to 13 is now open!

The competition has been extended and now closes Sunday 1st September 2024.

Level of compliance Main audience Other


  • Ākonga 
  • Parents, caregivers and whānau

  • Teachers and kaiako

About the Ngarimu waiata composition competition

Many waiata were composed by and for the 28th (Māori) Battalion in recognition of their contribution to World War II. Some were written by hōia (soldiers) themselves, and some by whānau and iwi Māori to encourage, farewell, welcome back or mourn the men who served in the 28th (Māori) Battalion.

Waiata, mōteatea, haka and poi have always been an intrinsic part of how Māori tell stories, share information, and remember loved ones.

This is why the Ngarimu waiata composition competition was developed and is the newest addition to the Ngarimu VC and 28th (Māori) Battalion Memorial scholarships and awards.

Purpose of the competition

The purpose of the competition is to honour the legacy of Victoria Cross winner Second Lieutenant Te Moana-nui-a-Kiwa Ngarimu and members of the 28th (Māori) Battalion. It encourages ākonga to express their knowledge and personal connections to the 28th (Māori) Battalion through waiata.

It is an opportunity for ākonga to explore their creativity and increase their understanding of the contribution the 28th (Māori) Battalion soldiers made to whānau, hapū, iwi and the shape of Aotearoa New Zealand.

Entry information

This competition is open to ākonga in Years 7 to 13.

For full details about entering the competition, see the entry requirements page.

Ngarimu waitata composition competition and entry requirements

This competition closes Sunday 1st September 2024.


There are 2 prize categories:

  • English or bilingual
  • te reo Māori.

Competitors are allowed to enter both categories by composing a waiata and then submitting different language versions.  

Entries in te reo Māori must be shared in both te reo Māori and in English.

Waiata genres

Entries can be in any of the following waiata genres:

  • waiata oriori
  • waiata tangi
  • waiata aroha
  • waiata hōu
  • mōteatea
  • waiata-ā-ringa
  • poi
  • haka
  • himene.

Kaupapa | Themes

There will be 4 themes for participants to choose from:

  1. Compose a waiata about a tūpuna or member of the 28th (Māori) Battalion from your rohe and tell us what makes that person a tāonga to you, your whānau, kura, community, hapū or iwi.
  2. Compose a waiata about a 28th (Māori) Battalion event and/or company (A, B, C, D and HQ). What made it special to you/your rohe?
  3. The price of citizenship: compose a waiata on the contribution of Māori to the first and/or second world war. Think about why you/your whānau did or did not support the war.
  4. The wāhine of the 28th Māori Battalion played an important role too. Compose a waiata about a wāhine or pouaru and the significant role she played in supporting the 28th Māori Battalion, their whānau and rohe, during and/or post-war.

The kaupapa of the waiata composition competition is not limited to World War II. Research material and information from World War I will also be considered for this competition.

Your waiata should draw on the characteristics of the Māori Battalion: leadership, ingenuity, resourcefulness, bravery and so on.

When composing your waiata, aim to evoke emotion and highlight your writing and research abilities.

Judging and prizes

The judges will focus on key criteria. These are your ability to:

  • create a clear connection between waiata and chosen theme
  • evoke an emotional response
  • write a waiata that is either entertaining or thought provoking
  • use original artistic flair – composition demonstrates originality and creativity.

Prizes for ākonga and kura

Winning ākonga and their kura will receive the following prizes.

Prizes may differ depending on number of recipients for each placing.

Entries in te reo Māori


For the student/s

For a nominated school, kura or home-school parent



Up to $960

Up to $410

Up to $1,370


Up to $740

Up to $320

Up to $1,060


Up to $420

Up to $180

Up to $600

Entries in English or that are bilingual


For the student/s

For a nominated school, kura or home-school parent



Up to $960

Up to $410

Up to $1,370


Up to $740

Up to $320

Up to $1,060


Up to $420

Up to $180

Up to $600

Resources to help your research

Waiata, haka, plays, films, documentaries, war memorials, letters, artefacts and other tāonga are often held in libraries, archive centres, museums, with whānau and at marae.

Connect with people in your rohe for advice about where to find the information you’re looking for.

There is also a range of information online for you to explore.

Kia Mau – TKI(external link)

28th Māori Battalion website(external link)

Archives New Zealand(external link)

National Library of New Zealand(external link)

Ministry for Culture and Heritage(external link)

Download a competition poster for your classroom

2024 Ngarimu waiata composition competition – A4 poster 1 [PDF, 491 KB]

2024 Ngarimu waiata composition competition – A4 poster 2 [PDF, 490 KB]

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