Circular 2022/02 - Notice to initiate bargaining for a new School Caretakers, Cleaners and Canteen Staff Collective Agreement

This circular is about the initiation of bargaining for the renewal of the School Caretakers, Cleaners and Canteen Staff Collective Agreement.

Date 1 March 2022 | Circular 2022/02 | Category Employment Relations

This circular is about the initiation of bargaining for the renewal the School Caretakers, Cleaners and Canteen Staff Collective Agreement.

This circular does not replace any other.

The action needed is to bring the Notice of Initiation of Bargaining to the attention of all employees whose work may be covered by the proposed collective agreement, within ten days of receipt of the attached notice.

It is intended for Chairpersons of School Boards and Principals of all state and state-integrated primary, area and secondary schools or attached community learning centre.

For more information contact the New Zealand School Trustees Association about human resource issues generally on 0800 782 435. Email the Ministry of Education's Employment Relations Unit: All collective agreements for school staff can be found on the Ministry's website:


Section 43 of the Employment Relations Act 2000 (the Act) requires that on receiving a notice of intention to bargain for a collective agreement under the Act, details of that notice are to be drawn to the attention of all employees who come within the coverage of the intended agreement within ten days of receiving that notice.

Notice of Initiation - caretakers, cleaners, canteen staff

On 21 February 2022 the Ministry of Education received formal notification from E tū Incorporated that it seeks to renew the collective agreement covering school caretakers, cleaners and canteen staff employed in any state or state integrated schools or attached community learning centres and who is employed by a Board of Trustees.

The intended parties to the collective agreement will be E tū Incorporated and the Secretary for Education acting under the delegation from the Public Service Commissioner. The agreement sought would bind all the employees defined who are, or become members of E tū Incorporated and every school board employing such employees coming within the coverage of the proposed collective agreement.

A copy of the Notice of Initiation of Bargaining for the School Caretakers, Cleaners and Canteen Staff Collective Agreement [DOCX, 167 KB] needs to be provided as soon as possible to any employee(s) that may be covered by the renewed School Caretakers, Cleaners and Canteen Staff Collective Agreement.

Issued by

Tim Tucker, Manager Employment Relations, Te Puna Ohumahi Mātauranga | Education Workforce
Ministry of Education, National Office, Mātauranga House, 33 Bowen Street, Wellington 6011
PO Box 1666, Wellington 6140, New Zealand, Phone 04-463 8000, Email

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