Guide to using ENROL
ENROL is a register of student enrolments. It lets schools update enrolments as students enrol, change schools or leave the school system.
All schools must use it.
Logging in to ENROL
How to log in
1. Go to the ENROL Register page and select the Access Enrol link.
2. Enter your Education Sector Logon Username and Password, then select "Log in".
3. The ENROL toolbar will be displayed. You can now use ENROL.
Never share your login details. This is really important.
See the information below about managing your passwords.
Managing your passwords
Having a secure password is critical to the safety of the data. Choose passwords that have a theme but don’t have a regular pattern (for example, don’t use days of the week or months of the year). A theme could be around sports, songs or place names. This theme can be a clue so you’ll be less likely to forget the password.
It’s best to have a mix of letters and numbers. You can easily replace a letter with a number, for example, “e” can be “3”, “b” can be “6” or “o” can be “0”.
Vary where you put numbers. Don’t always put “1” at the end of your password or simply increase the number each month.
The following is an example of a strong password:
6iwHyh78 — the letters stand for “I Wanna Hold Your Hand” (a song by the Beatles).