Kei Tua o te Pae
Kei Tua o te Pae/Assessment for Learning: Early Childhood Exemplars is a best-practice guide that will help teachers continue to improve the quality of their teaching.
The exemplars are a series of books that will help teachers to understand and strengthen children's learning. It also shows how children, parents and whānau can contribute to this assessment and ongoing learning.
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Exemplars in other books – Ngā tauaromahi kei pukapuka kē
The following exemplars in other books can also be viewed from a Communication/Mana Reo perspective.
Book 1: Blinking and clicking on the changing mat; Where’s Kirsty?; Tena kupu, ae, tuhia!
Book 2: “Those are the exact words I said, Mum!”; Jet’s mother contributes to the assessment; Zahra and the donkey; Assessments in two languages; Bella and Nina dancing; A shadow came creeping; Toddlers as teachers; Mana reo
Book 3: Pihikete’s learning; Te Aranga responds to a photograph; Hatupatu and the bird woman; Pierre’s learning; Jace and the taiaha; A bilingual “parent’s voice”
Book 4: “Oh, no! That’s not right!”; “I know, you could write all this down!”; Alexandra corrects the record; Your brain is for thinking; Tayla and “what next?”; Jack’s interest in puzzles; Ray learns to draw fish
Book 5: Nanny’s story; Exploring local history; Sharing portfolios with the wider community; The flying fox
Book 6: Not happy with the wheel; Sahani’s drawing; Readers, carers, and friends; Immy dancing; “Did they have alarms at your centre?”; Skye in a box
Book 7: Daniel’s new grip; Greer’s increasing confidence; George makes music; Fe‘ao
Book 8: Ruby and the supermarket; Haere mai, Sam
Book 9: Elaine’s stories; James and the puppets; Sherina sings hello; Reading the portfolio; Fred’s stories.
These additional exemplars provide teachers who wish to reflect on the analysis and assessment of learning outcomes within the Communication/Mana Reo strand with a comprehensive collection of exemplars for discussion.