Refresh of the National Curriculum for Schooling

The national curriculum for schooling is currently being refreshed. The improvements to Te Marautanga o Aotearoa and The New Zealand Curriculum will help answer calls from educators, parents and whānau to ensure the national curriculum is clearer, more relevant and easier to use.

Since 2019, when Minister Hipkins first signalled the need for change, the Ministry has been working with people from the education sector and wider communities to understand how to make the improvements needed for students to succeed now and in the future.

The Ministry will work collaboratively with a broad and diverse range of people to co-design and implement the improvements that are required.


The table below details advice provided that relates to this work.

Date of paper Title METIS/Cabinet Reference

26 January 2021

Cabinet Paper Material - Refreshing the national curriculum for schooling  [PDF, 1.9 MB]  CBC-21-MIN-0004
9 December 2020 Education Report: Scope and process for refreshing the national curriculum  [PDF, 2.4 MB]  1246277
21 January 2021

Aide Memoire: Refreshing the national curriculum for schooling [PDF, 1.4 MB]





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