Cabinet paper: Towards a Comprehensive Reform of School Property
As part of the Education Portfolio Work Programme, the Minister of Education is undertaking a comprehensive reform of school property.
About the reforms
This work will ensure all students and teachers can learn and work in quality environments that support their success and form the basis of a long-term plan to protect and improve the Crown’s $30 billion school estate.
The following cabinet paper outlines the initial plans for the reform and will support a long-term plan for school property to ensure all state schools are providing quality learning environments, clearly define roles and responsibilities for school property, and provide a long-term plan to progressively upgrade the Crown’s estate.
Opportunities for reform will be developed throughout 2018. These will be discussed with sector groups and more fully developed.
Documents released
R - 10) Cabinet Paper - Towards a Comprehensive Reform of School Property [PDF, 322 KB]
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