Curriculum leads

Curriculum leads are based in the regions and provide frontline support to early learning settings, schools, kaupapa Māori and Māori-medium kura.

What is a curriculum lead | kaihautū marautanga?

Curriculum leads | kaihautū marautanga enable kaiako, teachers and leaders to understand the National Curriculum. They share and apply knowledge to support places of learning to make decisions about local curriculum and marau-ā-kura that engage learners, promote progress, and foster wellbeing. This means that children and young people experience National Curriculum in a way that is relevant to them, their whānau and the community that they live in.

Curriculum leads support kaiako, teachers and leaders to design quality learning experiences for children and young people – where they experience their cultures, languages, and identities through their learning. 

Our curriculum leads are ready to connect with kaiako, teachers and leaders.

How to connect with a curriculum lead

You can ask to connect with a curriculum lead through your local Ministry of Education office.

Local Ministry of Education offices

Meet the curriculum leads

Meet all the curriculum leads, learn about them as individual practitioners, and find out which region they support.

Meet the curriculum leads

Why have curriculum leads been appointed?

The curriculum leads service was established through the Wellbeing 2020 Budget to enable all children and young people to experience a well-designed curriculum to support engagement and provide better education and wellbeing outcomes.

The service has been expanded and strengthened to provide advice specifically related to te reo matatini me te pāngarau, literacy & communication and maths.

Our curriculum leads will continue to engage with early learning settings, schools and kura, supporting the teaching and learning of these foundational skills. 

Why is there a focus on wellbeing?

National and international research shows that when children and young people have a strong sense of wellbeing they can engage meaningfully in learning.

Educators tell us that children and young people who feel safe and confident in themselves and in their learning environments, engage more and achieve better outcomes in education, work, and life.

7 principles of learning – TKI(external link)

Fostering wellbeing through the curriculum

New Zealanders identified wellbeing as a priority in the Kōrero Mātauranga | Education Conversation. COVID-19 has further highlighted the importance of supporting kaiako, teachers and leaders to design and provide engaging learning experiences that promote progress and foster wellbeing.

Te Whāriki, Te Whāriki a te Kōhanga Reo, The New Zealand Curriculum and Te Marautanga o Aotearoa all recognise and value the development of positive, resilient, confident, and connected children and young people, to foster wellbeing.

This means children and young people:

  • have a sense of purpose and belonging
  • understand who they are
  • know who they are connected to
  • know how they can participate and contribute in a way that is meaningful to them
  • know their kaiako or teacher can see them progress in their learning.

Future of education – Education Conversation(external link)

Why is there a focus on te reo matatini me te pāngarau, literacy & communication and maths?

Te reo matatini me te pāngarau, literacy & communication and maths is foundational learning. It is central to engagement, promoting progress and fostering wellbeing.

The system is not yet supporting all children and young people to succeed in this area. This has consequences not just for their learning progress, but how each child and young person feels about themselves as a learner and whether they stay engaged in education.

In recognition of this, we have published 2 long-term strategies which inform National Curriculum implementation.

For Māori-medium settings, the strategy is Hei Raukura Mō te Mokopuna.

Hei Raukura Mō te Mokopuna – Kauwhata Reo(external link)

In English-medium settings this is the Literacy & Communication and Maths Strategy.

Literacy & Communication and Maths Strategy

Ways of working

Curriculum leads contribute to giving effect to Te Mahau within Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga in 4 key areas.

Curriculum leads take practical action to give effect to te Tiriti o Waitangi

Curriculum leads:

  • build partnerships with kaiako, teachers and leaders
  • practically support the design of engaging and responsive local curriculum learning that embraces and reflects the diverse cultures, identities, languages of ākonga, learners and their whānau through the national learning priorities
  • contribute to engaging learners, promoting progress, and fostering wellbeing.

Curriculum leads give priority to regional and local voice

Curriculum leads:

  • grow collaborative networks within education communities
  • actively share and discuss the use of curriculum resource supports and services focused on improving outcomes in te reo matatini me te pāngarau, literacy & communication and maths learning outcomes
  • share examples of good local practice
  • are regionally based, introducing curriculum initiatives to colleagues in regional teams and supporting settings to work with whānau, hapū and iwi to implement these.

Curriculum leads deliver greater responsiveness, accessibility and integrated services and support

Curriculum leads:

  • consolidate frontline, regional, and national networks
  • strengthen the design and implementation of curriculum resources, supports and services that are focused on te reo matatini me te pāngarau, literacy & communication and maths learning outcomes.

This is underpinned by a deep understanding of the National Curriculum and the connection between wellbeing, te reo matatini me te pāngarau, literacy & communication and maths learning outcomes.

Curriculum leads improve feedback loops and information flows

Curriculum leads participate in developing and embedding feedback loops with and across the sector, regional teams, and the national team.

Better feedback loops:

  • contribute to the design and implementation of curriculum resources, supports and services for te reo matatini me te pāngarau, literacy & communication and maths learning
  • make sure resources, supports and services honour Te Tiriti and are inclusive, clear, and easy to use
  • strengthen connections across the work in Te Mahau and provides a coherent picture for the education sector.

Curriculum lead experience

Each curriculum lead has:

  • extensive knowledge and experience in teaching and learning, curriculum and assessment theory and practice
  • the ability to support professional change within their area of expertise (early learning, primary, secondary or kaupapa Māori and Māori-medium kura)
  • experience of and capability in supporting curriculum design that has improved engagement, promoted progress, and fostered wellbeing for diverse communities.
  • strong diplomacy, interpersonal and facilitation skills, with an ability to adapt to different interaction styles and contexts
  • proven experience of supporting education settings to build and maintain reciprocal, trusting and educationally powerful relationships with Māori whānau, hapū and iwi, Pacific and other communities.

Curriculum leads working in kura kaupapa Māori and Māori-medium settings have strong knowledge of te reo, te ao Māori, tikanga and mātauranga Māori.

Meet the curriculum leads

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