Latest circulars
Current funding, schools and student support, employment relations and governance circulars for early childhood services and schools.
2024 Circulars
Circular 2024/01
This circular provides schools with information about private school subsidy funding for 2025.
2023 Circulars
Circular 2023/15
This circular is about the details of the recently agreed variation to the Primary Principals' (PPCBU) Collective Agreement (PPCA-PPCBU) 2022-2025.
Circular 2023/14
This circular is about the details of the recently agreed variation to the Secondary Principals' Collective Agreement (SPCA) 2022-2025.
Circular 2023/13
This circular is about the details of the recently agreed variation to the Primary Teachers' Collective Agreement (PTCA) 2023-2025.
Circular 2023/11
This circular is about the details of the recent settlement of the Area School Teachers' Collective Agreement (ASTCA) 2023-2025.
Circular 2023/10
This circular is about the recent settlement of the Secondary Teachers' Collective Agreement 2022-2025.
Circular 2023/09
This circular is about Private School Subsidy Funding for 2024
Circular 2023/08
This circular is about the variation to the Support Staff in Schools' Collective Agreement 2022-2024 and the Kaiārahi i te Reo and Therapists' Collective Agreement 2022-2024
Circular 2023/07
This circular is about the details of the recent settlement of the Area School Principals' Collective Agreement 2023-2025
Circular 2023/06
This circular is about the details of the recent settlement of the Primary Principals' (NZEI) Collective Agreement 2023-2025
Circular 2023/05
This circular is about the details of the variation to the settlement of the School Caretakers’, Cleaners’, Canteen and Ground Staff Collective Agreement 2022-2024.
Circular 2023/04
This circular is about the details of the recent settlement of the Primary Teachers’ Collective Agreement (PTCA) 2023-2025.
Circular 2023/03
This circular is about the recent settlement of the Community Education Collective Agreement 2022-2025 (previously the Adult and Community Education (ACE) Staff in Schools' Collective Agreement), and newly promulgated Individual Employment Agreements.
Circular 2023/02
This circular is about the recent settlement of the Primary Principals' (PPCBU) Collective Agreement 2022-2024.
Circular 2023/01
This circular is about the recent settlement of the Secondary School Principals' Collective Agreement, and newly promulgated Individual Employment Agreements for secondary principals and for secondary and area school groundstaff.
2022 Circulars
Circular 2022/10
This circular is about the recent settlement of the School Caretakers', Cleaners' and Canteen Staff Collective Agreement.
Circular 2022/09
This circular is about Preparation of your annual attendance dues accounts.
Circular 2022/08
This circular is about Private School Subsidy Funding for 2023.
Circular 2022/07
This circular is about the initiation of bargaining for the renewal of the Primary Principals' Collective Agreement.
Circular 2022/06
This circular is about the initiation of bargaining for the renewal of the Secondary Principal's Collective Agreement and the Area School Principals' Collective Agreement.
Circular 2022/05
This circular is about the initiation of bargaining for the renewal of the Primary Principal's Collective Agreement.
Circular 2022/04
This circular is about the settlements of the Support Staff in School's Collective Agreement and the Kaiārahi i te Reo and Therapists' Collective Agreement.
Circular 2022/03
This circular is about the initiation of bargaining for the renewal of the Primary Teachers' Collective Agreement, the Area School Teachers' Collective Agreement and the Secondary Teachers' Collective Agreement.
Circular 2022/02
This circular is about the initiation of bargaining for the renewal of the School Caretakers', Cleaners' and Canteen Staff Collective Agreement.
Circular 2022/01
This circular is about the initiation of bargaining for the renewal of the Adult and Community Education (ACE) Staff in Schools' Collective Agreement.
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