Advice seen by our Ministers

We proactively release material that the Minister and Associate Ministers of Education have seen from us as part of our ongoing commitment to openness and transparency.

The Ministers of Education receive a wide range of advice from us, and are expected to make a wide range of decisions across the education sector. Some of these decision making processes will take longer than others. This means that some material delivered to the Ministers may relate to items that remain under active consideration, and take longer to be proactively released.

When we are able to, we will release these documents, with some redactions made in line with the withholding grounds under the Official Information Act. These withholding grounds are detailed below.

This information is released in 2 stages. Each week, we release a list of the titles of briefings and reports that the Minister received from the Ministry. Once a month, we release the full text of advice received.

If you need any additional information or want to lodge a request for official information, email:

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Documents are available in Adobe PDF format only. Accessible versions, where available, can be supplied on request.



Advice seen by our Ministers - June 2024

Cabinet Papers





4 June 2024 Stanford Establishing a knowledge-rich national curriculum grounded in the science of learning [PDF, 3.1 MB] CAB-24-MIN-0191
24 June 2024 Seymour Education and Training Amendment Bill: Approval for introduction [PDF, 19 MB]  CAB-24-MIN-0224

Briefing Notes





 7 June 2024 Stanford Background information and speech notes for kōhanga reo property funding announcement 1330005
11 June 2024  Seymour Release of 2024 Term 1 Attendance Data 1329661
11 June 2024  Simmonds Meeting with China's Minister of Education and High-Level Education Forum  1330319
12 June 2024 Stanford Final meeting with the Ministerial Advisory Group 1330213
13 June 2024 Stanford Maitai School Visit Brief 1330599
21 June 2024 Simmonds Ministerial Satisfaction Survey 2023/24  1330753 
24 June 2024 Stanford Meeting Hon Erica Stanford and Education Payroll Ltd 1330801
25 June 2024 Stanford School Property Value for Money - Review Outcomes 1331038
27 June 2024 Stanford Amendments to primary legislation since 2017 1331141

Education Reports





7 June 2024 Seymour Allocating the Regional Response Fund in FY 2024/25 [PDF, 1.5 MB] 1329943
11 June 2024  Stanford State and State Integrated Schools Terms, Holidays and Cohort Entry Dates for 2025 and 2026  1329734
12 June 2024 Stanford Sommerville School Visit Brief  1329613
13 June 2024 Simmonds Confirming 2025 grants for Wananga  1330017
13 June 2024 Simmonds Consultation on 2025 funding determinations and fee regulation settings 1327934
13 June 2024 Simmonds Education New Zealand State of Play Report until May 2024 1328095
17 June 2024 Seymour Supporting Pacific immersion early childhood education and care services  1323147 
24 June 2024 Stanford Establishment of new state school in Flat Bush, Auckland 1330090
24 June 2024 Stanford NCEA PAG update 1331380
25 June 2024 Seymour Term 2 and ongoing Provisional release of provisional termly regular attendance data 1331180
26 June 2024 Stanford Requirements for reporting to parents on progress and achievement 1328931
26 June 2024 Simmonds Public consultation on the use of National Student Numbers 1328855
27 June 2024 Stanford Achievement Target: Iterative Delivery Plan for approval 1331600
27 June 2024 Stanford Implementation of regulatory settings for Teacher Only Days  1327915
27 June 2024 Stanford Change of location, classification, name and maximum roll increase for Miramar Christian School (4119) 1328502
27 June 2024 Seymour Attendance Target Delivery Plan 1330824
27 June 2024 Seymour Sequencing of Attendance Work Programme 1327429

Advice seen by our Ministers - May 2024

Cabinet papers 





6 May 2024 Seymour Mandatory daily provision of school attendance data [PDF, 1.6 MB] CAB-24-MIN-0154
6 May 2024 Seymour Oral Item: Increasing Student Attendance [PDF, 910 KB] CAB-24-MIN-0153
6 May 2024 Stanford Oral Item: Lifting Student Achievement [PDF, 1.3 MB] CAB-24-MIN-0153
13 May 2024 Stanford Government Response to the report of the Petitions Committee on the Petition [PDF, 1011 KB]
of Maggie Ross (Provide funding for all schools to have gender-neutral [PDF, 1011 KB]
bathrooms) [PDF, 1011 KB]
27 May 2024 Seymour Education (Early Childhood Services) Amendment 2024 [PDF, 1.6 MB] CAB-24-MIN-0188

Briefing notes





1 May 2024 Stanford School network planning and prioritisation framework [PDF, 1.9 MB] 1327047
1 May 2024 Stanford Supporting Information for your meeting with Te Rūnanga Nui o Ngā Kura Kaupapa Māori o Aotearoa on 2 May 2024 1326740
2 May 2024 Stanford Meeting with Te Tauihu o Ngā Wānanga 1327569
6 May 2024 Stanford Supporting information for meeting with Te Kōhanga Reo National Trust Board 1326760
7 May 2024 Stanford Draft Cabinet paper on curriculum next steps [PDF, 860 KB] 1327938
8 May 2024 Stanford Ministry response to the Education Review Office report on teachers 1327134
8 May 2024 Simmonds Student Loan Scheme Forecast Valuation 2024 1328194
9 May 2024 Stanford Conference of Commonwealth Education Ministers and Education World Forum, UK –Ministerial Briefing Pack 1326748
13 May 2024 Seymour LEG paper for lodging: Regulatory amendments for ECE persons(s) responsible [PDF, 1.9 MB] 1328257
14 May 2024 Simmonds Student Loan Scheme quarterly report for January to March 2024 [PDF, 1.7 MB] 1327571
15 May 2024 Stanford Update on works at Wellington Girls College 1328496
15 May 2024 Stanford Update on large study participation  1326962 
16 May 2024 Simmonds Meeting with Minister of Revenue regarding improving compliance among overseas based student loan borrowers 1327592
27 May 2024 Stanford Curriculum next steps at Cabinet SOU on 29 May 2024  [PDF, 2.6 MB] 1329483 
28 May 2024 Seymour Further advice on the Early Learning Action Plan 1329516
29 May 2024 Seymour 5 June 2024 Early Childhood Advisory Committee Meeting [PDF, 975 KB] 1329800
30 May 2024 Stanford Gateway Assessment Review: key findings and proposed improvement  1327515

Education reports





2 May 2024 Stanford The NCEA Professional Advisory Group 1319367 
2 May 2024 Stanford, Seymour Charter schools | kura hourua: Futher legislative and Regulatory issues [PDF, 3.9 MB] 1327397
3 May 2024 Seymour Update on the implementation of a public information and behaviour change campaign focused on increasing school attendance [PDF, 7 MB] 1327158
8 May 2024 Stanford Replacement of the alternative constitution for the Kakatahi School (2375) Board [PDF, 1.8 MB] 1327911
9 May 2024 Stanford Structured Literacy additional supports, including reprioritising funding from Reading Recovery & Early Literacy Support [PDF, 3.7 MB] 1326506
9 May 2024 Stanford Implementing phonics checks in schools and kura 1327702
9 May 2024 Seymour A new equity index for early learning [PDF, 3.7 MB] 1319800
10 May 2024 Stanford Splitting the Combined Board of St Mary's Catholic School Putāruru (1957), and Bishop Edward Gains Catholic School (1607), Tokoroa, and re-establishing 2 separate boards [PDF, 1.1 MB] 1327927
15 May 2024 Seymour LEG paper for lodging: Regulatory amendments for ECE person(s) responsible  [PDF, 1.9 MB] 1328257
17 May 2024 Seymour Consultation feedback and next steps for revoking the National Statement [PDF, 2.3 MB] 1327426
22 May 2024 Stanford Proposed messaging about learning support priorities for website publication   1328825 
23 May 2024 Stanford Budget 24 Communications: Final Communications Pack  1329317 
27 May 2024 Seymour Consultation feedback and next steps for revoking the National Statement 1327426
30 May 2024 Seymour Cabinet paper – Education and Training [PDF, 754 KB] Amendment Bill: approval for introduction 1329441
30 May 2024 Seymour Publishing provisional regular attendance data for Term 1 2024 [PDF, 943 KB] 1329611


Advice seen by our Ministers - April 2024

Cabinet Papers





2 April 2024 Seymour

Regulatory changes to the requirements for person(s) responsible and change of service provider identity [PDF, 1.8 MB]

Regulatory Impact Statement: ECE Regulations – Changes to requirements for person responsible [PDF, 304 KB]

2 April 2024 Seymour

Changes to Education legislation: repealing network approval requirements for early childhood education [PDF, 1.3 MB]

Regulatory Impact Statement: Repeal of network approval legislation [PDF, 1 MB]

2 April 2024 Seymour

Public Service institutional arrangements for implementing charter schools | kura hourua [PDF, 456 KB]

2 April 2024 Seymour

Changes to Education legislation: a new framework for charter schools | kura hourua [PDF, 30 MB]

Regulatory Impact Statement: Reinstating a New Zealand model of charter schools [PDF, 24 MB]

15 April 2024 Stanford

The Minister of Education’s priorities [PDF, 1.2 MB]

15 April 2024 Stanford A Literacy Guarantee for children learning to read in state schools or kura [PDF, 1.2 MB] CAB-24-MIN-0131
15 April 2024 Seymour Changing the Provision Model for the Ka Ora, Ka Ako | Healthy School Lunches Programme, and introducing a targeted Early Childhood Food Programme [PDF, 1.2 MB] CAB-24-MIN-0131.01

Briefing Notes





4 April 2024 Seymour ECE Function [PDF, 1.5 MB] 1325643
4 April 2024 Seymour Release of 2023 Term 4 Attendance Data  [PDF, 1.2 MB] 1325156
4 April 2024 Stanford Chief Education Scientific Advisor: role and update on recent advice [PDF, 2 MB] 1325463
5 April 2024 Stanford WorkSafe School Technology Classroom Assessment Programme [PDF, 3.1 MB] 1325427
8 April 2024 Seymour Changing the Provision Model for the Ka Ora, Ka Ako | Healthy School Lunches Programme – Talking points for Social Outcomes Cabinet Committee [PDF, 696 KB] 1326166
9 April 2024 Seymour Press Release and Q&As: Announcement of the intent to repeal network approval provisions and amend person(s) responsible requirement [PDF, 723 KB] 1325972
10 April 2024 Stanford Release of two literacy evaluation reports [PDF, 724 KB] 1325374
11 April 2024 Stanford Meeting with Minister Chan Chun Sing, Singapore Minister of Education 1325418
11 April 2024 Stanford International Summit on the Teaching Profession (ISTP) - Ministerial Briefing Pack - Exposure Draft for Feedback 1325099
12 April 2024 Stanford Draft education target papers for Cabinet STR Committee on 30 April 2024 [PDF, 2.8 MB] 1326899
12 April 2024 Simmonds Meeting with Te Wānanga o Aotearoa [PDF, 684 KB] 1326501
17 April 2024 Seymour Additional information on licensing data [PDF, 1.8 MB] 1326597
18 April 2024 Seymour Update on Early Learning Action Plan 2019-2029 [PDF, 3.4 MB] 1327282
24 April 2024 Seymour Immigration settings, pay parity and the recruitment [PDF, 2.6 MB]
of ECE teachers from overseas [PDF, 2.6 MB]
29 April 2024 Simmonds Advice to support the Minister to meet with the [PDF, 878 KB]
National Disabled Students’ Association [PDF, 878 KB]
30 April 2024 Stanford Hāwea Flat School Board Petition: Talking Points for LEG [PDF, 1 MB] 1327560

Education Reports





2 April 2024 Simmonds Draft Letter of Expectations for the Tertiary Education Commission 1324745
4 April 2024 Stanford Learning support work programme priorities 1325220
5 April 2024 Seymour Consultation approach for revoking the National Statement on the Network of Licensed Early Childhood Services [PDF, 871 KB] 1324981
8 April 2024 Seymour Support entity for charter schools | kura hourua [PDF, 1.1 MB] 1325602
9 April 2024 Seymour Draft letter to the Regulations Review Committee responding to David Haynes' complaint [PDF, 2.2 MB] 1325462
10 April 2024 Stanford Curriculum Insights and Progress Study monitoring and expansion 1319524
10 April 2024 Simmonds Tertiary Education Commission State of Play report to March 2024 and Board appointments advice [PDF, 1.6 MB] 1325085
11 April 2024 Stanford 2023/24 Draft Supplementary Estimates and 2024/25 Estimates for Vote Education 1326062
11 April 2024 Stanford Crown Entity Monitoring - NZQA performance - State of Play March 24 [PDF, 5.9 MB] 1325112
12 April 2024 Stanford Request to decapitate Sunnyhills School [PDF, 926 KB] 1322099
12 April 2024 Seymour Advice on activities supporting the public announcement of the charter school's model [PDF, 2 MB] 1326019
12 April 2024 Stanford Design for the New Zealand Curriculum change programme [PDF, 927 KB] 1326990
17 April 2024 Seymour Draft LEG paper: Regulatory amendments for ECE person(s) responsible [PDF, 684 KB] 1326911
18 April 2024 Simmonds Vocational Education and Training – Achieving greater regional decision-making 1326769
19 April 2024 Seymour Ministerial and departmental consultation for cabinet paper on mandatory daily provision of school attendance data [PDF, 6.9 MB]  
19 April 2024 Simmonds Auckland Education Reserves Trust 2024 disbursement [PDF, 726 KB] 1326763
22 April 2024 Stanford Ministerial Appointments to the Combined Board for Westbridge Residential School (4157) and Halswell Residential College (522) [PDF, 2.4 MB] 1322225
23 April 2024 Stanford Professional learning and development for curriculum and assessment changes [PDF, 2 MB] 1326677
24 April 2024 Simmonds Annotated Agenda: VET Ministers’ Meeting #1 1327530
24 April 2024 Stanford Update Principal Eligibility Criteria Project 1324372
24 April 2024 Simmonds Approval of 2024-25 delegation for funding Workforce Development Councils 1326934
24 April 2024 Stanford Timeline for the New Zealand Curriculum Refresh [PDF, 4.3 MB]  1327038
30 April 2024 Stanford Timeline and Design for Te Marautanga o Aotearoa rewrite [PDF, 20 MB] 1327587


Advice seen by our Ministers - March 2024

Cabinet Papers





25 March 2024 Stanford Rephasing the NCEA Change Programme [PDF, 1.1 MB] CAB-24-MIN-0098.01
25 March 2024 Seymour Approach to improving attendance in schools [PDF, 1.6 MB] CAB-24-MIN-0098


Briefing Notes





 4 March 2024   Stanford Meeting with Ngā Puna Reo o Aotearoa, 5 March 2024 1323878
 5 March 2024    Stanford Information for a deep dive on education for children and young people with learning support needs [PDF, 2.2 MB] 1323872
 6 March 2024   Stanford Ngarimu VC and 28th (Māori) Battalion Memorial Scholarship Fund Board Hui and 2024 Ngarimu Scholarship Awards Ceremony 22 March 2024 1322827
 8 March 2024   Stanford New Zealand Council for Educational Research Annual Report 2022/23. 1319252
 15 March 2024   Seymour Unreasonable Suspension of Early Childhood Centre affecting 100 children in South Auckland [PDF, 1.6 MB] 1324938
 20 March 2024   Stanford Summary of key decisions on charter school model [PDF, 137 KB] 1325094
 20 March 2024   Seymour Cabinet paper for charter schools ready for lodging [PDF, 984 KB] 1323483
 20 March 2024   Stanford Survey on the services provided by Te Whakarōputanga Kaitiaki Kura o Aotearoa | New Zealand School Boards Association [PDF, 1.2 MB] 1323418
 20 March 2024   Seymour Meeting with Erin Maloney, Tiny Nation [PDF, 886 KB] 1323662
 21 March 2024    Stanford Meeting with Timor-Leste’s Minister of Education 1324586
 21 March 2024    Stanford Settlement of the Therapist Pay Equity Claim 1325071
 21 March 2024    Stanford King's Birthday Royal Honours 2024. 1325157
 22 March 2024   Seymour Early Childhood Education and Care: noise requirements [PDF, 2.5 MB] 1325001
 22 March 2024   Stanford Design for Phase 1 Attendance public reporting [PDF, 2.4 MB] 1325072
 22 March 2024   Seymour Talking points for Cabinet papers: Changes to ECE legislation and regulations [PDF, 2.1 MB] 1325433
 25 March 2024   Stanford International Engagement opportunities to discuss Indigenous education 1322551
 27 March 2024   Stanford Supporting Information for your meeting with Ngā Kura ā Iwi o Aotearoa, 28 March 2024 1325543
 27 March 2024   Seymour Cabinet Paper: Changing the Provision Model for the Ka Ora, Ka Ako | Healthy School Lunches Programme, and introducing a targeted Early Childhood Food Programme [PDF, 697 KB]  1325253

Education Reports





1 March 2024 Stanford Change of classification and change of designation for Te Kura o Te Wainui-a-Rua (559)  [PDF, 1.3 MB] 1321518
1 March 2024 Seymour Preliminary Advice on Flexible Provision Model for Secondary Learners [PDF, 941 KB] 1323940
4 March 2024 Stanford Change of proprietor for Catholic Cathedral College [PDF, 3.1 MB] 1322567
4 March 2024 Seymour Cabinet Papers: Changes to ECE legislation (network approval) and ECE regulation (person/s responsible and service provider identity) [PDF, 1.9 MB] 1324011
6 March 2024 Stanford Preparation for Budget 2024 Education Bilateral 1324019
8 March 2024 Seymour Options to reduce the cost of Ka Ora, Ka Ako | Healthy School Lunches Programme through a differentiated food offering [PDF, 940 KB] 1324392
8 March 2024 Seymour Charter schools: charter, enrolment, and staff [PDF, 698 KB] 1324424
12 March 2024 Stanford Budget 2024 - Further information for bilateral preparation 1324470
15 March 2024 Seymour Charter Schools | Kura Hourua: Proposed changes to Cabinet paper following agency feedback [PDF, 883 KB] 1324612
15 March 2024 Seymour Changing the Provision Model for the Ka Ora, Ka Ako | Healthy School Lunches Programme, and commencing a targeted Early Childhood Food Programme [PDF, 704 KB] 1324394
15 March 2024 Stanford Implementing a structured approach to literacy in schools and kura [PDF, 2.9 MB] 1324218
14 March 2024 Simmonds Options for the future of the Taumata Aronui advisory group [PDF, 878 KB] 1323399
14 March 2024 Simmonds Crown Entity Monitoring - Education New Zealand | Manapou ki te Ao - State of Play November 2023 [PDF, 2 MB] 1319265
19 March 2024 Seymour Appointments to the Charter Schools | Kura Hourua Establishment Board [PDF, 1.2 MB] 1325029
19 March 2024 Stanford, Seymour Charter Schools: Transfer of staff terms and conditions including pay equity obligations [PDF, 904 KB] 1325045
20 March 2024 Seymour Cabinet papers for lodging: Changes to ECE legislation (repealing network approval) and changes to ECE regulations (person/s responsible and service provider identity) [PDF, 1.6 MB] 1325135
21 March 2024 Simmonds Letter to TEOs participating in the PBRF about the University Advisory Group [PDF, 951 KB] 1324989
27 March 2024 Stanford Mandatory daily provision of school attendance data [PDF, 3.8 MB] 1325152
27 March 2024 Simmonds Draft Letter of Expectations for the Tertiary Education Commission [PDF, 1.1 MB] 1324745

Advice seen by our Ministers - February 2024

Briefing Notes





9 February 2024  Stanford Meeting with Rocket Lab [PDF, 1.2 MB] 1322380
14 February 2024  Stanford Minister for Veterans' Affairs to consult with Minister Stanford on Approved Information Sharing Agreement (AISA) [PDF, 5.1 MB] 1322638
15 February 2024  Stanford Meeting with Hon Sonya Talagi, Niue Minister 1323872
16 February 2024  Simmonds Student Loan Scheme quarterly report, October - December [PDF, 11 MB] 1322570
19 February 2024  Simmonds Student Loan Scheme quarterly report, October - December [PDF, 11 MB] 1322570
19 February 2024  Seymour 2023 Early Childhood Education Census and Participation Intensity Measure Results [PDF, 2.9 MB] 1321481
21 February 2024  Stanford Meeting with the Secondary Principals’ Association of New Zealand (SPANZ) [PDF, 2.2 MB] 1322738
21 February 2024  Stanford Canterbury West Coast Secondary Principals' Association (CWCSPA) Meeting - 23 February 2024 [PDF, 2.1 MB] 1322744 
22 February 2024  Stanford Draft Minister of Education's Work Priorities Cabinet paper [PDF, 703 KB] 1322184
23 February 2024  Stanford Ngarimu VC and 28th (Māori) Battalion Memorial Scholarship Fund Board - New Statutory Members 1323208
26 February 2024  Seymour

Police Vetting in Early Learning Services [PDF, 1.2 MB]

27 February 2024  Stanford

Meeting with NZ Pasifika Principals Association [PDF, 1.1 MB]

28 February 2024  Seymour Minister Seymour's meeting with NZEI Te Riu Roa, 6 March 2024 [PDF, 1.1 MB] 1322842 
29 February 2024  Stanford Meeting with Chris Duggan, CEO of House of Science, on 4 March 2024 [PDF, 1.3 MB] 1322457
29 February 2024  Stanford Meeting with the Waikato, Bay of Plenty, Poverty Bay Intermediate and Middle School Principal Association 10-12pm, Thursday 29 February at Mount Maunganui (updated)  [PDF, 1.8 MB] 1323670

Education Reports





 1 February 2024  Simmonds Crown Entity Monitoring - Tertiary Education Commission | Te Amorangi Mātauranga Matua [PDF, 3.3 MB] 1319497
 1 February 2024  Simmonds Crown Entity Monitoring - ENZ State of Play Report Nov 23 1319265
 2 February 2024  Stanford, Seymour Budget 24 Attendance and Engagement, Early Childhood Education and Partnership Schools 1321841
 5 February 2024  Stanford Meeting with the Teaching Council on Partnership Schools [PDF, 786 KB] 1321757
 5 February 2024  Stanford Charter schools | kura hourua: Key features needed to reintroduce a charter school model [PDF, 1.1 MB] 1329517
 9 February 2024  Stanford Ministerial Appointment to the Central Regional Health School Board  [PDF, 1.6 MB] 1318524
 9 February 2024  Stanford Update on relationships and sexuality education in schooling  1320961
 13 February 2024  Stanford Risk Management Scheme - School Contents Deed
 14 February 2024  Stanford Engagement opportunities to discuss 1322560
 15 February 2024  Stanford Initial advice on attendance action plan [PDF, 3.8 MB] 1322328
 16 February 2024  Stanford Confirmation of the Build Roll of Chisnallwood Intermediate [PDF, 1.2 MB] 1322032
 16 February 2024  Simmonds Higher Education Funding and University System Advisory Group [PDF, 747 KB] 1322503
 16 February 2024 Stanford, Seymour Advice on transition arrangements for state schools converting to charter schools [PDF, 742 KB] 1322593
 16 February 2024 Stanford, Seymour Charter schools | kura hourua - Advice on processes for converting State schools to charter schools [PDF, 804 KB] 1319873
 19 February 2024  Seymour Setting up an Establishment Board for Charter Schools | Kura Hourua [PDF, 707 KB] 1322056
 21 February 2024  Stanford Budget 2024 Vote Education – Approval of Budget Package 1322036
 22 February 2024  Stanford Engaging on moving towards a more inclusive education system [PDF, 5.6 MB] 1322534
 22 February 2024  Seymour Changes in regulations to require schools to provide daily attendance data [PDF, 4.5 MB] 1322678
 22 February 2024  Stanford Response to the initial advice from the Ministerial Advisory Group's review of school staffing settings 1321081
 22 February 2024  Stanford Advice on 2024 board appointments 1318451
 23 February 2024  Seymour Exercising decision making powers for EL network [PDF, 2.8 MB] 1322312
 23 February 2024  Stanford, Seymour Charter schools | kura hourua: Further advice on charter school settings [PDF, 3.8 MB] 1322727
 23 February 2024  Stanford, Seymour Charter schools | Kura hourua: Authorisation Board [PDF, 756 KB] 1322942
 23 February 2024  Stanford, Seymour Performance management, auditing and intervention frameworks for Charter Schools - Kura Hourua [PDF, 1.6 MB] 1319872
 26 February 2024  Seymour Repealing network approval legislation [PDF, 2.4 MB] 1323108
 26 February 2024  Seymour ECE Regulations Person(s) responsible and change in service provider identity [PDF, 2.8 MB] 1323150
 28 February 2024  Stanford

Public Private Partnership Schools Programme: Tagged Contingency and Budget 24 [PDF, 3.4 MB]

 29 February 2024  Seymour Cabinet paper – Charter Schools for departmental and Ministerial consultation [PDF, 4.8 MB] 1323482

Advice seen by our Ministers - December 2023

Cabinet Papers





11 December 2023 Minister Stanford Education (2024 School Staffing) Amendment Order 2023 [PDF, 892 KB] CAB-23-MIN-0478
18 December 2023 Minister Stanford Education (School Boards) Amendment Regulations 2023 – Banning Cellphones in Schools [PDF, 1.9 MB] CAB-23-MIN-0357
18 December 2023 Minister Stanford Ministerial Advisory Group to review the English, and Mathematics curricula for primary ans intermediate school students [PDF, 1.1 MB] CAB-23-MIN-0497
18 December 2023 Minister Stanford Reversing the 20 Hours Early Childhood Education Initiative [PDF, 1018 KB] CAB-23-MIN-0491
18 December 2023 Minister Stanford Approach to mandating teaching times for maths, reading, and writing [PDF, 1.4 MB] CAB-23-MIN-0491

Briefing Notes





1 December 2023 Minister Stanford Talking points for Cabinet paper- Reversing the Budget 2023 20 Hours ECE initiative [PDF, 691 KB] 1319667
1 December 2023 Minister Stanford Draft Cabinet paper - Policy approvals for regulating the use of cell phones in schools [PDF, 866 KB] 1319666
5 December 2023 Minister Stanford 6 December 2023 Early Childhood Advisory Committee meeting [PDF, 1.2 MB] 1319826
5 December 2023 Minister Stanford Marlborough Schools Co-location Project [PDF, 884 KB] 1319807
6 December 2023 Minister Simmonds

Student Loan Scheme Quarterly Report

6 December 2023 Minister Stanford Cabinet paper: Policy approvals for regulating the use of cell phones in schools (for lodgement) [PDF, 760 KB] 1319980
6 December 2023 Minister Stanford Draft Cabinet papers for approval to lodge – progressing 100 day commitments for curriculum [PDF, 897 KB] 1319508
7 December 2023 Minister Stanford Marlborough Schools Co-location Project [PDF, 1.5 MB] 1319807
7 December 2023 Minister Stanford Visit to Takanini School on Sat 9 December 1319804
7 December 2023 Minister Stanford Briefing to the Incoming Minister - Infrastructure & Digital 1319368
7 December 2023 Minister Stanford Public Release of Teacher Demand & Supply Planning Projection - December 2023 [PDF, 1.9 MB] 1319395
8 December 2023 Minister Stanford Talking points for Cabinet paper - Reversing the 20 Hours ECE initiative [PDF, 793 KB] 1320132
8 December 2023 Minister Stanford Fair Pay Claims in the Education Sector in light of the Proposed Repeal of the Fair Pay Agreements Act 2022 [PDF, 845 KB] 1319602
11 December 2023 Minister Stanford Lessons Learnt and International Evidence on Partnership Schools [PDF, 25 MB] 1319868
12 December 2023 Minister Simmonds Vocational Education and Training Strategy Session Annotated agenda 1320215
12 December 2023 Minister Stanford ‘Away for the Day’ Policy Regulation under the Education and Training Act 2020 [PDF, 862 KB] 1320201
12 December 2023 Minister Stanford PMCSA Polluted information - key messages / Letter from Juliet Gerrard [PDF, 688 KB] 1319670
12 December 2023 Minister Stanford Usage and Effectiveness of Te Poutāhū Funded PLD [PDF, 1.4 MB] 1319811
13 December 2023 Minister Stanford Release of 2023 Term 3 attendance data [PDF, 2.4 MB] 1319668
14 December 2023 Minister Stanford Regulatory Systems (Education) Amendment Bill  1320240
14 December 2023 Minister Stanford Update on work to review school staffing settings [PDF, 863 KB] 1320384
19 December 2023 Minister Stanford A summary of Marlborough Colleges Co-location Project advice and decisions [PDF, 920 KB] 1320514
19 December 2023 Minister Stanford Appointments to the Ministerial Advisory Group to redesign the English and mathematics and statistics learning areas [PDF, 1.4 MB] 1320440
20 December 2023 Minister Simmonds Advice regarding the Minister’s role in endorsing individual tertiary institutions to enhance international collaborations 1320394
20 December 2023 Minister Simmonds Meeting with the Chair and Interim Chief Executive of Education New Zealand, 21 December 2023 1320167
20 December 2023   Minister Simmonds

Export Education Levy Annual Report

21 December 2023 Minister Stanford Early Childhood Education Overview 1319777
22 December 2023 Minister Stanford Lessons Learnt from Academy Schools in England [PDF, 1.7 MB] 1320405

Education Reports





4 December 2023 Minister Stanford Next steps in progressing 100-day plan commitments related to curriculum [PDF, 1.7 MB] 1319732
5 December 2023 Minister Stanford Education (2024 School Staffing) Amendment Order 2023 1318742
5 December 2023 Minister Simmonds Approach to making changes to funding vocational education and training 1319671
5 December 2023 Minister Simmonds Advice on support for apprenticeships post-2024 1319605
7 December 2023 Minister Simmonds

Implementation pathway to disestablishing Te Pūkenga and associated VET system changes

7 December 2023 Minister Simmonds Student Loan Scheme Annual Report 2022/23 1319469
7 December 2023 Minister Simmonds Design parameters for final-year fees-free 1319782
11 December 2023 Minister Simmonds Exploring opportunities to maximise the contributions of Wānanga 1319222
12 December 2023 Minister Simmonds Growing the number of international students in New Zealand 1319472
14 December 2023  Minister Stanford King’s Birthday Royal Honours 2024 1319457
14 December 2023  Minister Simmonds International Engagement Opportunities for the Minister for Tertiary Education and Skills in 2024 1319663
14 December 2023  Minister Stanford Progressing commitments related to assessment and aromatawai 1319270
15 December 2023 Minister Stanford Queen Elizabeth II Technicians’ Study Awards 1318901
18 December 2023  Minister Stanford Gazette notice for curriculum statements for teaching time requirements 1320532
20 December 2023 Minister Simmonds Legislation and establishment timeline for vocational education entities 1320447
20 December 2023 Minister Simmonds

Challenges and opportunities in foundation education

21 December 2023 Minister Stanford Monitoring Post-Election Briefing including New Zealand Qualifications Authority state of play report [PDF, 9.3 MB] 1319496

Advice seen by our Ministers - April 2023

Aide Memoire





 8 April 2023  Minister Tinetti Information to support your attendance at SCICON23 [PDF, 1001 KB]  1306247

Briefing Notes





12 April 2023 Minister Tinetti Attendance and Engagement: Progress update on new measures (unexplained and unjustified absences) 1303573
13 April 2023 Minister Tinetti Hui with Ngā Puna Reo o Aotearoa on 19 April 2023 [PDF, 844 KB] 1308139
13 April 2023 Minister Tinetti Speech for Keynote address at PPTA Education conference 1308259
14 April 2023 Minister Tinetti Speech notes for Post Primary Teachers Association / Te Wehengarua bi-annual Education Conference 17 April 2023 [PDF, 957 KB]  1308259
14 April 2023 Minister Tinetti Visit to Remuera Intermediate (1461) 1308609
20 April 2023 Minister Tinetti First meeting of the Youth Advisory Group for 2023 1308464
27 April 2023 Minister Tinetti Visit to Naenae College on Thursday 4 May 2023 for Ikura | Period Products in Schools milestone 1308072
28 April 2023 Minister Tinetti Meeting with Minister for Children regarding the Ministry’s implementation of the Oranga Tamariki Action Plan [PDF, 884 KB] 1309068

Education Reports





11 April 2023 Minister Tinetti Amendment to the Alternative Constitution for Kāpehu Whetū School Board [PDF, 1 MB] 1307167
13 April 2023 Minister Tinetti NCEA Literacy and Numeracy | Te Reo Matatini me te Pāngarau co-requisite [PDF, 1 MB] 1308525
13 April 2023 Minister Tinetti Delegation of powers of consultation under section 209 and clause 4 of Schedule 22 of the Education and Training Act 2020 1307911
18 April 2023 Minister Tinetti Draft Cabinet Paper: Issuing draft instructions for additional tranche two proposals of the Early Learning Regulatory Review 1303337
21 April 2023 Minister Tinetti Minor and technical changes to the Education (Pastoral Care of Tertiary and International Learners) Code of Practice 2021 [PDF, 770 KB] 1308969

Cabinet Papers




11 April 2023  Minister Tinetti Delivery of the NCEA and Curriculum Change Programmes [PDF, 1.3 MB]

Advice seen by our Ministers - January 2024

Briefing Notes





15 January 2024 Minister Stanford All-of-Government Response to Gloriavale 1312026

17 January 2024  

Minister Stanford Independent and Integrated Schools 1320882

17 January 2024

Minister Stanford Update on priorities in the Learning Support Action Plan (2019-2025) [PDF, 1 MB] 1320371

18 January 2024   

Minister Seymour 2024 Ngarimu VC and 28th (Māori) Battalion Memorial Scholarship [PDF, 3.1 MB]  1320369

18 January 2024   

Minister Stanford Integrated and Private Schools 1320882

18 January 2024   

Minister Stanford Improving education for children and young people with learning support needs [PDF, 1.2 MB] 1320715

19 January 2024 

Minister Simmonds Update on the Development of Budget 2024 1321222

19 January 2024 

Minister Stanford Meeting with UK Secretary of State for Education The Rt Hon Gillian Keegan MP [PDF, 2.1 MB] 1320960

19 January 2024   

Minister Stanford Education Portfolio Priorities and Targets [PDF, 744 KB] 1321140

19 January 2024

Minister Seymour Overview of Ka Ora, Ka Ako | Healthy School [PDF, 1.7 MB]
Lunches Programme [PDF, 1.7 MB]

23 January 2024  

Minister Stanford Options for Minister Stanford visits 1321151

23 January 2024

Minister Stanford Vote Education Non-Departmental line-by-line Review: Overview and Focus on Attendance and Engagement and Early Childhood Education 1321356

24 January 2024

Minister Stanford Deaf Aotearoa [PDF, 1.3 MB] 1321460

24 January 2024   

Minister Stanford Positive Behaviour for Learning – PB4L initiatives 1320679

25 January 2024

Minister Stanford Release of 2022 Student Engagement Data 1318345

25 January 2024

Minister Stanford Māori Education Overview [PDF, 1.2 MB] 1321550

25 January 2024

Minister Simmonds Supporting information for 31 January Labour Market Ministers’ Group 1321394

25 January 2024

Minister Simmonds Letter to the Prime Minister on priorities for the Tertiary Education Portfolio 1321541

25 January 2024

Minister Simmonds Supporting information for 31 January Labour Market Ministers’ Group 1321394

26 January 2024

Minister Stanford Meeting with OECD Economic Survey In-Country
Mission Team

29 January 2024

Minister Stanford 2023 National School Roll Projections [PDF, 3.9 MB] 1321119

30 January 2024

Minister Stanford Response to the Experiences of Care in Aotearoa 2022/2023 report from Aroturuki Tamariki l Independent Children’s Monitor [PDF, 802 KB] 1320499

30 January 2024

Minister Stanford Information on the Ministry of Education’s response to
roll growth at Macleans College and Bucklands Beach

31 January 2024

Minister Stanford Te Hiku-Crown Accord hui – Saturday, 3 February 2024 1321438

Education Reports





 15 January 2024 Minister Simmonds Progressing changes to vocational education and training funding for 2025 1320350
 15 January 2024 Minister Simmonds

Further advice on final-year fees-free options [PDF, 756 KB]

 19 January 2024 Minister Stanford

Draw down request - Kōhanga Reo Kaimahi Pay Scheme [PDF, 2.1 MB]

 19 January 2024 Minister Simmonds

Priorities for the Tertiary Education Portfolio

 24 January 2024 Minister Simmonds Queen Elizabeth II Technicians' Study Awards [PDF, 838 KB] 1318901
 24 January 2024 Minister Stanford Partnership schools kura hourua - Advice on timeframes for legislation, advisory group and other support [PDF, 1.1 MB] 1320875
 25 January 2024 Minister Stanford Overview of Relationships and Sexuality Education in schooling 1320961
 25 January 2024 Minister Simmonds Vocational education and training redesign: Work-based learning 1321446
 25 January 2024 Minister Stanford Update on Aotearoa New Zealand's histories and Te Takanga o Te Wā 1319618
 26 January 2024 Minister Stanford Update to the scope and Terms of Reference for the Ministerial Advisory Group advising on English and mathematics statistics [PDF, 2.8 MB] 1321255
 26 January 2024  Minister Stanford Update on the Development of Budget 2024  1321422

Advice seen by our Ministers - November 2023

Briefing Notes





26 November 2023 Simmonds Tertiary education and skills – policy briefing to incoming Minister [PDF, 989 KB] 1319031
27 November 2023 Stanford Briefing to the Incoming Ministers  
28 November 2023 Stanford Curriculum and Assessment Introductory Briefing [PDF, 7.3 MB] 1319175
28 November 2023 Stanford Progressing 100-day plan curriculum commitments [PDF, 3.1 MB] 1319177
29 November 2023 Stanford

Budget 2024 approach/ strategy and funding pressures

30 November 2023 Stanford Visit to Manurewa Intermediate [PDF, 892 KB] 1319584
30 November 2023 Stanford Therapist Pay Equity Claim settlement negotiations 1319513

Education Reports





27 November 2023 Stanford NCEA and sector readiness for 2024 [PDF, 2.5 MB] 1319177
27 November 2023  Stanford Advice on reintroduction of the Charter Schools Model [PDF, 1.5 MB] 1319217
28 November 2023 Stanford Banning cell phones in schools [PDF, 1.2 MB] 1319218
28 November 2023 Stanford Challenges and opportunities for addressing and responding to school attendance [PDF, 1.8 MB] 1319474
28 November 2023 Stanford Removing the Budget 2023 extensions of 20 hours ECE: two year olds and funding rate increases  [PDF, 2 MB] 1319502
28 November 2023 Stanford Refresh of the New Zealand Curriculum and development of the common practice model 1319060
28 November 2023 Simmonds Challenges and opportunities in higher education funding [PDF, 3 MB] 1319471
30 November 2023 Stanford PISA 2022 National and International Reports Release [PDF, 1.7 MB] 1319407

Advice seen by our Ministers - October 2023

Cabinet Papers






Briefing Notes





31 October 2023   Minister Tinetti 

Release of 2023 Term 2 Attendance Data [PDF, 1.1 MB]

Annex 2: Term 2 2023: Lifting School Attendance in Aotearoa New Zealand [PDF, 799 KB]

Annex 3: School Response to Absence Indicator Report - Term 2 2023 [PDF, 797 KB]


Education Reports





4 October 2023  Minister Tinetti  Updating kindergarten funding rates for KTCA [PDF, 848 KB]
variation [PDF, 848 KB]

Advice seen by our Ministers - September 2023

Cabinet Papers





 4 September 2023  Minister Tinetti Pay parity for certificated teachers in education and care services: deferring full pass-on of recent kindergarten salary increases [PDF, 1.2 MB]  CAB-23-MIN-0421

Briefing Notes





1 September 2023 Minister Tinetti Speech notes for New Zealand Principals’ Federation Conference 1316598
4 September 2023 Minister Tinetti Visit to Windy Ridge School (1575) 1316878
5 September 2023 Minister Tinetti Visit to Kaipātiki Community Facilities Trust 1317288
6 September 2023 Minister Tinetti Visit to Greenpark School on Thursday 7 September at 10.45am [PDF, 779 KB] 1317339
6 September 2023 Minister Tinetti Visit to Tauranga Girls’ College on Thursday 7 September 2023 at 9.15am 1317339
8 September 2023 Minister Tinetti Independent Tertiary Education New Zealand (ITENZ) Conference Speech Notes 1313901
8 September 2023 Minister Tinetti Visit to Greerton Village School on Thursday 14 September 2023 at 9:00am 1317453
8 September 2023 Minister Tinetti Meeting with Tōtoranui Kāhui Ako at Casebrook Intermediate School, 12 September 2023 1317344
13 September 2023 Minister Tinetti Implementation update for Pourato (Education Resourcing System) [PDF, 841 KB] 1316047
14 September 2023 Minister Tinetti Common Practice Model, review of near final draft 1317766
18 September 2023 Minister Tinetti Visit to Birchville School on Tuesday 19 September 2023 1318000
19 September 2023 Minister Davis Summary of provisions with outcomes for kaiako Māori in the recent Education service collective agreement settlements 1316648
20 September 2023 Minister Tinetti Notes for the Post Primary Teachers’ Association Conference 1317836
21 September 2023 Minister Tinetti Technology Education New Zealand conference 1317569
22 September 2023 Minister Tinetti Meeting with Indian Minister of State for External Affairs 28 September 2023 [PDF, 958 KB] 1317914
22 September 2023 Minister Tinetti Samsung ‘Solve for Tomorrow’ awards ceremony on 5 October 2023 1317401
25 September 2023 Minister Tinetti Minister Tinetti: Talking Points: PPTA Conference Speech: 26 September 2023 1317836
26 September 2023 Minister Tinetti Savings for the Financial Sustainability and Effectiveness Programme 1317662
29 September 2023 Minister Tinetti Short-term actions for improving alternative provision 1317911

Education Reports





4 September 2023 Minister Tinetti Draw Down Public Sector Pay Adjustment Remuneration Cost Pressures Contingency Funding [PDF, 824 KB] 1314568
13 September 2023 Minister Tinetti   Revised approach and timelines for the redesigned Te Marautanga o Aotearoa  1316588
13 September 2023 Minister Davis Application to consult on the proposed establishment of Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Te Parehuia o Rongomaiwahine [PDF, 998 KB] 1317651
14 September 2023 Minister Tinetti Ministerial Appointments to the Ngamatapouri School (2407) Board [PDF, 870 KB] 1317926
20 September 2023 Minister Tinetti Reprioritisation of Te Kawa Matakura underspend 1317598
21 September 2023 Minister Tinetti Funding rates for Kōhanga Reo kaiako training [PDF, 868 KB] 1318113
29 September 2023 Minister Tinetti Proposed higher education collaboration fund Cabinet paper for lodging 1318391

Advice seen by our Ministers - January 2023

Education Reports





16 January 2023 Minsiter Tinetti Advice on the Accord's recommendations for changes to Kāhui Ako [PDF, 1.3 MB] 1294110
16 January 2023 Minister Hipkins & Minister Tinetti Request approval of an alternative constitution for the Kerikeri High School (5) Board [PDF, 1.3 MB] 1301772
17 January 2023 Minister Hipkins & Minister Tinetti The future of Kāhui Ako and the Accord's recommendations for change 1294110
19 January 2023 Minister Hipkins & Minister Tinetti Approval to establish a primary school in Summerhill, Palmerston North 1301895
19 January 2023 Minister Hipkins & Minister Tinetti Change of Proprietor for Miramar Christian School [PDF, 1.9 MB] 1286988
19 January 2023 Minister Hipkins & Minister Tinetti Closure of Linton Country School (2387) - Final decision 1302089
26 January 2023 Minister Tinetti Request to consult on the proposed decapitation of Sunnyhills School [PDF, 1.2 MB] 1302201
31 January 2023 Minister Tinetti Highest Needs Review Change Programme 2023 workplan [PDF, 1 MB] 1300886


Briefing Notes





16 January 2023 Minister Tinetti 2022 NCEA Results [PDF, 767 KB] 1302863


Advice seen by our Ministers - August 2023

Cabinet Papers





14 August 2023 Minister Tinetti Setting clear expectations for quality teaching of literacy and maths [PDF, 3.5 MB] CAB-23-MIN-0357
21 August 2023 Minister Tinetti Government Response to the Report of the Petitions Committee on the Petition of Maggie Ross to Provide Funding for all Schools to have Gender Neutral Bathrooms [PDF, 1.1 MB] CAB-23-MIN-0387
28 August 2023 Minister Tinetti Education (2024 School Staffing) Order 2023 [PDF, 1.8 MB] CAB-23-MIN-0406
28 August 2023 Minister Tinetti Amending the Education (When State Schools Must Be Open) Regulations 2022: Policy Decisions [PDF, 1.5 MB] CAB-23-MIN-0398
28 August 2023 Minister Tinetti 20 Hours ECE funding conditions for home-based ECE Services [PDF, 7.6 MB] CAB-23-MIN-0398

Briefing Notes





2 August 2023 Minister Tinetti Visit to Edmonton Road Primary School 1266 [PDF, 917 KB] 1315265
2 August 2023 Minister Tinetti Visit to Westbridge Residential School [4157] [PDF, 941 KB] 1315251
2 August 2023 Minister Tinetti  Localised support options for younger cohorts 1313873
2 August 2023 Minister Tinetti Leataata O Tupulaga O Le Pasefika 10289 [PDF, 864 KB] 1315269
3 August 2023 Minister Tinetti Literacy and maths at Cabinet Business Committee meeting on 7 August 2023 1314982
3 August 2023 Minister Tinetti  Background on the New Zealand National Commission for UNESCO 1311170
3 August 2023 Minister Tinetti Visit to Wainui Beach School, Tuesday 8 August 2023 at 10:00am 1315465
3 August 2023 Minister Luxton Briefing on Geopark visit [PDF, 3.1 MB] 1311170
3 August 2023 Minister Luxton Visit to Weston Playcentre [PDF, 2.6 MB] 1315209
4 August 2023 Minister Tinetti  Visit to Gisborne Boys’ High School, Tuesday 8 August 2023 at 11:30am [PDF, 980 KB] 1315648
7 August 2023 Minister Tinetti  Guest of Government visit to New Zealand by China Minister of Education, H.E. Huai Jinpeng, August 2023 [PDF, 2.9 MB] 1314424
7 August 2023 Minister Tinetti  Visit to Lytton High School and Teen Parent Unit, Tuesday 8 August 2023 at 1:30pm [PDF, 970 KB] 1315574
7 August 2023 Minister Tinetti  Minister Tinetti address to Resource Teacher: Learning and Behaviour Lead School Forum on 14 August 2023 1314742
7 August 2023 Minister Tinetti  Te Kura Board meeting 1315472
7 August 2023 Minister Tinetti Visit to Waitara High School, New Plymouth on Thursday 10 August 1315612
8 August 2023 Minister Tinetti  Visit to Te Komanawa Rowley School (3492) on 10 August 2023 1315540
8 August 2023 Minister Tinetti  Visit to Te Puna Wai o Waipapa – Hagley College (336) on 10 August 2023 1315426
9 August 2023 Minister Tinetti Christchurch Principals’ Meeting on 10 August 2023 1315543
9 August 2023 Minister Tinetti Student Loan Scheme quarterly report for April to June 2023 [PDF, 1.7 MB] 1314907
9 August 2023 Minister Tinetti NCEA Change Programme - implementation plan for Level 1 changes in Term 1, 2024 [PDF, 1.1 MB] 1315559
10 August 2023 Minister Tinetti  Principal and Teacher Remuneration 1315955
10 August 2023 Minister Tinetti Ngāti Whakaue Education Endowment Trust Board Annual Report 2021 1315371
10 August 2023 Minister Tinetti Student Loan Scheme quarterly report for April to June 2023 1314907
11 August 2023 Minister Tinetti Visit to Rotorua Girls' High School on Wednesday 23 August  [PDF, 1.1 MB] 1315838
11 August 2023 Minister Tinetti New Zealand Area Schools Association Conference, 23 August 2023, Rotorua [PDF, 24 MB] 1315164
15 August 2023 Minister Tinetti Visit to Oteha Valley School, 25 August 2023 [PDF, 1.2 MB] 1313716
15 August 2023 Minister Tinetti Education (2024 School Staffing) Order 2023 Update 1315979
15 August 2023 Minister Tinetti  Visit to Rangikura School 1315627
15 August 2023 Minister Tinetti  Visit to Oteha Valley School [PDF, 1.2 MB] 1313716
15 August 2023 Minister Tinetti Visit to Pasadena Intermediate School 1437 [PDF, 1.7 MB] 1313794
16 August 2023 Minister Tinetti Announcement event at Johnsonville School for the new Common Practice Model [PDF, 1.1 MB] 1316037
16 August 2023 Minister Tinetti Visit to Glenfield Primary School 1296 [PDF, 1.2 MB] 1316169
16 August 2023 Minister Tinetti Visit to Epsom Girls Grammar School 64 1316215
16 August 2023 Minister Luxton Background information and speech notes for Te Rito Maioha event [PDF, 878 KB] 1314358
16 August 2023 Minister Tinetti Visit to Rotorua Boys’ High School on Wednesday 23 August 2023 [PDF, 1017 KB] 1315608
16 August 2023 Minister Tinetti Draft Cabinet paper on proposed fee exception for Tertiary Education Commission Deputy Chair [PDF, 849 KB] 1316287
18 August 2023 Minister Tinetti Visit to Kotahi Te Whakaaro 1316429
18 August 2023 Minister Tinetti Visit to Rangikura School [PDF, 1.3 MB] 1315627
21 August 2023 Minister Tinetti Ministerial Oversight Forum on Pay Equity, 22 August 2023 1316451
21 August 2023 Minister Tinetti Visit to Pasadena Intermediate School 1437 1313794
21 August 2023 Minister Tinetti OECD’s Education at a Glance 2023 [PDF, 883 KB] 1315695
22 August 2023 Minister Tinetti Update on Settlement pathway for IHC Claim 1314104
22 August 2023 Minister Tinetti Talking points for Cabinet Paper - Policy decisions on amending the Education (When State Schools Must Be Open) Regulations 2022 1315701
22 August 2023 Minister Tinetti Visit to Epsom Girls’ Grammar School 64 [PDF, 1 MB] 1316215
23 August 2023 Minister Tinetti Speech Notes for Auckland Regional and Model Schools Association Conference 1315364
23 August 2023 Minister Tinetti Visit to Glenfield Primary School 1296 [PDF, 1.2 MB] 1316169
23 August 2023 Minister Tinetti Visit to Oteha Valley School 1313716
23 August 2023 Minister Tinetti Student Loan Scheme Valuation 2023 1316298
23 August 2023 Minister Tinetti Speech Notes for Auckland Regional and Model Schools Association Conference 1315364
24 August 2023 Minister Tinetti Progress updates on the Education Review Office recommendations on disabled children in Early Childhood Education and disabled learners in school 1307213
25 August 2023 Minister Tinetti Visit to Te Ranga School, on Friday 1 September 2023 [PDF, 989 KB] 1316605
25 August 2023 Minister Tinetti Update on redesigning alternative provision 1312531
25 August 2023 Minister Tinetti Speech Independent Schools New Zealand conference [PDF, 801 KB] 1315648
28 August 2023 Minister Tinetti Visit to Ōtamarākau School on 1 September 2023 [PDF, 951 KB] 1316836
29 August 2023 Minister Tinetti Holidays Act remediation – first payment completed 1316068
29 August 2023 Minister Tinetti Attendance and Engagement Strategy – Progress on the implementation of additional measures and the evaluation 1314679
30 August 2023 Minister Tinetti Visit to Northcote College # 32 1316875
30 August 2023 Minister Luxton Agenda Items for 6 September 2023, ECAC meeting [PDF, 1.4 MB] 1315377
30 August 2023 Minister Tinetti Association of Integrated Schools (AIS) Conference [PDF, 691 KB] 1316573
31 August 2023 Minister Tinetti Talking points for Minister’s meeting with English New Zealand 1316598
31 August 2023 Minister Luxton Malanga Taha (Prayer Service) or special Pacific Early Learning Prayer Program to commemorate the opening of the Tongan Language Week 2023 [PDF, 1.2 MB] 1316917

Education Reports





1 August 2023 Minister Tinetti Ministerial Appointment of “Operator” for the Domestic Tertiary Student and International Student Contract Dispute Resolution Scheme [PDF, 1 MB] 1314593
1 August 2023 Minister Tinetti Evaluation of the Testing of the Vocational Entrance Award [PDF, 1.3 MB] 1310973
3 August 2023 Minister Tinetti  Boarding allowance rates for 2024 1312692
4 August 2023 Minister Davis  Update on Tertiary Te Reo Māori and Mātauranga Māori Funding [PDF, 933 KB] 1314547
3 August 2023 Minister Tinetti  Cabinet paper – Education (Domestic Tertiary Student and International Student Contract Dispute Resolution Scheme) Rules 2023  1314210
9 August 2023 Minister Tinetti  Update on CNGP Reporting for State Schooling Sector 1315019
10 August 2023 Minister Tinetti Update on Hei Raukura Mō te Mokopuna Action Plan and release of the Ako Framework 1302193
10 August 2023 Minister Tinetti Alternative Constitution for the Newton Central (1392) Board [PDF, 998 KB] 1314044
10 August 2023 Minister Tinetti  Update on the refresh of Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga | Ministry of Education Aromatawai position paper and release of an Aromatawai strategy 1301385
11 August 2023  Minister Tinetti  Mana Tohu Mātauranga o Aotearoa | New Zealand Qualifications Authority – Quarters 3 and 4, 2022/23 performance 1308485
11 August 2023  Minister Tinetti  Amendment to the Alternative Constitution for the Northland College (9) Board [PDF, 927 KB] 1307167
14 August 2023 Minister Tinetti  Education Report: Request to amend the date of the approved recapitation of Appleby School (3180) in the Waimea catchment [PDF, 996 KB] 1315660
16 August 2023 Minister Tinetti  Accounting treatment: transfer of Thorndon school site to Taranaki Whānui ki Te Upoko o Te Ika Trust 1316245
16 August 2023 Minister Tinetti  Improving the Reach and Effectiveness of Adult Literacy and Numeracy Provision [PDF, 896 KB] 1314218
16 August 2023 Minister Tinetti YAG’s attendance at the Global Citizenship Education Forum [PDF, 814 KB] 1316319
17 August 2023 Minister Tinetti Finalising funding determinations and fee regulation settings for 2024 [PDF, 2 MB] 1314401
21 August 2023 Minister Tinetti Change of classification for Queen Elizabeth College (201) [PDF, 1 MB] 1314154
24 August 2023 Minister Tinetti Adoption of Asynchronous Learning Mode Definition for the Unified Funding System from 2025 [PDF, 921 KB] 1314523
24 August 2023 Minister Tinetti Common Practice Model draft exemplars 1316580
31 August 2023 Minister Tinetti Agreement to new education and care service opt-in funding rates and teacher pay requirements [PDF, 2.2 MB] 1317123

Advice seen by our Ministers - May 2023

Cabinet Papers




08 May 2023 Minister Tinetti  Policy settings for amendments to the Education (Early Childhood Services) Regulations to accomodate Crown acquisition and network approval [PDF, 1.7 MB] 

Briefing Notes





1 May 2023 Minister Tinetti Ministerial Oversight Forum on Pay Equity, 4 May 2023 1304713
2 May 2023 Minister Tinetti Visit to Wellington Girls’ College on Thursday 11 May 2023 [PDF, 932 KB] 1308131
2 May 2023 Minister Tinetti Student Loan Scheme Forecast Valuation 2023 [PDF, 891 KB] 1309502
4 May 2023 Minister Tinetti Key milestones to establish School staffing Ministerial Advisory Group 1309568
4 May 2023 Minister Tinetti Speech - VUW Teacher Education Excellence Awards 1307758
4 May 2023 Minister Tinetti InsideOUT bullying prevention workbook [PDF, 949 KB]  1309196
5 May 2023 Minister Tinetti Talking points for your oral item at Cabinet: code of conduct for school board members 1309748
8 May 2023 Minister Tinetti Meeting with Neurodiversity in Education Coalition 1309535
10 May 2023 Minister Tinetti Speech Notes for the TEU National Conference 2023 [PDF, 979 KB] 1309742
11 May 2023 Minister Tinetti Meeting with the Association of Proprietors of Integrated Schools [PDF, 1.3 MB] 1309510
11 May 2023 Minister Davis 2024 Manakura Award [PDF, 917 KB] 1310285
11 May 2023 Minister Tinetti Visit to Little Learners Dinsdale (48069) on Friday 19 May [PDF, 495 KB] 1309680
11 May 2023 Minister Tinetti NZ Participation in large scale NZ and International Studies and trends 1308128
11 May 2023 Minister Tinetti Learning Support Action Plan Quarterly Progress Update [PDF, 1.1 MB] 1309431
12 May 2023 Minister Tinetti Visit to Ridgway School [PDF, 920 KB] 1310205
19 May 2023 Minister Tinetti Visit to Rototuna Junior High School 1305424
19 May 2023 Minister Tinetti Background and Talking Points for your speech at the SPANZ national conference 1307064
19 May 2023 Minister Tinetti Reporting on the initial impact of the Loss of Learning initiative 1305605
22 May 2023 Minister Tinetti Visit to Pākōwhai School (2638) 1310956
22 May 2023 Minister Tinetti Meeting with English Language Partners New Zealand 1310468
22 May 2023 Minister Tinetti Ellesmere College School Development 1311098
23 May 2023 Minister Tinetti Meeting with Ako Aotearoa [PDF, 850 KB] 1310471
24 May 2023 Minister Tinetti Ngā Tau Mīharo Incredible Years Aotearoa Forum 2023 [PDF, 1.1 MB] 1311149
25 May 2023 Minister Tinetti and Minister Davis Joint briefing on Education and Oranga Tamariki initiatives [PDF, 583 KB] 1309930
26 May 2023 Minister Tinetti Joint Cabinet Paper – Increasing medical school enrolments for the 2024 intake 1311406
30 May 2023 Minister Davis  Initiating consultation over a proposed change of year level for Te Wharekura o Kirikiriroa (1718) [PDF, 955 KB] 1308685
30 May 2023 Minister Tinetti  Meeting with English Language Partners New Zealand  [PDF, 875 KB] 1310468 
29 May 2023 Minister Tinetti [PDF, 1.7 MB]Further advice on the list of standards to recognise towards the NCEA co-requisite in 2024 and 2025 [PDF, 916 KB] 1311516
30 May 2023 Minister Tinetti Changes to Internal and External Assessment through the NCEA Change Programme 1311647
31 May 2023 Minister Tinetti Briefing and talking points for PM - Speaking at Otago University 1311736
31 May 2023 Minister Tinetti Rainbow Work Programme Update [PDF, 314 KB] 1310344

Education Reports





2 May 2023 Minister Tinetti Recognition of Pacific bilingual and immersion education and care services [PDF, 1 MB] 1304629
4 May 2023 Minister Tinetti Progress in International Reading and Literacy Study (PIRLS) 2021 1306288
6 May 2023 Minister Tinetti Cancellation of the Integration Agreement for Kaitaia Abundant Life School (238 [PDF, 1.9 MB]) 1308378
8 May 2023 Minister Tinetti Release of the refreshed English and Mathematics & Statistics curriculum content [PDF, 1.5 MB] 1309551
8 May 2023 Minister Tinetti Ratification of the UNESCO Global Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications Concerning Higher Education 1307427
10 May 2023 Minister Tinetti Recognition of Māori medium education and care services [PDF, 993 KB] 1304631
10 May 2023 Minister Tinetti Highest Needs Change Programme Report Back and Programme Business Case Deferral [PDF, 900 KB] 1310069
11 May 2023 Minister Tinetti Education New Zealand | Manapou ki te Ao - advice on draft statement of intent 2023-27 and draft statement of performance expectations 2023/24 [PDF, 1.2 MB] 1308483
18 May 2023 Minister Tinetti Advice on the list of standards to recognise towards the NCEA Literacy and Numeracy | Te Reo Matatini me te Pāngarau Co-requisite in 2024 and 2025 [PDF, 1.7 MB] 1309010
29 May 2023 Minister Tinetti Ministerial Appointments to the Moerewa School Board [PDF, 1 MB] 1309376
29 May 2023 Minister Tinetti LEG Cabinet Paper - Education (School Planning and Reporting) Regulations 2023 for Schools and Kura 1307895
29 May 2023 Minister Tinetti Regulation of English Language providers [PDF, 836 KB] 1309493
30 May 2023 Minister Davis Initiating consultation over a proposed change of year level for Te Wharekura o Kirikiriroa (1718) 1308685
31 May 2023 Minister Tinetti and Minister Davis Letter of Delegation to Associate Minister of Education – legislative framework for Wānanga 1311343
31 May 2023 Minister Tinetti Implementation Update for Pourato (Education Resourcing System) 1309332

Advice seen by our Ministers - December 2022

Cabinet Papers





12 December 2022 Minister Hipkins Raising Early Learning Funding Rates for Education and Care Services [PDF, 1.1 MB] CAB-22-MIN-0581
19 December 2022 Minister Hipkins National Education Growth Plan: Drawdown of Wave 3 [PDF, 1.4 MB] CAB-22-MIN-0589
19 December 2022 Minister Hipkins Lifting School Bus Driver Wages to Ensure Consistency with Wage Increases for Public Transport Bus Drivers [PDF, 923 KB] CAB-22-MIN-0589

Education Reports





1 December 2022 Minister Davis Application to consult on the proposed establishment of a designated character school in Te Waimate [PDF, 1.5 MB] 1298052
2 December 2022 Minister Hipkins Changes to ECE funding settings for COVID-19 [PDF, 254 KB] 1301508
5 December 2022 Minister Hipkins Ministry of Education2022/23 First Quarter Report [PDF, 3.6 MB] 1300782
7 December 2022 Minister Tinetti Request to reappoint a Ministerial Appointee to the Northland College Board [PDF, 1.3 MB]  1301113
9 December 2022 Minister Tinetti Ministerial Appointments to the Kakatahi School (2375) Board [PDF, 913 KB] 1299641
14 December 2022 Minister Hipkins Risk Management Scheme, School Contents Deed [PDF, 1.5 MB] 1302078
15 December 2022 Minister Hipkins Centres of Asia-Pacific Excellence Funding Extension [PDF, 1 MB] 1301749
15 December 2022 Minister Hipkins Amendments to Education (Early Childhood Services) Regulations to accommodate Crown acquisition of land and network approval [PDF, 1 MB] 1300975

Briefing Notes





1 December 2022 Minister Tinetti New Zealand Council for Education Research Annual Report 2021/2022 [PDF, 911 KB] 1300785
2 December 2022 Minister Tinetti Rainbow Work Programme Update [PDF, 1.4 MB] 1297814
5 December 2022 Minister Sio Meeting with Minister Sio ahead of meeting with ERO [PDF, 1.2 MB] 1300330
5 December 2022 Minister Tinetti A new socio-economic reporting method using the schooling Equity Index 1301285
12 December 2022 Minister Hipkins Agenda items for December 14 ECAC meeting [PDF, 2.1 MB] 1301952
19 December 2022 Minsiter Hipkins Future Education Update [PDF, 762 KB] 1302449

Advice seen by our Ministers - October 2022

Cabinet Papers





3 October 2022 Minister Hipkins Education (Early Childhood Services Network Approval) Regulations 2022 [PDF, 1.6 MB] CAB-22-MIN-0428
25 October 2022 Minister Hipkins Government Response to the Report of the Petitions Committee on the Petition of Ava Simeon: Increase the Access Barrier Boarding Allowance [PDF, 1.1 MB] CAB-22-MIN-0461
31 October 2022 Minister Tinetti Extending Eligibility of the Prime Minister's Vocational Excellence Award toi the Realm Nations of Cook Islands, Niue, and Tokelau [PDF, 1 MB] CAB-22-MIN-0469

Briefing Notes





5 October 2022

Minister Tinetti New Zealand School Trustees Association contract - update [PDF, 210 KB] 1290123

5 October 2022

Minister Tinetti Leadership Advisors - implementation update [PDF, 295 KB] 1297456

10 October 2022

Minister Davis Ngārimu VC and 28th (Māori) Battalion Memorial Scholarship Fund Board  [PDF, 1.4 MB] 1295523

12 October 2022

Minister Davis Whangarei Boys' High School Visit [PDF, 313 KB] 1295955

13 October 2022

Minister Sio Update on Saili Malo Resources and Activities 2022 [PDF, 842 KB] 1296986

14 October 2022

Minister Tinetti Options to strengthen the future delivery of Ka Ora, Ka Ako | Healthy School Lunches Programme [PDF, 1 MB] 1297719

14 October 2022

Minister Tinetti Release of results for the Literacy and Numeracy, Te Reo Matanini me te Pāngarau 2022 pilot first assessment event [PDF, 771 KB] 1297298

14 October 2022

Minister Tinetti Findings of the Social and Emotional Learning in Early Years (SEL Pilot) Process Evaluations [PDF, 22 MB] 1297938

18 October 2022

Minister Tinetti Visit to Kawerau Pūtauaki School [PDF, 295 KB] 1297815

19 October 2022

Minister Sio Pacific Languages Strategy [PDF, 954 KB] 1297438

20 October 2022

Minister Tinetti Speaking notes for Cabinet SWC on 26 October re PMVEA in the Realm Nations 1294363

20 October 2022

Minister Tinetti Visit to Tarawera High School on Friday 21 October at 9:30am [PDF, 279 KB] 1298257

21 October 2022

Minister Tinetti Visit to Naenae College to launch Cyber Skills Aotearoa on Thursday 27th October 2022 [PDF, 280 KB] 1296629

25 October 2022

Minister Tinetti Visit to Selwyn School in Rotorua on Friday 28 October 10:00am [PDF, 269 KB] 1297767

26 October 2022

Minister Davis Te Arahou Māori Achievement Collaboratives National Conference - 1 November 2022 1297791

27 October 2022

Minister Tinetti Minister Tinetti's meeting with Common Practice Model reference group 1298169

28 October 2022

Minister Tinetti Reporting on recent Teacher Supply Investments 1296635

28 October 2022

Minister Tinetti Professional Learning Development supports for the Highest Needs Review [PDF, 841 KB] 1298562

28 October 2022

Minister Tinetti Social and emotional Learning Pilots Process Evaluations | CYWS [PDF, 205 KB] 1298272

28 October 2022

Minister Tinetti Reading Together® Te Pānui Ngātahi: Summary of evaluations and implementation exemplars and A3s [PDF, 363 KB] 1297386

31 October 2022

Minister Tinetti/ Minister Davis Visit to Northcote Intermediate School and Beach Haven School [PDF, 336 KB] 1298687

Education Reports





3 October 2022 Minister Tinetti Intended State and State Intergrated Schools Terms, Half Days and Cohort Entry Dates for 2025 [PDF, 206 KB] 1294507
10 October 2022 Minister Hipkins Proposed Combined Tertiary and International Student Dispute Resolution Scheme 1297306
18 October 2022 Minister Tinetti Release of the Aotearoa New Zealand Autism Guideline - He Waka Huia Takiwātanga Rau [PDF, 259 KB] 1297651
19 October 2022 Minister Tinetti Lost Learning initiative - approach and methodology for monitoring and reporting 1296830 
20 October 2022 Minister Hipkins/ Minister Tinetti Options for Planning and Reporting regulations [PDF, 455 KB] 1290342
31 October 2022  Minister Davis Request to consult on a change of year levels for Manutuke School (2602) [PDF, 499 KB] 1293310

Advice seen by our Ministers - July 2023

Cabinet Papers




3 July 2023 Minister Tinetti  Ratification of the UNESCO Global Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications Concerning Higher Education: Approval for Ratification [PDF, 1.7 MB]
3 July 2023 Minister Tinetti Progress Update on the Highest Needs Change Programme [PDF, 1.1 MB]
24 July 2023 Minister Tinetti and Minister Luxton Amendments to regulation 33 of the Education (Early Childhood Services) Regulations 2008 [PDF, 1.6 MB]

Briefing Notes





3 July 2023 Minister Tinetti  ERO national report Everything Was New: Preparing and Supporting New Principals 1312879
5 July 2023 Minister Tinetti  July meeting of the Youth Advisory Group 2023 [PDF, 1.2 MB] 1313809
6 July 2023 Minister Luxton Kotahi Te Whakaaro [PDF, 755 KB] 1313706
6 July 2023 Minister Luxton YouThrive NZ Limited (Trading as Lālanga) [PDF, 748 KB] 1313707
6 July 2023 Minister Luxton BestStart Manakau 1 [PDF, 767 KB] 1313723
6 July 2023 Minister Tinetti Amendments to regulation 33 of the Education (Early Childhood Services) Regulations 2008 1307135
10 July 2023 Minister Luxton Materials to support release of 2023 Action Plan for Pacific Education [PDF, 1.2 MB] 1314199
10 July 2023 Minister Tinetti Release of National Monitoring Study of Student Achievement – Wānangatia Te Putanga Tauira (NMSSA) 2022 Reports [PDF, 1 MB] 1312218
13 July 2023 Minister Tinetti New Zealand School Trustees Association (NZSTA) conference [PDF, 1.3 MB] 1313044
19 July 2023 Minister Tinetti Release of School Leaver attainment and retention results 2022 1308399
20 July 2023  Minister Luxton Meeting with Early Childhood Education (ECE) Sector Leaders on Friday 28 July 2023 [PDF, 1.1 MB] 1314513
21 July 2023 Minister Tinetti Attendance at the Bay of Plenty Secondary Schools Principals’ Association conference, Friday 28 July 2023, 10:00am to 11:00am [PDF, 1.4 MB] 1313470
24 July 2023 Minister Tinetti Learning Support Action Plan Update 1 April – 30 June 2023 [PDF, 1.1 MB] 1314471
27 July 2023 Minister Tinetti Pacific education initiatives in COVID-19 Response and Recovery Fund (CRRF) [PDF, 6.1 MB] 1312971

Education Reports





 3 July 2023 Minister Tinetti Updating Kindergarten Funding Rates Post KTCA Settlement [PDF, 1.1 MB] 1312972
3 July 2023 Minister Tinetti Delegation of statutory powers under the Urban Development Act 2020 1313748
4 July 2023 Minister Tinetti Timing of public consultation for the review of regulatory settings for school attendance 1313664
5 July 2023 Minister Tinetti Advice on Education New Zealand | Manapou ki te Ao Quarter 3, 2022/23 performance [PDF, 950 KB] 1308484
11 July 2023 Minister Davis Change of classification for Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Te Hiringa, Tokoroa (3100) [PDF, 910 KB] 1310573
11 July 2023 Minister Davis Alternative Constitution for the MANUKURA (739) Board [PDF, 1.1 MB] 1312300
17 July 2023 Minister Tinetti Advice on Tertiary Education Commission – Quarter 3 22/23 performance 1308488
18 July 2023 Minister Tinetti Closure of Papatawa School (2640) – Final decision [PDF, 931 KB] 1313667
20 July 2023 Minister Tinetti Amendments to the Education (Early Childhood Services) Regulations 2008 (licensing and person responsible requirements) 1314263
21 July 2023 Minister Tinetti Reprioritisation options to support the outcome of arbitration 1314581
24 July 2023 Minister Tinetti Review of attendance regulations: revised timeline and draft consultation and information gathering plan 1314774
24 July 2023 Minister Tinetti Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets for the Ministry of Education as at 30 June 2023 1312250
26 July 2023 Minister Luxton Options to strengthen home-based support [PDF, 1.2 MB] 1313873
31 July 2023 Minister Tinetti Policy decisions on amending the Education (When State Schools Must Be Open) Regulations 2022 1314830

Advice seen by our Ministers - June 2023

Cabinet Papers




23 June 2023 Minister Tinetti Education (School Planning and Reporting) Regulations 2023 for Schools and Kura [PDF, 2.2 MB]
23 June 2023 Minister Tinetti Policy clarification: Waiving the student support residency rules for families of those directly affected by the Christchurch mosques attack [PDF, 1.5 MB]
26 June 2023 Minister Tinetti Time-Limited Tuition Subsidy Increase for Degree-Level and Above Tertiary Education [PDF, 2.1 MB]

Briefing Notes 





1 June 2023 Minister Tinetti Meeting with the Federation of Islamic Associations of New Zealand  [PDF, 574 KB] 1303741
2 June 2023 Minister Tinetti and Minister Sepuloni Meeting with Workforce Development Councils and Regional Skills Leadership Groups 1311203
2 June 2023 Minister Tinetti Meeting with Workforce Development Councils 1310452
6 June 2023 Minister Tinetti 20 Hours ECE funding conditions 1311910
8 June 2023 Minister Tinetti Consulting on fee regulation settings for 2024 [PDF, 1.2 MB] 1310304
9 June 2023 Minister Tinetti Meeting with Canadian delegation from Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation [PDF, 738 KB] 1312217
12 June 2023 Minister Tinetti Life Education Trust – Wellington School Leaders Event, Monday 19 June 2023 [PDF, 1.3 MB] 1311600
12 June 2023 Minister Tinetti ERO's report Long Covid: Ongoing Impacts of Covid-19 on schools and learning 1311375
12 June 2023 Minister Tinetti Visit to meeting of Te Mānihi Tumuaki (Northland Secondary Schools Principals’ Association) 1309942
14 June 2023 Minister Davis and Minister Luxton
Advice for hui with Ngā Puna Reo o Aotearoa on 21 June 2023 [PDF, 907 KB]
15 June 2023 Minister Luxton Reviewing Te Kura's Early Childhood Education Gateways [PDF, 803 KB] 1311229
15 June 2023 Minister Tinetti and Minister Sepuloni Rescheduled meeting with Regional Skills Leadership Group (RSLG) co-chairs and Workforce Development Council (WDC) Chief Executives 1312405
15 June 2023 Minister Tinetti Cabinet Paper: Amendments to regulation 33 of the Education (Early Childhood Services) Regulations 2008 1307135
16 June 2023 Minister Tinetti Talking points: Education (School Planning and Reporting) Regulations 2023 for Schools and Kura 1311894
19 June 2023 Minister Tinetti Current financial challenges facing the university sector 1312632
20 June 2023 Minister Tinetti Further advice on practice models implementation timing 1312746
20 June 2023 Minister Tinetti and Minister Davis Meeting with Mātauranga Iwi Leaders Group [PDF, 334 KB] 1312494
21 June 2023 Minister Tinetti Draft Cabinet paper seeking time-limited tuition subsidy increase to support degree level and above delivery 1313091
22 June 2023 Minister Tinetti Hawkes Bay Primary Principals Association Conference 1312635
22 June 2023 Minister Tinetti Talking points: Minister’s meeting with NZUSA [PDF, 958 KB] 1310927
22 June 2023 Minister Tinetti Talking points for the Future of Work Forum on Future Resilience, 26 June 2023 1312673
27 June 2023 Minister Tinetti Equitable Digital Access – FY23/24 1312983
29 June 2023 Minister Tinetti Release of Updated Data on our Schooling Teacher Workforce and Initial Teacher Education 1308370

Education Reports





1 June 2023 Minister Tinetti Progress Update on the Highest Needs Change Programme [PDF, 912 KB] 1311768
2 June 2023 Minister Tinetti Scope of reviews of regulatory settings for school attendance 1311789
6 June 2023 Minister Tinetti  Policy clarification: Waiving the student support residency rules for families of those directly affected by the Christchurch mosques attack 1311784
8 June 2023 Minister Tinetti Next steps for Awhi Mai, Awhi Atu | Counselling in Schools’ [PDF, 866 KB] 1311549
8 June 2023 Minister Tinetti Ministerial Appointments to the Moerewa School (2103) Board 1309376
8 June 2023 Minister Tinetti 2024 Funding Determinations and Fee Regulation – Approval to Consult [PDF, 1.3 MB] 1309258
8 June 2023 Minister Tinetti Consulting on Fee Regulation Settings for 2024 1310304
9 June 2023 Minister Tinetti Amendment to 20 hours funding conditions 1312316
14 June 2023 Minister Tinetti Policy clarification Cabinet paper for lodging: (Waiving the student support residency rules for families of those directly affected by the Christchurch mosques attack) 1312562
15 June 2023 Minister Tinetti 20-hour Funding Conditions applied to home-based services 1312485
21 June 2023 Minister Tinetti Additional cost of grandparenting Equity Index (EQI) initiatives [PDF, 287 KB] 1298957

Advice seen by our Ministers - February 2023

Cabinet Papers





13 February 2023 Minister Tinetti  School Attendance Turnaround Package [PDF, 1.1 MB] CAB-23-MIN-0020 
27 February 2023 Minister Tinetti Re-authorisation of Forecast Changes and Proposed Changes from Fixed to Demand-Driven Programmes [PDF, 936 KB] CAB-23-MIN-0055

Aide Memoire





7 February 2023 Minister Tinetti  Background on Te Pūkenga  AM-23-00049 

Briefing Notes





2 February 2023 Minister Tinetti Results of consultation on potential relocation of schools in Kelston [PDF, 922 KB] 1301567
3 February 2023 Minister Tinetti  Professional learning support for the curriculum, assessment and aromatawai work programme in 2023 and beyond  [PDF, 1.1 MB] 1266721
7 February 2023 Minister Tinetti Visit to Sommerville School, Mt Richmond School and Alternative Education Campus (ACES) [PDF, 1.1 MB] 1303844
8 February 2023 Minister Tinetti Second-Tier Briefing - Early Childhood Overview [PDF, 968 KB] 1303922
9 February 2023 Minister Tinetti Meeting with Teaching Council [PDF, 791 KB] 1303427
9 February 2023 Minister Tinetti Visit to Waiapu Kids Merivale Whānau Aroha Early Learning entre on Friday 10 February at 10am 1303972
10 February 2023 Minister Tinetti Early Learning Pay Parity Strategy Session [PDF, 1.4 MB] 1304123
10 February 2023 Minister Tinetti Meeting with SPANZ Executive [PDF, 890 KB] 1302560
14 February 2023 Minister Tinetti Analysis of Waiheke Island's Isolation Index [PDF, 920 KB] 1303183
16 February 2023 Minister Tinetti Meeting with the Association of Proprietors of Independent Schools, 22 February 2023 [PDF, 1.2 MB] 1304080
20 February 2023 Minister Tinetti Visit to Wellington East Girl's College on Tuesday 23 February 2023 for the Pre-Budget Attendance Announcement [PDF, 2 MB] 1304869
20 February 2023 Minister Tinetti Visit to Onslow College on Thursday 23 February 2023 [PDF, 929 KB] 1304141
24 February 2023 Minister Tinetti Update on ELAP action 1.3 - Developing advice about group size, centre design and wider environmental factors [PDF, 830 KB] 1303564
24 February 2023 Minister Tinetti Signing of the Librarian and Library Assistants', and Science Technicians' Pay Equity Claim Settlements [PDF, 852 KB] 1305015
28 February 2023 Minister Davis Te Ahu o Te Reo Māori Update 1300954
28 February 2023 Minister Tinetti Information for CNGP Ministers on Solar Panels in Schools [PDF, 835 KB] 1302795

Education Reports





2 Feburary 2023 Minister Tinetti  Consulation on the cancellation of the integration agreement for Kaitaia Abundant Life School (238)  [PDF, 998 KB] 1303320
2 February 2023 Minister Tinetti Ministerial Appointments to the Combined Board for Westbridge Residential School (4157) and Halswell Residential College (522) [PDF, 1.7 MB] 1299640
3 February 2023 Minister Tinetti Introductory briefing: Tertiary Education [PDF, 1 MB] 1303803
9 February 2023 Minister Tinetti Seeking agreement to issue a code of conduct for state school board members [PDF, 1.4 MB] 1302713
10 February 2023 Minister Tinetti New Equity Index for ECE Access to Data 1303984
10 February 2023 Minister Tinetti Meeting with Federation of Islamic Associations of New Zealand [PDF, 824 KB] 1303741
11 February 2023 Minister Tinetti Consultation on a change of classification for Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Manawatū [PDF, 989 KB] 1298033
13 February 2023 Minister Tinetti Approval of the Establishment and Integration of a proposed new state integrated primary school in West Auckland [PDF, 1.9 MB] 1301257
13 February 2023 Minister Tinetti Approval of the establishment and integration of a proposed new state integrated (Year 1 - 13) composite school in Mt Albert, Auckland [PDF, 2.1 MB] 1301258
14 February 2023 Minister Tinetti Establishing Te Wānanga o Aotearoa as a Secondary-Tertiary Programme (Trades Academy) Lead Provider [PDF, 1.4 MB] 1303482
14 February 2023 Minister Tinetti Update on the redesign of Te Marautanga o Aotearoa [PDF, 1.3 MB] 12823316
15 February 2023 Minister Tinetti Consultation on Establishment of a proposed new primary school in Peacocke, Hamilton 1300758
15 February 2023 Minister Tinetti Dispute Resolution Scheme Gazette notice change [PDF, 835 KB] 1303184
15 February 2023 Minister Tinetti Final report back on the International Education Recovery Plan [PDF, 804 KB] 1303809
16 February 2023 Minister Tinetti Update on developing an online learning mode definition for the Unified Funding System 1301273
16 February 2023 Minister Tinetti Advice on the New Zealand Qualifications Authority [PDF, 2.2 MB]
Quarter 4/End-of-Year 2021/22 and Quarter 1 2022/23 [PDF, 2.2 MB]
performance [PDF, 2.2 MB]
16 February 2023 Minister Tinetti Advice on Tertiary Education Commission-Quarter 4 2021/22 and Quarter 1 2022/23 performance [PDF, 2.5 MB] 1302238
19 February 2023 Minister Tinetti Advice on Education New Zealand | Manapou ki te Ao - Quarter 1, 2022/23 performance [PDF, 2.9 MB] 1299631
22 February 2023 Minister Tinetti Education and Training Amendment Bill (No 3) and Education Regulatory Systems Amendment Bill - Approval for Introduction Cabinet paper 1303971
22 February 2023 Minister Tinetti Consultation on establishment of two proposed new primary schools in Peacocke, Hamilton [PDF, 1 MB] 1300758

Advice seen by our Ministers - September 2022

Cabinet Papers





5 September 2022 Minister Hipkins Youth Engagement: Transfer of Funds to Extend the Ākonga Fund [PDF, 1 MB] CAB-22-MIN-0363
12 September 2022 Minister Hipkins and Minister Tinetti Addressing ongoing COVID-19 Related Pressures in the Education Sector [PDF, 1.1 MB] CAB-22-MIN-0399

Briefing Notes





1 September 2022 Minister Tinetti Visit to Matakana School on Monday 05 September 2022  [PDF, 450 KB]  1294288
1 September 2022 Minister Tinetti Visit to Pakiri School on Tuesday 06 September 2022  [PDF, 330 KB] 1294282
1 September 2022 Minister Tinetti Visit to Leigh School on Tuesday 06 September 2022 [PDF, 318 KB] 1294279
1 September 2022 Minister Hipkins Cabinet paper: Education (Early Childhood Services Network Approval) Regulations 2022 [PDF, 720 KB] 1284272
1 September 2022 Minister Tinetti Visit to Tomarata School on Tuesday 06 September 2022 [PDF, 318 KB] 1294285
1 September 2022 Minister Tinetti Visit to Parakai School on Wednesday 07 September 2022 [PDF, 365 KB] 1294294
1 September 2022 Minister Tinetti Visit to Huapai School on Wednesday 07 2022 [PDF, 701 KB] 1294291
1 September 2022 Minister Tinetti Visit to Dairy Flat School on Wednesday 7 September 2022 [PDF, 329 KB] 1294305
1 September 2022 Minister Tinetti Visit to Kaukapakapa School on Wednesday 7 September 2022 [PDF, 269 KB] 1294301
2 September 2022 Minister Hipkins Supporting Material for Early Childhood Council Conference 1292870
2 September 2022 Minister Tinetti Visit to Hohepa School on Thursday 8 September [PDF, 166 KB] 1294366
2 September 2022 Minister Hipkins Visit to Te Kāpehu Riccarton School on Tuesday 6 September 1293393
5 September 2022 Minister Hipkins Advice on Planned Route Review Programme 1294251
5 September 2022 Minister Sio Implementation of Tapasā, DMIC and Tautai o le Moana 1293125
6 September 2022 Minister Hipkins PM’s visit to Edendale School on Wednesday 7 September 2022 to open the refurbished school pool and Garden to Table facilities 1294670
7 September 2022 Minister Tinetti Release of results from the first pilot assessments for the corequisites for Literacy and Numeracy and Te Reo Matatini me te Pāngarau [PDF, 1.1 MB] 1294694
7 September 2022 Minister Tinetti Visit to Aotea College for the Teacher Supply and Lost Learning due to Covid-19 Packages on Wednesday 14 September 2022 [PDF, 353 KB] 1294709
7 September 2022 Minister Tinetti Visit to Merivale School to open two new modular classrooms on Monday 12 September 2022 [PDF, 389 KB] 1294731
8 September 2022 Minister Tinetti REACH Meeting/Dr Rosemary Cathcart [PDF, 702 KB] 1294187
8 September 2022 Minister Hipkins Education Policy Committee Ministerial Meeting 1295445
8 September 2022 Minister Davis Visit to Te Manahi Tumuaki (Northland Secondary School Principals' Association) on 16 September 2022 [PDF, 1 MB] 1294318
9 September 2022 Minister Hipkins Speech Notes for NZPF Annual Conference 1293264
9 September 2022 Minister Tinetti Visit to North East Valley Normal School, the Dunedin Secondary Schools’ Partnership and Parents of Vison Impaired (NZ) Annual Conference on Friday 16 September 2022 1294783
9 September 2022 Minister Tinetti Update on the Gifted Package [PDF, 299 KB] 1295003
12 September 2022 Minister Tinetti Update from the Chief Science Education Advisor on Key Projects [PDF, 1.5 MB] 1295357
12 September 2022 Minister Sio Final interim report: Evaluation of the Pacific Education Support and Innovations Fund 1295552
13 September 2022 Minister Hipkins Agenda Items for September 14 ECAC meeting [PDF, 1.6 MB] 1295554
14 September 2022 Minister Davis Meeting with Te Mātāwai - 22 September [PDF, 1.4 MB] 1294779
14 September 2022 Minister Hipkins Outcome of the 2023 Provisional Rolls, Staffing and Funding Entitlements (including the Equity Index) [PDF, 1.2 MB] 1296055
15 September 2022 Minister Tinetti How schools are responding to sexual violence [PDF, 268 KB] 1294365
15 September 2022 Minister Tinetti Alternative Education National Body Conference 1295722
16 September 2022 Minister Hipkins Employers and Manufacturers Association Meeting  [PDF, 1.2 MB]Briefing 1294557
19 September 2022 Minister Tinetti Visit to Rangi-mata-rau / Point Chevalier School [PDF, 393 KB] 1296065
19 September 2022 Minister Tinetti Visit to Hutt Valley High School to launch Te Oranga Mauri and Mental Health Education guides on Wednesday 28 September 2022 [PDF, 329 KB] 1291034
20 September 2022 Minister Tinetti Update on Key Issues relating to Rural Education [PDF, 210 KB] 1293687
21 September 2022 Minister Hipkins Final Cabinet paper and talking points - Education (Early Childhood Services Network Approval) Regulations 2022 1284272
22 September 2022 Minister Davis Talking points for meeting with the Teaching Council 1295844
22 September 2022 Minister Hipkins Informal care and meeting early learning and care needs for families with non-standard work hours [PDF, 757 KB] 1296617
23 September 2022 Minister Davis Advice and talking points for Ngā Puna Reo o Aotearoa hui on 28 September 2022 1296636
23 September 2022 Minister Hipkins Release of Literacy and Numeracy and Te Reo Matatini me te Pāngarau Corequisite Pilot Results [PDF, 255 KB] 1296829
28 September 2022 Minister Hipkins Invitation to speak at NZEI Te Riu Roa's Annual Conference 2022 INV-0633 1292129
28 September 2022 Minister Tinetti Strengthening and Embedding the Learning Support Delivery Model (LSDM) [PDF, 1 MB] 1294830
28 September 2022 Minister Tinetti Education at a Glance 2022 NZ Summary Report [PDF, 281 KB] 1296248
28 September 2022 Minister Davis Background and talking points for the NZSTA conference [PDF, 943 KB] 1295845
29 September 2022 Minister Sio Update on supporting Pacific school leaver transitions into tertiary education 1294697
29 September 2022 Minister Hipkins 2022 National School Roll Projection (NSRP) Update 1293192

Education Reports





6 September 2022 Minister Tinetti Consultation on a change of classification for Bay of Islands International Academy (1112) [PDF, 1.7 MB] 1291343
6 September 2022 Minister Hipkins Social work funding rate increase [PDF, 727 KB] 1292661
6 September 2022 Minister Tinetti Request to recapitate Panama Road School (1418) [PDF, 1.6 MB] 1292046
8 September 2022 Minister Tinetti Release of the Learning Support Coordinator Phase 3 Evaluation [PDF, 750 KB] 1294772
8 September 2022 Minister Tinetti Highest needs review report back to cabinet [PDF, 808 KB] 1294065
9 September 2022 Minister Hipkins Ministry of Education 2021/22 Fourth Quarter Report (1 April to 30 June 2022) [PDF, 242 KB] 1293934
9 September 2022 Minister Davis Proposal to merge Te Kāpehu Whetū (Teina) (869) with Te Kāpehu Whetū (Tuakana) (870) [PDF, 1.4 MB] 1293804
9 September 2022 Minister Hipkins Implementation Timing for Pay Parity [PDF, 813 KB] 1295793
12 September 2022 Minister Tinetti Gazette notice for Aotearoa New Zealand’s histories and Te Takanga o Te Wā 1285128
14 September 2022 Minister Hipkins Reducing the minimum half-day requirement for Schools due to the Queen Elizabeth II Memorial Day public holiday [PDF, 246 KB] 1295962
15 September 2022 Minister Hipkins Draft Ministry of Education Annual Report 2022 1293935
15 September 2022 Minister Hipkins/Minister Tinetti Seeking approval to publicly consult on a code of conduct for state school board members [PDF, 226 KB] 1269847
16 September 2022 Minister Davis Final discussion documents – new legislative framework for Wānanga and the reconstitution of Te Wānanga o Raukawa 1293470
16 September 2022 Minister Hipkins Response to Boarding Allowances petition [PDF, 712 KB] 1282099
16 September 2022 Minister Tinetti Update on the refresh of The New Zealand Curriculum [PDF, 934 KB] 1294869
16 September 2022 Minister Hipkins Reducing the minimum half-day requirement for Schools due to the Queen Elizabeth II Memorial Day public holiday 1295962
16 September 2022 Minister Hipkins Update on Opening Hours Regulations 1294565
16 September 2022 Minister Hipkins Timelines for regulating for 80% qualified teachers in teacher-led centre-based services 1294148
16 September 2022 Minister Hipkins Crown acquisition of land occupied by licensed early childhood services [PDF, 751 KB] 1293352
23 September 2022 Minister Hipkins Final funding determinations for 2023 [PDF, 2.1 MB] 1294660
27 September 2022 Minister Tinetti Ministerial Appointments to the Regional Health Schools' Boards [PDF, 2.9 MB] 1294429
29 September 2022 Minister Hipkins Delegation for funding Fees Free in 2023 1296505

Advice seen by our Ministers - August 2022

Cabinet papers





1 August 2022 Minister Tinetti Education (2023) School Staffing) Order 2022 [PDF, 1.7 MB] CAB-22-MIN-0285
1 August 2022 Minister Hipkins Early Learning Network Management: Policy Approvals for Priorities and Regulations [PDF, 1.5 MB] CAB-22-MIN-0281
8 August 2022 Minister Hipkins Refresh of the New Zealand International Education Strategy 2022-2030 [PDF, 2 MB] CAB-22-MIN-0299
29 August 2022 Minister Hipkins/Minister Tinetti Report back on the Ministry of Education's progress on RCOI Recommendation 36 [PDF, 1.2 MB] CAB-22-MIN-0336
29 August 2022 Minister Hipkins Settlement and Implementation of the Administration Support Staff and Kaiārahi i te Reo Pay Equity Claims [PDF, 1.3 MB] CAB-22-MIN-0336

Briefing Notes





2 August 2022  Minister Hipkins  Prime Minister’s visit to Rangi-mata-rau / Point Chevalier School, to meet with staff and students on Thursday 4 August  1292573 
3 August 2022 Minister Tinetti Kōwhiti Whakapae | Evaluation and future directions 1292186
3 August 2022 Minister Tinetti Speaking Event/Opening Enrich ILT [PDF, 730 KB] 1292412
3 August 2022 Minister Tinetti Meeting with the Southland Primary Principals’ Association on Friday 5 August 2022 [PDF, 823 KB] 1292185
3 August 2022 Minister Sio Reading Together® Te Pānui Ngātahi 2020 Case Study: Benefits of programme delivery in Samoan churches 1292535
4 August 2022 Minister Tinetti Visit to Kelston Girl's College to discuss the Kelston Visioning Project on Friday 12 August 2022 [PDF, 345 KB] 1292225
5 August 2022 Minister Tinetti Address to Resource Teacher: Learning and Behaviour Lead School Forum on 15 August 2022 [PDF, 726 KB] 1291144
5 August 2022 Minister Tinetti Options for addressing the impact of COVID-19 on learning in schools [PDF, 795 KB] 1292771
5 August 2022 Minister Sio Background information to Enriching Pasifika Whānau Early Childhood Centre TAP Funding [PDF, 840 KB] 1290766
9 August 2022 Minister Hipkins Youth Engagement Ministers Meeting 10 August 2022 1293220
9 August 2022 Minister Tinetti Visit to Heretaunga College to discuss the period product initiative on Thursday 11 August 2022 [PDF, 359 KB] 1292759
10 August 2022 Minister Hipkins Funding to support Afghan Nationals to access Education 1293220
11 August 2022 Minister Tinetti Visit to Victory Primary School to celebrate the Ka Ora, Ka Ako | Healthy School Lunches programme running for two years, on Wednesday 17 August. [PDF, 1.1 MB] 1292220
12 August 2022 Minister Hipkins Talking Points and Supporting Material for Provincial Education Group Conference 1291038
12 August 2022 Minister Tinetti Visit to Nelson College on 17 August 2022 [PDF, 490 KB] 1293234
15 August 2022 Minister Sio Visit to Tafesilafa'i Community of Care celebration on 20 August 2022 1293284
16 August 2022 Minister Tinetti Visit to Te Manawa ō Pāpāmoa to Celebrate Opening of New School on 19 August 2022 [PDF, 372 KB] 1293258 [PDF, 372 KB]
16 August 2022 Minister Hipkins Youth Engagement first set of announcements [PDF, 1.2 MB] 1293407 [PDF, 1.2 MB]
17 August 2022 Minister Tinetti Attendance Strategy communications launch 1293296
17 August 2022 Minister Tinetti Virtual Zoom meeting with Counties Manukau Secondary School Principals’ Association to meet with principal representatives on Wednesday 24 August 1292578
18 August 2022 Minister Davis Attendance at Te Hurihanganui Wānanga – 25 August 2022 1292925
18 August 2022 Minister Tinetti PB4l Conference 2022 [PDF, 343 KB] 1293249
19 August 2022 Minister Davis/Minister Tinetti  Follow up on Briefing note on work to respond to ERO - Evaluation of learning in residential care [PDF, 338 KB] 1293686
19 August 2022 Minister Hipkins Normal and Model School Association Conference 1290600
22 August 2022 Minister Tinetti Talking points for SWC Item – ‘Report back on the Ministry of Education’s progress on RCOI Recommendation 36’ to Cabinet Social Wellbeing Committee [PDF, 273 KB] 1294117
23 August 2022 Minister Tinetti Planning for school roll declines [PDF, 374 KB] 1292926
24 August 2022 Minister Tinetti Meeting with Students Against Dangerous Driving (SADD) [PDF, 258 KB] 1293291
25 August 2022 Minister Hipkins First Draft of the 2023 Provisional Rolls 1293533
25 August 2022 Minister Tinetti Speech Notes for Quarterly RERG Meetin [PDF, 328 KB] 1293687
26 August 2022 Minister Hipkins Visit to Hornby High School, Te Huruhuru Ao o Horomaka on 6 September 2022 1293255
26 August 2022 Minister Tinetti Updated Information on Nelson College Following Your Visit on 17 August [PDF, 666 KB]  1294620
26 August 2022 Minister Tinetti Visit to Randwick School to see Te Ara Whakamana in action on Thursday 1 September 2022 [PDF, 1.6 MB] 1293998
31 August 2022 Minister Hipkins Student Loan Scheme Valuation 2022 1294250
31 August 2022 Minister Sio Fono with NZEI Te Riu Roa on Pacific Language ECE services [PDF, 2.1 MB] 1294141
31 August 2022 Minister Tinetti  Visit to Kauri Centre [PDF, 452 KB] 1294023
31 August 2022 Minister Tinetti Comms Strategy for FIFA Women's World Cup 2023 [PDF, 405 KB]  1294317

Education Reports





5 August 2022 Minister Tinetti  Detailed Options for Highest Needs Review  1288003 
5 August 2022 Minister Hipkins/Minister Tinetti Increasing teacher supply through overseas teacher recruitment [PDF, 938 KB] 1292247
8 August 2022 Minister Tinetti Release of the action plans for the Literacy & Communication and Maths strategy and the draft action plan for Hei Raukura mō te Mokopuna [PDF, 956 KB] 1290571
12 August 2022 Minister Tinetti Change of designation for He Puna Ruku Mātauranga o Whangaruru (1667) [PDF, 964 KB] 1291869
12 August 2022 Minister Hipkins Administrator re-appointment for the Education (Pastoral Care of Tertiary and International Learners) Code of Practice 2021 1293254
17 August 2022 Minister Hipkins Finalising key policy settings for the Vocational Entrance Award and approach for detailed design 1292080
20 August 2022 Minister Davis Consultation on a change of classification for Te Kura Kauapapa Māori o Te Orini ki Ngāti Awa [PDF, 559 KB] 1291963
24 August 2022 Minister Hipkins Delegation for Funding Fees Free in 2023 1290083
25 August 2022 Minister Hipkins Funding for youth engagement initiatives 1293903
26 August 2022 Minister Hipkins Amending Early Childhood Education Licensing and Certification Criteria 1293332
26 August 2022 Minister Hipkins/Minister Tinetti Responding to the impact of COVID-19 on learning: further advice on tutoring and expanding Te Kura Summer School [PDF, 1.1 MB] 1294324
26 August 2022 Minister Hipkins Further advice on supporting teacher supply in 2023 and beyond [PDF, 2.5 MB] 1293506
26 August 2022 Minister Tinetti Approval to consult on the establishment of a Composite school (Year 7-10) at Chapel Downs, Flat Bush, Auckland [PDF, 1.2 MB] 1290653
26 August 2022 Minister Davis Request to establish a designated character school, Kura ā Iwi, in Feilding [PDF, 1.4 MB] 1291177
31 August 2022 Minister Hipkins Education System Report - final for review [PDF, 224 KB]  1294839

Advice seen by our Ministers - March 2023

Cabinet Papers





30 March 2023 Minister Tinetti  Public consultation on early learning funding system redesign for teacher pay parity [PDF, 2.7 MB] CAB-23-MIN-0112 

Briefing Notes





1 March 2023 Minister Tinetti Fourth Measure Progress Update 1303573
2 March 2023 Minister Tinetti Options to progress the draft Cabinet paper: Early Childhood Education Teachers Pay Equity in-Principle Agreement 1302917
2 March 2023 Minister Tinetti Supply of secondary school teachers [PDF, 901 KB] 1304911
2 March 2023 Minister Tinetti Meeting with Norwegian Parliamentary Standing Committee on Education and Research 1305085
3 March 2023 Minister Tinetti Visit to Whanganui High School [PDF, 896 KB] 1305404
4 March 2023 Minister Tinetti Information for CNGP Ministers on Solar Panels in schools [PDF, 835 KB] 1302795
4 March 2023 Minister Tinetti 2022 ECE Census Results and Factsheets [PDF, 1.8 MB] 1303438
4 March 2023 Minister Tinetti Meeting with the Islamic Women’s Council of New Zealand [PDF, 1024 KB] 1304852
4 March 2023 Minister Tinetti Agenda Items for March 8, 2023, ECAC meeting [PDF, 1.3 MB] 1304838/1304640
4 March 2023 Minister Tinetti Resource Teachers: Learning and Behaviour 2022 national satisfaction survey results [PDF, 1.1 MB] 1304761
7 March 2023 Minister Tinetti Release of the 2021 National Monitoring Study of Student Achievement (NMSSA) Insights Reports [PDF, 1 MB] 1304734
8 March 2023 Minister Tinetti Community Led Projects [PDF, 984 KB] 1305530
8 March 2023 Minister Tinetti Update from Chief Science Education Advisor on Key Projects [PDF, 868 KB] 1306139
10 March 2023 Minister Tinetti Visit to the Ministry of Education National Pacific Staff Fono on 15 March [PDF, 809 KB] 1305869
13 March 2023 Minister Tinetti Alert Program in schools - Phase 2 evaluation and final advice [PDF, 7.9 MB] 1301521
14 March 2023 Minister Tinetti Conference of Pacific Education Ministers [PDF, 2 MB] 1303751
16 March 2023 Minister Tinetti Highest Needs Change Programme Business Case and Work Programme – Testing Initial Thinking 1306694
16 March 2023 Minister Tinetti Update on response to ERO Evaluation of learning in residential care [PDF, 984 KB] 1303055
18 March 2023 Minister Tinetti Student Loan Scheme quarterly report for October to December 2022 [PDF, 1.4 MB] 1305026
20 March 2023 Minister Luxton Visit to three Early Learning Services in Wellington [PDF, 1.3 MB] 1306943
22 March 2023 Minister Tinetti Info to support Hon Jan Tinetti's visit to four schools in Mt Roskill area on 31st March 1304360
29 March 2023 Minister Tinetti Update on initiatives progressing inclusive education for neurodiverse learners [PDF, 4.3 MB] 1302552


Education Reports





1 March 2023 Minister Tinetti Draft Cabinet Paper - Combined international and domestic tertiary student contract dispute resolution scheme 1305216
1 March 2023 Minister Tinetti Authorisation to release an Exposure Draft of Education (school Planning and Reporting) Regulations 2023 [PDF, 1.6 MB] 1303486
9 March 2023 Minister Tinetti Outlining the pathway for making school staffing changes 1305305
10 March 2023 Minister Tinetti Release of the Common Practice Model - Phase 1 [PDF, 829 KB] 1303343
11 March 2023 Minister Tinetti Update on the refresh of The New Zealand Curriculum and the redesign of Te Marautanga o Aotearoa [PDF, 993 KB] 1304330
11 March 2023 Minister Tinetti Applying performance expectations for the UFS learner component to PTEs [PDF, 855 KB] 1305735
12 March 2023 Minister Tinetti Change of designation for Te Kura o Tuahiwi (3563) [PDF, 1 MB] 1303348
12 March 2023 Minister Tinetti Consultation on a change of classification for Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Te Hiringa (3100) 1303415
13 March 2023 Minister Tinetti Gazetting Te Whāriki: Publishing the Expanded Curriculum Framework [PDF, 1.1 MB] 1304751
15 March 2023 Minister Tinetti Options to delay required implementation of the refreshed New Zealand Curriculum and the redesigned Te Marautanga o Aotearoa 1306610
15 March 2023 Minister Tinetti Policy settings for amendments to the Education (Early Childhood Services) Regulations to accommodate Crown acquisition and network approval 1306019
16 March 2023 Minister Tinetti Recommendations for new Youth Advisory Group members in 2023 1306107
17 March 2023 Minister Tinetti  Cancellation of the Integration Agreement for San Antonio School (Eastbourne) (2986)  [PDF, 1.3 MB] 1305112
21 March 2023 Minister Tinetti Drawing down Contingency for Addressing Supplier Contractual Obligations Arising from COVID-19 [PDF, 1008 KB] 1300526
22 March 2023 Minister Tinetti Recommendations for new Youth Advisory Group [PDF, 1.6 MB] members in 2023 1306107
24 March 2023 Minister Tinetti Request to dissolve the Board and direct the appointment of a commissioner for the Zayed College for Girls (471) [PDF, 856 KB] 1303813
26 March 2023 Minister Tinetti Results of the 2021 school audits [PDF, 2.4 MB] 1305401
26 March 2023 Minister Tinetti Approval to consult on the establishment of a new contributing primary school in Warkworth, Auckland [PDF, 864 KB] 1300189
27 March 2023 Minister Tinetti Presenting secondary legislation to the House of Representatives for Tokelau Learners [PDF, 804 KB] 1307426
30 March 2023 Minister Tinetti Proposal from the Villa Education Trust to establish a Year 1-13 designated character school in Auckland [PDF, 1.3 MB] 1302942
31 March 2023 Minister Tinetti New Zealand Qualifications Authority performance - Quarter 2 2022/23 [PDF, 1.5 MB] 1303662

Advice seen by our Ministers - July 2022

Cabinet Papers





4 July 2022 Minister Hipkins  Assessing Land Suitability in the Red Zone: Role of Government Agencies [PDF, 687 KB] CAB-22-MIN-0267 
4 July 2022 Minister Hipkins Completing the Christchurch Schools Rebuild [PDF, 1.3 MB] CAB-22-MIN-0251
4 July 2022 Minister Hipkins Regulations for when State Schools must be open [PDF, 1 MB] CAB-22-MIN-0251
4 July 2022 Minister Hipkins/Minister Tinetti Expanding the Early Childhood Curriculum Framework: Approval to Consult [PDF, 2.2 MB] CAB-22-MIN-0251

Briefing Notes





1 July 2022 Minister Tinetti Visit to Kaiapoi North School, Visit to Kaiapoi North School, Visit to Kaiapoi North School [PDF, 2.6 MB] 1289789
1 July 2022 Minister Hipkins 5th July 2022 Youth Advisory Group Meeting [PDF, 1.2 MB] 1290296
4 July 2022 Minister Davis Information and talking points to support your attendance at the Te Ahu o te Reo Māori graduation ceremony for Te Hiku Okoro [PDF, 832 KB] 1290257
5 July 2022 Minister Davis Update - Te Arawa Education Taskforce Memorandum of Understanding 1289642
6 July 2022 Minister Hipkins  Visit to Y Kids Early Learning Centre, on Thursday 7 July 2022.  1290750 
8 July 2022 Minister Tinetti/Minister Hipkins Publication of the Physical Restraint Rules and Guidelines [PDF, 167 KB] 1290844
11 July 2022 Minister Hipkins Student Loan Scheme quarterly report for January-March 2022 [PDF, 829 KB] 1290391
11 July 2022 Minister Hipkins Ministerial Satisfaction Survey 2021/22 [PDF, 1.3 MB] 1289672
12 July 2022 Minister Tinetti Update on Alternative Education Redesign [PDF, 728 KB] 1289189
13 July 2022 Minister Tinetti Update on School Participation in PISA 2022 [PDF, 274 KB] 1290752
13 July 2022 Minister Tinetti Distribution of Digital Devices for Pacific Learners from the Pacific COVID-19 Response and Recovery Fund [PDF, 843 KB] 1289003
15 July 2022 Minister Sio TuTagata Festival 2022 [PDF, 852 KB] 1289755
18 July 2022 Minister Tinetti Support Minister Tinetti's meeting with Bobbie Hunter and Jodie Hunter [PDF, 886 KB] 1291044
19 July 2022 Minister Sio Pacific Digital Stories Showcase [PDF, 840 KB] 1291519
20 July 2022 Minister Hipkins Release of 2021 school leaver and associated data 1288517
21 July 2022 Minister Hipkins Visit to Gisborne Girls' High School to discuss Ikura | Manaakitia te whare tangata initiative on Tuesday 2 August 1290513
21 July 2022 Minister Hipkins Update of Carbon Neutral Government Programme reporting on behalf of the state schooling sector  [PDF, 307 KB] 1290989
21 July 2022 Minister Sio Saili Malo Leadership Summit 25 July 2022 [PDF, 830 KB] 1291795
22 July 2022 Minister Davis Information to support meeting with Te Tauihu o Ngā Wānanga 1291807
25 July 2022 Minister Hipkins Implementation Update for Pourato (Education Resourcing System) 1289257
26 July 2022 Minister Sio Talking points - Early learning network management: policy approvals for final policy settings [PDF, 773 KB] 1291317
29 July 2022 Minister Hipkins Meeting with Secondary Principals’ Association of New Zealand (SPANZ) 1291068
29 July 2022 Minister Tinetti Meeting with your NCEA Professional Advisory Group [PDF, 894 KB] 1291789
29 July 2022 Minister Tinetti Kōwhiti Whakapae | Evaluation and future directions [PDF, 948 KB] 1292156

Education Reports





1 July 2022 Minister Hipkins New Zealand Qualifications Authority performance – Quarters 2 and 3, 2021/22 [PDF, 619 KB] 1281351
1 July 2022 Minister Tinetti Application to Negotiate the Integration of Hereworth School [PDF, 965 KB] 1286597 
1 July 2022 Minister Tinetti Education Report: Education (2023 School Staffing) Order 2022 [PDF, 880 KB] 1286548
1 July 2022 Minister Hipkins Education New Zealand - Statement of Performance Expectations 2022/2023 and Statement of Intent 2022-2026 [PDF, 789 KB] 1287671
4 July 2022 Minister Tinetti Chisnallwood Intermediate (3314) Capacity - Addendum [PDF, 3.4 MB] 1286070
7 July 2022 Minister Hipkins Proposed change in the timing of the next PRBF Quality Evaluation [PDF, 808 KB] 1290268
7 July 2022 Minister Hipkins Teacher|Kaiako Education Work Programme [PDF, 1.2 MB] 1289966
12 July 2022 Minister Davis Change of Designation for Te Kura o Ōmarumutu 1286295
13 July 2022 Minister Hipkins Tertiary Education Commission – Quarter 2/3 2021/22 performance [PDF, 928 KB] 1281352
13 July 2022 Minister Tinetti/Minister Davis Approval to consult on a change of designation for Te Kura o Tuawihi [PDF, 1 MB] 1288025
14 July 2022 Minister Tinetti Initiating consultation on the possible closure of Linton Country School (2387) [PDF, 1.8 MB] 1285811
14 July 2022 Minister Hipkins Resource Management: Conformation of statutory powers under the Act [PDF, 547 KB] 1291527
14 July 2022 Minister Sio Action Plan for Pacific Education-Approach to Revise and Timeline [PDF, 793 KB] 1291556
14 July 2022 Minister Hipkins Outcomes of targeted consultation on tertiary investment system legislation changes [PDF, 1.1 MB] 1290985
15 July 2022 Minister Tinetti Additional support to increase teacher supply [PDF, 910 KB] 1290129
15 July 2022 Minister Tinetti Consultation on establishment of proposed new primary school in Summerhill, Palmerston North [PDF, 3.1 MB] 1286781
15 July 2022 Minister Hipkins Proposed pay parity funding approach - impact analysis [PDF, 986 KB] 1286391
18 July 2022 Minister Hipkins Education Report: Advice commissioned by Income Support Ministers [PDF, 1 MB] 1290895
18 July 2022 Minister Tinetti/Minister Davis Proposal to establish a designated character school, Tipene (St Stephen's School), for Year 9 - 13 Boys [PDF, 1.5 MB] 1265554
19 July 2022 Minister Tinetti Consultation on establishment of a proposed new primary school in Flat Bush, Auckland [PDF, 1.2 MB] 1290485
21 July 2022 Minister Hipkins 2023 Funding determinations and student services fee requirements – approval to consult [PDF, 894 KB] 1290840
21 July 2022 Minister Davis Consultation on a change of classification on Te Kura o Te Wainui-ā-Rua [PDF, 1 MB] 1288133
21 July 2022 Minister Davis Ōtaki and Porirua Trust Board: Reappointments 2022 1290900
25 July 2022 Minister Hipkins Financing Vocational Education and Training - options for public consultation [PDF, 961 KB] 1290243
25 July 2022 Minister Tinetti Consultation on the establishment of a proposed secondary school in Drury West, Auckland [PDF, 1.7 MB] 1284213
26 July 2022 Minister Tinetti COVID-19 Additional Relief Funding for Schools and Kura [PDF, 950 KB] 1290148
28 July 2022 Minister Tinetti COVID-19 Changes to NCEA and UE in 2022 1292328
29 July 2022 Minister Tinetti Request to get permission to consult on an Alternative Constitution for Kerikeri High School [PDF, 184 KB] 1287176

Advice seen by our Ministers - June 2022

Cabinet Papers

Date Minister Title Reference
27 June 2022 Minister Hipkins/Minister Tinetti Timing of Mandatory Implementation of the NCEA Literacy and Numeracy [PDF, 1.2 MB] CAB-22-MIN-0241
27 June 2022 Minister Hipkins Final Drawdown of Teacher Aide Pay Equity Claim Settlement Contingency [PDF, 1.1 MB] CAB-22-MIN-0241

Briefing Notes





2 June 2022 Minister Tinetti Progress Update and Funding Options to Continue to Develop Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) Pilot in Early Learning Services to Support Social Cohesion [PDF, 1003 KB] 1288743
2 June 2022 Minister Tinetti Agreement to reprioritise internal funding to continue delivery of a Social and Emotional Learning in Early Years Pilot [PDF, 886 KB] 1288743
3 June 2022 Minister Tinetti Follow up on Briefing note on work to respond to ERO Evaluation of learning in residential 1287597
3 June 2022 Minister Tinetti NZPF Moot Speech - 10 June 2022 [PDF, 2.5 MB] 1288214
8 June 2022 Minister Hipkins Visit to Te Aratai College, to the formal opening of the new build on 15 June 2022 1288526
9 June 2022 Minister Hipkins 2023 School Staffing and Funding Entitlements [PDF, 1.5 MB] 1286167
9 June 2022 Minister Tinetti Budget Implementation plan for curriculum package [PDF, 979 KB] 1287759
9 June 2022 Minister Davis Te Kawa Matakura - Minister Davis meeting with Te Taumata Whakahaere [PDF, 962 KB] 1288323
10 June 2022 Minister Tinetti Evaluation of the Attendance Service Trials [PDF, 839 KB] 1289248
10 June 2022 Minister Tinetti NZCER Annual Report 2020/2021 [PDF, 783 KB] 1289061
10 June 2022 Minister Tinetti Briefing for Minister Tinetti on NCEA [PDF, 868 KB] 1289759
10 June 2022 Minister Hipkins Agenda Items for June 15 ECAC meeting [PDF, 1.3 MB] 1288646
13 June 2022 Minister Hipkins Meeting with SPANZ Executive 1289255
14 June 2022 Minister Hipkins Creatives in School Launch at Rosehill Intermediate [PDF, 1.1 MB] 1288830
16 June 2022 Minister Tinetti CYWS meeting 21 June - Speaking Points - the Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) Pilots [PDF, 762 KB] 1289029
16 June 2022 Minister Tinetti CYWS Speaking Points 21 June Trauma Informed Practice and PB4L [PDF, 1.3 MB] 1289026
 16 June 2022 Minister Hipkins Proposed fee regulation settings for 2023 for consultation [PDF, 894 KB] 1286907
17 June 2022 Minister Tinetti School Network functions and work programme [PDF, 813 KB] 1289723
20 June 2022 Minister Tinetti Ministerial Leadership Group on Disability Issues 1289156
22 June 2022 Minister Hipkins/Minister Tinetti Gazetting Te Whāriki at Cabinet Social Wellbeing Committee on 29 June 2022 [PDF, 892 KB] 1289655
27 June 2022 Minister Hipkins Meeting with Teaching Council 30 June 1289967
27 June 2022 Minister Tinetti and Davis Visit to Loaded Nutrition and Tikipunga High School on 5 July 2022 [PDF, 1.1 MB] 1289562
27 June 2022 Minister Hipkins Support Christchurch Schools Rebuild (CSR) Cabinet Paper [PDF, 861 KB] 1290225
29 June 2022 Minister Hipkins Request to use red zone land [PDF, 1.4 MB] 1290201
29 June 2022 Minister Tinetti Alignment between the refresh of The New Zealand Curriculum, the redesign of Te Marautanga o Aotearoa and hte Review of Achievement Standards [PDF, 947 KB] 1287225
29 June 2022 Minister Tinetti Providing child-sized masks for learners in schools and kura [PDF, 864 KB] 1290374
30 June 2022 Minister Tinetti Update on Kōwhiti Whakapae | practice and progress tool [PDF, 893 KB] 1289174
30 June 2022 Minister Tinetti Updated data on initial teacher education enrolments/completions and the teacher workforce 1289573

Education Reports





2 June 2022 Minister Hipkins Proposed changes to Residential Specialist Schools direct access pathway [PDF, 341 KB] 1288598
8 June 2022 Minister Tinetti NZCER insights and high-level options for Highest Needs Review 1288002
8 June 2022 Minister Tinetti Highest Needs Review high level options [PDF, 1 MB] 1299002
9 June 2022 Minister Hipkins Education and Training Amendment Bill (No 2) - SOP on technical amendments [PDF, 863 KB] 1288087
10 June 2022 Minister Tinetti New Zealand Council for Educational Research Annual Report 2020/2021 [PDF, 783 KB] 1289061
10 June 2022 Minister Hipkins Update on the close out of the Christchurch Schools Rebuild Programme [PDF, 926 KB] 1271731
15 June 2022 Minister Tinetti NZSL@School Evaluation Report [PDF, 908 KB] 1289022
17 June 2022 Minister Hipkins Cabinet paper: Priorities for network management policy for new regulations [PDF, 911 KB] 1289566
23 June 2022 Minister Hipkins Pokapū Waka Kura Phase 2 Implementation Business Case [PDF, 450 KB] 1289006
23 June 2022 Minister Hipkins/Minister Davis Reviewing qualifications settings for Māori immersion & bilingual education and care services [PDF, 988 KB] 1290028
27 June 2022 Minister Hipkins/Minister Sio Reviewing qualification settings for Pacific language education and care services [PDF, 1.4 MB] 1286390
29 June 2022 Minister Hipkins Update on International Student Border Exception Visa Processing 1290145
29 June 2022 Minister Tinetti Ka Ora, Ka Ako | Healthy School Lunches Update on Assurance Process and operational decisions [PDF, 1.1 MB] 1284243
30 June 2022 Minister Hipkins Ministry of Education 2021/2022 Third Quarter Report  

Advice seen by our Ministers - April 2022

Cabinet Papers





11 April 2022 Minister Hipkins Building COVID-19 Resilience through Equitable Digital Access [PDF, 346 KB] CAB-22-MIN-0132
19 April 2022 Minister Hipkins Refresh of the New Zealand International Education Strategy [PDF, 2.1 MB] CAB-22-MIN-0136
19 April 2022 Minister Hipkins Continuation of International Education in Primary and Intermediate Schools [PDF, 1 MB] CAB-22-MIN-0136

 Briefing Notes





1 April 2022 Minister Hipkins Funded closure day for early learning services [PDF, 838 KB] 1284830
4 April 2022 Minister Tinetti Low School Participation in PISA 2022 [PDF, 1.1 MB] 1284908
4 April 2022 Minister Davis  Meeting with the New Zealand Principals Federation [PDF, 920 KB] 1284324
4 April 2022 Minister Tinetti 2021 Resource Teachers: Learning and Behaviour Service (RTLB) national satisfaction survey results [PDF, 1.2 MB] 1284106
5 April 2022 Minister Hipkins Education Accord Report January 2022 [PDF, 863 KB] 1279945
5 April 2022 Minister Hipkins Te Rito Programme Update [PDF, 1.4 MB] 1266679
6 April 2022 Minister Tinetti Visit to Maitai School, on invitation from the local Member of Parliament, on Friday 8 April 2022 [PDF, 862 KB] 1284733
7 April 2022 Minister Tinetti Bullying-Free NZ Week 2022 [PDF, 1.2 MB] 1285383
7 April 2022 Minister Tinetti Strengthening critical thinking and digital safety in a refreshed New Zealand Curriculum [PDF, 908 KB] 1285177
8 April 2022 Minister Hipkins Overview and contextual information about the MASC inquiry into learning support for ākonga Māori 1285527
8 April 2022 Minister Hipkins Background to UP Education forum on underserved learners in Aotearoa 1284800
8 April 2022 Minister Sio Pacific ākonga and the Literacy & Communication and maths strategy [PDF, 850 KB] 1284881
8 April 2022 Minister Davis Draft proceedings for Ngarimu Board Meeting and Scholarships Awards Ceremony 10 June 2022 [PDF, 682 KB] 1285002
13 April 2022 Minister Hipkins Property-related visit to Hutt Valley High School [PDF, 978 KB] 1285614
14 April 2022 Minister Davis  Update on Te Kawa Matakura [PDF, 910 KB] 1284805
14 April 2022 Minister Hipkins Youth Advisory Group recruitment proposed approach and update [PDF, 884 KB] 1285311
21 April 2022 Minister Hipkins 2021 tertiary education enrolment data [PDF, 764 KB] 1285788
22 April 2022 Minister Hipkins Talking Points for UP Education Forum on Underserved Learners 1284800
22 April 2022 Minister Tinetti Education sector Research, Evaluation and Development Strategy (ERED) update [PDF, 1.7 MB] 1282742
28 April 2022 Minister Tinetti Minister Tinetti meeting with Diabetes NZ on 4 May 1286038
28 April 2022 Ministers Davis/Tinetti Update on work to respond to ERO Evaluation of learning in secure residential care 1284790
28 April 2022 Minister Tinetti Speaking Notes for Launch of Vital Signs 2022 Report [PDF, 835 KB] 1286588
29 April 2022 Minister Tinetti Meeting with national Enabling Good Lives leadership group [PDF, 828 KB] 1286248
29 April 2022 Minister Tinetti Meeting with Diabetes NZ on 4 May 2022 [PDF, 1 MB] 1286038

Education Reports





1 April 2022 Minister Tinetti Proposal to combine Hutt Valley Activity Centre and Alternative Education Provision in 2022 [PDF, 1 MB] 1284748
7 April 2022 Minister Hipkins Extension of rapid antigen tests for schools and early learning services [PDF, 954 KB] 1285382
11 April 2022 Minister Hipkins Wellbeing support for new principals [PDF, 917 KB] 1285250
14 April 2022 Minister Davis  Te Ahu o te Reo Māori Update [PDF, 868 KB] 1284804
29 April 2022 Minister Hipkins Implementation of NCEA Literacy and Numeracy | Te Reo Matatini me te Pāngarau co-requisite [PDF, 878 KB] 1285650

Advice seen by our Ministers - May 2022

Cabinet Papers





9 May 2022 Minister Hipkins Manu Kōkiri – Māori Success and Tertiary Education Towards a Comprehensive Vision Summary [PDF, 1.3 MB] CAB-22-MIN-0167
9 May 2022 Minister Hipkins Education (Board Elections) Regulations 2022 [PDF, 1 MB] CAB-22-MIN-0166
23 May 2022 Minister Hipkins Education and Training Amendment Bill (No 2): Approval of Supplementary Order Paper [PDF, 1.3 MB] CAB-22-MIN-0184
30 May 2022 Minister Tinetti Education and Workforce Select Committee Inquiry into School Attendance: Government Response and Attendance and Engagement Strategy [PDF, 2.3 MB] CAB-22-MIN-0193
30 May 2022 Minister Hipkins Ministry of Education: Additional Contingency for the Settlement of the Administration Staff and Kaiārahi i te Reo Pay Equity Claims [PDF, 1.2 MB] CAB-22-MIN-0193

Briefing Notes





4 May 2022 Minister Hipkins Visit to Balmoral School, to open new classrooms on Friday, 6 May 2022 1281032
4 May 2022 Minister Hipkins Advice regarding provision of support for relief teachers who are isolating due to COVID-19 1285681
4 May 2022 Minister Hipkins Student Loan Scheme quarterly reports for July to September 2021, and October to December 2021 [PDF, 1 MB] 1281312
4 May 2022 Minister Hipkins Student Loan Scheme Forecast Valuation 2022 [PDF, 752 KB] 1286006
6 May 2022 Minister Tinetti  Update on Attendance Services [PDF, 950 KB] 1286509
11 May 2022 Minister Davis  Advice and talking points to support your meeting with Te Rūnanga Reo [PDF, 468 KB] 1287050
16 May 2022 Minister Hipkins Independent Schools NZ [PDF, 766 KB] 1287398
16 May 2022 Minister Tinetti  Future of NMSSA [PDF, 1.4 MB] 1286957
23 May 2022 Minister Davis Meeting with Legislative Council Legal and Social Issues Committee, Parliament of Victoria (Australia) on Inquiry into Children affected by Parental incarceration [PDF, 2.7 MB] 1286523
24 May 2022 Minister Hipkins Visit to Ōtūmoetai Primary School and Pillans Point, on Wednesday 25 May 2022 [PDF, 1.1 MB]  1288041
24 May 2022 Minister Hipkins Mātauranga House – Seismic Assessment  [PDF, 1.1 MB] 1288299
25 May 2022 Minister Hipkins/Tinetti Options for Speeding up the ROL Work 1286237
26 May 2022 Minister Tinetti  Student Wellbeing Measures [PDF, 986 KB] 1286951
26 May 2022 Minister Davis Talking Points Special Debate on School Attendance [PDF, 824 KB] 1288070
27 May 2022 Minister Hipkins 2021 Early Learning Action Plan monitoring and evaluation [PDF, 3.2 MB] 1284535
31 May 2022 Minister Tinetti  Meeting with Catholic Education Office and APIS [PDF, 910 KB] 1288305
31 May 2022 Minister Davis Ngarimu VC and 28th (Māori) Battalion Memorial Scholarship Fund Board Hui and 2021/2022 Ngarimu Scholarships Awards Ceremony 10 June 2022 [PDF, 5.5 MB] 1285002

Education Reports





6 May 2022 Minister Hipkins Gazetting Te Whāriki: Cabinet paper for consultation [PDF, 822 KB] 1286618
11 May 2022 Minister Tinetti Update on the refresh of The New Zealand Curriculum and redesign of Te Marautanga o Aotearoa [PDF, 956 KB] 1285958
13 May 2022 Minister Hipkins Optional leadership functions of the Teaching Council [PDF, 779 KB] 1279029
16 May 2022 Minister Hipkins Education system monitoring report [PDF, 1.1 MB] 1287896
17 May 2022 Minister Hipkins Restarting overseas recruitment [PDF, 311 KB] 1284816
17 May 2022 Minister Hipkins Recommendations for new Youth Advisory Group members in 2022 1285311
17 May 2022 Minister Hipkins Budget 2022 ECE pay parity initiative funding conditions [PDF, 1.3 MB] 1287907
18 May 2022 Minister Hipkins Prime Ministers Education Excellence Awards 2022 update, next steps for 2023 [PDF, 753 KB] 1287326
20 May 2022 Minister Hipkins Winter ventilation - Supplementary energy payments [PDF, 933 KB] 1288027

Advice seen by our Ministers - March 2022

Cabinet Papers





7 March 2022 Minister Hipkins Aotearoa New Zealand’s histories and Te Takanga o Te Wā in the National Curriculum [PDF, 4.5 MB] CAB-MIN-22-0052
7 March 2022 Minister Hipkins Teacher Supply Package: Report Back [PDF, 1019 KB] CAB-MIN-22-0052
7 March 2022 Minister Hipkins Commencement of Network Management for Licensed Early Childhood Services and Exclusion of Māori Immersion Services [PDF, 1.3 MB] CAB-MIN-22-0052
7 March 2022 Minister Hipkins Reprioritising Distance Learning Pack Funding to Provide Additional Resourcing for Schools and Kura [PDF, 971 KB] CAB-MIN-22-0052
7 March 2022 Minister Hipkins Government Response to the Petition of Esther Hansen [PDF, 888 KB] CAB-MIN-22-0052

Briefing Notes





1 March 2022 Minister Tinetti Visit to Rotorua Girls’ High School to discuss Ka Ora, Ka Ako | Manaakitia te whare tangata, free period products on Thursday 17 February 1281659
2 March 2022 Minister Tinetti RSS direct access pathway and criteria, engagement on draft proposals for change [PDF, 1.2 MB] 1281938
2 March 2022 Minister Davis  Talking points for Meeting with Te Kōhanga Reo National Trust Board 1282737
4 March 2022 Minister Davis  18 March 2022 Ngarimu VC and 28th (Māori) Battalion Memorial Scholarship Fund Board Meeting and 2021/2022 Ngarimu Scholarships Awards Ceremony [PDF, 1.2 MB] 1280867
8 March Minister Hipkins Further advice on the December 2021 Education report-back to Carbon Neutral Government Programme Ministers [PDF, 1.1 MB] 1281623
9 March 2022 Minister Hipkins  Visit to Bathgate Park School on Thursday, 10 March 2022 1283194
10 March 2022 Minister Tinetti  Curriculum Advisory Group inaugural hui 16-17 March [PDF, 304 KB] 1268526
11 March 2022 Minister Hipkins  Launch event at Sylvia Park School for Aotearoa New Zealand Histories and Te Takanga o Te Wā curriculum content 1283032
18 March 2022 Minister Tinetti Update on work on understanding curriculum progress [PDF, 358 KB] 1281223
18 March 2022 Minister Tinetti Visit to the National Library (Wellington) to launch te reo matatini and pāngarau, literacy & communication and maths strategies [PDF, 391 KB] 1281489
23 March 2022 Minister Tinetti Background for meeting with Katie Fitzpatrick and Melinda Webber [PDF, 1.1 MB] 1283358
24 March 2022 Minister Hipkins  Update on Phase 1 scoping by the Vagahau Niue and Gangana Tokelau Readiness Expert Groups [PDF, 972 KB] 1284155
24 March 2022 Minister Hipkins Strategy session on the future of kura | school teacher education 1284146
24 March 2022 Minister Sio Talanoa Ako Guided Resources Launch 1269000
29 March 2022 Minister Tinetti  Update on the development of Mana Ake in four new regions 1284230

Education Reports





2 March 2022

Minister Hipkins

Increasing access to rapid antigen tests for schools and early learning services to provide reassurance for learners, teachers and parents [PDF, 942 KB] 1282719
2 March 2022

Minister Davis 

Terms of Reference for Te Pae Roa [PDF, 974 KB] 1282110
7 March 2022

Minister Hipkins

Consultation on establishment of Te Wānanga ō Tamapahore Centre for Science and Creative Technologies, Pāpāmoa [PDF, 1.2 MB] 1280268
15 March 2022

Minister Hipkins 

Omokora Primary and Secondary — proposed new primary and secondary schools [PDF, 1.4 MB] 1281148
17 March 2022

Minister Hipkins

Change of designation for Whangamarino School (2083) [PDF, 623 KB] 1282256
25 March 2022

Minister Hipkins

Support for kura, schools and early learning services during changes in the traffic light framework, including vaccine mandates [PDF, 882 KB] 1284586
25 March 2022

Minister Hipkins

Definition of Māori immersion early childhood services to be excluded from network management  [PDF, 993 KB] 1284653
30 March 2022

Minister Hipkins

Education New Zealand – Quarter 2 2021/22 performance and End of Year 2020/21 Performance Assessment 1281350
31 March 2022

Minister Hipkins

Network management – advice on Government priorities for the National and Regional Statements [PDF, 573 KB] 1282744
31 March 2022

Minister Hipkins

Ministry of Education 2021/22 Second Quarter Report  [PDF, 15 MB] 1282827

Advice seen by our Ministers - November 2022

Cabinet Papers





14 November 2022 Minister Hipkins Healthy Food Promotion and Student Reporting - Education (School Boards) Amendment Regulations 2022 [PDF, 1.1 MB] CAB-22-MIN-0507
14 November 2022 Minister Hipkins Waiving the student support residency rules for families of those affected by the Christchurch mosque attacks, and other minor technical changes to student support [PDF, 1.4 MB] SWC-22-MIN-0191
21 November 2022 Minister Hipkins Funding Shakespeare Globe Centre New Zealand from the Prime Minister’s Emerging Priorities Contingency [PDF, 1.3 MB] CAB-22-MIN-0513
21 November 2022 Minister Hipkins Equitable Digital Access for Learners and Whānau in 2023 [PDF, 1.3 MB] CAB-22-MIN-0527
21 November 2022 Minister Hipkins Education (When State Schools Must be Open) Regulations 2022 [PDF, 1.8 MB] CAB-22-MIN-0526
28 November 2022 Minister Hipkins/ Minister Tinetti  Policy Approvals for School Planning and Reporting [PDF, 1.3 MB] CAB-22-MIN-0489
28 November 2022 Minister Hipkins Education (Export Education Levy) Regulations 2022 [PDF, 1.6 MB] CAB-22-MIN-0536

Briefing Notes





1 November 2022 Minister Tinetti Special School Principals Association Conference on Thursday 3 November, 2022 1298447 
2 November 2022 Minister Sio/Minister Tinetti Update on Tu’u Mālohi I Standing Strong - Pacific Wellbeing programme pilot [PDF, 997 KB] 1296985
3 November 2022 Minister Tinetti Alternative Education National Body Meeting [PDF, 217 KB] 1298280
3 November 2022 Minister Tinetti Update on Dispute Resolution Panels [PDF, 793 KB] 1298695
4 November 2022 Minister Tinetti Term 2 Student Attendance 2022 Indicator [PDF, 637 KB] 1297274
4 November 2022 Minister Tinetti Attendance at the Bay of Plenty Secondary Schools Principals' Association conference, Friday 11 November 10.00am [PDF, 268 KB] 1298605
9 November 2022 Minister Tinetti Attendance and Engagement Package [PDF, 288 KB] 1299220
9 November 2022 Minister Tinetti Visit to Rotorua Lakes High School on Friday 11 November 2022 [PDF, 834 KB] 1299231
10 November 2022 Minister Tinetti Update on the Online Curriculum Hub 1298645
10 November 2022 Minister Tinetti Meeting with Kendall Fluety - Banger  [PDF, 975 KB] 12998561
10 November 2022 Minister Tinetti Meeting with Associate Professor Rebecca Jesson [PDF, 850 KB] 1298559
11 November 2022 Minister Davis Briefing and speech notes to support attendance at Te Hui 2022 1299596
14 November 2022 Minister Hipkins Talking points for LEG. Education (When State Schools Must Be Open) Regulations 2022 1299618
14 November 2022 Minister Hipkins/ Minister Tinetti Meeting with SPANZ Executive [PDF, 848 KB] 1299186
15 November 2022 Minister Tinetti Visit to Berhampore School for Highest Needs Review Announcement  [PDF, 2.4 MB] 1299569
16 November 2022 Minister Davis Visit to Carisbrook School on Thursday 17 November 2022 1299696
16 November 2022 Minister Hipkins Student Loan Scheme Annual Report 2021/2022 [PDF, 7.7 MB] 1299107
16 November 2022 Minister Hipkins An update on the Marlborough Colleges Co-location [PDF, 1 MB]
Project [PDF, 1 MB]
17 November 2022 Minister Tinetti Meeting with Deb Walker - Gifted Education [PDF, 881 KB] 1299448
7 November 2022 Minister Tinetti PLD for Rural Schools [PDF, 1.2 MB] 1298771
17 November 2022 Minister Tinetti Visit to Auckland Kindergarten Association AGM [PDF, 734 KB] 1299291
24 November 2022 Minister Tinetti An Education Perspective on Te Rautaki Matihiko mō Aotearoa | The Digital Strategy for Aotearoa [PDF, 338 KB] 1298990
25 November 2022 Minister Tinetti Auckland Central Principals Meeting [PDF, 257 KB] 1300540
25 November 2022 Minister Tinetti Release of 2021 Student Engagement Data [PDF, 1.8 MB] 1297963
28 November 2022 Minister Tinetti Additional wellbeing support for education workforce [PDF, 952 KB] 1298966
28 November 2022 Minister Tinetti Public Release of Teacher Demand and Supply Planning Projection for 2023 [PDF, 1.7 MB] 1299125
29 November 2022 Minister Tinetti Release of Education Review Office research into teacher aide practice [PDF, 1.3 MB] 1301189

Education Reports





3 November 2022 Minister Tinetti  Release of the refreshed Social Sciences curriculum content  [PDF, 313 KB] 1297902
3 November 2022 Minister Hipkins Advice on Education New Zealand Manapou ki te Ao Quarters 3 and 4 2021/22 performance [PDF, 1.1 MB] 1287667
4 November 2022 Minister Tinetti Transition Options for Implementation of the NCEA Literacy and Numeracy | Te Reo Matatini me te Pāngarau Corequisite [PDF, 849 KB] 1299451
8 November 2022 Minister Hipkins Advice for Income Support Ministers on improving availability of early childhood education in underserved communities [PDF, 1 MB] 1297551
10 November 2022 Minister Tinetti Ministerial Appointments to the Kingslea School (518) Board [PDF, 4.5 MB] 1296668
11 November 2022 Minister Hipkins Bids for 2023 Legislation Programme 1297943
14 November 2023 Minister Hipkins Student Voice Update 1294748
16 November 2022 Minister Hipkins Student Loan Scheme Annual Report 2022 1299107
19 November 2022 Minister Hipkins Final draft National Statement on the Network of Licensed Early Childhood Services [PDF, 1.8 MB] 1297753
23 November 2022 Minister Tinetti Second report requesting a decision on the possible closure of Linton Country School (2387) [PDF, 2.5 MB] 1297499
24 November 2022 Minister Hipkins Consolidating medium-term funding for wānanga via Section 556 of the Education and Training Act 2020 [PDF, 1.9 MB] 1299817
25 November 2022 Minister Hipkins Updates to domestic student and student services fee settings for 2022 [PDF, 1.7 MB] 1297960
29 November 2022 Minister Tinetti Curriculum and NCEA Teacher-Only Days for 2023 and 2024 [PDF, 879 KB] 1300776

Advice seen by our Ministers - February 2022

Cabinet Papers





28 February 2022 Minister Hipkins Healthy Drinks in Schools: Consultation on Changes to Promotion and Provision [PDF, 1.1 MB] CAB-22-MIN-0052

Briefing Notes





8  February 2022 Minister Hipkins  Report on the Urgent Response Fund Outcomes Survey [PDF, 1.3 MB] 1278905
11 February 2022 Minister Hipkins PISA Frequency Recommendation [PDF, 846 KB] 1280451
11 February 2022 Minister Hipkins The Education and Training Amendment Bill (No 2) – talking points for an oral submission to the Education and Workforce Committee 1281001
11 February 2022 Minister Hipkins Ikura | Manaakitia te whare tangata  - Period products in schools Phase Two Implementation Update 1281124
14 February 2022 Minister Hipkins Prime Minister to open Balmoral School's new classroom build on Friday 3 March 2022 1281032
15 February 2022 Minister Davis Māori participation in early learning [PDF, 341 KB]
16 February 2022 Minister Tinetti Visit to Rotorua Girls’ High School (153), to meet with the Principal and students to discuss Ka Ora, Ka Ako | Healthy School Lunches programme and Ikura | Manaakitia te whare tangata Period Products in schools on Thursday 17 February 2022 [PDF, 984 KB] 1281659
17 February 2022 Minister Tinetti Update on delivery of Better Start Literacy Approach [PDF, 975 KB] 1280694
18 February 2022 Minister Hipkins Visit to Mana College on Tuesday 22 February 2022 to highlight COVID support schools [PDF, 851 KB] 1281921
18 February 2022 Rt Hon Ardern, Minister Hipkins, and Minister Tinetti Visit to Tuahiwi School, to discuss the Ka Ora, Ka Ako | Healthy School Lunches and Ikura | Manaakitia te whare tangata, free period products on Thursday 24 February 2022 [PDF, 1012 KB] 1281820
18 February 2022 Minister Sio Attendance at Launch of Centre for Pacific Languages 1281280
18 February 2022 Minister Tinetti Mauri Tū, Mauri Ora: ākonga progress and achievement insights [PDF, 921 KB] 1280966
21 February 2022 Minister Tinetti Hei Raukura Mō Te Mokopuna launch communications materials 1281749
21 February 2022 Minister Davis Announcement material - Hei Raukura Mō te Mokopuna [PDF, 240 KB] 1281715
23 February 2022 Minister Hipkins Visit to Mana College on Tuesday 22 February 2022 to highlight COVID support schools [PDF, 851 KB] 1281921
23 February 2022 Minister Hipkins Network management Cabinet paper for lodging and talking points [PDF, 841 KB] 1281865
25 February 2022 Minister Tinetti Te Kura Centenary [PDF, 284 KB] 1281951
25 February 2022 Minister Tinetti Zoom meeting with Conor Twyford (NZEI) and [PDF, 1 MB]
representatives of Education For All, 3 March [PDF, 1 MB]
25 February 2022 Minister Hipkins Reprioritising distance learning pack funding talking points [PDF, 773 KB] 1281883
28 February 2022 Minister Hipkins Agenda Items for March 2 ECAC meeting 1281725

Education Reports





3 February 2022 Minister Hipkins Proposed approach to finalise the design of, and introduce, the Vocational Entrance Award 1280465
4 February 2022 Minister Hipkins Providing masks for learners in schools and kura 1281039
4 February 2022 Minister Hipkins Additional Relief Funding for Schools 1280883
4 February 2022 Minister Tinetti Finalising the attendance strategy (content, process and timing) 1281060
8 February 2022 Minister Tinetti Literacy & Mathematics and Te Reo Matatini & Pāngarau draft strategies release [PDF, 860 KB] 1281000
8 February 2022 Minister Hipkins Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets for Ministry of Education as at 31 December 2021 1279312
10 February 2022 Minister Hipkins International Education Border Exception – July 2022 [PDF, 1.1 MB] 1280981
10 February 2022 Minister Hipkins Network management implementation and policy for new regulations [PDF, 1005 KB] 1281395
15 February 2022 Minister Hipkins Draft Cabinet Paper on resourcing for distance and hybrid learning [PDF, 770 KB] 1281883
18 February 2022 Minister Hipkins Budget 2022 – Post Bilateral Package 1281927
24 February 2022 Minister Hipkins Export Education Levy Annual Report 2020/21 – Tabling in the House of Representatives [PDF, 267 KB] 1281997

Advice seen by our Ministers - January 2022

Briefing Notes





18 January 2022

Minister Hipkins

Publication of the 2020 Early Learning Services Complaints and Incidents Report [PDF, 1.1 MB]


19 January 2022

Minister Hipkins

What parents can expect with regard to Omicron


19 January 2022

Minister Hipkins

New Appointments National Panel Chair appointment [PDF, 762 KB]


20 January 2022

Minister Davis

Ngaa Rauru Kiitahi Paepae Rangatira and Update on Te Kura i Huna. [PDF, 1.8 MB]


27 January 2022

Minister Hipkins

Education Accord Report (January 2022) [PDF, 309 KB]


Education Reports





17 January 2022

Minister Hipkins

Risk Management Scheme, School Contents Deed


17 January 2022

Minister Hipkins

Report back on emmissions reporting for the state schooling sector as part of teh Carbon Neutral Government Programme [PDF, 1.9 MB]


17 January 2022

Minister Hipkins

COVID-19 Vaccination Certificates: Children accessing EOTC settings [PDF, 811 KB]


18 January 2022

Minister Hipkins

Auckland Education Reserves Trust 2022 disbursement [PDF, 1.3 MB]


25 January 2022

Minister Hipkins

Targeted Assistance for Participation (TAP) Funding: Advice on future direction


25 January 2022

Minister Hipkins

Advice on Education New Zealand's performance - Quarter 1, 2021/22 [PDF, 1.3 MB]


26 January 2022

Minister Hipkins

Approval to release exposure draft of school board election regulations


28 January 2022

Minister Hipkins

Providing medical-grade masks for teachers and other education workers in schools and kura [PDF, 730 KB]


28 January 2022

Minister Hipkins Tertiary Education Commission – Quarter 1 2021/22 Performance  1275229

28 January 2022

Minister Hipkins Providing additional resourcing for schools to embed blended and distance learning 1280781

Advice seen by our Ministers - December 2021

Cabinet Papers





13 December 2021

Minister Hipkins

Education (Early Childhood Services) Amendment Regulations (No 2) 2021 [PDF, 1.1 MB]


13 December 2021

Minister Hipkins

Education and Training Amendment Bill (No 2): Supplementary Order Paper: Approval for Release [PDF, 429 KB]


20 December 2021

Minister Hipkins

Broadening Eligibility Criteria for Border Exceptions [PDF, 795 KB]


20 December 2021

Minister Hipkins

Addressing COVID-19 related cost pressures within the education system [PDF, 2 MB]



Briefing Notes





1 December 2021 Minister Hipkins Report back to Carbon Neutral Government Programme Ministerial Group [PDF, 718 KB] 1277902
1 December 2021 Minister Hipkins Response to correspondence from the Tertiary Education Union regarding COVID-19 pressure on staff in the Tertiary Sector [PDF, 1.1 MB] 1271506
1 December 2021 Minister Hipkins Cabinet paper: Education and Training Amendment Bill (No 2) – Supplementary Order Paper: Approval for Release [PDF, 699 KB] 1278487
2 December 2021 Minister Hipkins Distance Learning Under the COVID-19 Protection Framework [PDF, 850 KB] 1278469
2 December 2021 Minister Hipkins Evaluation Report | Provision of Internet Connectivity and Devices [PDF, 789 KB] 1278617
2 December 2021 Minister Hipkins Update on Student Wellbeing Measures Project 1275086
2 December 2021 Minister Hipkins Results of the 2020 School Audits [PDF, 815 KB] 1277447
6 December 2021 Minister Hipkins Talking points for Amendment Regulations, LEG Committee and Executive Council [PDF, 674 KB] 1278874
6 December 2021 Minister Hipkins Talking points for the network management SOP, LEG Committee on 9 December 2021 [PDF, 729 KB] 1278487
8 December 2021 Minister Tinetti Release of 2021 Term 2 Attendance Data [PDF, 976 KB] 1276610
8 December 2021 Minister Hipkins Advice and talking points to support your meeting with Quality Tertiary Institutes (QTI) [PDF, 1.4 MB] 1276844
9 December 2021 Minister Sio Joint Language Competency Work Programme [PDF, 1.2 MB] 1278136
10 December 2021 Minister Davis Te Kawa Matakura: Next steps [PDF, 1017 KB] 1278910
10 December 2021 Minister Davis Te Ahu o te Reo Māori Update and next steps [PDF, 965 KB] 1276285
13 December 2021 Minister Tinetti Meeting with teacher aides and NZEI on Wednesday 15 December [PDF, 904 KB] 1278788
16 December 2021 Minister Tinetti The New Zealand Curriculum refresh mathematics & statistics and English writing groups [PDF, 884 KB] 1279179
17 December 2021 Minister Tinetti, Minister Hipkins Oral Language and Literacy Intitative (OLLi) Evaluation [PDF, 2.2 MB] 1279278
17 December 2021 Minister Tinetti Te Rourou Whai Hua: Learning Support Toolkit [PDF, 830 KB]
17 December 2021 Minister Tinetti Engagement on improving access to Residential Specialist Schools through child-centered decision-making [PDF, 3.7 MB] 1279611
17 December 2021 Minister Tinetti Positive Behaviour for Learning School-Wide evaluation - high level findings [PDF, 3.5 MB] 1279413
17 December 2021 Minister Tinetti Highest Needs Review Phase Two Engagement Update [PDF, 272 KB] 1278843
22 December 2021 Minister Tinetti, Minister Hipkins Update on the Attendance Service Procurement Process [PDF, 971 KB] 1279271
22 December 2021 Minister Hipkins Access to co-education for gender diverse students [PDF, 461 KB] 1276772

Education Reports

Date Minister Title REFERENCE
1 December 2021 Minister Hipkins Proposed establishment of new primary school in Massey Redhills [PDF, 1 MB] 1277623
1 December 2021 Minister Hipkins Teacher Workforce Border Exception – [PDF, 2.5 MB]
Update and Next Steps [PDF, 2.5 MB]
1 December 2021 Minister Hipkins Ministry of Education 2021/22 First Quarter Report [PDF, 17 MB] 1276509
2 December 2021 Minister Hipkins Proposed approaches for youth engagement in 2022 [PDF, 842 KB] 1272708
2 December 2021 Minister Hipkins Network Management - advice on kōhanga reo proposal [PDF, 908 KB] 1278579
2 December 2021 Minister Hipkins Consultation on a change of classification for Queen Elizabeth College 1277794
2 December 2021 Minister Hipkins Progress of work to inform the high-level design of the Vocational Entrance Award 1277871
2 December 2021 Minister Hipkins Updated advice on options for school transport assistance for ineligible students where there is existing spare capacity [PDF, 881 KB] 1259411
2 December 2021 Minister Hipkins Queen Elizabeth II Technicians’ Study Awards for 2022 [PDF, 2.4 MB] 1276255
2 December 2021 Minister Hipkins Legislation Bids from the Education Portfolio for the 2022 Legislation Programme 1278135
2 December 2021 Minister Hipkins Update on engagement on blended and distance education and next steps [PDF, 592 KB] 1274125
3 December 2021 Minister Hipkins Change of classification and change of
designation for Te Kura o Te Moutere o Matakana (1811) [PDF, 886 KB]
3 December 2021 Minister Hipkins, Minister Robertson Continuation of emergency payments for casual workers in State and State-Integrated schools and kura, and the future of financial support for the casual schooling workforce [PDF, 1.2 MB] 1278040
3 December 2021 Minister Hipkins Targeted Assistance for Participation (TAP) Funding: Advice on future direction [PDF, 731 KB] 1275756
7 December 2021 Minister Tinetti Ā Mātou Kōrero | Our Stories [PDF, 869 KB] 1277855
7 December 2021 Minister Hipkins Relief teacher/backfill support for schools and early learning services impacted by mandatory vaccination requirements [PDF, 831 KB] 1277392
8 December 2021 Minister Hipkins Broadening Eligibility Criteria for Teacher Border Exceptions [PDF, 1.3 MB] 1278958
10 December 2021 Minister Hipkins Extending reporting timeframe for CRRF funding for targeted support for at risk akonga [PDF, 716 KB]
10 December 2021 Minister Hipkins Options for the Budget 2022 pay parity initiative [PDF, 803 KB] 1279010
17 December 2021 Minister Tinetti Proposal to combine Porirua Activity Centre and Alternative Education Provision in 2022 [PDF, 910 KB]

Advice seen by our Ministers - November 2021

Cabinet Papers





1 November 2021 Minister Hipkins Government Response to the Interim Report of the Regulations Review Committee on a Complaint about the Education (Early Childhood Services) Regulations 2008 [PDF, 914 KB] CAB-21-MIN-0446
1 November 2021 Minister Hipkins Government Response to the Petition of Angela Mason [PDF, 888 KB] CAB-21-MIN-0446
8 November 2021 Minister Hipkins Increasing Face-to-Face Onsite Education for Alert Level 3 Regions [PDF, 872 KB] CAB-21-MIN-0462
15 November 2021 Minister Hipkins Education (Domestic Tertiary Student Contract Dispute Resolution Scheme) Rules 2021 [PDF, 1.6 MB] CAB-21-MIN-0471
22 November 2021 Minister Hipkins Final Policy Settings for Early Childhood Network Management: Policy Approvals [PDF, 1.4 MB] CAB-21-MIN-0490
29 November 2021 Minister Hipkins Enabling an Electronic Option for School Board Elections [PDF, 1.1 MB] CAB-21-MIN-0503
29 November 2021 Minister Hipkins The Education and Training Amendment Bill (No 2): Approval for Introduction [PDF, 955 KB] CAB-21-MIN-0505
29 November 2021 Minister Hipkins Education (Export Education Levy) Regulations 2011 Revocation Order 2021 [PDF, 843 KB] CAB-21-MIN-0505
29 November 2021 Minister Hipkins Education Resourcing System for Schools and Early Learning Services: Approval of Implementation Business Case [PDF, 8.1 MB] CAB-21-MIN-0508

Briefing Notes





2 November 2021

Minister Hipkins

Visit to Brooklyn School to open new school buildings on Thursday 4 November 2021


2 November 2021

Minister Hipkins

FIANZ Five Year Education Sector Work Programme [PDF, 1.1 MB]


2 November 2021

Minsiter Davis

Te Mataaho-a-Iwi Education Dashboard [PDF, 861 KB]


2 November 2021

Minister Davis

Advice on Mātauranga Iwi Leaders Group [PDF, 870 KB]


3 November 2021 Minister Tinetti

Visit to Te Kura o Hau Karetu School (2902) to announce the roll out of the Community Provision of School Counselling on Monday 8 November 2021 [PDF, 877 KB]

3 November 2021 Minsiter Davis

Meeting with Te Rūnanga Nui

4 November 2021 Minister Davis

Growing the Supply of Proficient Te Reo Māori Speakers [PDF, 932 KB]

4 November 2021 Minister Davis

Tauranga Kōtuku Rerenga Tahi Graduation Ceremony [PDF, 804 KB]

4 November 2021 Minister Hipkins

LEG Paper: Education (Export Education Levy) Regulations 2011 Revocation Order 2021 [PDF, 768 KB]

5 November 2021 Minister Hipkins

EPL programme benefits reporting [PDF, 751 KB]

5 November 2021 Minister Tinetti

Meeting with Disability Rights Commissioner 9 November 2021

5 November 2021 Minister Hipkins

Talking points for Cabinet Legislation Committee 11 November 2021: Education (Domestic Tertiary Student Contract Dispute Resolution Scheme) Rules 2021 [PDF, 823 KB]

5 November 2021 Minister Hipkins

Final NCEA Level 2 and 3 Subject List for the NZC; and approach to Technical Report for NCEA Levels 1-3 Subjects for TMoA [PDF, 1.7 MB]

5 November 2021 Minister Tinetti

Meeting with Disability Commissioner on Tuesday 9 November 2021 [PDF, 754 KB]

8 November 2021 Minister Tinetti

Meeting with the New Zealand Principals Federation – Wednesday 10 November 2021 [PDF, 837 KB]

9 November 2021 Minister Sio

Background information to support Zoom meeting with Fa'amalua Tipi of Leataata o Tupulaga Aoga amata

9 November 2021 Minister Hipkins

Cabinet paper for lodging and talking points - policy approvals for early childhood network management [PDF, 735 KB]

10 November 2021 Minister Tinetti

Meeting with BOP Secondary Schools' Associate, Deputy and Assistant Principal Conference on 12 November 2021

12 November 2021 Minister Davis

Pūhoro Charitable Trust Board event 16 November 2021 pre-recorded video speech [PDF, 272 KB]

12 November 2021 Minister Davis

Meeting with NZSTA President Lorraine Kerr [PDF, 890 KB]

16 November 2021 Minister Hipkins

Applications for education related exemptions from the COVID-19 Public Health Response (Vaccinations) Order 2021 [PDF, 2.3 MB]

17 November 2021 Minister Hipkins

Advice to support your meeting with the New Zealand Union of Students’ Associations [PDF, 852 KB]

18 November 2021 Minister Davis

Talking points to support your meeting with the Tertiary Education Commission about improving outcomes for Māori learners [PDF, 928 KB]

18 November 2021 Minister Hipkins

Student Voice Summit speech notes [PDF, 832 KB]

22 November 2021 Minister Hipkins

Enabling electronic school board elections - Talking points for Social Wellbeing Committee [PDF, 616 KB]

22 November 2021 Minister Hipkins The Education and Training Amendment Bill (No 2): Talking points for Cabinet Legislation Committee 1264141
23 November 2021 Minister Hipkins New Zealand School Trustees Association [PDF, 830 KB] 1276845
23 November 2021 Minister Tinetti Release of He Whakaaro: Does streaming work? [PDF, 282 KB] 1273710
24 November 2021 Minister Hipkins Cabinet paper: Education and Training Amendment Bill (Np 2) – Supplementary Order Paper: Approval for Release [PDF, 743 KB] 1277570
24 November 2021 Minister Hipkins Replacement Gazette Notice for the Board Composition of the Ko Taku Reo – Deaf Education New Zealand Board 1273312
24 November 2021 Minister Tinetti Visit to Glenview School, to on Tuesday 30 November 2021 [PDF, 899 KB] 1276473
26 November 2021 Minister Sio Notes for your visit with the Samoan Parents at Porirua College on Monday 29 November at 6.30pm 1277778
26 November 2021 Minister Hipkins (Draft) Cabinet paper – Addressing COVID-19 related cost pressures within the education system [PDF, 792 KB] 1278192
30 November 2021 Minister Hipkins Teacher Demand and Supply Planning Projection Update - December 2021 [PDF, 884 KB] 1277339
30 November 2021 Minister Davis Meeting with the Teaching Council of Aotearoa New Zealand | Matatū of Aotearoa [PDF, 2.8 MB] 1270030

Education Reports





1 November 2021

Minister Hipkins

Continuation of the Emergency Payment Scheme to casual staff in State and State - Integrated schooling sector [PDF, 5.4 MB]


2 November 2021

Minsiter Hipkins

School Investment Package Close-out Strategy [PDF, 743 KB]


4 November 2021

Minister Tinetti

Highest Needs Review Updated Timeline for Phase Two Engagement [PDF, 816 KB]


4 November 2021

Minister Hipkins

Increasing bubble sizes in Alert Level 3 Step 2 regions [PDF, 758 KB]


5 November 2021

Minister Davis

Te Ahu o te Reo Māori – National Delivery Graduation Ceremonies [PDF, 1 MB]


8 November 2021

Minister Hipkins

Education and Training Amendment Bill (No 2) -draft Approval for Introduction Cabinet paper [PDF, 757 KB]


8 November 2021

Minister Hipkins

Student support access for refugee learners [PDF, 784 KB]


9 November 2021

Minister Hipkins

Enabling Electronic School Board Elections and Annex 2 – Regulatory Impact Statement [PDF, 955 KB]


10 November 2021

Minister Hipkins

Continuation of emergency payments for casual workers [PDF, 5.7 MB]


10 November 2021

Minister Hipkins

Domestic Tertiary Student Dispute Resolution Scheme Operator [PDF, 1.1 MB]  1272227

16 November 2021

Minister Hipkins

Applications for Education related exemptions from COVID-19 Public Health Response (Vaccinations) Order 2021


16 November 2021

Minister Hipkins

Domestic Tertiary Student Status for children on 2021 Resident Visa pathway [PDF, 819 KB]


17 November 2021

Minister Hipkins

The impact of COVID-19 on tertiary education in New Zealand: Initial impact on participation [PDF, 810 KB]


19 November 2021

Minister Hipkins

School ventilation approach under COVID-19 [PDF, 2 MB]


19 November 2021

Minister Hipkins, Minister Tinetti

Improving access to Residential Specialist Schools [PDF, 828 KB]


22 November 2021

Minister Hipkins

TEC Q4 and EOY performance [PDF, 3.9 MB]


22 November 2021

Minister Hipkins

Review of the ECE funding system for pay parity [PDF, 933 KB]


22 November 2021

Minister Hipkins

Delegation to fund Fees Free and the Targeted Training and Apprenticeship Fund in 2022 [PDF, 823 KB]


23 November 2021

Minister Hipkins

Update on the conversation about religion in schools [PDF, 1.4 MB]


24 November 2021

Minister Robertson

Continuation of emergency payments for casual workers in State and State integrated schools and kura [PDF, 3.7 MB]


24 November 2021

Minister Hipkins

Replacement Gazette Notice for the Board Composition of the Ko Taku Reo – Deaf Education New Zealand Board [PDF, 827 KB]


24 November 2021

Minister Hipkins

Amendment to decision 18 Nov ER Policy Decisions to support the implementation of the CPF [PDF, 7.7 MB]


25 November 2021

Minister Hipkins

Establishing Te Pūkenga as a Secondary-Tertiary Programme (Trades Academy) Lead Provider [PDF, 796 KB]


26 November 2021

Minister Hipkins

Access to ESOL provision and update on Pre-purchased English Language Tuition  [PDF, 1.2 MB]


29 November 2021

Minister Hipkins

Consultation on potential merger of Te Kāpehu Whetū (Teina) and Te Kāpehu Whetū (Tuakana) [PDF, 854 KB]


29 November 2021

Minister Hipkins

Consultation for the proposed establishment of a designated character kura-ā-iwi in Fielding


29 November 2021

Minister Hipkins

Update of the Budget 21 announcements for Shovel Ready initiative and Short-Term Roll Growth Programme


30 November 2021

Minister Hipkins

Establishment of a new designated character school: Te Pa Wananga o Tuteremoana



Date Minister Title REFERENCE
17 November 2021 Minister Hipkins Rapid Response on changes to cabinet paper - Enabling an Electronic Option for School Board Elections  [PDF, 713 KB] 1277342

Advice seen by our Ministers - September 2021

Cabinet Papers

Date Minister Title REFERENCE
2 September 2021 Minister Hipkins COVID-19: Additional financial support for domestic tertiary learners [PDF, 356 KB] CMG-21-MIN-0011
6 September 2021 Minister Hipkins Early Learning Regulatory Review: Public Consultation on Tranche Two [PDF, 1.2 MB] CAB-21-MIN-0356
6 September 2021 Minister Tinetti Highest Needs Review - Scope and Terms of Reference [PDF, 2 MB] CAB-21-MIN-0356
27 September 2021 Minister Hipkins Education and Training (Teaching Council Fees and Costs) Amendment Bill – Supplementary Order Paper: Approval for Release [PDF, 962 KB] CAB-21-MIN-0387

Briefing Notes





1 September 2021 Minister Hipkins 2021 National Student Action Plan on COVID-19 and updates on work to support tertiary learners [PDF, 23 MB] 1269811
1 September 2021 Minister Hipkins Cabinet paper talking points – COVID-19: Additional financial support for domestic tertiary learners [PDF, 221 KB] 1270393
2 September 2021 Minister Tinetti Education at a Glance 2021 NZ Summary Report [PDF, 1.1 MB] 1261549
7 September 2021 Minister Tinetti Update on the package for Gifted Learners [PDF, 888 KB] 1268366
9 September 2021 Minister Tinetti Meeting with Ekant Veer on 13 September 2021 [PDF, 2.3 MB] 1270193
9 September 2021 Minister Tinetti Update on the Record of Learning and He Ara Kokiri [PDF, 859 KB] 1265721
13 September 2021 Minister Hipkins Wage Subsidy for School Hostel Employees [PDF, 850 KB] 1271171
14 September 2021 Minister Hipkins Future Education Update [PDF, 1.2 MB] 1271572
16 September 2021 Minister Tinetti Student engagement data 2020 [PDF, 1.9 MB] 1266682
17 September 2021 Minister Hipkins Outcome of the 2022 Provisional Roll and Staffing Entitlement Process 1271560
17 September 2021 Minister Hipkins Ka Ora, Ka Ako |Healthy School Lunch Programme Progress Update [PDF, 2.3 MB] 1268767
20 September 2021 Minister Tinetti Royal Society Te Apārangi Expert Advisory Panel Independent paper on Pāngarau Mathematics and Tauanga Statistics in Aotearoa [PDF, 833 KB] 1271858
21 September 2021 Minister Tinetti Release of “Children with Additional Needs” Report [PDF, 853 KB] 1264918
21 September 2021 Minister Hipkins Education Accord Report (September 2021) [PDF, 246 KB] 1271880
21 September 2021 Minister Hipkins Students working while studying [PDF, 862 KB] 1271442
23 September 2021 Minister Hipkins Export Education Levy 2022 Suspension Cabinet Paper [PDF, 814 KB] 1271637
24 September 2021 Minister Tinetti Screen Time – The effects on children’s emotional, social, and cognitive development [PDF, 1 MB] 1271123
24 September 2021 Minister Tinetti, Minister Hipkins, Minister Davis, Minister Sio Re-engaging Ākonga in Schooling post-COVID-19 Delta - Revised Draft Cabinet Paper [PDF, 957 KB] 1272481
27 September 2021 Minister Davis Te Takanga o Te Wā curriculum content video [PDF, 1012 KB] 1272394
28 September 2021 Minister Hipkins Te Mahau and Te Tāhuhu o Te Mātauranga [PDF, 1.9 MB] 1272636
28 September 2021 Minister Hipkins
Further advice on measures of system progress [PDF, 6.2 MB]
29 September 2021 Minister Tinetti Highest needs review announcement [PDF, 893 KB] 1271049
29 September 2021 Minister Sio Association of Pasifika Staff in Tertiary Education (APSTE) Well-Being zoom fono and speech notes 1272157
29 September 2021 Minister Tinetti Supplementary expert advice to inform the refresh of the mathematics and statistics learning area of The New Zealand Curriculum [PDF, 794 KB] 1272703


Education Reports





1 September 2021 Minister Hipkins Final Cabinet paper - COVID-19: Additional financial support for domestic tertiary learners [PDF, 253 KB] 1270249
1 September 2021 Minister Hipkins and Minister Davis Short-term improvements to te reo Māori funding in tertiary education [PDF, 1.2 MB] 1264377
7 September 2021 Minister Davis Redesign of Te Marautanga o Aotearoa 1266499
7 September 2021 Minister Tinetti Next steps in refreshing The New Zealand Curriculum  1267995
8 September 2021 Minister Hipkins Further continuation of emergency support for casual staff in the State and State-integrated schooling sector [PDF, 893 KB] 1270900
10 September 2021 Minister Hipkins Finalising the new NCEA Subject Lists [PDF, 2.8 MB] 1266949
10 September 2021 Minister Hipkins Gazetting Te Whāriki: Early Engagement and public consultation [PDF, 849 KB] 1266950
10 September 2021 Minister Hipkins Updated funding determinations for 2022 [PDF, 921 KB] 1267256
14 September 2021 Minister Hipkins Moving the October school holidays for the Auckland region [PDF, 711 KB] 1271539
16 September 2021 Minister Sio Launch of the Poto Series 1271190
16 September 2021 Minister Hipkins NCEA COVID-19 Response for Auckland [PDF, 749 KB] 1271668
16 September 2021 Minister Hipkins Government Response to Petition of Angela Mason [PDF, 719 KB] 1269531
16 September 2021 Minister Hipkins Draft Ministry of Education 2021 Annual Report and Vote Education Non-Departmental Report 1269882
17 September 2021 Minister Hipkins Outcome of the 2022 Provisional Roll and Provisional Staffing Entitlement Process [PDF, 1.1 MB] 1271560
22 September 2021 Minister Hipkins, Minister Robertson Proposal to draw down International Education Recovery contingency funding [PDF, 4.1 MB] 1268212
23 September 2021 Minister Hipkins Updated funding determinations for 2022 [PDF, 1.1 MB] 1271418
24 September 2021 Minister Hipkins Further continuation of emergency support for casual staff in the State and State-integrated schooling sector [PDF, 782 KB] 1272148
24 September 2021 Minister Hipkins Request to consult on proposed change of year level for Kia Aroha College (631) [PDF, 937 KB] 1267908
29 September 2021 Minister Hipkins 2020/21 Fourth Quarter Education Work Programme 2021 report [PDF, 6.4 MB] 1266763
29 September 2021 Minister Hipkins Education System Monitoring Framework [PDF, 963 KB] 1271484

Advice seen by our Ministers - October 2021

Cabinet Papers





1 October 2021 Minister Davis Work Programme to Grow Māori Medium and Kaupapa Māori Education [PDF, 1.1 MB] CAB-21-MIN-0395
11 October 2021 Minister Hipkins Education System Vaccination and Testing Requirements [PDF, 1.6 MB] CAB-21-MIN-0414
18 October 2021 Ministers Hipkins/Tinetti Re-engaging Ākonga in Education Post COVID-19 Delta Lockdown [PDF, 878 KB] CAB-21-MIN-0416
18 October 2021 Minister Hipkins Export Education Levy 2022 Suspension [PDF, 1015 KB] CAB-21-MIN-0416

Aide Memoire





14 October 2021 Minister Tinetti Paper and speaking points for Child and Youth Wellbeing Strategy Ministers Meeting – 20 October 2021 [PDF, 966 KB] 1274356

Briefing Notes





1 October 2021 Ministers Hipkins/Tinetti Re-engaging Ākonga in Education post COVID-19 Delta - Revised Cabinet Paper [PDF, 2 MB] 1273264
5 October 2021 Minister Tinetti Relationships and Sexuality Education Supporting Resources 1272231
5 October  Minister Tinetti Update on the Online Curriculum Hub [PDF, 929 KB] 1269502
6 October 2021 Minister Davis 20 October 2021 Ngārimu VC and 28th (Māori) Battalion Memorial Scholarship Fund Board Meeting [PDF, 992 KB] 1272666
6 October 2021 Minister Tinetti PISA Frequency Consultation [PDF, 1.2 MB] 1272475
7 October 2021 Minister Tinetti Record of learning and He Ara Kōkiri timelines and sector engagement [PDF, 868 KB] 1271435
8 October 2021 Minister Davis Ngarimu VC 28th (Māori) Battalion Scholarship Board Meeting 20 October 2021, C Company Observer [PDF, 896 KB] 1273720
8 October 2021 Minister Tinetti Meeting with Chris Duggan, CEO and founder of House of Science [PDF, 884 KB] 1272488
14 October 2021 Minister Davis Te Hurihanganui Update [PDF, 1.1 MB] 1268584
15 October 2021 Minister Tinetti Education sector Research, Evaluation and Development Strategy [PDF, 1 MB] 1272170
15 October 2021 Minister Hipkins Child Youth Wellbeing Strategy Ministerial Group Meeting 1274033
15 October 2021 Minister Tinetti Otago Southland Secondary Principals’ Association Conference – Wanaka – 21 and 22 October 2021 1272970
15 October 2021 Minister Hipkins Options for face to face school opening [PDF, 243 KB] N/A
15 October 2021 Minister Sio Language Competency Requirements for Registered Pacific Teachers [PDF, 966 KB] 1272069
18 October 2021 Minister Tinetti New Pedagogies for Deep Learning. Global Deep Learning Lab: Inspiring a New Purpose and Future for Learning [PDF, 876 KB] 1273842
18 October 2021 Minister Tinetti Meeting with previous members of the independent Taskforce for the Review of Tomorrow's School [PDF, 884 KB] 1274607
20 October 2021 Minister Tinetti Meeting with Autism New Zealand on 21 October 2021 [PDF, 887 KB] 1274264
22 October 2021 Minister Tinetti Kiwi Kidsongs Launch at Oxford Crescent School on Thursday 28 October 2021 [PDF, 960 KB] 1272177
22 October 2021 Minister Tinetti Update on the School Entry Kete and the New Zealand Curriculum (NZC) [PDF, 901 KB] 1270636
26 October 2021 Minister Hipkins Talking points for LEG committee for Mason petition response [PDF, 683 KB] 1274963
27 October 2021 Minister Hipkins Talking points for Cabinet Legislation Committee – Government Response to the Interim Report of the Regulations Review Committee [PDF, 751 KB] 1275053
29 October 2021 Minister Hipkins Update on rephasing of NCEA Change Programme and Aotearoa New Zealand’s histories at Cabinet Business Committee meeting on 1 November 2021 [PDF, 873 KB] 1275220


Education Reports





1 October 2021 Minister Hipkins Final decision on future schooling in Hāwera [PDF, 2.6 MB] 1268772
1 October 2021 Minister Hipkins Agreement to consult on proposed change of designation for Whangamarino School (2083) [PDF, 2.8 MB] 1267230
1 October 2021 Minister Hipkins Impact of 2021 Resident Visa on domestic student status [PDF, 1.3 MB] 1272849
6 October 2021 Minister Hipkins Student Loan Scheme quarterly report for January to March 2021 and April to June 2021 [PDF, 961 KB] 1267464
8 October 2021 Minister Hipkins Strengthening cybersecurity and IT support in kura & schools [PDF, 1.8 MB] 1269453
11 October 2021 Minister Hipkins Education services and student support eligibility for Afghan evacuees [PDF, 577 KB] 1273894
12 October 2021 Minister Hipkins 2021 October Baseline Update for Vote Education and Vote Tertiary Education 1271242
13 October 2021 Minister Hipkins Delaying the 2022 Triennial School Board Elections to enable electronic elections [PDF, 854 KB] 1272903
13 October 2021 Minsiter Hipkins Initiating consultation about redesignating Whangaruru School (1667) as a designated character school [PDF, 1022 KB] 1272330
14 October 2021 Minister Hipkins Draft Government Response to the interim report of the Regulations Review Committee [PDF, 773 KB] 1273898
14 October 2021 Minister Hipkins, Minister Tinetti Enrolment at Residential Specialist Schools [PDF, 930 KB] 1273491
15 October 2021 Minister Sio Language Competency Requirements for Registered Pacific Teachers 1272069
18 October 2021 Minister Hipkins New Zealand Qualifications Authority - Quarter 4 2020/21 and end of year performance [PDF, 2.9 MB] 1267941
18 October 2021 Minister Hipkins Tabling 2021 Accountability Documents 1273163
18 October 2021 Minister Hipkins Agreement to consult on change of designation for Te Kura o Ōmarumutu [PDF, 1.2 MB] 1274137
19 October 2021 Minister Hipkins Closing out the Christchurch School Rebuild [PDF, 994 KB] 1273723
19 October 2021 Minister Hipkins Additional information to support a decision on allowing years 11-13 to return to school in Auckland on 26 October [PDF, 962 KB] 1274782
20 October 2021 Minsiter Hipkins Request for permission to consult on an Alternative Constitution [PDF, 726 KB] 1273764
20 October 2021 Minsiter Hipkins Cabinet Paper - Education (Domestic Tertiary Student Contract Dispute Resolution Scheme) Rules 2021 [PDF, 1.3 MB] 1271113
21 October 2021 Minister Hipkins Options to Rephase Delivery of the NCEA Change Programme [PDF, 1.2 MB] 1272449
21 October 2021 Minsiter Hipkins Change of classification for Manutuke School (2602) [PDF, 921 KB] 1272109
22 October 2021 Ministers Hipkins/Robertson /Tinetti Revised package of investments to re-engage students in Auckland [PDF, 1.4 MB] 1274797
22 October 2021 Minister Hipkins Next steps for implementing a qualified home-based educator workforce [PDF, 842 KB] 1273891
22 October 2021 Minister Hipkins Cabinet paper: Policy approvals for final policy settings for early childhood network management [PDF, 794 KB] 1273665
22 October 2021 Minister Davis Draft strategies for Te Reo Matatini and Pāngarau, Literacy and Communication, and Maths 1271809
27 October 2021 Minsiter Hipkins Teacher Demand and Supply [PDF, 1.1 MB]  1267138

Advice seen by our Ministers - August 2021

Cabinet Papers

Date Minister Title REFERENCE
2 August 2021 Minister Hipkins Tertiary and International Learner Wellbeing and Safety: Code of Practice, Dispute Resolution Scheme Rules and Legislative Changes [PDF, 4.3 MB] CAB-21-MIN-0286
2 August 2021 Minister Hipkins Policy approvals for urgent amendments relating to the Teaching Council’s fee setting powers  [PDF, 865 KB] CAB-21-MIN-0286
9 August 2021 Minister Hipkins

Education and Training (Teaching Council Fees and Costs) Amendment Bill: Approval for Introduction [PDF, 822 KB] 


Letter from Minister Hipkins to Hon David Parker, Attorney General CH5741 [PDF, 756 KB]

Letter from Hon David Parker to Minister Hipkins [PDF, 604 KB]

Letter from Minister Hipkins to Melanie Webber, PPTA Te Wehengarua CH6365 [PDF, 627 KB]

Letter from Minister Hipkins to Liam Rutherford, NZEI Te Riu Roa CH6366 [PDF, 627 KB]

9 August 2021 Minister Hipkins

Education (2022 School Staffing) Order 2021 [PDF, 1 MB]

16 August 2021 Minister Hipkins

The Education and Training Amendment Bill (No 2): Policy Approvals [PDF, 2 MB]

16 August 2021 Minister Hipkins

Pay Parity in Education and Care Services [PDF, 920 KB]

17 August 2021 Minister Hipkins

Continuing support for the casual schooling workforce due to COVID-19 resurgence: Approval for funding [PDF, 993 KB]

17 August 2021 Minister Hipkins

COVID19 - Sustaining the Distance Learning Response [PDF, 900 KB]

20 August 2021 Minister Hipkins

Approval of a Childcare for Workers of Alert Level 4 Businesses or Services Scheme [PDF, 1.2 MB]

20 August 2021 Minister Hipkins

COVID19 - Bolstering our Distance Learning Response [PDF, 908 KB]

27 August 2021 Minister Hipkins

Extension to the Childcare for Workers of Alert Level 4 Businesses or Services Scheme [PDF, 768 KB]


Briefing Notes





2 August 2021

Minister Hipkins

Cabinet paper seeking approval to introduce Education and Training (Teaching Council Fees and Costs) Amendment Bill: talking points for Cabinet Legislation Committee [PDF, 669 KB]


4 August 2021 Minister Davis 

What do we know about Māori medium in early learning (kohanga reo and Māori-medium early childhood education) [PDF, 1.2 MB]


4 August 2021  Minister Sio  Update on Pacific Education funds - plan for evaluation of Round 1 projects and funded Round 2 projects 1265368
4 August 2021 Minister Hipkins Meeting with QTI and ITENZ [PDF, 789 KB] 1263150
5 August 2021  Minister Sio  Pacific Education Foundation Act and the Tulī Takes Flight scholarships 1267129
5 August 2021  Minister Tinetti Draft speaking notes and update on inclusive education engagement [PDF, 725 KB] 1267739
6 August 2021 Minister Tinetti PB4L Conference [PDF, 3.1 MB] 1266848
6 August 2021 Minister Hipkins Final Report on the Delivery Progress of COVID-19 Response and Recovery Funding Initiatives [PDF, 4 MB] 1264865
9 August 2021 Minister Hipkins Meeting with the Early Childhood Council on pay parity [PDF, 734 KB] 1267848
9 August 2021 Minister Tinetti Address to Resource Teacher: Learning and Behaviour Lead school Forum 17 August 2021 [PDF, 1.8 MB] 1266703
10 August 2021 Minister Tinetti Visit to Huanui College with Emily Henderson MP on 13 August 2021 [PDF, 2.1 MB] 1268098
10 August 2021 Minister Davis Update on the end of financial year spend for the COVID-19 Recovery and Response Funding (CRRF) tagged for Māori learners and their whānau [PDF, 1.3 MB] 1268462
11 August 2021 Minister Hipkins Mount Aspiring College Visit 1268069
12 August 2021 Minister Hipkins Distribution of the Urgent Response Fund (COVID-19) [PDF, 6.2 MB] 1265323
13 August 2021 Minister Tinetti Release of PISA 2018 national report on digital devices and student outcomes in NZ schools [PDF, 907 KB] 1264248
13 August 2021 Minister Hipkins New Zealand Area Schools Association Conference 18 August 2021, Christchurch 1267924
13 August 2021 Minister Tinetti Release of PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) 2018 national report on digital devices and student outcomes in New Zealand Schools 1264248
13 August 2021 Minister Sio Supporting Pacific Young People into Technology and STEM pathways 1268251
16 August 2021 Minister Sio Launch for new Poto series resources 1267530
17 August 2021 Minister Hipkins Q&As - Independent Schools Conference 2021 1268373
17 August 2021 Minister Sio Pacific research capacity and capability within the tertiary education sector 1265586
17 August 2021 Minister Davis Meeting with Jeff Ruha HOD of Te Ao Māori of Rutherford College, at 12:30pm–1:30pm on Thursday 19 August. 1269046
18 August 2021 Minister Tinetti Highest Needs Review, final Cabinet paper [PDF, 798 KB] 1268660
19 August 2021 Minister Tinetti Meeting with members of the Centre for Arts and Social Transformation [PDF, 880 KB] 1268981
26 August 2021 Minister Tinetti Highest Needs Review, speaking points for Minister to introduce Cabinet paper [PDF, 872 KB] 1268661
26 August 2021 Minister Tinetti Minister Tinetti’s meeting with University of Waikato academics [PDF, 867 KB] 1268982
27 August 2021 Minister Hipkins Talking points and Q&A material for ECAC pay parity announcement, 2 September 2021 [PDF, 809 KB] 1269780
28 August 2021 Minister Hipkins Quarterly meeting of Responsible Ministers on the Royal Commission of Inquiry into the Terrorist Attack on Christchurch Masjidain on March 15 2019 [PDF, 1.6 MB] 1266670
31 August 2021 Minister Hipkins ECE Funding for Covid 19 Alert Levels 3 and 4, 2021 [PDF, 862 KB] 1270308
31 August 2021 Minister Hipkins Agenda items for September ECAC 1270331


Education Reports

Date Sent To Title METIS
2 August 2021 Minister Hipkins  Education (2022 School Staffing) Order 2021 - talking points for LEG meeting on 5 August 2021 1266063
2 August 2021 Minister Hipkins Public consultation on tranche two of the Early Learning Regulatory Review [PDF, 686 KB] 1267141
6 August 2021 Minister Hipkins Tranche 7 – Approval for State schools to provide education to students outside NZ during COVID-19 [PDF, 822 KB] 1268112
10 August 2021 Minister Hipkins  Consultation on establishment of a new state primary school Massey Redhill 1266863
16 August 2021 Minister Hipkins Funding of teacher aides by parents [PDF, 832 KB] 1267476
16 August Minister Hipkins Veterinary Science enrolment cap and funding rate increase [PDF, 1.2 MB] 1258877
17 August 2021 Minister Hipkins Tranche 6 – Approval for State Schools to provide education to students outside NZ during COVID-19 [PDF, 1.8 MB] 1266629
18 August 2021 Minister Hipkins Re-establishment of the emergency payment scheme for casual staff in the State and State-integrated schooling sector workforce due to COVID-19 resurgence in August 2021 [PDF, 880 KB] 1269399
20 August 2021 Minister Hipkins Consultation on regulations for home-based educator qualifications [PDF, 937 KB] 1267975
22 August 2021 Minister Hipkins Establish a nationwide COVID-19 resurgence Employment Assistance Service 1269666
24 August 2021 Minister Hipkins Draft 2020 Nga Kura o Aotearoa: New Zealand Schools for review 1266681
24 August 2021 Minister Hipkins Changes to NCEA in 2021 to respond to COVID-19 [PDF, 858 KB] 1269812
26 August 2021 Minister Hipkins Confirming tertiary fee regulation settings for 2022 [PDF, 1.6 MB] 1266727
27 August 2021 Minister Hipkins COVID-19 | continuing Distance Learning Response [PDF, 983 KB] 1269668
27 August 2021 Minister Hipkins Options for financial support to students during COVID-19 [PDF, 993 KB] 1269783
30 August 2021 Minister Hipkins Prime Minister’s Education Excellence Awards: Options for the 2021 Awards [PDF, 709 KB] 1267585
31 August 2021 Minister Hipkins Request for permission to consult on Alternative Constitution 1266856
31 August 2021 Minister Hipkins Draft Cabinet paper – COVID-19: Additional financial support for domestic tertiary learners [PDF, 408 KB] 1270250
31 August 2021 Minister Hipkins Teacher Workforce Border Exception – [PDF, 1 MB]
Stakeholder Feedback, Prioritisation and Funding [PDF, 1 MB]

Advice seen by our Ministers - July 2021

Cabinet Papers





12 July 2021 Minister Hipkins Policy approvals for tertiary and international learner wellbeing and safety: code of practice, dispute resolution scheme rules and legislative changes [PDF, 1.1 MB] CBC-21-MIN-0065

Briefing Notes


Sent To



1 July 2021 Minister Hipkins Centres for Asia-Pacific Excellence Teachers’ Forum and Speech Notes [PDF, 790 KB] 1263878
1 July 2021 Minister Davis Meeting with the New Zealand Principals Federation [PDF, 917 KB] 1262274
1 July 2021 Minister Davis Attendance at the PPTA’s National Māori Teachers’ Conference, 11 July 2021 [PDF, 852 KB] 1261859
2 July 2021 Minister Hipkins Youth Advisory Group – July meeting 1263736
2 July 2021 Minister Hipkins Supporting your attendance at ECE conference on 3 July 2021 [PDF, 737 KB] 1264133
5 July 2021 Minister Hipkins Police vet delays in the early learning sector [PDF, 1.7 MB] 1263257
5 July 2021 Minister Hipkins Visit to Hawera High School on Thursday 8 July 2021 to discuss proposals on future schooling in Hawera 1264065
6 July 2021 Minister Hipkins Ako Aotearoa’s review of the Tertiary Teaching Excellence Awards [PDF, 777 KB] 1265317
6 July 2021 Minister Hipkins Revised: July 6th Meeting with SIEBA/SPANZ [PDF, 749 KB] 1263050
8 July 2021 Minister Tinetti Understanding neurodiversity from a te ao Māori perspective [PDF, 904 KB] 1263806
8 July 2021 Minister Tinetti Curriculum Advisory Group: finalising membership [PDF, 1010 KB] 1265592
9 July 2021 Minister Hipkins International Education Forum 13 July 2021 [PDF, 5.7 MB] 1264164
9 July 2021 Minister Hipkins Cabinet paper talking points – Policy approvals of a package of provisions for learner wellbeing and safety (CBC 12 July 2021) [PDF, 1.8 MB] 1264495
14 July 2021 Minister Hipkins 2020 Provider-based tertiary qualification completion data [PDF, 1 MB] 1264458
15 July 2021 Minister Hipkins Findings of the interim evaluation of the pilot of the Ka Ora, Ka Ako | Healthy School Lunch programme [PDF, 803 KB] 1265420
16 July 2021 Minister Hipkins Visit to Oranga School to open new classroom on 27 July 2021 [PDF, 6 MB] 1262611
16 July 2021 Minister Hipkins Consultation on the Policy Statement on Value of International Education [PDF, 814 KB] 1266444
20 July 2021 Minister Tinetti Talking points for NZPF Rotorua conference 2 August [PDF, 695 KB] 1265931
20 July 2021 Minister Hipkins Expanding COVID-19 related household connectivity [PDF, 765 KB] 1266046
21 July 2021 Minister Tinetti Highest needs review - draft cabinet paper on scope and terms of reference [PDF, 1 MB] 1266551
22 July 2021 Minister Sio Background and speech notes for Inaugural Otago Pacific Leaders Summit [PDF, 1.2 MB] 1263603
22 July 2021 Minister Tinetti NCEA accessibility for students with additional learning support needs, students in alternative education, and transient students [PDF, 996 KB] 1266445
23 July 2021 Minister Tinetti Final Update Ongoing Resourcing Scheme COVID-19 Respond Fund [PDF, 3.1 MB] 1264823
23 July 2021 Minister Tinetti Highest Needs Review - Draft Cabinet paper on Scope and Terms of Reference [PDF, 1.3 MB] 1266951
26 July 2021 Minister Tinetti Visit to Colwill School Massey on Friday 27 August 2021 [PDF, 4.7 MB] 1265916
27 July 2021 Minister Davis Visit to St Pauls College on 29 July 2021 [PDF, 2.4 MB] 1266871
28 July 2021 Minister Hipkins Quarterly meeting of Responsible Ministers on the
Royal Commission of Inquiry into the Terrorist Attack
on Christchurch Masjidain on March 15 2019
30 July 2021 Minister Hipkins Commentary on papers for CYWS Ministerial Meeting 2 August 1266397
30 July 2021 Minister Hipkins (Prime Minister) Visit to Onepoto School to open new school buildings on Friday 13 August 2021 [PDF, 2.7 MB] 1266034
30 July 2021 Minister Tinetti Meeting with Lifting Literacy Aotearoa [PDF, 875 KB] 1266658
30 July 2021 Minister Tinetti Mental Health Education guide development [PDF, 758 KB] 1256081
30 July 2021 Minister Sio Talanoa Ako PLD Agenda and Speech notes [PDF, 1.8 MB] 1267268
30 July 2021 Minister Hipkins Cybersecurity in the education sector [PDF, 1.4 MB] 1267366

Education Reports


Sent to



1 July 2021 Minister Sio Update on Talanoa Ako [PDF, 1.2 MB] 1260300
1 July 2021 Minister Hipkins Revised Cabinet paper – Policy approvals for the code of practice, dispute resolution scheme rules and legislative changes [PDF, 775 KB] 1264424
1 July 2021 Minister Hipkins Teacher Workforce Border Exception Scheme [PDF, 911 KB] 1263721
2 July 2021 Minister Hipkins Extending discretionary hours for education and care services [PDF, 691 KB] 1265021
2 July 2021 Minister Hipkins Formalisation of a Cross-Workforce Development Council Māori advisory committee [PDF, 821 KB] 1254912
5 July 2021 Minister Hipkins Amending the Annual Planning Licensing Criteria for Early Learning Services and Amendments for Kōhanga Reo [PDF, 3.3 MB] 1262911
6 July 2021 Minister Hipkins Approval to exceed the Borrowing Threshold – Christchurch Girls High School Board [PDF, 2.5 MB] 1264736
7 July 2021 Minister Hipkins Tranche 5 – Approval for State schools to provide education to students outside NZ during COVID-19 [PDF, 1.8 MB] 1265324
7 July 2021 Minister Hipkins Next steps on simplifying the qualifications system and the design of vocational qualifications [PDF, 1.2 MB] 1264446
8 July 2021 Minister Hipkins Change of classification and change of designation for Te Kura o Waitahanui (2068) [PDF, 4 MB] 1260596
9 July 2021 Minister Hipkins Education (2022 School Staffing) Order 2021 [PDF, 783 KB] 1264297
9 July 2021 Minister Hipkins Changes to the code of practice after targeted learner and sector engagement (for CBC 12 July) [PDF, 835 KB] 1264425
13 July 2021 Minister Hipkins Policy approvals for the Education and Training Amendment Bill (No 2) [PDF, 1.4 MB] 1264141
14 July 2021 Minister Hipkins Early Learning Regulatory Review: Network Management – Te Tiriti o Waitangi, appeals and other matters [PDF, 1.3 MB] 1265914
16 July 2021 Minister Hipkins Initiating consultation over the proposed cancellation of the integration agreement for St Joseph’s School (Port Chalmers) (3828) 1265129
16 July 2021 Minister Tinetti Highest Needs Review: What we heard, Scope and Terms of Reference [PDF, 919 KB] 1265369
16 July 2021 Minister Hipkins Confirmation of funding conditions for pay parity [PDF, 774 KB] 1266125
16 July 2021 Minister Hipkins Proposal for establishment of a new primary school in Cambridge West [PDF, 1.3 MB] 1264296
19 July 2021 Minister Hipkins Early Learning Regulatory Review: Strengthening the person responsible requirements [PDF, 1.2 MB] 1255415
20 July 2021 Minister Hipkins State and State Integrated Schools Terms, Holidays an Cohort Entry Dates for 2024 [PDF, 2.1 MB] 1265555
22 July 2021 Minister Tinetti Confirming the content structure for learning areas in The New Zealand Curriculum [PDF, 878 KB] 1266499
28 July 2021 Minister Hipkins Draft Cabinet paper - pay parity in education and care services [PDF, 745 KB] 1267385
29 July 2021 Minister Hipkins Student Management System Vendor Market Options & Recommendations [PDF, 10 MB] 1266675
30 July 2021 Minister Hipkins Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets for Ministry of Education as at 30 June 2021 1264353
30 July 2021 Minister Hipkins Change to the Constitution of the Ko Tāku Reo Deaf Education New Zealand (903) Board [PDF, 1.9 MB] 1250648
30 July 2021 Minister Hipkins Proposal to establish Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Tūtūtarakihi, Kaitaia, as a designated character school [PDF, 1.8 MB] 1266156

Advice seen by our Ministers - June 2021

Cabinet Papers





8 June 2021 Minister Hipkins Implementing Qualification Requirements for Home-based Early [PDF, 952 KB]
Childhood Educators [PDF, 952 KB]
21 June 2021 Minister Hipkins Oral item: International Education [PDF, 233 KB] CAB-21-MIN-0231
28 June 2021 Minister Hipkins Education (Early Childhood Services) Amendment Regulations 2021 [PDF, 1.3 MB] CAB-21-MIN-0242
28 June 2021 Minister Hipkins Transfer of Fees Free Payments Funding to Offset Tertiary Funding Pressures [PDF, 911 KB] CAB-21-MIN-0243

Briefing Notes 


Sent to



1 June 2021 Minister Hipkins Visit to Redwoodtown School on Wednesday 2 June 2021 1261474
2 June 2021 Minister Davis Attendance at the NZAIMS conference, 9 June 2021 [PDF, 859 KB] 1260667
4 June 2021 Minister Hipkins Hon Hipkins speech at the APIS conference on 15 June 2021 1260123
4 June 2021 Minister Hipkins Association of Integrated Schools (AIS) Conference [PDF, 3.6 MB] 1260123
4 June 2021 Minister Sio Learning support strategy session on 9 June 2021 with a focus on Pacific learners 1261420
4 June 2021 Minister Tinetti Update on the Review of Interventions for Students with the Highest Level of Learning Support Needs [PDF, 3.5 MB] 1622052
8 June 2021 Minister Hipkins Embargoed results of the 2022 QS World University Rankings [PDF, 818 KB] 1261286
9 June 2021 Minister Davis Visit to Northland College on 16 June 2021 [PDF, 631 KB] 1260703
9 June 2021 Minister Tinetti Meeting with Waitakere Area Principals Association (WAPA) on 11 June 2021 [PDF, 5.9 MB] 1261239
11 June 2021 Minister Tinetti Current work to support safe and inclusive school environments for bullying prevention and response 1262344
11 June 2021 Minister Davis Te Ahu o te Reo Māori and Te Kawa Matakura Procurement of Provider Services [PDF, 982 KB] 1257579
11 June 2021 Minister Tinetti Visit to Auckland Girls' Grammar on Tuesday 15 June 2021 [PDF, 4.1 MB] 1261867
14 June 2021 Minister Hipkins Ace conference at Te Wharewaka [PDF, 686 KB] 1261121
14 June 2021 Minister Hipkins Release of the He Whakaaro Student learning during COVID 19 [PDF, 2.6 MB] 1254434
15 June 2021 Minister Tinetti Visit to Tauranga Girls' College, meeting with Principal and staff 1261608
17 June 2021 Minister Davis Information to support hui with Te Tauihu o Ngā Wānanga – June 23 1261599
17 June 2021 Minister Tinetti Visit to Christchurch on 14 July 2021 [PDF, 5.4 MB] 1250282
17 June 2021 Minister Sio Meeting Network for Learning (N4L) 1259771
17 June 2021 Minister Hipkins Meeting with Alternative Education National Body members on Wednesday 23 June 2021 [PDF, 175 KB] 1261612
18 June 2021 Minister Hipkins Release of 2020 school leaver and associated data [PDF, 3.9 MB] 1259752
18 June 2021 Minister Hipkins Reprioritisation of unspent 2020/21 Fees Free funding to manage demand pressures [PDF, 822 KB] 1263460
18 June 2021 Minister Hipkins Private Training Establishments Sector Update [PDF, 779 KB] 1254082
18 June 2021 Minister Hipkins Developing a National Languages Strategy [PDF, 740 KB] 1262676
18 June 2021 Minister Davis Ngarimu VC and 28th ( Māori) Battalion Scholarship Fund 2 July Board Meeting [PDF, 1.6 MB] 1261800
21 June 2021 Minister Tinetti Learner identity and the National Student Index [PDF, 3.5 MB] 1255292
21 June 2021 Minister Davis Outcomes of Māori Education Peak Bodies 3 June 2021 [PDF, 703 KB] 1263323
21 June 2021 Minister Tinetti Release of New Statistical Standard for Gender, Sex, and variations of Sex Characteristics 1260807
22 June 2021 Minister Hipkins Meeting with Todd Roughton of Home Schooling NZ on Thursday 24 June 2021 1261992
22 June 2021 Minister Hipkins Visit Alfriston School on Friday 25 June as part of the Creative in Schools Round 3 Announcement 1262530
22 June 2021 Minister Tinetti Meetings with Masterton Primary Principals Group (at Hadlow Preparatory School), and Autism Wairarapa on Friday 25 June 2021 [PDF, 5.8 MB]


22 June 2021 Minister Sio University of Otago post budget Talanoa talking points [PDF, 1.1 MB]


23 June 2021 Minister Hipkins Reporting on the Delivery Progress of COVID-19 Response and Recovery Funding Initiatives [PDF, 955 KB]


23 June 2021 Minister Hipkins June update on the Urgent Response Fund (COVID-19) [PDF, 3.2 MB]


24 June 2021 Minister Tinetti Launch of the Te Rito Toi website [PDF, 1006 KB]


24 June 2021 Minister Hipkins Initial teacher education, updated completion and enrolment data [PDF, 1.3 MB]


25 June 2021 Minister Hipkins Meeting with international education Ministers


25 June 2021 Minister Tinetti Meeting with the Resource Teacher: Learning and Behaviour Executive on 29 June 2021 [PDF, 775 KB]


28 June 2021 Minister Tinetti Alternative Education Sector workshop on 1 July


28 June 2021 Minister Hipkins Cabinet Paper Transfer of Fees Free Payments funding to offset tertiary funding pressures, 28 June 2021 [PDF, 748 KB]


28 June 2021 Minister Hipkins Ministerial Satisfaction Survey 2020/21


28 June 2021 Minister Hipkins Early Learning Action Plan Stocktake Strategy Session [PDF, 4.6 MB]


28 June 2021 Minister Tinetti Meeting with Jase Williams, Principal of Henry Hill School on 30 June [PDF, 1.9 MB]


29 June 2021 Minister Hipkins Meeting with English NZ [PDF, 812 KB]


29 June 2021 Minister Hipkins Overseas ECE teachers unable to gain registration [PDF, 778 KB]


30 June 2021 Minister Davis Kia manahua te katoa ki te reo Maori – National provider hui [PDF, 1 MB]



Education Reports


Sent to



1 June 2021 Minister Tinetti

Incredible Years Autism Evaluation [PDF, 8 MB]

8 June 2021 Minister Hipkins Revised letter of delegation for Workforce Development Councils [PDF, 933 KB] 1255922
9 June 2021 Minister Hipkins Key themes and next steps from public consultation on tertiary education learner wellbeing and safety revised [PDF, 1.4 MB] 1255733
9 June 2021 Minsiters Hipkins/Robertson Drawdown of funding to to expand Te Kahu Tōī, Intensive Wraparound Service [PDF, 1 MB] 1260421
10 June 2021 Minister Davis Ngarimu VET scholarship pack [PDF, 803 KB] 1261533
10 June 2021 Minister Hipkins Early Learning Regulatory Review: Network Management – policy settings and consultation [PDF, 1.5 MB] 1255416
15 June 2021 Minister Hipkins Request for permission to consult on Alternative Constitutions [PDF, 1.7 MB] 1259330
15 June 2021 Minister Hipkins Prime Minister’s Education Excellence Awards 2021 Announcement of Finalist [PDF, 1.2 MB] 1261903
15 June 2021 Minister Hipkins Vote Tertiary Education pressures and Fees Free 2020/21 underspend [PDF, 889 KB] 1258874
15 June 2021 Minister Hipkins Further advice on additional discretion for the Tertiary Education Commission [PDF, 994 KB] 1260163
17 June 2021 Minister Hipkins Talking points for special debate on the inquiry into student accommodation [PDF, 849 KB] 1262040
18 June 2021 Minister Hipkins Draft Cabinet paper – Policy approvals for the code of practice, dispute resolution scheme and legislative changes [PDF, 2 MB] 1255734
18 June 2021 Minister Hipkins Proposal from the Villa Education Trust to establish a Year 7-15 designated character school in Auckland, Mt Hobson Academy [PDF, 12 MB] 1260594
22 June 2021 Minister Tinetti Attendance at the Ministerial Leadership Group meeting – 23 June 2021 [PDF, 3.7 MB] 1262393
24 June 2021 Minister Hipkins Redesign of Foundation Tertiary Education [PDF, 968 KB] 1249504
24 June 2021 Minister Hipkins Draft Cabinet Paper: Transfer of Fees Free Payments Funding to Offset Tertiary Funding Pressures [PDF, 713 KB] 1263890
25 June 2021 Minister Hipkins Proposed consultation for recapitation of Tiaho Primary School (1669) [PDF, 5.6 MB] 1259016
25 June 2021 Minister Hipkins Cyber security in schools [PDF, 6.2 MB] 1262630
25 June 2021 Minister Hipkins Revised draft Cabinet paper – Policy approvals for the code of practice, dispute resolution scheme rules and legislative changes [PDF, 1.5 MB] 1263313
25 June 2021 Minister Hipkins Consulting on fee regulation settings for 2022 [PDF, 845 KB] 1258863
28 June 2021 Minister Hipkins New Zealand Qualifications Authority performance – Quarter 3 2020/21 [PDF, 1.4 MB] 1257555
28 June 2021 Minister Hipkins Tertiary Education Commission performance – Quarter 3 2020/21 [PDF, 965 KB] 1257554
29 June 2021 Minister Hipkins Education New Zealand performance – Quarter 3 2020/21 1257556
30 June 2021 Minister Tinetti Design of Student Wellbeing Measures [PDF, 1.8 MB] 1252367
30 June 2021 Minister Hipkins Meeting with International Education Ministers 1263797

Advice seen by our Ministers - May 2021

Cabinet Papers

Date Minister Title REFERENCE
5 May 2021 Minister Hipkins Education and Training (Grants – Budget Measures) Amendment Bill – Policy Approvals [PDF, 973 KB] CAB-21-MIN-0149
10 May 2021 Minister Hipkins Establishment of Six Workforce Development Councils [PDF, 853 KB] CAB-21-MIN-0156
17 May 2021 Minister Hipkins Education and Training (Grants – Budget Measures) Amendment Bill: Approval for Introduction [PDF, 980 KB] CAB-21-MIN-0168
24 May 2021 Minister Hipkins Review of the Performance-Based Research Fund: Final Report [PDF, 1019 KB] CAB-21-MIN-0175 [PDF, 673 KB]
31 May 2021 Minister Hipkins New School Transport Service Contracts: Tagged Contingency Funding [PDF, 1.2 MB] CAB-21-MIN-0184

Aides Memoire

Date Minister Title Reference
14 May 2021 Minister Tinetti Actions to improve attendance [PDF, 871 KB] 1259829

Briefing Notes

Date Sent to Title METIS
3 May 2021 Minister Tinetti Joint Briefing Note: Research, Evaluation and Development Strategy [PDF, 3.5 MB] 1256759
3 May 2021 Minister Tinetti Professor Stuart McNaughton – Chief Education Science Advisor Update 1258181
5 May 2021 Minister Tinetti Attendance at Te Puna Foundation travel funded He Tohu tour, Wednesday 12 May 2021 1258027
6 May 2021 Minister Hipkins Minister’s Youth Advisory Group April 2021 Meeting (15-16 April) [PDF, 1.1 MB] 1257446
6 May 2021 Minister Tinetti Social and emotional learning in the New Zealand Curriculum [PDF, 835 KB] 1251127
6 May 2021 Minister Tinetti Update on a rich record of learning for all ākonga [PDF, 780 KB] 1253955
6 May 2021 Minister Tinetti Learning Support Coordinators Forum 25 March 2021 approval to publish opening address [PDF, 1.8 MB] 1257863
6 May 2021 Minister Davis Te Hurihanganui Nelson Celebration [PDF, 1.5 MB] 1258855
7 May 2021 Minister Hipkins Materials for literacy and mathematics, te reo matatini and pāngarau strategy session 1258935
7 May 2021 Minister Tinetti Overview of Resource Teacher: Learning and Behaviour Service and update of Funding Agreement 1256639
7 May 2021 Minister Tinetti Learning Support Coordinators Forum, 25 March 2021: approval to publish opening address 1257863
7 May 2021 Minister Tinetti Meeting with NZ Council of Education Deans 1258168
7 May 2021 Minister Tinetti Guidance Counselling provision update ̶ outline of provision 1258267
7 May 2021 Minister Tinetti Counselling in Schools – Outline of Planned Service Provision [PDF, 5.1 MB] 1258271
7 May 2021 Minister Tinetti Release of 2019 18-year-old NCEA Level 2 attainment [PDF, 2.6 MB] 1257973
10 May 2021 Minister Tinetti Visit to Christchurch Girls' High School – Te Kura O Hine Wairoa ‘Women in Trades Evening’ event 1258467
10 May 2021 Minister Hipkins Additional material for literacy and mathematics, te reo matatini and pāngarau strategy session 1259293
10 May 2021 Minister Sio Background and Talking Points for meeting with Universities New Zealand Komiti Pasifika [PDF, 896 KB] 1258331
11 May 2021 Minister Hipkins Meeting with international education peak bodies 1258064
11 May 2021 Minister Sio Ministry of Education’s contribution to the Dawn Raids Goodwill Package [PDF, 709 KB] 1259300
11 May 2021 Minister Tinetti Bullying-Free NZ Week 2021 [PDF, 2.7 MB] 1259100
12 May 2021 Minister Hipkins Prime Minister's visit to Manurewa High School on 14 May 2021 [PDF, 4.2 MB] 1259112
12 May 2021 Minister Hipkins N4L Statement of Performance Expectations & Statement of Intent [PDF, 816 KB] 1258571
13 May 2021 Minister Hipkins

Independent Schools of New Zealand Governance Seminar, 18 May (via Zoom)

13 May 2021 Minister Tinetti

Our Kind of School project update for the Child and Youth Wellbeing Strategy Ministerial Group [PDF, 892 KB]

13 May 2021 Minister Tinetti

Update on Ongoing Resourcing Scheme COVID-19 Response Fund [PDF, 2.5 MB]

13 May 2021 Minister Davis Te Kawa Matakura Update [PDF, 868 KB] 1257675
14 May 2021 Minister Hipkins Information Update: Ka Ora, Ka Ako | Healthy School Lunches programme [PDF, 1.1 MB] 1259733
14 May 2021 Minister Hipkins Background and talking points for meeting with Professor Ruru [PDF, 1012 KB] 1258040
14 May 2021 Minister Hipkins May update on the Urgent Response Fund (COVID-19) [PDF, 2.4 MB] 1258707
14 May 2021 Minister Tinetti Actions to improve attendance 1259829
14 May 2021 Minister Tinetti Update on ORS COVID-19 Response Fund 1258270
14 May 2021 Minister Tinetti Visit to school for Bullying-Free NZ Week 19/20 May [PDF, 1.8 MB] 1259005
14 May 2021 Minister Sio Ministry of Education Pacific Staff Fono 2021  1257048
17 May 2021 Minister Sio Visit to Rowandale School for the opening Ceremony of Samoan Language Week: Monday 31 May 2021 [PDF, 1.5 MB] 1259022
19 May 2021 Minister Sio To support Minister Sio in the opening of Oceania Careers Academy's new campus on 22 May 2021  1260033
19 May 2021 Minister Hipkins 2020 Workplace-based enrolment and completion data [PDF, 735 KB] 1259460
21 May 2021 Minister Tinetti

Minister Sio
To support your visit to Tai o Fenua Kindergarten and Tauranga Boys' College on Friday 28 May 1260148
21 May 2021 Minister Sio Release of Tapasā online resources for teachers and leaders 1258898
24 May 2021 Minister Hipkins Reporting on the Delivery Progress of COVID-19 Recovery and Response Funding Initiatives [PDF, 1 MB] 1259732
24 May 2021 Minister Tinetti UNESCO Launch of UN Oceans Decade event - speech notes and run sheet [PDF, 270 KB] 1253989
24 May 2021 Minister Hipkins  Visit to Glendowie College, to open the new Dykes Science Block (and a satellite unit for Sommerville Special School on 28 May 2021)   1258384
24 May 2021  Minister Hipkins  Ministry Disability Strategic Framework development and next steps [PDF, 776 KB]  1259568
24 May 2021 Minister Sio Visit to Favona school in Mangere Tuesday, 25 May and Mangere East Primary School Wednesday, 26 May [PDF, 1.3 MB]  1260389
25 May 2021  Minister Hipkins  Federation of Workers Education Associations Aotearoa AGM - 29 May  1259831
26 May 2021  Minister Sio  Minister Sio's visit to Tai o Fenua Kindergarten Pacific early learning centres and Tauranga Boys' College  1260148 
27 May 2021 Minister Hipkins Cabinet Social Wellbeing Committee consideration of Implementing Qualification Requirements for Home-based Early Childhood Educators [PDF, 715 KB] 1260430
27 May 2021 Minister Hipkins Visit to Te Aro School to open new senior classrooms on Friday 4 June 2021 [PDF, 3.6 MB] 1259698
28 May 2021 Minister Hipkins Agenda Items for June 2021 ECAC 1259803
28 May 2021 Minister Sio Attendance at Sosaiete Aoga Amata Sāmoa i Aotearoa (SAASIA) celebration of Samoan Language Week 1260676
28 May 2021 Minister Hipkins Secondary Principals' Association of New Zealand (SPANZ) Principals’ Conference 2021 [PDF, 778 KB] 1260357
31 May 2021 Minister Hipkins Meeting with Chief Commissioner of the Human Rights Commission regarding social cohesion 1264011

Education Reports

Date Sent to Title METIS
5 May 2021 Minister Hipkins Range of Dates for the 2022 Triennial School Board Elections [PDF, 1.8 MB] 1258486
6 May 2021 Minister Hipkins Advice on the proposal to broaden the temporary offshore education policy to include new international school students [PDF, 705 KB] 1259317
7 May 2021 Minister Hipkins Next steps on refresh of the International Education Strategic Recovery Plan 1258927
13 May 2021 Minister Hipkins New Zealand Qualifications Authority draft Statement of Performance Expectations 2021/22 [PDF, 927 KB] 1257535
13 May 2021 Minister Hipkins Tertiary Education Commission Draft Statement of Performance Expectations 2021/22 [PDF, 989 KB] 1257536
13 May 2021 Minister Hipkins Education New Zealand draft Statement of Performance Expectations 2021/22 [PDF, 1.3 MB] 1257537
17 May 2021 Minister Hipkins Blind and Low Vision Education Network New Zealand’s resourcing allocation [PDF, 3 MB] 1254604
24 May 2021 Minister Hipkins Pukemiro Primary School (1905) Closure Final Decision 1259582
24 May 2021 Minister Hipkins Reporting on the Delivery Progress of COVID-19 Recovery and Response Funding Initiatives 1259732
26 May 2021 Minister Hipkins Early Learning Regulatory Review - tranche one proposals [PDF, 14 MB] 1250403
27 May 2021 Minister Hipkins Ngā Kura o Aotearoa New Zealand Schools 2020 Report - Reporting Options [PDF, 2.1 MB] 1260038
27 May 2021 Minister Hipkins Budget 21 Projects - Shovel-ready and Short-Term Roll Growth Programme [PDF, 1.3 MB] 1261287
31 May 2021 Minister Hipkins Ministry of Education March Quarterly Report [PDF, 3.4 MB] 1258773

Advice seen by our Ministers - April 2021

Cabinet Papers

Date Title Reference
6 April 2021 Tertiary Leaner Wellbeing and Safety Code of Practice, Dispute Resolution and Legislative Change: Approval to Consult [PDF, 1 MB] CAB-21-MIN-0095
12 April 2021 Temporary Hardship Fund for Learners in Tertiary Education [PDF, 904 KB] CAB-21-MIN-0108
19 April 2021 Education and Training Amendment Bill: Approval for Introduction [PDF, 1.1 MB] CAB-21-MIN-0121
19 April 2021 Paper One: Education and Training Amendment Bill (No 2) Proposals: Approval to Consult [PDF, 6.1 MB] CAB-21-MIN-0131
19 April 2021 Cabinet Paper: Paper Two: Proposed Changes to School Board Elections: Approval to Consult [PDF, 464 KB] CAB-21-MIN-0131

Aides Memoire

Date Title METIS
1 April 2021 Report back on the uptake of the school donations scheme for 2020 and 2021  [PDF, 775 KB] 1255440
9 April 2021 International students: update on the 1,000 student exception 1256456
16 April 2021 International students: update on the 1,000 student exception 1256854
21 April 2021 Draft cabinet paper and Orders in Council to establish six Workforce Development Councils  [PDF, 1.2 MB] 1257430
28 April 2021 Final cabinet paper and Orders in Council to establish six Workforce Development Councils [PDF, 1.1 MB] 1258204

Briefing Notes

Date Title METIS
1 April 2021 Draft Cabinet Paper: Delivering on the Child and Youth Wellbeing Strategy: update on implementation and next steps [PDF, 753 KB] 1255011
1 April 2021 An update on the review of how schools are funded for teacher aides [PDF, 965 KB] 1253880
1 April 2021 Visit to Bathgate Park School on Thursday, 8 April 2021 1255384
6 April 2021 Update on Work on Streaming [PDF, 883 KB] 1255301
6 April 2021 Meeting with the New Zealand Principals' Federation - Wednesday 7 April 2021 [PDF, 6.6 MB] 1254782
7 April 2021 Visit to Christchurch on 9 April 2021 1254599
7 April 2021 Visit to Pukerua Bay School on Tuesday 13 April 2021 [PDF, 1.2 MB] 1254769
8 April 2021 Digital Ministers' Group Meeting, 8 April 2021 1255969
8 April 2021 Ministerial OIA Practices - Written Protocol  [PDF, 1020 KB] 1255657
9 April 2021 Consideration of Cabinet paper The Education and Training Amendment Bill: Approval for Introduction  1256378
9 April 2021 Social Wellbeing Cabinet Committee consideration of Education legislative proposals Cabinet papers one and two  1256293
9 April 2021 Departmental report for the Education and Workforce Committee's Inquiry into student accommodation  [PDF, 744 KB] 1252528
9 April 2021 Child and Youth Wellbeing Strategy Meeting 12 April 2021  1256016
9 April 2021 Interim Response Fund [PDF, 2.5 MB] 1255424
12 April 2021 SPANZ 14 April Meeting Notes 1252318
13 April 2021 Minister Tinetti - Meeting for Network for Learning (N4L) [PDF, 779 KB] 1256377
13 April 2021 Minister Davis - Meeting Network for Learning (N4L)  [PDF, 1.3 MB] 1256782
14 April 2021 To support the Prime Minister's visit to Homai School to make a health announcement on Thursday 15 April 2021 1256332
14 April 2021 High-level analysis of indicative enrolments at tertiary education providers in 2021 [PDF, 850 KB] 1256058
15 April 2021 Publication of 2019/20 Early Childhood Education Expenditure Data 1255769
15 April 2021 April Update on the Urgent Response Fund (COVID-19) [PDF, 1 MB] 1255294
15 April 2021 Meeting with Dr Rosemary Cathcart from REACH Education [PDF, 778 KB] 1255698
15 April 2021 Implementation approach for the Access to Period Products Initiative [PDF, 5.5 MB] 1256709
15 April 2021 Meeting with NZEI / Te Riu Roa 1256556
15 April 2021 Developing Mathematical Inquiry Communities - Professional Learning and Development 1255456
16 April 2021 Joint health and Education Mental Health and Wellbeing Initiatives for Children and Young People 1254901
16 April 2021 Review of Interventions for Students with the Highest Level of Learning Support Needs [PDF, 6.6 MB] 1250363
16 April 2021 Pre-signing of the Kawenata with Ngāti Tūwharetoa, Raukawa and Waikato-Tainui 1257135
16 April 2021 Meeting with the Minister of Immigration [PDF, 829 KB] 1256816
16 April 2021 Post Primary Teachers' Association Education Conference Dinner 2021 1256224
19 April 2021 NZEI & NAMSA Conference - Initial teacher education [PDF, 847 KB] 1256150
20 April 2021 International Education Sector Feedback on Recovery Plan 1255737
21 April 2021 Te Reo Māori in Schools 1256140
21 April 2021 Kawenata signing ceremony, Wednesday 28 April 2021 [PDF, 1.4 MB] 1257361
22 April 2021 Trauma Informed Teaching Practice [PDF, 4.2 MB] 1256279
27 April 2021 Proactive release of institution level data on the Urgent Response Fund (COVID-19) [PDF, 1.1 MB] 1257069
28 April 2021 Reporting on the Delivery Progress of COVID-19 Recovery and Response Funding Intiatives [PDF, 892 KB] 1257221
28 April 2021 Minister Davis Visit to Tautoro school [PDF, 834 KB] 1257123
29 April 2021 Launch of contract with Pūhoro STEM Academy 1255073
29 April 2021 Kāinga Ora Downer/Spotless Cadetship Programme Graduation Ceremony 1257987
30 April 2021 Speech Notes for the TEU Conference 1257607
30 April 2021 Update on property matters at Hutt Valley High School 1258000
30 April 2021 Meeting with David Matthews and Melissa Smith from the CCS Disability Action Group on 3 May 1257099
30 April 2021 TVNZ Q&A Maths Special – Mathematics Achievement 1256693
30 April 2021 Meeting with the Minister and Associate Minister of Research, Science and Innovation to discuss PBRF and future pathways for the RSI system  1257275
30 April 2021 Meeting with CCS Disability Action Group 1257099
30 April 2021 Te Hurihanganui Update [PDF, 2 MB] 1253424

Education Reports

Date Title METIS
1 April 2021 Youth Advisory Group - First Meeting [PDF, 1.3 MB] 1254301
1 April 2021 Revisions to the Education (School Staffing) Order [PDF, 833 KB] 1254736
7 April 2021 Extending the Group Training Scheme Fund [PDF, 872 KB] 1254420
8 April 2021 Approach to Te Kura Board appointments in 2021 1249450
8 April 2021 Understanding and responding to COVID-19's financial impact on schools 1253420
8 April 2021 Auckland Education Reserves Trust 2021 disbursement [PDF, 1.2 MB] 1254127
9 April 2021 Meeting with NZCEO - Thursday 15 April - 3.15pm-3.45pm - 6.3 The Beehive 1252131
9 April 2021 Tranche 4 - Approval for State schools to provide education to students outside NZ during COVID-19   [PDF, 2.8 MB] 1256001
12 April 2021 Consulting the Regulations Review Committee on tertiary learner wellbeing and safety proposals  [PDF, 724 KB] 1256383
13 April 2021 Early learning pay parity - impacts of opt-in rates [PDF, 764 KB] 1255414
14 April 2021 Reappointments to the New Zealand National Commission for UNESCO in 2021  1251095
15 April 2021 Education and Social Development Report: Apprenticeship Support Programme uptake [PDF, 1.2 MB] 1254676
16 April 2021 Designating Te Kura o Rangiriri (1919) as a designated character school [PDF, 2.5 MB] 1255527
19 April 2021 Export Education Levy Annual Report 2019-20 - tabling in the House of Representatives 1256365
21 April 2021 Proposed timeline for components of the AE Review 1256724
27 April 2021 Ka Ora, Ka Ako Healthy School Lunches Programme Update [PDF, 4 MB] 1256928
29 April 2021 Early Learning Regulatory Review – options for regulating for 80% qualified teachers Network Management – Te Tiriti o Waitangi, appeals and other matters [PDF, 957 KB] 1253466
30 April 2021 Options to implement the extension of the Group Training Scheme Fund [PDF, 832 KB] 1256699

Advice seen by our Ministers - February 2021

Briefing Notes

Date of paper


METIS number 

1 February 2021 New Zealand Council for Educational Research Annual Report 2019/2020 [PDF, 2.1 MB] 1249517
2 February 2021 School Transport route changes - Term 1 2021  [PDF, 2.5 MB] 1249350
3 February 2021 Meeting with Family Planning New Zealand 1247216
4 February 2021 Healthy Active Learning Hui - 11 February 2021  1249256
4 February 2021 Access to Period Products Initiative - Key findings from the trial and update on next steps [PDF, 2.7 MB] 1249868
5 February 2021 Social Inclusion – progress update and next steps to implement RCOI recommendation 36 1249602
5 February 2021 Child and Youth Wellbeing Strategy Ministerial Group Meeting 10 February 2021 [PDF, 754 KB] 1249545

5 February 2021

Tabling the Student Loan Scheme Annual Report 2019/20 [PDF, 782 KB]


5 February 2021

Te Hurihanganui Update [PDF, 2.3 MB]


5 February 2021

Developing strategies for te reo matatini, pāngarau, literacy and mathematics


5 February 2021

Pacific Education Work Programme [PDF, 1.1 MB]


9 February 2021

Piloting a self-regulation programme as a whole school approach - Evaluation of Tier 1


10 February 2021

Teaching Council Meeting Notes [PDF, 850 KB]


10 February 2021

Education Accord Report December 2020


10 February 2021

Meeting with the Chair of the New Zealand National Commission for UNESCO [PDF, 899 KB]


10 February 2021

Background information on the Urgent Response Fund process [PDF, 3.7 MB]


11 February 2021

Teacher Aide Career Pathways [PDF, 800 KB]


11 February 2021

Meeting with Te Kāhui Amokura [PDF, 879 KB]


11 February 2021

Meeting with Tina Lomax, Principal of Kingslea School, on Tuesday 16 February 2021


12 February 2021

Visit to Fairfield College to announce the national roll out and funding for the Access to Period Products Initiative on 18 February 2021  [PDF, 2 MB]


12 February 2021

Learning Support Coordinator Phase 1 Evaluation Report: Press release and timeline


15 February 2021

Positive Behaviour for Learning Suite of Initiatives 


16 February 2021

Progress update on Coal Boiler Replacement Programme [PDF, 817 KB]


16 February 2021

Education Accord Report December 2020 [PDF, 793 KB]


16 February 2021

Youth Advisory Group Meeting Postponement


17 February 2021

February update on the Urgent Response Fund (COVID-19) [PDF, 3.1 MB]


17 February 2021

Visit to Richmond School to visit Te Tepu Managed Moves on Friday, 19 February 2021


18 February 2021

Report back on progress of the Teaching Council becoming financially sustainable [PDF, 744 KB]


18 February 2021

Education New Zealand Annual Strategy and Planning Session - background and talking points


18 February 2021

Background information and talking points for attendance at the Teaching Council's launch of its leadership centre; Rauhuia [PDF, 737 KB]


18 February 2021

Meeting with the Disability Rights Commissioner, Paula Tesoriero MNZM


19 February 2021

Advice on the Office of the Children's Commissioner's report on student voice in school/kura governance [PDF, 1.3 MB]


19 February 2021

Launch event for Talking together, Te kōrerorero [PDF, 762 KB]


19 February 2021

STEM - Update on industry connections and programmes supporting STEM in NZ [PDF, 975 KB]


22 February 2021

Update on Education Issues from the RCOI Community Hui


22 February 2021

Visit to Christchurch on the 3 March 2021


22 February 2021

Information for meeting with Te Aho o Te Kura Pounamu

24 February 2021 Supporting LGBTQIA+ children and young people [PDF, 1.5 MB] 1250624
24 February 2021 Write-off of TeachNZ Scholarship Debt 1248932
25 February 2021 Current state and strategic context for Māori medium property needs [PDF, 2.4 MB] 1248204
25 February 2021 Report on the Urgent Response Fund – Interim Outcomes Survey [PDF, 13 MB] 1249649
25 February 2021 Hon Trevor Mallard’s visit to Riccarton Primary School and Wharenui School 1251242
25 February 2021 Meeting with Spark on 1 March 2021 1251996
25 February 2021 Visit to Welcome Bay School, a Ka Ora, Ka Ako I Healthy School supplier and to Welcome Bay School, on Thursday 4 March 2021 1251815
25 February 2021 Meeting with Project Search Canterbury 1251653
26 February 2021 The Education and Training Amendment Bill (No 2) – content and timeline 1250237

Education Reports

Date of paper


METIS number 

3 February 2021 Learning Support Coordinator Phase 1 Evaluation 1248435
4 February 2021 Joint Report: Government Response to Petition 2014/123 of Lucy McSweeney on Mental Health Education in the curriculum 1238303
5 February 2021 Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets for Ministry of Education as at 31 December 2020 1248945
5 February 2021 Overview of the New Year 2021 Honours recipients and proposed longlist of nominees for NY 2022 1247924
9 February 2021 Continuing to support overseas children stranded in New Zealand due to COVID-19 to access education [PDF, 1.4 MB] 1249308
10 February 2021 Tertiary Education Commission performance - Quarter 1 2020-21 1246038
10 February 2021 Tertiary Education Commission End of Year 2019/20 performance Assessment [PDF, 976 KB] 1241858
10 February 2021 Proposed establishment of Orewa North West Primary School in Sunnyheights Road, Orewa [PDF, 3.8 MB] 1248828
10 February 2021 Initial advice on UNESCO and NZCER board appointments in 2021 1249127
11 February 2021 Proposed minor and technical changes to the Education (Pastoral Care of Domestic Tertiary Students) Interim Code of Practice 2019 [PDF, 970 KB] 1249916
12 February 2021 Developing te reo matatini and literacy strategies 1249302
15 February 2021 Proposed Establishment of new primary school in Milldale [PDF, 3.5 MB] 1249793
16 February 2021 The Prime Ministers Education Excellence Awards 2021 1250636
16 February 2021 Kaupapa Māori o Tūtūtarakihi, a kura kaupapa Māori in Kaitaia 1244136
17 February 2021 Change of Class for Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Ōtepoti (2351) [PDF, 3.9 MB] 1234273
17 February 2021 Home-based ECE qualification changes [PDF, 746 KB] 1249356
18 February 2021 Developing Mathematics and Pāngarau Strategies 1250462
19 February 2021 Workforce Development Council Order in Council proposals summary of submissions [PDF, 4.1 MB] 1250938
22 February 2021 Progressing the expansion of Wakatipu High School and establishing expansion settings for existing Public Private Partnership Schools 1250645
22 February 2021 Update on the proposal to extend support for overseas children on visitor visas to access education [PDF, 750 KB] 1250949
25 February 2021 Education New Zealand End of Year 2019/20 Performance Assessment 1242192
25 February 2021 2021 March Baseline Update for Vote Education and Vote Tertiary Education 1249083

Aide Memoire

Date of paper


METIS number 

15 February 2021 2020/21 Fees Free Expenditure 1250570
22 February 2021 Support attendance at the RCOI Meeting of Responsible Ministers 1251674
24 February 2021 Improving access to driver licenses 1251454
26 February 2021 Order to increase the Minimum Wage to $20.00 from 1 April 2021 1250530




Advice seen by our Ministers - January 2021

Cabinet Papers




26 January 2021

Aotearoa New Zealand's Histories: Public Engagement on draft curriculum and its implementation [PDF, 4.4 MB] CBC-20-MIN-0133

26 January 2021

Continuing the Access to Free Period Products in Schools and Kura Initiative [PDF, 8.9 MB] CAB-21-MIN-0001

Education Reports




11 January 2021

Approval to exceed the Borrowing Threshold – Ponsonby Primary School, Marian College, Myross Bush School, Tauhara School and Hillside Primary School Boards  [PDF, 5.2 MB] 1247646

15 January 2021

Initial advice on board appointments in 2021  1244424

15 January 2021

Education Crown Entity Letters of Expectations 2021 [PDF, 2.4 MB] 1244606

15 January 2021

Tertiary Education Commission performance – Quarter 1 2020-21  [PDF, 927 KB] 1246038

21 January 2021

Appointment letter for Taumata Aronui  1248743
21 January 2021 Splitting of the Combined Board for Geraldine High School (352) and Carew Peel Forest School (3308) and establishment of two separate Boards [PDF, 6.5 MB] 1245446

22 January 2021

COVID-19 Keeping households connected through the 2021 school year 1248643

22 January 2021

 Reporting on Delivery Progress of COVID-19 Recovery and Respond Funding Initiatives [PDF, 1.1 MB]  1248493
26 January 2021 Consultation on establishment of Te Pa Wananga o Tuteremoana, new designated character school in Levin 1246561
28 January 2021 Proposal to establish a designated character school in Christchurch to provide education for students with severe Specific Learning Disabilities [PDF, 4.3 MB] 1246667
29 January 2021 The Education and Training Amendment Bill - Policy Approvals 1248937

Briefing Notes

Date of paper


METIS number 

20 January 2021

Meeting with local Nelson Principals on Thursday 21 January 2021 


22 January 2021

Visit to Wainuiomata High School - demolition commencement ceremony (27 Jan 2021)


26 January 2021

Legislation Bids from the Education Portfolio for the 53rd Parliament 


26 January 2021

Ministry response to ERO’s concerns about early learning services’ compliance with the licensing criteria  [PDF, 1.6 MB]


27 January 2021

Meeting with PPTA on 1 February 2021 [PDF, 787 KB]


28 January 2021

Teacher Demand and Supply Planning Tool Update for Auckland - February 2021 [PDF, 2.6 MB] 1246671

28 January 2021

Ngā Pōtiki ā Tamapahore Trust Tauranga (NPaTT) Meeting on Friday 29 January 2021 1248821

28 January 2021

Talking Together, Te Kōrerorero Launch 1248949

29 January 2021

Addressing bullying in schools [PDF, 4.8 MB] 1248458

29 January 2021

Minister Tinetti's meeting with House of Science 1249307

Aides Memoires

Date of paper


METIS number 

19 January 2021

2021 Youth Advisory Group member update  [PDF, 1.2 MB] 


21 January 2021

Refreshing the national curriculum for schooling


21 January 2021

Draft Cabinet Paper: Continuing Ka Ora, Ka Ako [PDF, 663 KB]


Advice seen by our Ministers - November 2020

Aides Memoire




17 November 2020 Minister Sio Supporting Information for zoom meeting with Sosaiete Aoga Amata Sāmoa i Aotearoa (SAASIA), Tuesday 17 November at 7pm [PDF, 802 KB] 1244884

Education Reports




4 November 2020 Reprioritising te reo Māori Budget funding to te reo Māori and Te Marautanga o Aotearoa curriculum supports in 2020/21 [PDF, 1.4 MB] 1245488
10 November 2020 Initiating consultation about redesignating Te Kuira o Rangiriri (1919) as a designated character school [PDF, 4.4 MB] 1241359
11 November 2020 Independent Advice on Goverment Priority Areas appropriation - Request for transfer [PDF, 703 KB] 1244155
13 November 2020 Release of the 2019 National Monitoring Study of Student Achievement (NMSSA) Reports [PDF, 10 MB] 1244830
16 November 2020 Ministerial Appointments to the Combined Board for Westbridge Residential School (4157) and Halswell Residential College (522) [PDF, 15 MB] 1243231
16 November 2020 Changing Early Childhood Education Licensing Criteria [PDF, 431 KB] 1244091 [PDF, 431 KB]
19 November 2020 Request to Dissolve the Mangakahia Area School (18) Board and Direct the Secretary to Appoint a Commissioner [PDF, 1.7 MB] 1244868
19 November 2020 2020 October Baseline Update for Vote Education and Vote Tertiary Education [PDF, 6.1 MB] 1241868
20 November 2020 Review of the Early Learning Regulatory System: Tranche one consultation [PDF, 714 KB] 1245030 [PDF, 714 KB]
20 November 2020 Workforce Development Council – Orders in Council update [PDF, 824 KB] 1245276
23 November 2020 Continuing the Access to Free Period Products in Schools and Kura Initiative [PDF, 7.4 MB] 1244970 [PDF, 7.4 MB]
24 November 2020 Workforce Development Councils  Order in Council and establishment timeline [PDF, 7.3 MB] 1245502
25 November 2020 The Prime Ministers Education Excellence Awards 2021 [PDF, 1.2 MB] 1240800
26 November 2020 Initiating consultation about redesignating Omanaia School (1060) as a designated character school [PDF, 6.9 MB] 1244433
26 November 2020 Approval for State schools to provide education to students outside NZ during Covid-19 [PDF, 796 KB] 1239346
27 November 2020 Continuing the Ka Ora, Ka Ako | Healthy School Lunches Programme [PDF, 6 MB] 1244212
27 November 2020 Ministerial Youth Advisory Group – Meeting Four insights 2020 [PDF, 999 KB] 1244567

Briefing Notes

Date of paper


METIS number 

6 November 2020 Teacher Demand and Supply Planning Tool Update – October 2020  [PDF, 786 KB] 1244086
6 November 2020 November update on the Urgent Response Fund (COVID-19) [PDF, 4 MB] 1244130
13 November 2020 Māori Education Briefing to Incoming Minister [PDF, 1.3 MB] 1244831  [PDF, 1.3 MB]
18 November 2020 Te Hurihanganui update [PDF, 4.8 MB] 1244593
19 November 2020 2019 Deferred Banking Staffing Recoveries [PDF, 2.2 MB] 1244920
23 November 2020 Fees Free monitoring update 2019 [PDF, 801 KB] 1244080
23 November 2020 Implications for the Carbon Neutral Government Programme for Education [PDF, 718 KB] 1245297
24 November 2020 2021 Early Learning, Schooling and Tertiary Education Annual Data Release Schedule [PDF, 2.6 MB] 1244902
25 November 2020 Strengthening the national curriculum and its delivery [PDF, 1.2 MB] 1245699
27 November 2020 Results of the 2019 School Audits [PDF, 5.4 MB] 1245347

Advice seen by our Ministers - March 2021

Cabinet Papers

Date Title Reference
15 March 2021 Education Work Programme 2021 [PDF, 1.1 MB] SWC-21-MIN-0015
22 March 2021 Government Response to the Report of the Health Select Committee on Petition 20140/134 of Lucy McSweeney [PDF, 1.1 MB] CAB-21-MIN-0079
22 March 2021 Continuing the Ka Ora, Ka Ako | Healthy School Lunches programme [PDF, 1.1 MB] CAB-21-MIN-0079
24 March 2021 Report Back on the uptake of the school donations scheme for 2020 and 2021 1250404
29 March 2021 Order in Council to Establish Six Workforce Development Councils [PDF, 1.9 MB] CAB-21-MIN-0083

Aide Memoire

Date Title Reference
12 March 2021 Employment Strategy Report Back Six-Monthly Update [PDF, 1.2 MB] 1253574
18 March 2021 Apprenticeship Boost Initiative Extension 1253906
19 March 2021 Mental health and wellbeing initiatives in schools discussion with Associate Minister of Education, Minister of Health and PM  1254488
19 March 2021 Talking Points - establishing six Workforce Development Councils [PDF, 748 KB] 1254299
25 March 2021 Consultation on a package of provisions for tertiary learner wellbeing and safety (CBC 29 March 2021) [PDF, 733 KB] 1254830

Briefing Notes

Date Title METIS
1 March 2021 Visit to Silverstream School to open the "Creatives in Schools" project and new classrooms on Friday 5 March 2021  1250747
1 March 2021 Ministry of Education learning support specialist workforce information and key activities [PDF, 6.6 MB] 1250105 [PDF, 6 MB]
2 March 2021 Meeting with New Zealand Centre for Gifted Education [PDF, 739 KB] 1250840
2 March 2021 Embargoed results of the 2021 QS World University Rankings by Subject 1251836
3 March 2021 Support for English language learning, for migrant, former refugee, and international students 1251892
3 March 2021 Bargaining for the renewal of the Special Residential Schools' Collective Agreement 1251732
3 March 2021 Visit to Welcome Bay School, a Ka Ora, Ka Ako l Healthy School Lunches programme school on Thursday 4 March 2021  1251815
4 March 2021 Initial Briefing for the Education and Workforce Committee's inquiry into student accommodation 1251897
4 March 2021 Te Hurihanganui Update [PDF, 4.6 MB] 1251763
4 March 2021 Global Cities Education Network - New Zealand Study Tour Proposal [PDF, 743 KB] 1252393
4 March 2021 Education in Waikanae and Ōtaki to support meeting with Terisa Ngobi, MP for Ōtaki 1251899
4 March 2021 Determining disabled learners' eligibility for support in tertiary education [PDF, 763 KB] 1247257
5 March 2021 Establishing a Curriculum Advisory Group for both English and Māori mediums [PDF, 867 KB] 1251758
5 March 2021 Feedback on the Wellington Regional Public Transport Plan [PDF, 856 KB] 1250835
10 March 2021 Digital Inclusion in New Zealand [PDF, 735 KB] 1249701
11 March 2021 Meeting with Peter O'Connor from the Centre for Arts and Social Transformation 1252303
11 March 2021 Te Hurihanganui Update [PDF, 6.8 MB] 1251789
12 March 2021 March update on the Urgent Response Fund (COVID-19) [PDF, 2.9 MB] 1251861
12 March 2021 Update on the Ministry's work with the collective of the three Waikato River Iwi 1253647
12 March 2021 Agenda Items for December ECAC [PDF, 2.2 MB] 1252292
12 March 2021 Risks from climate change to school property [PDF, 776 KB] 1247349
12 March 2021 Talking Points for SWC Item - Continuing Ka Ora, Ka Ako [PDF, 1.1 MB] 1251785
15 March 2021 Visit to Newlands Intermediate School to release the Learning Support Coordinator Phase 1 Evaluation Report [PDF, 6.5 MB] 1252266
16 March 2021 Visit to Te Mānahi Tumuaki (Northland Secondary School Principals' Associated), Friday 19 March 2021 [PDF, 871 KB] 1253532
17 March 2021 Student attendance: release of 2019 and 2020 regular attendance data by term [PDF, 2.6 MB] 1252154 [PDF, 2.6 MB]
17 March 2021 Meeting with National Enabling Good Lives Leadership Group 1252635
17 March 2021 Update on methodology for creating a new socio-economic index for early learning [PDF, 698 KB] 1252799
18 March 2021 Weekly Attendance Report for National and Auckland 08 - 12 March 2021 1253761
18 March 2021 Reporting on the Delivery Progress of COVID-19 Recovery and Response Funding Initiatives [PDF, 866 KB] 1254707
19 March 2021 Minister Tinetti's attendance at the Learning Support Coordinator forum on Thursday 25 March 2021 1254468
19 March 2021 Meeting with Leigh Gray, Career and Transitions Association [PDF, 723 KB] 1253480
19 March 2021 Further Information on Funding the Performance-Based Research Fund [PDF, 801 KB] 1253869
22 March 2021 Attendance Service [PDF, 2.6 MB] 1254527
23 March 2021 Attendance at the New Zealand Principals' Federation annual MOOT 1253775
23 March 2021 Meeting with the Auckland Primary Principals' Association Executive on 25 March 2021 [PDF, 5.4 MB] 1254025
24 March 2021 Reporting on the Delivery Progress of COVID-19 Recovery and Response Funding Initiatives 1254707
24 March 2021 Onehunga Primary School Announcement 1254229
24 March 2021 Visit to Papatoetoe High School on Friday 26 March 2021 1254226
25 March 2021 Round 2 of the 2020/21 Prime Minister's Scholarships for Asia and Latin America 2021-175
25 March 2021 Visit to Hillcrest High School to discuss support for Pacific students on 31 March 2021 [PDF, 1.7 MB] 1254029
26 March 2021 Visit to Christchurch on 30 March 2021 1253877
30 March 2021 Student Loan Scheme Forecast Valuation 2021 [PDF, 764 KB] 1252157
31 March 2021 Briefing to the Primary Production Committee: Update on matters relating to vocational training in agriculture 1255362
31 March 2021 Visits to Papakura High School and Beachlands School on 1 April 2021 1255123

Education Report

Date Title METIS
1 March 2021 Applying for an exception to border entry restrictions for
overseas trained teachers
3 March 2021 Draft Cabinet paper - Establishment of six Workforce Development Councils [PDF, 761 KB] 1251846 / B-21-00080
3 March 2021 Gaps in refugees' access to tertiary education [PDF, 701 KB] 1251157
3 March 2021 Final recommendations on the PBRF Review [PDF, 1.1 MB] 1248740
4 March 2021 Report back on the uptake of the school donations scheme for 2020 and 2021 1251782
5 March 2021 COVID-19 Household Connectivity in 2021 [PDF, 826 KB] 1252165
5 March 2021 ERO's mandate proposals for legislative change in 2021 1250527
5 March 2021 Re-establishment of Alert Level 2 support for casual staff in the State and State-integrated schooling sector workforce due to COVID-19 resurgence [PDF, 1.4 MB] 1252746
8 March 2021 Commentary on March report-back on the Carbon Neutral Government Programme [PDF, 936 KB] 1252485
8 March 2021 Redesignating Te Kura o Ōmanaia (1060) as a designated character school [PDF, 3.7 MB] 1251550
8 March 2021 Budget pay parity initiative implications [PDF, 819 KB] 1250399
9 March 2021 Initial advice on support for building and construction workforce pipeline 1253067
10 March 2021 Advice on strengthening the practical component of ITE [PDF, 795 KB] 1250717
10 March 2021 Draft Cabinet paper - Consultation on tertiary education learner wellbeing and safety: code of practice, dispute resolution and legislative change [PDF, 756 KB] 1249009
12 March 2021 Response to Regulations Review Committee on revised Interim Code of Pastoral Care [PDF, 844 KB] 1252531
12 March 2021 Ministry of Education 2020/21 Second Quarter Report (1 October to 31 December 2020) [PDF, 1.5 MB] 1250034
12 March 2021 Agreement to establish and integrate Harvest Christian School in Kerikeri [PDF, 6.2 MB] 1234276
12 March 2021 Reporting on the Delivery Progress of COVID-19 Recovery and Response Funding Initiatives  [PDF, 1.1 MB] 1252297
15 March 2021 The Education and Training Amendment Bill - draft Approval for Introduction Cabinet Paper 1248937
16 March 2021 Request for permission to consult on Alternative Constitutions [PDF, 1.5 MB] 1251707
19 March 2021 Weekly Attendance Snapshots National and for Auckland 8-12 March 2021 1253761
19 March 2021 Te Wharekura o Ngāti Rongomai (878) Maramataka calendar [PDF, 4.5 MB] 1253175
19 March 2021 Matariki Public Holiday and the School Year [PDF, 2.7 MB] 1251145
23 March 2021 Tranche 3 - Approval for State schools to provide education to students outside NZ COVID-19 [PDF, 3.2 MB] 1249887
24 March 2021 Childcare for Essential Workers at Alert Level 4 1250401
24 March 2021 Auckland Education Reserves Trust 2021 disbursement 1254127
25 March 2021 New Zealand Qualifications Authority performance - Quarter 2 2020/21 [PDF, 1.4 MB] 1249763
25 March 2021 Revised Cabinet paper - Consultation on tertiary education learner wellbeing and safety: code of practice, dispute resolution and legislative change [PDF, 720 KB] 1254619
25 March 2021 Invitation to open the Launch Event for the UN Decade of Ocean Science 2021 - 2030 1253989
29 March 2021 Student Loan Scheme quarterly report July to September and October to December 2020 [PDF, 968 KB] 1248869
29 March 2021 Tertiary Education Commission performance - Quarter 2 2020/21 [PDF, 1.1 MB] 1250213
29 March 2021 Change of Classification for Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Te Ara Rima, Hamilton (1718) [PDF, 5.2 MB] 1253492
31 March 2021 Youth Advisory Group - First Meeting 1254301
31 March 2021 Education New Zealand performance - Quarter 2 2020/21 [PDF, 832 KB] 1251838

Advice seen by our Ministers - October 2020

Advice seen by our Ministers - August 2020

Briefing Notes

Date of paper


METIS number 

17 August 2020

Distance learning supports for te reo Māori learners - Covid-19 Alert Levels 3 and 2, August 2020 [PDF, 4.5 MB] 


26 August 2020

Finalising options to fund transformational curriculum work programme [PDF, 1.9 MB]



Education Reports

Date of paper


METIS number 

4 August 2020

Proposal for a Combined Board of Trustees and Alternative Constitution for Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Manurewa (4229) and Te Wharekura o Manurewa (3113) [PDF, 26 MB] 1200969

4 August 2020

Encouraging micro-credentials and other short, flexible tertiary education and training options [PDF, 1 MB] 1227146

4 August 2020

Ministerial appointments to the Tai Wananga Board of Trustees [PDF, 7.1 MB] 1234907

5 August 2020

Confirmation of statutory powers under new Act [PDF, 1.3 MB]


5 August 2020

Te Aho o Te Kura Pounamu: New governance arrangements [PDF, 937 KB]


6 August 2020

Draft Cabinet paper - Supporting overseas children stranded in New Zealand due to COVID-19 to access education [PDF, 1.4 MB]


7 August 2020

Delegation to implement initiative to provide targeted assistance to Private Training Establishments of strategic importance  [PDF, 955 KB]


10 August 2020

Request to Dissolve the Richmond School (Napier) (2665) Board and Direct the Secretary to Appoint a Commissioner [PDF, 3.1 MB]


14 August 2020

Distance learning support for Auckland and further possible COVID-19 disruptions [PDF, 3.1 MB]


19 August 2020

Funding determination for Adult and Community Education [PDF, 875 KB]


19 August 2020

Further to approval to dissolve the Board of Te Kura Kaupapa Maori o Waiuku and appoint a commissioner [PDF, 2.3 MB]


19 August 2020

Re-establishment of the emergency payment scheme for casual staff in the State and State-Integrated schooling sector workforce due to the COVID-19 resurgence [PDF, 1.4 MB]


25 August 2020

Ministry of Education 2019/20 Fourth Quarter Report (1 April to 30 June 2020) [PDF, 1.9 MB]





Aides Memoire

Date of paper


METIS number 

17 August 2020

Distance learning support for Auckland and further possible COVID-19 disruptions [PDF, 1.6 MB]

1238365 [PDF, 1.6 MB]

Advice seen by our Ministers - December 2020

Education Reports

Date of paper


METIS number 

4 December 2020 Approval to consult on Workforce Development Council Order in Council proposals [PDF, 1.1 MB] 1244452
4 December 2020 Workforce Wellbeing response to COVID-19 – Eligibility of Early Learning Services [PDF, 786 KB] 1245282
4 December 2020 Education Report: Targeted areas from 2021 for the Targeted Training and Apprenticeship Fund [PDF, 775 KB] 1244960
8 December 2020 Report on the Early Learning Sustainability Fund [PDF, 960 KB] 1244100
9 December 2020 Risk Management Scheme – School contents Deed. [PDF, 1 MB] 1246614
9 December 2020 2020-2021 Queen Elizabeth II Technicians' Study Awards & Letters of Recommendation [PDF, 874 KB] 1245134
9 December 2020 Pastoral Care of Domestic Tertiary Students – funding for code administration and disputes resolution scheme [PDF, 1003 KB] 1244594
9 December 2020 Advice to support attendance at the Ministerial Leadership Group on Disability Issues [PDF, 1.1 MB] 1246110 [PDF, 1.1 MB]
9 December 2020 Improving tertiary education equity and learner outcomes through a focus on learner wellbeing [PDF, 989 KB] 1245064
9 December 2020 PBRF Review - Update and summary of sector feedback [PDF, 988 KB] 1244560
10 December 2020 Gazetting Te Whāriki [PDF, 1.1 MB] 1246520
10 December 2020 Revised Delegation to fund Workforce Development Council Interim Establishment Boards and Workforce Development Councils [PDF, 801 KB] 1245624
10 December 2020 Proposed Establishment Unit to support Workforce Development Councils [PDF, 746 KB] 1246615
11 December 2020 Education Report: Delegation for funding Fees Free and Targeted Training and Apprenticeship Fund in 2021 [PDF, 746 KB] 1246811
11 December 2020 Tranche 2 - Approval for State Schools to provide education to students outside NZ during Covid-19 [PDF, 3.1 MB] 1246261
14 December 2020 Increasing the Māori and Pacific Trades Training fee top-up [PDF, 845 KB] 1246709
16 December 2020 Te Kura: interim funding review [PDF, 792 KB] 1247008
18 December 2020 School Entry kete [PDF, 427 KB] 1246501

Briefing Notes

Date of paper


METIS number 

1 December 2020

Professor Stuart McNaughton - Chief Education Scientific Advisor Update [PDF, 2 MB] 


2 December 2020

Meeting with Universities New Zealand (Vice Chancellors) [PDF, 1.3 MB]


3 December 2020

Meeting with NZEI Te Riu Roa [PDF, 4.8 MB]


3 December 2020

Ministry of Education First Quarter Report [PDF, 762 KB]


4 December 2020

Draft Cabinet Paper: Continuing the Access to Free Period Products in Schools and Kura Initiative [PDF, 111 KB]


4 December 2020

Carbon Neutral Government Programme - Ministry Key Messages [PDF, 786 KB]


7 December 2020

Access to Period Products in Schools and Kura Initiative [PDF, 4.4 MB]


7 December 2020

Progress in implementing all Vote Education initiatives funded by the COVID-19 Response and Recovery Fund [PDF, 910 KB]

8 December 2020 Student attendance: release of 2020 Term 2 attendance data and related He Whakaaro research reports  [PDF, 4.1 MB] 1244449
7 December 2020 The Review of Early Learning Professional Learning and Development and Sosaiete Aoga Amata Sāmoa i Aotearoa (SAASIA) [PDF, 776 KB] 1245231
10 December 2020 2020 ECE Census Results [PDF, 1.1 MB] 1243217
11 December 2020 December Update on the Urgent Response [PDF, 4.2 MB] 1245690
15 December 2020 Update on using networks and collaboration to support system transformation, including work on Communities of Learning | Kāhui Ako [PDF, 1.9 MB] 1245237
16 December 2020 Digital and Data for Learning briefing [PDF, 1.3 MB] 1247020
21 December 2020 Dyslexia Screening Tools [PDF, 555 KB] 1246502

Advice seen by our Ministers - June 2020

Cabinet Papers

Date of paper


METIS number 

2 June 2020

Education (School Trustee Elections) Regulations 2000: Policy Approvals [PDF, 936 KB]


2 June 2020

Budget 2020: Targeted Training and Apperenticeship Fund [PDF, 1.8 MB]


15 June 2020

Additional funding to support playcentres [PDF, 1.1 MB]


22 June 2020

Implementation of the Home-based Early Childhood Education Review Decisions [PDF, 1.1 MB]


22 June 2020

A Strategic Recovery Plan for the International Education Sector [PDF, 1.3 MB]


22 June 2020

Additional Item: Change to Counselling Component of the increasing wellbeing and mental health support to learners and education workforce budget initiative [PDF, 753 KB]


Education Reports

Date of paper Title METIS number
2 June 2020 Delegation to provide funding for COVID-19 response projects led by Transitional Industry Training Organisations and Workforce Development Councils  [PDF, 766 KB] 1229814
2 June 2020 Advice on issuing Boards of Trustees a mandatory code of conduct and next steps [PDF, 875 KB] 1227279
4 June 2020 Delegation to fund Workforce Development Council Interim Establishment Boards and Workforce Development Councils [PDF, 843 KB] 1230195
4 June 2020 Urgent Response Fund for early learning services, schools and kura in 2019/20 [PDF, 787 KB] 1230760
5 June 2020 Ngā Kura o Aotearoa: New Zealand Schools 2019 Report [PDF, 5.5 MB] 1229082
5 June 2020 Education Crown Entities' Monitoring Update on Upcoming Key Deliverables [PDF, 894 KB] 1230051
5 June 2020

Education Report: Detailed Settings for the Targeted Training and Apprenticeship Fund [PDF, 1 MB]

11 June 2020 Implementation of Professional Learning and Development priorities [PDF, 772 KB] 1230018
11 June 2020 Alternative Constitution for the Combined Board of Trustees for South Auckland Middle School (876) and Middle School West Auckland [PDF, 4 MB] 1212441
11 June 2020 Updated Draft Cabinet Paper - A Strategic Recovery Plan for the International Education Sector [PDF, 950 KB] 1231406
12 June 2020 Initiating consultation over a proposed change of class for Te Kura Kaupapa Maori o Otepoti [PDF, 828 KB] 1227692
16 June 2020 2021 and 2022 Mid-term Dates for Schools Implementing Cohort Policy [PDF, 1.9 MB] 1231609
18 June 2020 Agreement to enter into negotiations to establish and integrate Harvest Christian School in Kerikeri [PDF, 5.2 MB] 1218088
22 June 2020 Ministry of Education 2019/20 Third Quarter Report (1 January to 30 March 2020) [PDF, 1.2 MB] 1228282

24 June 2020

Education Report: Updated delegation to fund the Targeted Training and Apprenticeship [PDF, 825 KB]


29 June 2020 Request to Dissolve the Loburn School (3419) Board of Trustees and Direct the Secretary to Appoint a Commissioner [PDF, 3 MB] 1231076

 Briefing Notes

Date of paper Title METIS number
11 June 2020

Meeting with SPANZ 12 June [PDF, 1.1 MB]

11 June 2020

Expansion of the Free and Healthy School Lunch Programme [PDF, 1.4 MB]

15 June 2020

Ministerial satisfaction survey 2019/20 [PDF, 973 KB]

15 June 2020

June Update on the Auckland Enrolment Scheme Programme [PDF, 5.2 MB]

1224666 [PDF, 5.2 MB]
22 June 2020 Update on Aotearoa New Zealand’s histories curriculum changes [PDF, 926 KB] 1226694
23 June 2020 NCEA Response to COVID-19: Recognition of Learning From Lockdown [PDF, 802 KB] 1232109
30 June 2020 Release of 2019 Student Engagement Data [PDF, 1.2 MB] 1232785

Aides Memoire

Date of paper Title METIS number
16 June 2020 Cabinet Paper: A strategic recovery plan for the international education sector [PDF, 859 KB] 1232126
25 June 2020 Oral item - Funding settings for early learning services until March 2021 [PDF, 720 KB] 1230495

Advice seen by our Ministers - April 2020

Advice seen by our Ministers - May 2020

Briefing Notes

Date of paper


METIS number 

5 May 2020

Te Hurihanganui update [PDF, 1.5 MB]


13 May 2020

Talking points for meeting with Te Kōhanga Reo National Trust about Budget 2020 [PDF, 866 KB]


13 May 2020

COVID-19 – Advice on support for international students facing hardship [PDF, 1.5 MB]


13 May 2020

Update on accreditation and selection of PLD providers and facilitators

13 May 2020 COVID-19 Impact on International Education in School student numbers and financials [PDF, 1.4 MB] 1227998
29 May 2020

Investing in inclusion through the COVID-19 recovery [PDF, 739 KB]


Education Reports

Date of paper Title METIS number
4 May 2020 Crown entity draft Statements of Performance Expectations 2020/21 [PDF, 2 MB] 1226481
7 May 2020 Implementation of the Home-based ECE Review decisions - draft cabinet paper  [PDF, 793 KB] 1227875
9 May 2020 Building a sustainable and resilient future for international education [PDF, 670 KB] 1227399
11 May 2020 Options for a funding rate adjustment for certificated playgroups [PDF, 785 KB] 1226986

13 May 2020

Confirming key design aspects of the targeted training and apprenticeships fund [PDF, 1.2 MB]

15 May 2020

Prime Minister's Education Excellence Awards - Options for 2020 Awards [PDF, 936 KB]

22 May 2022

Education Report: draft Cabinet paper - Targeted training and apprenticeship fund [PDF, 1 MB]


26 May 2020

Clarification of extension to discretionary hours [PDF, 737 KB]


26 May 2020

Addressing the shortfall in devices for disadvantaged students [PDF, 321 KB]

1228612 [PDF, 321 KB]

28 May 2020

Tertiary Education Report: Approach to funding WDC Interim Establishment Boards and Workforce Development Councils [PDF, 1.4 MB]


Advice seen by our Ministers - September 2020

Cabinet Papers

Date of paper


METIS number 

7 September 2020

Supporting overseas children in New Zealand due to COVID-19 to access education [PDF, 833 KB]


7 September 2020

Name change for New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology to Te Pūkenga [PDF, 1.1 MB]


Aides Memoire

Date of paper


METIS number 

22 September 2020 Update on timelines for establishing Workforce Development Councils [PDF, 867 KB] 1241627

Briefing Notes

Date of paper


METIS number 

1 September 2020 Report on the Urgent Response Fund (COVID-19) [PDF, 2.4 MB] 1239151
1 September 2020 Release of UNICEF Innocenti Report on Child Wellbeing [PDF, 730 KB] 1239792
8 September 2020 Further regional changes to NCEA in 2020 to respond to COVID-19 resurgence [PDF, 812 KB] [PDF, 1.2 MB] 1220221
10 September 2020 Next steps - redevelopment of Spotswood College [PDF, 994 KB] 1240140
16 September 2020 Outcome of the 2021 Provisional Roll and Provisional Staffing Entitlement Process [PDF, 5.8 MB] 1241319
18 September 2020 Visit to Salisbury School on 22 September 2020 [PDF, 1.2 MB] 1237864
18 September 2020 Update on implementation of the Teacher Aide Pay Equity Settlement [PDF, 1.3 MB] 1241449 
25 September 2020 Update - Early Intervention Service performance data [PDF, 1.3 MB] 1240802

Education Reports

Date of paper


METIS number 

3 September 2020 Confirming tertiary fee regulation settings for 2021 [PDF, 3.1 MB] 1235806

4 September 2020

Further extension of the emergency payment scheme for casual staff in the State and State-integrated schooling sector workforce due to the COVID-19 resurgence [PDF, 947 KB]

7 September 2020 Disestablishment of He Piko He Taniwha Kahui Ako [PDF, 1.8 MB] 1239624
7 September 2020 Drawdown of operating contingency - targeted support for at-risk ākonga [PDF, 2.9 MB] 1237925
9 September 2020 State and State Integrated Schools Terms, Holidays and Cohort Entry Dates for 2023 [PDF, 2.5 MB] 1237567
9 September 2020 Gazetting the NELP and the TES [PDF, 923 KB] 1237960
10 September 2020 Unappropriated Expenditure on Support for Tertiary Students Affected by Provider Failure - (Section 26C) [PDF, 3 MB] 1237950
16 September 2020 Workforce Wellbeing response to COVID-19 [PDF, 1.2 MB] 1240426
17 September 2020 Updated funding determinations for 2021 [PDF, 1.7 MB] 1239349
17 September 2020 Helping households stay connected to the internet [PDF, 846 KB] 1241053
18 September 2020 Proposal to draw down International Education Recovery Plan contingency funding [PDF, 908 KB] 1235115
23 September 2020 Student Loan Scheme quarterly report January to March and April to June 2020 [PDF, 2.7 MB] 1235662
25 September 2020 Drawing down the Education Payroll Limited (EPL) Core Services Contingency Funding [PDF, 912 KB] 1236695
25 September 2020 Request for Extension to the Targeted Sector [PDF, 765 KB]
Consultation on the PBRF Review [PDF, 765 KB]

Advice seen by our Ministers - July 2020

Cabinet Papers

Date of paper Title Reference number
27 July 2020 Education (School Trustees Elections) Amendment Regulations 2020 [PDF, 1019 KB]



Education Reports

Date of paper


METIS number 

3 July 2020

Governance to support the Strategic Recovery Plan for the International Education Sector [PDF, 748 KB]


6 July 2020

New Zealand Qualifications Authority performance - Quarter 3 2019/20 [PDF, 1.3 MB]


7 July 2020

Condition assessment funding for playcentre properties [PDF, 994 KB]


8 July 2020

Joint Report: further policy and implementation decisions for the Apprenticeship Boost initiative [PDF, 1.8 MB]


9 July 2020

Extending expiry dates for tagged contingencies [PDF, 2.9 MB]


10 July 2020

Education New Zealand Interim Letter of Expectations [PDF, 1.9 MB]


10 July 2020

Timeline for establishing Workforce Development Councils [PDF, 1 MB]


13 July 2020

Joint Report: Healthy Active Learning - Progress Report, June 2020 [PDF, 809 KB]


13 July 2020

Update on the Curriculum, Progress and Achievement Work Programme [PDF, 1.6 MB]


14 July 2020

Request to reduce the number of half-days Kawerau Putauaki School (655) is required to be open for instruction in 2020 under section 65A [PDF, 2.4 MB]


14 July 2020

Operating contingency Targeted support for at risk akonga - Options [PDF, 342 KB]


16 July 2020

Agreement to establish and integrate St Ignatius of Loyola Catholic College in Drury, Auckland [PDF, 28 MB]


21 July 2020

Alternative Constitution for the Board of Trustees for Te Rangihakahaka Centre for Science and Technology (871) [PDF, 8 MB]


22 July 2020

Consulting on tertiary fee regulation settings for 2021 [PDF, 1 MB] [PDF, 1 MB]


23 July 2020

Aligning the premium for the 100% certificated teacher rates [PDF, 1005 KB]


24 July 2020

Maximum Roll increase for KingsWay School (432) [PDF, 7.9 MB]


27 July 2020

Education Report: Transfer within Vote Tertiary Education for Targeted Training and Apprenticeship Fund Operational Costs [PDF, 912 KB]


29 July 2020

Tertiary Education Commission performance - Quarters 3 and 4 2019/20 [PDF, 1.6 MB]


29 July 2020

COVID-19 Response - Distance learning package [PDF, 1.2 MB]


29 July 2020

Enhanced Induction Programme for newly graduated teachers with reduced practicum experience [PDF, 1.5 MB]


29 July 2020

Reappointment of the Professional Advisory Group [PDF, 1.4 MB]


30 July 2020

[PDF, 5.2 MB]Delegations to implement one initiative of the International Education Strategic Recovery Plan [PDF, 879 KB]


31 July 2020

Approval to exceed the Borrowing Threshold - Takapuna Grammar School and Waterview School Boards of Trustees [PDF, 2.7 MB]


31 July 2020

Education Report: Teacher Supply responses to COVID-19 impacts [PDF, 5.2 MB]


31 July 2020

Request to Dissolve the Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Waiuku (3102) Board of Trustees and Direct the Secretary to Appoint a Commissioner [PDF, 3.2 MB]


31 July 2020

Options to fund transformational curriculum and assessment work programme [PDF, 1003 KB]


Briefing Notes

Date of paper Title METIS Number
3 July 2020 Teaching without practising certificates [PDF, 874 KB] 1232782
6 July 2020 Engaging with iwi and Māori regarding Aotearoa New Zealand's Histories [PDF, 1.6 MB] 1221601
13 July 2020 Tuia Mātauranga Stories of the landing sites [PDF, 884 KB] 1234717
13 July 2020 Ngā Haeata Mātauranga o Aotearoa (2019) Report [PDF, 12 MB] 1235024
14 July 2020

Ngaa Rauru Paepae Rangatira and Te Kura-i-Huna [PDF, 985 KB]

15 July 2020

PBRF Review Cabinet Paper for Lodging [PDF, 871 KB]

17 July 2020

Scoping Brief on development of School Entry Assessment and relationship to Curriculum Progress and Achievement workstreams [PDF, 1.9 MB]


Advice seen by our Ministers - March 2020

Cabinet Papers

Date of paper


METIS number 

4 March 2020

Education (School Trustee Elections) Regulations 2000: Targeted Consultation on Proposed Changes [PDF, 1 MB]


23 March 2020

Cabinet Minute: Providing Students with Remote Access to Online Digital Resources [PDF, 724 KB]


30 March 2020

New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology: Approval of Necessary Funding [PDF, 1.3 MB]


Briefing Notes

Date of paper


METIS number 

2 March 2020

Embargoed results of the 2020 QS World University Rankings by Subject [PDF, 1.8 MB]

4 March 2020 Meeting with Stokes Valley/Taita and Naenae Kahui Ako Schools Staff Only Day – Friday 6 March 2020 [PDF, 1.5 MB] 1222412

4 March 2020

Meeting with education entity Chairs on Thu 12 March [PDF, 1.2 MB]


5 March 2020

Prime Minister’s visit to Northcote Primary School on Friday 6 March [PDF, 5.5 MB]


5 March 2020

Teaching Council Funding [PDF, 1.1 MB]


10 March 2020

Te Tupu Managed Moves Evaluation Report [PDF, 13 MB]


13 March 2020

Supplementary analysis of He Whakaaro reports relating to school attendance outcomes for Māori [PDF, 3.4 MB]


16 March 2020

Te Hurihanganui Update [PDF, 1.5 MB]


26 March 2020

IST Head office location recommendation [PDF, 1019 KB]


27 March 2020

Work underway to support children and young people with learning support needs during Covid-19 lockdown [PDF, 801 KB]


Education Reports

Date of paper Title METIS number
2 March 2020 Ministry of Education 2019/20 Second Quarter Report (1 October to 30 December 2019) [PDF, 3 MB] 1219117
3 March 2020 Flagswamp School (3739) Closure Final Decision [PDF, 7 MB] 1219155
4 March 2020 Board meeting and Scholarship Awards Evening for the Ngarimu VC Memorial scholarship Fund [PDF, 5.2 MB] 1220131
6 March 2020 Estimates 2020/21 - Draft Performance Measures [PDF, 9.7 MB] 1219118

Advice seen by our Ministers - January 2020

Cabinet Papers

Date of paper Title METIS number
28 January 2020 New Zealand Scholarship: Increasing the Number of Award Recipients [PDF, 853 KB] CAB-20-MIN-0005

Education Reports

Date of paper Title METIS number
15 January 2020 Application for a change for Te Kura o Te Kao (1) [PDF, 2 MB] 1216530
15 January 2020 Application for a change for Ngataki School (1055) [PDF, 2 MB] 1216535
15 January 2020 Application for a change of class for Te Kura o Waikare (1666) [PDF, 2.9 MB] 1216527
16 January 2020 Draft Export Education Levy Annual Report 2018/19 [PDF, 1.6 MB] 1213210
22 January 2020 Proposed amendments to the Education (Vocational Education and Training Reform) Amendment Bill [PDF, 1 MB] 1218243
23 January 2020 Presentation of the Education (Pastoral Care of Domestic Tertiary Students) Interim Code of Practice 2019 to the House of Representatives [PDF, 2 MB] 1217789
24 January 2020 International Student Wellbeing Strategy 2020 funding recipients [PDF, 1.1 MB] 1217596
27 January 2020 Te Ahu o te Reo Māori February to June 2020 Orientation Days and Graduation Ceremonies [PDF, 2.6 MB] 1218227
30 January 2020 Supporting every school to succeed - developing national approach to flexible learning using distance education [PDF, 2.3 MB] 1213239
31 January 2020 Closure of Tuturumuri School (3052) [PDF, 4 MB] 1217237
31 January 2020 Establishment of Rolleston East Primary School [PDF, 2.7 MB] 1218145

Briefing Notes

Date of paper Title METIS number
21 January 2020 NZ Kindergartens' National Association Managers Hui [PDF, 1.2 MB] 1217379
31 January 2020 Agency feedback on Cabinet paper Education (School Trustee Elections) Regulations 2000  [PDF, 1024 KB] 1213205



Advice seen by our Ministers - February 2020

Cabinet Papers

Date of paper


METIS number 

17 February 2020

Implementation of the new, strengthened NCEA [PDF, 1.9 MB]


Education Reports

Date of paper


METIS number 

4 February 2020

Agreement to establish and integrate Suzanne Aubert Catholic School in Papamoa East, Tauranga [PDF, 14 MB] [PDF, 1.6 MB]

Annex Part 1 [PDF, 16 MB]

Annex Part 2 [PDF, 1.6 MB]


4 February 2020

Managing the fiscal implications of RoVE - A3 for discussion on 10 February [PDF, 1.3 MB]


4 February 2020

Approval to release exposure drafts of new Education and Training Bill regulations [PDF, 890 KB]


4 February 2020

Levels of student support for refugees [PDF, 1.8 MB]


10 February 2020

Employment and accommodation arrangements for Learning Support Coordinators [PDF, 2.2 MB]


14 February 2020

Approval for the establishment of Drury West Primary School [PDF, 8.4 MB]


14 February 2020

Targeted Funding in ECE: Proposed Sector Reference Group Members and ToR [PDF, 1 MB]


21 February 2020

Updated options for launch of the intensive Developing Mathematical Inquiry Communities initiative and Ta'ovala videos [PDF, 1.3 MB]


21 February 2020

Release of Reading Recovery Evaluation and Data Reports [PDF, 1.5 MB]

30 January 2020 Education Report: NCEA Review: Provisional Subjects List for Level 1 and Cabinet Paper on the Change Package [PDF, 2.2 MB] 1218401

Briefing Notes

Date of paper


METIS number 

3 February 2020

Pacific PowerUP Programme and Attendance [PDF, 801 KB]


3 February 2020

Implementation of Digital Technologies and Hangarau Matihiko curriculum content for 2020 and beyond [PDF, 1.1 MB]


3 February 2020

2019 ASG National Excellence in Teaching Awards [PDF, 1.1 MB]


5 February 2020

Ministerial Youth Advisory Group meeting one agenda for approval [PDF, 5.1 MB]


7 February 2020

Meeting with Mr Simon Britten, on Monday 10 February 2020 at 4.30pm - 5.00pm [PDF, 1.1 MB]


11 February 2020

Update on Professional Learning and Development (PLD) Hour Allocations for 2020 [PDF, 1.7 MB]

11 February 2020 Meeting with the Upper Hutt Education Network in Martinborough, Friday 21 February, 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. [PDF, 1.7 MB] 1217959

13 February 2020

Prime Minister’s visit to Western Springs College / Ngā Puna o Waiorea, to officially open new campus, Friday 21 February 2020 [PDF, 8.9 MB]


13 February 2020

Meeting with the Tertiary Education Union Te Tuma Arataki [PDF, 1.3 MB]


14 February 2020

Meeting with the Secondary Principals’ Association of New Zealand (SPANZ) [PDF, 838 KB]


25 February 2020

Co-design and iwi scholarships [PDF, 1.1 MB]


26 February 2020

Options for mitigating the Teaching Council’s proposed fee increase [PDF, 898 KB]


28 February 2020

Meeting with Trish Grant of IHC, 18 February 2020 [PDF, 4.3 MB]


Aides Memoires

Date of paper


METIS number 

11 February 2020

State sector decarbonisation and sustainability [PDF, 883 KB]


14 February 2020

St Joseph's Māori Girls' College Hostel [PDF, 1 MB]


Advice seen by our Ministers - July 2024

Cabinet Papers






Briefing Notes





1 July 2024 Stanford Supporting the Minister’s attendance at the Auckland University of Technology – “Leaders Connect” event 1331389
3 July 2024 Seymour Ka Ora, Ka Ako | Healthy School Lunches – Expert Advisory Group progress update 1331780
4 July 2024 Simmonds University of the South Pacific (USP) delegation will pay a courtesy call on Minister Simmonds  1331798

Education Reports





 1 July 2024  Stanford Establishment of a new primary school in Rolleston, Canterbury 1320365
2 July 2024 Seymour Charter Schools | Kura Hourua - Process to appoint the Authorisation Board 1327549
 5 July 2024  Simmonds  Education New Zealand appointments (Tranche 1) 1328301
 5 July 2024  Simmonds Proposed visit of the Chairman of the Philippines' CHED 1331540

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