Teacher Supply Package information release
Proactive release of Education Reports in relation to teacher supply.
Initiatives are being expanded to help schools recruit the additional teachers needed for 2019, after new analysis provides a clearer picture of demand.
The latest estimates are that up to an extra 650 primary teachers and 200 or so secondary teachers will be needed for 2019, adding to the country’s pool of around 70,000 teachers.
The Government has made available an extra $10.5 million funding, on top of the $29.5 million already allocated since late 2017 to increase teacher supply.
Education Report: Teacher Supply Update (14 September 2018) [PDF, 1 MB]
Education Report: Teacher Supply Update (5 October 2018) [PDF, 925 KB]
Education Report: Funding 2018-201919 Teacher Supply Initiatives [PDF, 1.5 MB]
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