Tau Mai Te Reo

Tau Mai Te Reo, the Māori Language in Education Strategy for all learners, has been refreshed as part of the Education Work Programme.

About the strategy

Tau Mai Te Reo is a cross-agency strategy for the education sector. The agencies include: Ministry of Education; Te Aho o Te Kura Pounamu; Education New Zealand; Education Review Office; New Zealand Qualifications Authority; The Teaching Council of Aotearoa New Zealand; Tertiary Education Commission; New Zealand School Trustees Association.

The education sector includes all early learning, schooling, and tertiary education provision.

It sets out the goals we are seeking to achieve and provides a framework for coordinating our programmes and services that support Māori language in Māori medium and English medium education.

Tau Mai Te Reo is part of the education sector’s contribution to the Maihi Karauna. The Maihi Karauna is the whole-of-government Māori Language Strategy.

The Maihi Karauna sets out a vision for te reo Māori in the future. It outlines what the Crown will do to support a strong, healthy, thriving Māori language in New Zealand; Kia māhorahora te reo – everywhere, everyway, for everyone, every day.

Maihi Karauna – Te Puni Kōkiri(external link)

The Maihi Karauna has three outcomes and three audacious goals. These have been mapped onto the Tau Mai Approach:


 Mihi Mai Te Reo

Kōrero Mai Te Reo

Tau Mai Te Reo

Tau Mai Approach

Our education services will support learners to value and acquire and use Māori language words, phrases and other forms (for example, waiata and haka) that are used on a regular basis in New Zealand society.

Our education services will provide Māori language to support learners to develop the ability and confidence to talk about a range of things in the Māori language.

Our education services will ensure learners can access Māori Medium education services in order to develop high levels of Māori language proficiency and use.

Maihi Karauna Outcome

Aotearoatanga | Nationhood

Mātauranga | Knowledge and skills

Hononga | Engagement


By 2040, 85% (or more) of New Zealanders will value the Māori language as a key part of national identity.

By 2040, one million (or more) New Zealanders will have the ability and confidence to talk about at least basic things in the Māori language.

By 2040, 150,000 Māori aged 15 years and over will use the Māori language at least as much as English.

And theory of change





Create the conditions for te reo Māori to be valued.

Create the conditions for te reo Māori to be learned.

Create the conditions for te reo Māori to be learned.

Create the conditions for te reo Māori to be seen, read, heard and spoken.

Refreshed Tau Mai Te Reo strategy in te reo Māori

Refreshed Tau Mai Te Reo strategy in English

Tau Mai Te Reo strategy [PDF, 677 KB]

How does this link to Ka Hikitia?

Tau Mai Te Reo and Ka Hikitia are companion strategies and should be read in conjunction with each other. Tau Mai Te Reo is a strategy for all learners, while Ka Hikitia is a strategy for all Māori learners.

Ka Hikitia

Resources to go with Tau Mai Te Reo

Below are some resources that provide further information about Māori language in the education system, and will be useful in implementing and embedding Tau Mai Te Reo.

Kauwhata Reo

Kauwhata Reo is a website that supports those teaching and learning te reo Māori to search for and access relevant content, tools and resources:

Kauwhata Reo(external link)

Ngā Haeata Mātauranga

Ngā Haeata Mātauranga is the Māori education data profile to help track progress towards the vision of Tau Mai Te Reo. This has recently been refreshed, and is available on Education Counts:

Ngā Haeata Mātauranga – Education Counts(external link)

Te Tāmata Huaroa

Te Tāmata Huaroa: Te Reo Māori in English-medium schooling by the Educational Review Office gives a snapshot of the current provision of te reo Māori teaching and learning in a representative sample of English-medium primary and secondary schools:

Te Tāmata Huaroa – Education Review Office(external link)

Ka Hikitia measurable gains framework

There are a number of resources to help measure the extent to which activities and initiatives are making a difference to Māori enjoying and achieving education success as Māori:

Ka Hikitia

Language planning support

Language planning supports stronger and consistent language development across an entire education service.

The Ministry is wanting to work over the next year with education services to develop a tool and associated supports. Currently, there is extensive information broadly on language planning on the Te Taura Whiri website:

Language Planning - Te Taura Whiri i te reo Māori(external link)

Read Tukua ki te Ao – Te Taura Whiri i te reo Māori(external link)

Other resources

To support the refresh of Tau Mai Te Reo we have reviewed a range of engagements that the Ministry has recently carried out, to capture what Māori have said to us.

Continuing our kōrero about the future of Māori education

In 2018, we had a conversation with Māori whānau and communities about what matters most in the education of Māori learners through a series of wānanga.

More than 2000 learners, whānau and educators came along and discussed a wide range of issues and opportunities for Māori education.

The information we gathered has been used to inform our refresh of Ka Hikitia and Tau Mai Te Reo and the overall Education Work Programme.

Ongoing Engagement

Tau Mai Te Reo is designed as a living document so we can progressively update it based on our ongoing conversations with whānau, hapū, iwi, Māori and education services.

If you have any feedback get in contact with us at Taumai.Tereo@education.govt.nz.


Read more about the whakapapa of Tau Mai Te Reo, its past iteration, and more research that sits behind it.

Tau Mai Te Reo - Whakapapa

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