Kei Tua o te Pae
Kei Tua o te Pae/Assessment for Learning: Early Childhood Exemplars is a best-practice guide that will help teachers continue to improve the quality of their teaching.
The exemplars are a series of books that will help teachers to understand and strengthen children's learning. It also shows how children, parents and whānau can contribute to this assessment and ongoing learning.
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What are the early childhood exemplars? He aha ngā tauaromahi kōhungahunga?
The following definition of exemplars was developed by advisers and co-ordinators during the exemplar project:
"Exemplars are examples of assessments that make visible learning that is valued so that the learning community (children, families, whānau, teachers, and others) can foster ongoing and diverse learning pathways."
This definition has a number of aspects.
Exemplars are examples of assessments. The exemplars in this resource have been sent to the project or collected by co-ordinators from early childhood settings. All the exemplars are authentic. Excerpts from children’s portfolios have been chosen to say something about assessment and about how assessments and pedagogy can build from one episode of learning to another. However, they do not attempt to illustrate all the learning of any individual child or all the opportunities to learn in any particular setting. The portfolios themselves are much more likely to say something about the whole child and her or his extended experience of learning in an early childhood setting.
Exemplars make visible learning that is valued. The exemplars illustrate the diversity of learning from a wide range of settings within the framework set out in Te Whāriki, pages 44–91. Not all of the indicative learning outcomes in Te Whāriki are represented in the exemplars.
The exemplars indicate that there is a learning community that is involved in both curriculum and assessment. The learning community includes children, families, whānau, teachers, and others.
The exemplars illustrate how assessment can assist the learning community to develop ongoing and diverse learning pathways. Assessment sits inside the curriculum, and assessments do not merely describe learning, they also construct and foster it.
The annotations in the exemplars reflect all of these aspects.