Kei Tua o te Pae
Kei Tua o te Pae/Assessment for Learning: Early Childhood Exemplars is a best-practice guide that will help teachers continue to improve the quality of their teaching.
The exemplars are a series of books that will help teachers to understand and strengthen children's learning. It also shows how children, parents and whānau can contribute to this assessment and ongoing learning.
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Book 2: Sociocultural assessment – He aromatawai ahurea pāpori
Introduction – He kupu whakataki
The principles in Te Whāriki reflect a sociocultural approach to learning (see Te Whāriki, page 19). This approach is informed by Urie Bronfenbrenner’s (1979) ecological-contextual model, which provides a framework for understanding the contexts in which humans develop. It is an approach that emphasises the importance of relationships and whanaungatanga.
Quality in Action: Te Mahi Whai Hua (pages 37–40) includes ideas about assessment practice that are consistent with the principles of Te Whāriki.
In practice, the principles of Te Whāriki interconnect and overlap.