Marshland School

Marshland School is a Year 1-8 full primary school. It was rebuilt along the road from its previous site as part of the Christchurch Schools Rebuild programme. It opened at the beginning of 2016.

Facts and figures

Cost $10.2 million
Current roll 348 students (provisional as at 1/7/2016)
Current roll capacity 400 students
Construction began February 2015
Construction complete December 2015
Opened February 2016

Deep, low windows and plenty of nooks are among the variety of learning spaces which students can choose from to support them in different types of learning styles. They can curl up in a windowsill with a book, or go to the tables or mezzanines for collaborative group discussion.

The $10m school has been built with four learning studios, a multipurpose hall, library and community space.

The learning spaces are positioned north and south of the administration area. The spaces are in pairs separated by multipurpose technology areas, each with its own mezzanine level. These provide bird’s eye views over the learning spaces, and invite quiet independent learning.

Earthworks have provided an amphitheatre for outdoor learning and seating for sports days. There are also 3 new playgrounds, a sandpit and shade sails.

Marshland School currently has space for up to 400 students, but building is under way to expand the school to meet the growing roll.

The second stage of construction will be completed by the beginning of 2017, and will accommodate up to 516 students, including 16 students in the inclusive education unit.

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