Literacy & Communication and Maths Strategy
Literacy, communication, and maths are foundational for future learning for Aotearoa New Zealand’s ākonga from early learning through to the end of secondary school.
In 2022, the Government announced a 5-year Literacy & Communication and Maths Strategy to address equity in education and lift educational outcomes for all learners.
Action Plans were also released to outline the work needed to deliver the Strategy.
This work is part of a larger programme which includes refreshing 'The New Zealand Curriculum' and delivering 'Te Whāriki: Early childhood curriculum'.
More information on Literacy & Communication and Maths Strategy
An important early part of delivering the Strategy is the development of a Common Practice Model .
Cabinet Papers Advice seen by Ministers
10 March 2020
Briefing Note: Update on initiatives in Primary-Level Literacy [PDF, 1.3 MB]
26 November 2020
Briefing Note: Strengthening literacy and te reo matatini [PDF, 2.4 MB]
5 February 2021
Briefing Note: Developing strategies for te reo matatini, pāngarau, literacy and mathematics [PDF, 780 KB]
12 February 2021
Education Report: Developing te reo matatini and literacy strategies [PDF, 4.1 MB]
18 February 2021
Education Report: Developing Mathematics and Pāngarau Strategies [PDF, 962 KB]
5 May 2021
Briefing Note: Materials for literacy and mathematics, te reo matatini and pāngarau strategy session [PDF, 1.2 MB]
10 May 2021
Briefing Note: Additional material for literacy and mathematics, te reo matatini and pāngarau strategy session [PDF, 1.2 MB]
4 August 2021
Briefing Note: Update on the strategies for te reo matatini and pangarau, literacy and mathematics [PDF, 7.5 MB]
22 October 2021
Education Report: Draft strategies for Te Reo Matatini and Pāngarau, Literacy and Communication, and Maths [PDF, 1.1 MB]
11 November 2021
Briefing Note: Draft Cabinet paper for te reo matatini and pāngarau, literacy and mathematics strategies [PDF, 812 KB]
3 December 2021
Briefing Note: Strategies for Te Reo Matatini and Pāngarau, Literacy and Mathematics at Cabinet Social Wellbeing Committee on 8 December [PDF, 807 KB]
8 February 2022
Education Report: Announcement of te reo matatini and pāngarau, literacy & communication and maths strategies [PDF, 860 KB]
10 February 2022
Announcement of te reo matatini and pāngarau, literacy & communication and maths strategies [PDF, 860 KB]
18 March 2022
Briefing Note: Visit to the National Library (Wellington) to launch te reo matatini and pāngarau, literacy & communication and maths strategies [PDF, 999 KB]
29 April 2022
Education Report: Implementation of NCEA Literacy and Numeracy | Te Reo Matatini me te Pāngarau co-requisite [PDF, 328 KB]
11 May 2022
Education Report: Update on the refresh of The New Zealand Curriculum and redesign of Te Marautanga o Aotearoa [PDF, 956 KB]
29 June 2022
Alignment between the refresh of The New Zealand Curriculum, the redesign of Te Marautanga o Aotearoa and the Review of Achievement Standards [PDF, 947 KB]
8 August 2022
Education Report: Launch of action plans for Hei Raukura Mō te Mokopuna and the Literacy & Communication and Maths Strategy [PDF, 956 KB]
16 September 2022
Education Report: Update on the refresh of New Zealand Curriculum [PDF, 934 KB]
10 November 2022
Briefing Note: Meeting with Associate Professor Dr Rebecca Jesson, and Perry Rush of the University of Auckland [PDF, 850 KB]
17 February 2023
Documents produced and received regarding Literacy & Communication and Maths Strategy
1302927 & 1302924 Response [PDF, 849 KB]
Appendix A [PDF, 1.1 MB]
Last reviewed: 13 May 2023
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