What parents, caregivers and whānau need to know about donations
Know your rights, obligations and the rules around school donations. Learn more about the government’s donation scheme.
Level of compliance | Main audience | Other |
Inform |
- Key information
- What is the donations scheme?
- What happens if your school opts in
- What happens if your school does not join
- Rules that apply at all times
- What are your obligations
- Attendance dues for state-integrated schools and kura
- What is a school camp?
- More information
Key information
- Parents, caregivers and whānau never have to make a donation to school or kura if they choose not to.
- State schools can never charge domestic students for enrolment or attendance or for the delivery of curriculum.
- If a parent or caregiver chooses to purchase supplies such as pens for their child from the school, then they must pay as per agreed.
- If your child attends a school or kura with an Equity Index number of 432 or above, the school board needs to decide each year whether it will opt in to the school donations scheme.
What is the donations scheme?
The donations scheme is designed to ease pressure and expectation on families to pay donations even though they are voluntary.
If a school or kura is in the scheme, the Government will pay the school $154.13 per student per year if the school board agrees not to ask you for any donations (gifts/koha), except for overnight school camps.
The scheme does not change the long-standing entitlement of students to a free education.
As a parent, caregiver or whānau member you can ask to attend the board meeting where they will discuss whether to opt in or not.
What happens if your school opts in
- The board cannot ask you to make a donation unless it is for an overnight camp.
- You can choose to pay none, some, or all of the donation.
- If you choose not to make a donation, your child cannot be stopped from attending a camp if it is part of the school’s core learning programme (curriculum).
- You cannot be asked to make either a general or specific donation (for example, a donation for a day trip to a museum or a field trip to a hiking track).
What happens if your school does not join
- The school/kura will not receive additional funding.
- Your school/kura can still ask you to make donations.
- The school board may seek donations toward the cost of the core learning programme (curriculum).
- You can be asked to make either a general or specific donation (for example, a donation for a day trip to a museum or a field trip to a hiking track).
- Donations are voluntary. You can choose to pay none, some, or all of the donation.
- If you choose not to make a donation, your child cannot be stopped from attending a camp or field trip if it is part of the core learning programme (curriculum).
Rules that apply at all times
Section 33 of the Education and Training Act 2020 states that every person who is not an international student is entitled to free enrolment and free education at any state school.
That person is entitled to free enrolment and free education for the period beginning on their fifth birthday and ending on 1 January after their 19th birthday.
This means that state schools cannot charge domestic students a fee for:
- enrolment
- attendance
- the delivery of the curriculum.
Education and Training Act 2020 – NZ Legislation(external link)
Schools and kura can ask parents to pay for goods they provide that are optional (for example, pens, lunches).
What are your obligations
- Donations are voluntary, no matter who asks for them.
- You never have to make a donation to your school or kura, but you can give any size donation any time if you want to.
- If you choose to do this, GST is not payable on the donation and you can claim a tax credit.
If you have questions regarding payments contact your board or your local Ministry office. You can also email any questions to school.donations@education.govt.nz.
Goods and services
If you are asked to purchase goods and services, it is up to you whether you buy them from the school or kura or elsewhere.
You should not be pressured to buy goods or services, but if you agree to buy from your school or kura, you must pay for it.
If the school or kura has a uniform, you need to provide your child with one. You can choose to buy it from the school or kura or, if available, to buy a new or secondhand uniform elsewhere.
Optional activities
If you choose to have your child participate in optional activities such as weekend sports teams or after-hours cultural activities (extra-curricular), you may be asked to cover the costs of these activities.
Attendance dues for state-integrated schools and kura
State-integrated schools and kura have the same core learning programme as state schools or kura. That is, the New Zealand Curriculum or Te Marautanga o Aotearoa. They also have their own special character – usually a philosophical or religious belief.
You must pay attendance dues to the proprietor of a state-integrated school or kura to cover the cost of property-related matters. Attendance dues are compulsory.
The maximum level of attendance dues cannot be increased without the approval of the Minister of Education.
What is a school camp?
- A school camp is defined as any curriculum-related activity where students are expected to stay overnight as part of that activity.
- Parents, caregivers and whānau can choose to pay none, some or all of the school camp donation.
- If they choose not to make a donation, a child cannot be stopped from attending a camp if it is part of the school’s curriculum.
Activities | Examples |
Camp |
Not camp |
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